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外研版英语必修四课件Module 3 Grammar 2

Unit 2 Whats the elephant doing?,What are the tigers doing?,Theyre jumping.,A: Look! The horse is running. B: NO, its dancing.,Whats the horse doing?,

外研版英语必修四课件Module 3 Grammar 2Tag内容描述:

1、Unit 2 Whats the elephant doing?,What are the tigers doing?,Theyre jumping.,A: Look! The horse is running. B: NO, its dancing.,Whats the horse doing?,What are the tigers doing?,Theyre _.,jumping,Whats the bird doing?,Its _.,singing,Whats the horse doing?,Its _.,dancing,Whats the elephant doing?,Its _.,drawing pictures,Lets do some exercise.,Homework 作业,1. 读熟这篇对话。,2. 背诵。,3. 抄写单词sing, jump, draw, dance以及它们的 ing 形式,每个抄写两排。,Thanks!,。

2、.单元知识回顾 1.写出与distance有关的短语 (1)_ 在远处,在远方 (2)at a distance _ (3)at a distance of _ (4)from a distance _ (5) 与保持一定距离 (6)keep sb. at a distance _,查看答案,in the distance,在一定距离处;在稍远处,在远的地方,从远方,keep ones distance from,与某人保持距离;疏远某人,2.写出与take有关的短语 (1) (飞机)起飞;匆匆离去;脱下(衣服);(事业)腾飞;请假 (2) 雇用;承担;呈现 (3) 接管 (4) 。

3、,PART 1,技法点拨,PART 2,写作训练,Period Five WritingWriting about ones experiences,PART1,技法点拨,文体分析 把握写作动脉,以旅游为题材的书面表达是比较常见的一类写作形式,游记类的写作属于记叙文的范畴。游记就是将自己在游览过程中的所见所闻和所想记录下来,重在介绍风光景点、名胜古迹、风土人情等,抒发自己参观游览的体验感受。写这类记叙文应注意: 1.游记类的记叙文主要是按照时间顺序把旅游的过程介绍给别人。对于旅游的过程和感受,可以交叉进行,也可以在文章的最后写旅游感受。表达旅游感受可用感叹句。 2.要用过渡词。

4、,Period Three Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner,PART 1,基础自测,PART 2,课文预读,PART 3,互动探究,PART 4,达标检测,PART 1,基础自测,默写练习(二),1.seaside n. _ 2.stadium n. _ 3.eagle n. _ 4.kindergarten n. _ 5.apartment n. _ 6.cartoon n. _ 7.vacuum n. _ 8.track n. _,.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共8小题;每题3分,满分24分),海滨,运动场;体育场,鹰,幼儿园,(美)公寓;单元住宅,卡通;漫画,查看答案,真空;空白,轨道,.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共8小题;每题4分,满分32分) 9.使吃惊;惊吓 vt.惊吓;恐怖 n.受惊吓的 a。

5、Traffic Jam,MODULE 2,Grammar & writing,Imperatives,Grammar Imperatives 2. Talk and write about the traffic problems in your town,1. Master the grammar 2. Use imperatives correctly,Today we will review imperatives and look at these sentences about dos or donts on page 17.,All of the statements are imperatives. Pay attention to the usage of the verbs. ( Do / Dont ),Grammar,Look at the signs on page 16 and say what they do.,1. They give advice.2. They give instructions.3. They give 。

6、Module 3 Body Language & Non-verbal Communication,Period5 Grammar,Revision,Translation: (from Reading) 如果你说“交际”这个词,大部分人想到单词和句子。 当我们被介绍给陌生人时,我们使用“习得”的身体语言。,If you say the word “communication”, most people think of words and sentences.,We use “learnt” body language when we are introduced to strangers.,Grammar 1Activity1,Now tick the true statements about the two sentences. The sentences 1. Describe common situations 2. Describe impossible situa。

7、Reading and Cultural Corner,Look at the pictures and guess who he is.,Stephen Hawking,A Brief History of Time,A Brief History of Time,Read the passage and write the number of the paragraph.,This paragraph explains why Hawking is famous. _ 2. This paragraph talks about Hawkings personal life. _ 3. This paragraph talks about Hawkings scientific career. _,2,3,1,Read the passage and give each paragraph a title.,Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3,Hawkings scientific career. Why Hawking 。

8、Introduction and reading,Qian Xuesen,Marie Curie,Archimedes,Albert Einstein,Match the two parts.,Qian Xuesen Marie Curie Archimedes Stephen Hawking Albert Einstein,Theory of Relativity Father of Chinas aerospace discovered Radium Father of integral calculus A Brief History of Time,Do you know any other Chinese scientists except Qian Xuexen? Have you heard of Yuan Longping?,预习检测,Task1 1. biology;biochemistry 2. staple 3.producerproduce product production 4.leading leadleader 5.。

9、Listening and vocabulary,Discussion: Look at the picture and answer.,What is happening in the picture?What do you think the listening text is about?,Theres a quiz show being on.,quiz: a competition or game in whichpeople try to answer questionsto test their knowledge,Vocabulary: Match the words with the meanings.,award discover equal measure radiation theory contestant round,award,equal,measure,discover,theory,1. a prize or money given to someoneor sth. 2. exactly the same 3. t。

10、New Words and Expressions,Open your books and listen to the tape carefully. Then close your books and listen again, paying attention to the pronunciation and reading after it.,biologist biological,botanist botanical,zoologist zoological,geneticist genetic,Complete the sentences with words formed from those in brackets.,Mendel was a famous _ who lived in the 19th century. (genetics) 2. The Chinese government is developing _ research in many areas. (science),genetici。

11、Listening and vocabulary,Guess the Chinese meaning of the words according to the pictures.,Volcanic eruption,crater,dust cloud,nuts,galaxy,meteorite,seeds,Some words related to dinosaurs,Complete the sentences with the words below. adapt, climate, disappear, extinct, evolve, survive,1. The _ of a country is the type of weather it has.,climate,2. If an animal or plant is _, it existed a long time ago but doesnt exist now. 3. When things _, they no longer happen or exist. 4. Whe。

12、Reading,Useful Words and Expressions,1. attack n. 攻击,袭击,make an attack on the enemy 对敌人进行袭击 a troop under attack遭受攻击的部队,have an attack of fever突发高烧 a heart attack心脏病突发 I was suddenly attacked from behind. 我突然从背后遭受袭击。 Todays papers all attacked the governments policy. 今天的报纸都抨击政府的新政策。,2. exist v.They existed on very little money. 他们靠着一点钱生存着。There existed a fact that 存在着这样一个事实existence n. 存在Do you believe in the existence of。

13、A Trip Along the Three Gorges,预习检测,1. peak 2.flat 3.plain plain 4.wood wooded wooden 5. surround surrounding surroundings 6.colleague 7. trade 8.narrow narrow9. distant distance 10.exploit exploitation 11.forbid forbad/forbade forbidden 12.varied vary various variety 13.remote 14. spot spot 15. naturally nature natural,自主学习,1.at the edge of 2.surrounded 3.narrows/narrowed 4.nature 5.remote 6.distance 7. varied 。

14、课时分配,Language points for Reading,Period 1,Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Speaking,Introduction-1 Matching (5m) Read the description and match the pictures.,The bigfoot (2),The Yeti (1),The Loch Ness Monster (4),The Grey Man (3),Introduction-2 Discussion (3m),Do you know any other mysteries in this world?,Introduction-3 Vocabulary (5m) Learn the new words,monster,tail,hairy,footprint,claw,dinosaur,Introduction-4 Practice (3m) D。

15、Cultural corner,Read and find out the answers to the following questions.,1) What is the passage about?The passage is about the reason why we clap and the history of clapping, the features of applause.,2) Why do people clap?3) How many countries are mentioned in the passages?,To show that they like something.,Three countries.,Para 1,1) What is the main idea of the first paragraph?2) On what occasion do people clap?,The reasons why we clap.,We clap at the end of a live performance, such as a pla。

16、Reading and vocabulary,Communication communicate communicative vary various variety formal informal traditional traditionally tradition threatening threaten threat involve involved spread spread spread unconscious conscious religion performance perform performer judgement judge judge infectious infect equal equal equal equality slightly slight aggressive aggress aggression,自主学习 Task 2 1.Varies varies 2. involv。

17、MODULE 1,Life in the Future,Grammar & writing,The future continuous,1. Grammar - the future continuous. 2. Write down what you will do in ten years.,1. Master the grammar 2. Use the future continuous correctly,Today we will review the future continuous and look at these sentences on page 6.,All of the statements are true except No.4. Pay attention to the verb forms of sentences, a, b and c (will be + V- ing),Grammar,I will go to see the film next week.I will be sitting in the theatre to。

18、Grammar and function,预习检测,1.1)表示能力 2)表示允许 3)表示允许(委婉语气) 4)表示推测5)表示推测 6)表示偶尔,有时会 2.1)询问或说明一件事可不可以做 2)询问或说明一件事可不可以做 3)表示推测4)may/might as well do 不妨做某事,最好做某事。 3.1)表示必须要做的事 2)禁止 3)表示肯定的推测 4)偏偏,偏要(表示与说话人愿望相反或不耐烦) 4. 1)表示将来 2)表示习惯,总是 3)表示过去的习惯 4)表示意愿,意志,决心等。5)表示功能,能,行 6)表示询问对方的意愿或向对方提出要求 7)表示揣测,5.1)用于第一。

19、Grammar 1 Adverbial clause of condition,Look at these sentences from the passage. If you say the word “communication”, most people think of words and sentences. We use “learned” body language when we are introduced to strangers. Now tick the true statements.,The sentences from the passage. 1. describe common situations. 2. describe impossible situations. 3. use if or when to introduce the situation. 4. explain the result of the situation in the other part of the sentence. 5. use the present 。

20、Grammar 2 Adverbial clause of concession,though, although表示“虽然, 纵然”之意。这两个连词意思大致相同,在一般情况下可以互换使用。在口语中, though 较常使用, although比though正式,二者都可与yet, still或nevertheless连用, 但不能与but连用。,Though/Although he was worn out, (still) he kept on working. 虽然他已经精疲力竭, 但仍然继续工作。 Though/Although he is very old, (yet) he is quite strong. 他虽然年纪大了, 身体还很健壮。,值得注意的是, although引导的让步状语从句位于主句之前的情况较多, though引导。

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