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人教新课标高中英语选修十Unit1 Reading教案

人教选修 6 Unit 4 Global Warming Extensive reading and writingTeaching goalsAbility goalsEnable the Ss to talk about environmental pollution and write a

人教新课标高中英语选修十Unit1 Reading教案Tag内容描述:

1、 人教选修 6 Unit 4 Global Warming Extensive reading and writingTeaching goalsAbility goalsEnable the Ss to talk about environmental pollution and write a composition on environmental problems.Learning ability goals Help the Ss to write a composition on environmental problems.Teaching important & difficult pointsHow to help the Ss to write a composition on environmental problems.Teaching aids A computer and a projectorTeaching procedures Step1 Extensive reading Read Toms essay about li。

2、1Book 5 Unit 1 Great ScientistsA general review of Unit 1 Period 1 Word study, Warming up, pre-readingPeriod 2 Reading (P2)Period 3 Language points, learning about languagePeriod 4 Using language( listening), GrammarPeriod 5 Listening thought without learning is perilous(危险的)3. To know the disease is half the cure. 找出病根等于医治了一半。.Step 6 Homework1. Preview the reading passage John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”(p2)2. Speaking task (p46) write some key words to the Qs to help your talk。

3、Unit 1 Friendship 教学设计 一、教材内容分析本单元是高中一年级的第一单元,刚开学没多久,大家相互之间还不是很熟识,需要了解、沟通,友谊是他们生活当中必不可少的,他们每个人对友谊的认识不同,见解不一。1本节课的 Warming up 我采用情景描述法,让学生自己用几个单词描述自己心目中的朋友或写下朋友的三个特征,让其他学生猜猜他描述的是班上哪个人。并把相关的词汇、句型写在黑板上,有利于词汇的积累。第一种方法适合基础差的学生,第二种方法适合成绩好的学生。2在导入的时候我采用提问法,激起学生思考(1)Which kind of fr。

4、1Unit 1 Friendship 教材分析I教学内容分析“友谊”自古就是人们的永恒话题之一,本单元的中心话题就是“友谊” ,该单元几乎所有的内容都是围绕这一中心话题展开的。Warming up 部分通过一个问卷调查的形式,让学生对于日常生活中朋友之间可能发生的真实问题以及如何解决这些问题有所了解。Pre-reading 部分设计了三个问题,一方面引导学生对“友谊”和“朋友”这两个概念进行思索;另一方面让学生知道友谊不仅仅存在于人与人之间,日记之类的东西也可以成为人们的朋友。Reading 节选了安妮日记的一部分,全部内容可分为四大部分:1. 谈。

5、1Unit 1 Friendship Teaching goals*语言知识1. to talk about friends and friendship, and interpersonal relationship2. to practise expressing attitudes, agreement and disagreement, and certainty3. to master some sentences about giving advice4. to learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1): statements and questions5. to learn about communication skills*语言技能和学习策略1. to develop listening skills by doing exercises in listening task2. to develop speaking skills by finishing the speaki。

6、,Unit 1 Cultural relics,Warming up and Reading,Words and expressions,Do you know what a cultural relic is?Cultural relics are traces or features surviving from a past age and serving to remind people of them.,Warming up,Whom do cultural relics belong to?Do you have any in your family?,In a larger sense, it can be said that all the cultural relics belong to all peoples and the whole society, not a certain individual.,Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable? Is it enough to 。

7、1Unit 1 Friendship 1.Teaching aims and demands类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目话题 Friends and friendship; interpersonal relationshipsadd point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habit词汇add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpo。

8、Unit 1 ArtVocabulary and Useful ExpressionsTeaching Goals:1. To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions2. To get Ss to have knowledge of this grammar point: the subjective mood Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Free talkIf you have a special chance to become a poet, what kind of poems will you write to people?And why?Step 2. Word studyPurpose: To consolidate the words and phrases in the text.1. Find a word in the poems that rhymes with each of the words below. Then add other words that rhym。

9、Unit 1 ArtGrammar and Useful StructuresTeaching Aims1 .Knowledge AimHelp the students to use the subjunctive mood correctly in different situations.2. Ability AimTo learn the subjunctive mood freely and properly in speaking and writing.3. Emotional Aims1) Encourage the students learn more about the grammar.1) Help the students to form the good habit in learning.2) Encourage the students to do more exercise consolidate the knowledge. Teaching Important PointEnable the students to use the correct 。

10、Unit 1 ArtListening, Speaking and WritingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言:重点词汇和短语Traditional, abstract, figurative, photography, dimensional, sculpture, pottery, wood carving, clay figures ,paper cutting重点句子Talk about likes and preferences:Id preferId ratherId likeWhich would you prefer?I really preferWould you ratherWould you like2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the Ss to express their likes and preference3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the Ss learn how to ex。

11、1Unit 1 Art教材分析I教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是西方绘画艺术的历史、中西方各种艺术形式与风格,各时代的著名画家以及他们的作品。听说读写等语言知识和语言技能主要围绕“绘画艺术”这一主题设计的。本单元引导学生讨论这些问题,目的在于让他们了解绘画艺术及其各个历史发展时期的不同风格,培养他们对艺术的兴趣。Warming up 部分共有四个问题,引导学生讨论本单元出现的所有绘画,包括宗教绘画、文艺复兴时期的绘画、印象派风景画和抽象画等。通过为教室选张贴画、为家居选布置画、谈个人对绘画等艺术的喜好等活动,让学生交流。

12、 Unit 4 Global warmingReadingTeaching goalsTarget languagewords and phrases:energy, light(v.), heat(v.), renewable, non-renewable, run out, compare, phenomenon, graph, fuel, trap, data, climate, catastrophe, consequence, range, per, glance, compare to, come about, fierce debate, result in, build up, keep onAbility goalsEnable the students to talk about different sources of energy.Enable the students to read the text, understand what it is about and talk about the causes and effec。

13、Unit 4 Learning efficiently Part One: Teaching Design第一部分:教学设计Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL READER)AimsTo help students develop their reading ability To help students learn about learning efficientlyProceduresWarming up by learning about “Effective Habits for Effective Study ”Hello, everyone! How are you getting along with your studies of English? Do you have any effective habits for effective study?You can prepare yourself to succeed in your st。

14、Reading,Annes Best Friend,Reading,Background,This is a true story. It took place in Amsterdam, Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If any persons known to be Jews were found, they would be sent to concentration camps farther east, mostly in Poland. Families were separated and transported in trains.,For many days, they went without food, water, 。

15、Warming up,Do you like art ?,Words and expressions,dance,sculpture,clothing,opera,architecture,seal cutting,paper cutting,photography,jewelry,painting,Unit 1 Art,What is art?,art,painting,sculpture,architecture,photography,pottery,jewelry,music, dance, literature,WHAT IS ART?We call lots of things art today. We use the term visual arts to describe the arts we can see. Painting, sculpture, and architecture have long been the major visual arts in Europe and North America. Today, we in。

16、Unit1 ArtWarming Up, Pre-reading and ReadingStep 1 Lead inShow a picture and ask:1.Who was she? Mona Lisa2.Who painted her? Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)3.How long did it take him to paint it? Four years (1503-1506)Step 2 Discussion1.Are there any paintings in your home? Whose? Which style?2.Who are your favorite painters, from China and from other countries?3.Do you know some famous painters and their works? List some. (China- Xu Beihong, Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Fu BaoshiLeonardo Da Vinci。

17、Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gainedPart One: Teaching Design Period 2: A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language(The Attribute ) AimsTo help students learn about The Attribute To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressionsTo help students discover and learn to use some useful structuresProceduresI. Warming up by talking about “A successful failure”A: What did you see when you put your head out of your sleeping bag and look around you?B: I found everythi。

18、Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gainedPart One: Teaching Design Period 3: A sample lesson plan for Using Language(“OPTIMISM HELPED US PERSEVERE.”)AimsTo help students read the passage “OPTIMISM HELPED US PERSEVERE.”To help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writingProceduresI. Warming up by learning more about Sir Ernest ShackletonIn 1914 Sir Ernest Shackleton and a crew of 27 set sail for the last unclaimed prize in the history of exploration: the first crossi。

19、Unit 5 Enjoying novels Part One: Teaching DesignPeriod 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(THE RISE OF ENGLISH AUTHORIESSES IN THE 19TH CENTURY)AimsTo help students develop their reading ability To help students learn about enjoying novelsProceduresWarming up by talking about Jane EyreNice to see you, boys and girls. What did you do on the weekends? As for me I managed to read Jane Eyre and Gone with the wind in English. These are wonderful western novels. Jane Eyre is an orphan cast out as a y。

20、Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gainedPart One: Teaching Design Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(A SUCCESSFUL FAILURE)AimsTo help students develop their reading abilityTo help students learn about adventure Procedures Warming up by reading for formsOn page 1 there are three short texts. Now read the texts to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. A spider was making its web /while Robert the B。

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