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牛津译林版高中英语选修六Unit1 Project课件

Period Two Word power 化妆;准备;构成;补齐 ma,Laughter is good for you,Mickey mouse,Donald duck,The lion king,Tom and Jerry,Mr. Bean,comedians,Picture talking,

牛津译林版高中英语选修六Unit1 Project课件Tag内容描述:

1、Period Two Word power & Grammar and usagePart Language Focus.单词自测1fitness n健壮,健康;适合fit adj.适合的;健康的 v(使)适合 n合身2strengthen vt.& vi.增强;巩固strength n力量strong adj.强壮的,结实的3participate vi.参加,参与participant n参加者,参与者participation n参加,参与4deepbreathing adj.深呼吸的5positive adj.积极的;正面的;肯定的negative adj.消极的;反面的;否定的6guarantee vt. & n保证;担保7foolishness n愚蠢foolish adj.愚蠢的.短语默写1in_charge 掌管2be_supposed _to 应该3be_made_up_o。

2、Period Three TaskPart Language Focus.单词自测1foreigner n外国人foreign adj.外国的2instruct vt.教授,传授;指示,命令;告知instruction n命令instructor n指导者3initial adj.最初的,初始的 n(人名的)首字母4attain vt.( 通常经过努力 )获得;得到;达到5polish vt.提高;修改;润色.短语默写1take_on 接纳2have_an_interest_in 对感兴趣3in_regard _to 关于4move on (to) 开始做,换话题5go with 与相配1.instruct vt.教授,传授;指示,命令;告知语境感悟(1)(教材 P11)He has instructed students from over 70 different coun。

3、Unit 1 Laughter is good for you笑是最好的良药。实验证明笑确实能起到治病的作用。There is an English saying that “Laughter is the best medicine.” Until recently,few people took the saying seriously.Now however,doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body.They have found that laughter can really improve peoples health.Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body.People watched funny films while doctors checked their hearts,blood press。

4、Period Four Project.单词自测1setting n(戏剧、小说等的)情节背景;场景;环境set vt.布置,安排2cosy adj.暖和舒适的,惬意的3invitation n邀请invite vt.邀请4crowded adj .拥挤的5official looking adj.貌似官方的goodlooking adj.长相好看的6anger n怒气,怒,怒火angry adj.生气的7bow vt.& vi.鞠躬;低头;(使) 弯曲 n船头;鞠躬;弓形物8dash vi.急奔,急驰,猛冲 n急奔,猛冲,匆忙,仓促 9tear vt.撕,扯 n眼泪10burst vi.猛冲;突然出现;爆裂11emptyhanded adj.空手;一无所获12glare vi.怒目而视;发出炫目的光.短语默写1mak。

5、单元检测卷(满分:100 分 时间:90 分钟)第一部分 基础知识巩固(共两节,满分 15 分)第一节 单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分)1I know nothing about the accident,as it happened previous to my arrival here.2At school,other children always teased me because I was fat.3Behave yourself,Jim!Dont make any noise.4The whole nation had mourned the death of their great leader.5That night we were all greatly amused by the comedians performance.6His painting,giving the judges the strongest visual(。

6、Unit 1 Laughter is good for you,话题导入,Mr. BeanYou must have seen this man somewherefunny-looking,always in a jacket and a red tie. He seldom talks but always acts humorously.Who is he?He is the well-known Mr.Bean,who is very popular with most people all over the world and he always makes us laugh by means of his funny body language.,Mr. Bean is the main character in the British comedy television seri-es of the same name.It was written by Rowan Atkinson,Robin Driscoll,Richard Curtis and B。

7、Unit 1 Laughter is good for you,Step One 构词助记,Step Two 词义助记,内容索引,Step Three 语境助记,Vocabulary Breakthrough,Step One 构词助记,A组(前缀) visible adj. adj.看不见的;无形的 B组(后缀) week n. adj.每周的;n.周刊;周报 vary v. n.(同一事物)不同种类 perform v. n.表演;表现 affect v. n.喜爱,钟爱 say v. n.格言,谚语,invisible,weekly,variety,performance,affection,saying,fit adj. n.健康;适合 strength n. v.增强 foolish adj. 。

8、Unit 1 Laughter is good for you,基础自测,内容索引,要点探究,当堂达标,Period Two Word power & Grammar and usage,语法专题,基础自测,.重点单词 1. n.健壮,健康;适合adj.适合的;健康的vt.(使)适合n.合身(的衣服),适合 2. vt.&vi.增强;巩固n.力量adj.强壮的,结实的,fit,strengthen,strength,strong,fitness,3. vi.参加,参与n.参加,参与n.参加者,参与者 4. adj.积极的;正面的;肯定的 5. adj.负面的,消极的;否定的;坏的,有害的 6. vt.& n.保证;担保 7. n.愚蠢adj.愚蠢的,participate,participation,participant,。

9、Unit 1 Laughter is good for you,基础自测,内容索引,要点探究,当堂达标,Period Three Task,写作专题,基础自测,.重点单词 1. n.外国人adj.外国的 2. vt.教授,传授;命令,指示;告知n.命令 3. adj.最初的,初始的n.(人名的)首字母adv.最初,开始 4. vt.(通常经过努力)获得;得到;达到 5. vt.提高;修改;润色,foreigner,foreign,instruct,instruction,initial,initially,attain,polish,.重点短语 1. 接纳 2. 对感兴趣 3. 继续;继续前进;开始做(别的事);换(话题) 4. 与相配 5. 关于,take on,have an interest in,move on to (doing) 。

10、牛津高中英语,Advance with English,The Universal Language Project,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,2,Unit 2,课件描述:本节课是以读为主,在理解范文结构后,指导学生完成本单元Project为目的的教学课. 文章介绍音乐在过去一百年的发展,在经过对文章各个部分的分析和欣赏后,激发学生对音乐方面的兴趣,并让学生以此文为范例,理解制作网页中需要调查的各个方面内容,分组合作进行研究的对象的确定和自己的资料的搜查,最终可以制作出自己的网页。,Project,From the blues to pop,Fast reading,How many kinds of music are mentioned in th。

11、牛津高中英语,(模块八 高二下学期),Advance with English,Project,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,1,The poetry of Robert Burns,Unit 1,课件描述:,本课件分为四个部分,分别为lead-in、language points、consolidation与homework。在lead-in环节,教师将以表扬上节课学生研究成果作为本课的开端,旨在一方面增加学生的自信心,激发其学习热情;另一方面通过回顾上节课的内容形成自然过渡。在language points环节,教师将以两步走的方式开展教学,其中渗透着PPT教学模式。第一步根据Krashen输入假设理论的i+1原理,教师将引导学生利用已学知识。

12、,How to make an action plan,浏阳市第五中学:,M6U4 Project,Lead-in: enjoy a video,What do we know about Jiang Li?,She is a doctor with DWB (Doctors Without Borders) She devoted herself to helping people in Afghanistan. She is warm-hearted and brave.,How to make an action plan,Good plan is half success!,5,Goal,solutions,What should an action plan include?,Problems,1,2,3,Set a goal,1,Why did Jiang Li go to Afghanistan?,She wanted to help people there!,Define problems,2,What problems do they ha。

13、,Unit 1 The written word,Project,PART 1,基础自测,PART 2,课文预读,PART 3,互动探究,PART 4,达标检测,PART 1,基础自测,默写练习(三),.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共8题;每题2分,共16分) 1.Scotland n. _ 2.supreme adj. _ 3.debt n. _ 4.holy adj. _ 5.widow n. _ 6.monument n. _ 7.romantic adj. _ 8.paragraph n. _,查看答案,苏格兰,最高的,至高无上的,债务,欠款,神圣的,圣洁的,遗孀,寡妇,纪念碑,纪念馆,纪念塑像;古迹,浪漫主义的;浪漫的,段落,查看答案,.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共6题;每题4分,共24分) 9._ n. 名誉,名。

14、牛津高中英语,(模块八 高二下学期),Advance with English,Project,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,1,The poetry of Robert Burns,Unit 1,课件描述:,本课件分为七个部分,分别为poems sharing, fast-reading,detailed-reading,poem understanding,project study,homework 与after-class resources。贯穿在教学中有两点目标。其一,在教学的过程中教师应注重对学生文学欣赏能力的培养以进一步提高其文学素养。其二,在教学的过程中教师也应注重对学生探究意识与能力的培养以进一步提高其分析解决问题能力。,Project of U1, M8,Fast-reading,D。

15、Reading Stand-up for your health,Revision,Retell the article: Tell the differences among observational, prop, impressionist, physical. Say something about Billy Crystal. 3.Why is laughter good for health?,1. , he told himself jokes while standing in front of the mirror, brushing his teeth!,1). (湖北) Dont sit there _ nothing. Come and help me with this table.A. do B. to do C. doing D. and doing,2. , Crystal made up a new one.(line40),make up 编造;化妆;准备;构成;补齐 ma。

16、Laughter is good for you,Mickey mouse,Donald duck,The lion king,Tom and Jerry,Mr. Bean,comedians,Picture talking,Describe each poster in your own words, you can say more with the help of the words in each one.,a stand-up show,What kind of expression is the man wearing? A funny facial expression. What is he doing there? Putting on performances, amusuinng and entertaining the audience.,What might he be saying? He might be telling a joke. Where and when can you see the funniest man give his perfrma。

17、Reading,Stand-up for your health,Who are they? Do you like them?,Today, lets learn more about the comedians. Read through the article and try to answer the questions on top of page 2.,Stand-up comedy.,He went on to act in films.,Pre-reading,1. What is the article about?,2. After starting as a stand up comedian, what did Billy Crystal go ib to do later in life?How many types of stand-up are there?,Our health.,3. What is laughter good for?,Structure of the article,A comedian puts on glasses, ch。

18、Task Writing to a foreign friend,Christmas Day is on the way. We are going to have a party. The headmaster asked me to be in charge of the party. But I have never experienced such a thing.,I need to know how many students will attend it. Ill have to book a theatre. I want to know how much money I can make use of. Ill prepare some candies and nuts. I would like to know who will help me.,What should I do?,most important,rather important,least important,Skills building 1: recognizing what is im。

19、Project,Making a happiness handbook,Do you think happiness lies in the past or in the future?,What do you think happiness is?,Discussion:,T or F : ( )1. He thinks the happiest of his life were the college days in the countryside in England. ( )2. He was so eager to grow up that he had a lot to worry about when he was young.,Golden days,F,F,Listening,( )3. In the writers opinion, health plays an important role in a persons happy life. ( )4. He can stay cheerful because he can。

20、Project,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Teenagers friendships,What would you like to do when you feel nervous? 2. Would you want to share your feelings with your friends? Why? 3. How often do you have a long conversation with your friends? 4. What topics do you mostly talk about with your best friends?,Lead-in:,Careful reading,1. What did Amanda reply when asked what she and her friend talked about? They talked about everything: film stars, pop songs, recipes, everything.,2.Whats the d。

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