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pep人教版英语四年级上册Recycle 2课件

Module 9 Unit 2 Im going to do the high jump.,Can you swim?,Yes, I can.,Can you jump high? 跳得高,No, I cant .,I can jump high.跳得高,We are going to have a

pep人教版英语四年级上册Recycle 2课件Tag内容描述:

1、Module 9 Unit 2 Im going to do the high jump.,Can you swim?,Yes, I can.,Can you jump high? 跳得高,No, I cant .,I can jump high.跳得高,We are going to have a Sports Day .运动日,Im going to do the high jump.,I can jump far.跳得远,Im going to do the long jump.,I can run fast.跑得快,Im going to run the 200 metres.,Im going to run the 100 metres.,metre,metres,1米 one metre,10米 ten metres,Guess:,run the 100 metres do the high jump do the long jump run the 200 metres,1. What is Amy going to do fo。

2、Unit 2 Whats the elephant doing?,What are the tigers doing?,Theyre jumping.,A: Look! The horse is running. B: NO, its dancing.,Whats the horse doing?,What are the tigers doing?,Theyre _.,jumping,Whats the bird doing?,Its _.,singing,Whats the horse doing?,Its _.,dancing,Whats the elephant doing?,Its _.,drawing pictures,Lets do some exercise.,Homework 作业,1. 读熟这篇对话。,2. 背诵。,3. 抄写单词sing, jump, draw, dance以及它们的 ing 形式,每个抄写两排。,Thanks!,。

3、Unit 2 Merry Christmas!,Module10,We have Spring Festival in China.,China,England,每年的12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。,Christmas,Christmas tree,presents,peanuts,sweets,tree,Christmas,我们有一棵圣诞树。,We have a,Christmas tree.,We wish you a Merry Christmas. 我们祝你圣诞快乐。,We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. and a happy new year. We wish you a Merry Christmas. and a Happy New Year.,翻译句子:,1. 我们在圣诞节吃苹果。

4、Unit Two,What time is it?,English class,lunch,music class,PE class,返回首页,dinner,breakfast,返回首页,返回首页,Its time for breakfast. Lets drink some milk.Its time for dinner. Lets eat some rice.Its time for English class. Lets read and write.,返回首页,Its time for lunch. Lets have some chicken.Its time for PE class. Lets jump and run.Its time for music class. Lets sing and dance.,A:Hi! School is over. Lets go to the playground. B:OK.A:What time is now? B:Its 5 oclock.C:Time to go home, kids. A。

5、Unit 6,Meet my family,B Lets learn,grandfather,grandmother,father,mother,brother,me,teacher,doctor,Whats my grandfather?,He is a doctor.,Whats my grandmother?,She is a farmer.,farmer,driver,Whats my father?,He is a driver.,nurse,Whats my mother?,She is a nurse.,baseball player,Whats my brother?,He is a baseball player.,nurse,farmer,driver,baseball player,doctor,teacher,Lets read the words,Lets do,Act like a teacher. Act like a doctor. Act like a nurse. Act like a farmer Act like a。

6、Unit 2 What are yo doing?,do doing write writing listen listening read reading watch watching talk talking play playing,listening to,read, 听, 阅读,game,What are you doing?,Im playing football.,What are you doing?,Im playing basketball.,What are you doing?,Im playing table tennis.,What are you doing?,Im swimming.,What are you doing?,Im doing morning exercises.,What are you doing?,Im watching TV.,listening to music,playing football,reading a book。

7、,Part B,Unit 2 My schoolbag,人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册,2,课前热身,画画:设计自己的书包,话题导入,请同学们说一说书包里的物品。,candy /kndi/ (名词)糖果,notebook /ntbk/ (名词)笔记本,toy /t/ (名词)玩具,1,2,3,新词展示,key /ki/ (名词)钥匙,lost /lst/ (动词)丢失,新词展示,6,so much /mt/非常地,cute /kjut/ (形容词)可爱的,7,4,5,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起学Lets talk吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,1. lose(动词)丢失,过去式,重难点探究,lost,例句,I lost my 。

8、,Part A,Unit 2 My shoolbag,人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册,2,课前热身,游戏:学生根据图片说出相应教科书的单词。,话题导入,2,schoolbag /skulb/ (名词)书包,maths /ms/ book数学书,English /l/ book英语书,1,3,新词展示,Chinese /taniz/ book 语文书,storybook /stribk/ (名词)故事书,4,5,新词展示,wow /wa/ (感叹词)哇;呀,6,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起学Lets talk吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,1. schoolbag /skulb/ (名词)书包,巧记,重难点探究,school + bag=schoolbag,。

9、Recycle 2,四年级上册,Read aloud,Wow! Its beautiful!,This is our living room.,Come and meet my family. Theyre in the kitchen.,Welcome!,Merry Christmas!,Merry Christmas!,Is that your father?,Yes, Hes Father Christmas now.,This is my mother. Shes a nurse.,Nice to meet you.,Nice to meet you, too.,What would you like?,Id like some turkey, please.,Would you like some juice?,Yes, please.,Help yourself!,Merry Christmas!,圣诞小知识,(1)圣诞老人从前有一个老人,他一生最爱帮助贫穷的人家。其中有一次他帮助三个。

10、Recycle 2,Lesson 1,PEP Primary English 4A,Lets do,Lets do,看谁认得多,milk,kitchen,bed,brother,open,phone,aunt,nurse,study,sister,water,chopstick,farmer,family,fork,soup,What would you like?,turkey,potatoes,beef,Id like .,Read and act,Yes, it is.,There are 37.,Theyre in the kitchen.,Mikes father.,Shes a singer.,Do you know?,点击图看动画,选择角色扮演,Listen, draw lines and read,My father has _. My mother has _. My brother likes _. My sister likes _. My uncle is _.,A B。

11、人教PEP四年级英语课件,Recycle 1,Read and act,1. Warm-up/Revision,Listen and do 1,Listen and do 2,Listen and do 3,2. Presentation,Free talk,Whats in the classroom?Whats in your schoolbag?Whos your best friend?,Read and act,点击画面看答案,Clean the desks and chairs.,Sweep the floor.,No, they arent.,An English book, a Chinese book, a math book, a notebook and 10 story- books.,Sandy White.,Look and answer,更多精彩内容,微信扫描二维码获取,扫描二维码获取更多资源,。

12、,人教版(三年级起点),Recycle 2,Sing a song,热身活动,点击播放,话题导入,点击“课文朗读”,跟我一起读课文吧!,课文朗读,课文朗读,课文原文,Read aloud.,Baby, have some water.,No, thanks. Can I have some bread, please?,Morning! Whats your name?,Bobby.,Im Tom.You are a big boy!How old are you?,Im 2.,OK,wait a minute.,Hey cat! Go away!,Thanks.,Thank you.,Look at your face.I LIKE it!,Look at your head.I like it!,Look at your body. I LIKE IT!,1.宝贝,喝些水吧。 不,谢谢。请给我些面包好吗? 2.好的,等一下。 3.早。

13、Recycle 2一、看图,读一读,写一写。1. Where is Father Christmas? Hes in the _.2. Where is the baby brother? He is in the _.3. Where is the puppy? Hes in the _.4. Where is the mother? Shes in the _.5. Where is the father? Hes in the _. 二、为下列句子选择合适的答语。( )1. Are they on the table?( )2. Where are the keys?( )3. What would you like?( )4. Whats your aunts job?( )5. How many people are there in your family? 三、阅读对话,判断句子正(T)误(F) 。Jam: Hello. Sam。

14、Good Morning!,How many people are there in this family?,FOUR.,Who are they?,Whats your father/mother?,Is your father/mother a singer?,Free talk!,What would you like?,potatos,beef,What would you like?,eggs,?,Turkey,Who is he?,Father Christmas,Christmas Tree,gift gifts,The same to you!,GOODBYE!,更多精彩内容,微信扫描二维码获取,扫描二维码获取更多资源,。

15、Recycle 2单元整体分析本单元是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书四年级上册复习二。这是一个针对第四到第六单元的重点句型和重点词汇设计的综合复习单元。它以西方重要的节日圣诞节为背景,由对话阅读;听一听标序号;听一听,看一看,写一写;看一看, 问一问,答一答;歌曲;游戏等活动组成,共分三个课时。第一课时为对话阅读活动,Chen Jie 和 John 到 Mike 家里过圣诞节,见到了他们家为圣诞做的准备,以及家人,并同其家人共同进餐。通过对话,帮助学生复习了有关房间、家人、饮食等内容的相关词汇和句式。让学生在阅读中整合前。

16、,PEP 四年级下册,Recycle 2,Learning goals,1.能够完成课本上的活动,复习巩固Unit 4- Unit6中所学的四会单词。能够理解对话大意; 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;能进行角色表演。 2. 复习巩固er, le, or, ar的发音规则。 3. 复习巩固这三单元所学的核心句型。,Read aloud,Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. Lets have a picnic tomorrow.,Yeah!,Can I help you?,Yes, five tomatoes and two carrots, please.,Three bananas and two apples, please. How much is that?,Thats 42 yuan in total.,Thats expensive.,That jacket is coo。

17、,Recycle 1,人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册,2,课前热身,Friends If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands. If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands. If your friend is tall and quiet,if your friend is tall and quiet, If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands.,话题导入,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,Read aloud.,Who can read it?,Let me help you.,Thanks.,Wow!Your bag is so heavy. Whats in it?,An English book, a maths book,a notebook and ten storybooks。

18、,Recycle 2,人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册,2,课前热身,We wish you a merry ChristmasWe wish you a merry Christmas.We wish you a merry Christmas.We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.Good tidings to you, wherever you are,We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.,话题导入,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,课文原文,课文原文,Group work,请同学们分组进行表演。,课堂互动,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,Listen and number the roo。

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