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人教新课标英语选修十Unit1 Grammar课件

Warming Up,人教实验版高三 Module 10Unit 1,Nothing brave, nothing have. Nothing seek, nothing find. Nothing stake, nothing draw. Nothing venture, nothing win

人教新课标英语选修十Unit1 Grammar课件Tag内容描述:

1、Warming Up,人教实验版高三 Module 10Unit 1,Nothing brave, nothing have. Nothing seek, nothing find. Nothing stake, nothing draw. Nothing venture, nothing win (or have or gain).,Do you know “不入虎穴, 焉得虎子” in Chinese? How can we say the same meaning in English?,Sow nothing, reap nothing. He who risks nothing, gains nothing. If you venture nothing, you will have nothing.,Read the three stories on P1. And try to think out the characters they have in common. What do you think helped them out a。

2、Warming up,North America,South America,Africa,Europe,Asia,Oceania,Antarctica,Pacific Ocean,Pacific Ocean,Atlantic Ocean,Indian Ocean,Arctic Ocean,Name the seven continents and four oceans.,Seattle,San Francisco,Los Angeles,Houston,Miami,Atlanta,New York,Washington, D.C,Appalachian,Rocky Mountains,Mexico,Chicago,Canada,Atlantic Ocean,Pacific Ocean,the Mississippi,A,B,C,E,F,G,D,H,I,How much you know about the USA.,The USA lies in _, bordering both the _ Ocean and the _。

3、Nothing brave, nothing have. Nothing seek, nothing find. Nothing stake, nothing draw. Nothing venture, nothing win (or have or gain).,Do you know “不入虎穴, 焉得虎子” in Chinese? How can we say the same meaning in English?,Read the three stories on P1. And try to think out the characters they have in common. What do you think helped them out and achieved success in life?,Warming up,King Bruce is watching the spider weaving its web.,Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hid。

4、Reading and Writing,Optimism helped us persevere.,Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gained,While listening, try to get the general idea of the passage.,It tells us the problems the men had to face on the island and how they overcame them and they were rescued at last.,Answer these questions after reading the passage.,) What kind of problems did the men have to face on Elephant Island?) What do you think was their greatest worry? How do you think they overcame this difficulty?,) Why did S。

5、Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gainedPart One: Teaching Design Period 2: A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language(The Attribute ) AimsTo help students learn about The Attribute To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressionsTo help students discover and learn to use some useful structuresProceduresI. Warming up by talking about “A successful failure”A: What did you see when you put your head out of your sleeping bag and look around you?B: I found everythi。

6、Words and Vocabulary,实验版高三 Module 10 Unit 1,LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE,April 16th, 1916 Moving to Elephant Island was a dangerous under-taking, but it was not our first. We had _ onto the ice to make camp when the Endurance was stuck.,struggled,The ice constantly broke up at night because of the warmth of our bodies and we often dropped into the freezing water while sleeping. Though we were in an _ situation, we tried to make our daily life_ with singing and making fun of。

7、Listening,Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained,Listening,I. Listen to the tape on page7.,Why did Shackleton have to attempt the journey to South Georgia?There were two reasons: he felt his men were too weak to last very long without rescue; no ships passed that way. So Shackleton knew he would have to go for help himself. 2. Do you think there was any alternative?,Listen to the tape for the first time.,1 To make sure that the group left behind had the best chance of survival,The choice of h。

8、Talking,Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained,Talking,Workbook, P51,Now you are expected to tell a story using one of these four pictures. In your plan you should include three parts: The beginning should include the names and relationship of all the characters. It should also explain where,the story starts and what the problem is. The middle should set out the ways in which the main character deals with ail tile problems that he / she meets. The end resolves the situations and ensures a happ。

9、Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gainedPart One: Teaching Design Period 3: A sample lesson plan for Using Language(“OPTIMISM HELPED US PERSEVERE.”)AimsTo help students read the passage “OPTIMISM HELPED US PERSEVERE.”To help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writingProceduresI. Warming up by learning more about Sir Ernest ShackletonIn 1914 Sir Ernest Shackleton and a crew of 27 set sail for the last unclaimed prize in the history of exploration: the first crossi。

10、Unit 1 ArtGrammar and Useful StructuresTeaching Aims1 .Knowledge AimHelp the students to use the subjunctive mood correctly in different situations.2. Ability AimTo learn the subjunctive mood freely and properly in speaking and writing.3. Emotional Aims1) Encourage the students learn more about the grammar.1) Help the students to form the good habit in learning.2) Encourage the students to do more exercise consolidate the knowledge. Teaching Important PointEnable the students to use the correct 。

11、Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gainedPart One: Teaching Design Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(A SUCCESSFUL FAILURE)AimsTo help students develop their reading abilityTo help students learn about adventure Procedures Warming up by reading for formsOn page 1 there are three short texts. Now read the texts to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. A spider was making its web /while Robert the B。

12、Nothing ventured, nothing gained,Unit 1,Words,stoveunbearablebreathlesscircumstanceblessselfish,n. 炉子 adj. 无法忍受的; 承受不住的 adj. 喘不过气来的 n. 环境; 详情; 境况 vt. 祝福; 保佑 adj. 自私的,hookaboard stewardmournurgentbedding vitalcheerful,n. 钩; 吊钩 vt. 钩住; 入迷 adv. 高兴的,faith framework rankselectboomingswearadvocate,n. 信任;信念;信仰 n. 框架; 结构 n. 等级;军阶;军衔 vt. 选择;挑选 adj. 发轰隆声的 vt. 宣誓;发誓 vt. 主张;提倡;鼓吹,Have you ever had a hardest experience or fa。

13、Unit 1,Learning about Language,1. Use the words and expressions in the box to fill in this description of the journey from the pack ice to Elephant Island written by one survivor.,Discovering useful words and expressions,April 16th, 1916 Moving to Elephant Island was a dangerous under-taking, but it was not our first. We had _ onto the ice to make camp when the Endurance was stuck. The ice constantly broke up at night because of the warmth of our bodies and we often dropped into the freez。

14、Unit 1 A land of diversity,名词性从句(一),Look at the following clauses in the sentences and think about what role do these clauses play in the sentences.,What attracts people to California is its pleasant climate and relaxed lifestyle.,主语,Revising useful structures,However, most applicants know that they have very little chance of getting a visa.,宾语,This is why each year a great number of people from all over the world try to immigrate to California.,表语,1. 概念在句子中起名词作用的句子叫。

15、Unit 5,Grammar Nominative Absolute Construction,1. Remind the students of the five great authoresses in the English literary world in the 19th century.,Revision,Lead in,Check the students understanding of the following sentences with the nominative absolute constructions.,1. The three Bront sisters adopting this practice, Mary Ann Evans did the same and wrote under the name of George Eliot.,2. With the 19th century being regarded as one of great women writers, there were also some excelle。

16、Unit 2,Grammar Adverbial,状 语 的 构 成,状 语 的 分 类,方 式 状 语- adv. of manners 地 点 状 语-adv. of place 时 间 状 语-adv.of time 频 率 状 语-adv.of frequency 可 能 性 状 语-adv.of probability 持 续 性 状 语-adv.of duration 程 度 状 语-adv.of degree,常用副词和副词词组: Adverbial of manners: quietly, quickly, beautifully, truly, fully, fast, well, suddenly, in the right way, like a baby Adverbial of place: in the car, at the meeting, in the kitchen, near the door, on the table, out of the ro。

17、Grammar Tense,Unit 3,时态,现在,过去,将来,一般时 完成时 进行时,一般时 完成时 进行时,一般时 完成时 进行时,各种时态结构:,一般现在时: 一般过去时: 一般将来时: 现在完成时: 过去完成时: 现在进行时: 过去进行时: 过去将来时:,do/does,did,will/shall +动词原形,have/has+过去分词,had +过去分词,is/am/are+doing,was/were+doing,would+动词原形,is/am/are,was/were,现在时,1.一般现在时,表示客观事实或真理。结构:主语动词原形(第三人称单数时动词加s)如:,He lives in Nanjing. You look very hungry now.,He is writing a le。

18、Using Language,Unit 1,Words,delayregulargraspboredchangeable admirablecommitment,vt. 承担义务,There were two reasons: he felt his men were too weak to last very long without rescue; no ships passed that way. So Shackleton knew he would have to go for help himself.,1 Listen to the tape for the first time.,2. Do you think there was any alternative?,Why did Shackleton have to attempt the journey to South Georgia?,Listening and speaking,2 Listen to the tape again. Write down the problems that Shackl。

19、Listening,Unit 1,Workbook,1 Before you listen to the tape discuss in pairs what theories you know of on the origin of species that existed before Darwins idea. Then have a class discussion and see how many different theories you are familiar with.,2 Charles Darwin developed his view new theory to replace the Western idea of the origin of species. Listen to the tape for the first time and write it down.,3 Listen to the tape again and fill in the information in the chart.,God,From the Bible,By c。

20、Grammar Attribute,Unit 1,充当定语的有: 形容词、代词、名 词、分词、介词短语或副词和从句.,定语定义,英语句子中修饰名词,代词或其 它名词化了词的句子成分叫定语。,定语的位置一般有两种:用在所修饰 词之前的叫前置定语,用在所修饰词 之后的叫后置定语。,单词作定语时通常放在它所修饰的词 之前,作前置定语。短语和从句作定 语时则放在所修饰的词之后,作后置 定语。,在英语里,一般定语前置时的次序为:限 定词,形容词、分词、动名词和名词性 定语。但当几个形容词同时出现在名词 短语之前,我们要注意其次序。其形容词 遵循的词序。

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