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6.1.1算数平方根,问题1、旧知回顾练一练,4,4,问题2 若已知一个数的平方为下列各数,你能把这个数说出来吗 ?完成下表,X2 1 16 36 0.49 425,X,1,6,0.7,25,4,元旦前,学校将举行美术作品比赛.小鸥很高兴,他想裁出一块面积为25dm2的正方形画布,画上自己的得意之作


1、6.1.1算数平方根,问题1、旧知回顾练一练,4,4,问题2 若已知一个数的平方为下列各数,你能把这个数说出来吗 ?完成下表,X2 1 16 36 0.49 425,X,1,6,0.7,25,4,元旦前,学校将举行美术作品比赛.小鸥很高兴,他想裁出一块面积为25dm2的正方形画布,画上自己的得意之作参加比赛,这块画布的边长应取多少?,问题3 身边小事,已知正方形的面积 , 求边长的问题, 实质上 就是已知一个正数的平方,求这个正数的问题.,1,3,4,6,0.5,像正数32=9,把正数3 叫做9的算术平方根. ,特殊:0的算术平方根是0。,一般地,如果一个正数x的平方等于 a,即 =a,那么这个正数x。

2、五年级-下册-Unit3 Lesson 18 Unit 3 We should obey the rules.Unit 3 We should obey the rules. 难难点名称:创设创设 情境,运用must/mustnt结结构提出建 议议、制定规则规则 目录录 CONTENTS 2 导入知识讲解课堂练习小节 导导入 This year,we have a new rule. 。

3、L e s s o n 1 5 we should obey the rules. Which room do you like better? Why? How to be a good boy/girl at home? Just talk get up Lets learn We should get up early. go to bed Lets learn We shouldnt g。

4、精通版 五年级上册 Unit2 She looks cute.Unit2 She looks cute. Lesson 9 She has big eyes and long hair. Review Think and say 1. Whats her name? 2. Whats does she look like? Her name is Zhou Pei. She is pretty a。

5、L e s s o n 1 7 we should obey the rules. You should/You shouldnt Review What do you think of them? Do they obey the rules? Look at the picture and discuss. Just talk must mustnt V.原形 must not mustmus。

6、L e s s o n 1 5 we should obey the rules. Which room do you like better? Why? How to be a good boy/girl at home? Just talk get up Lets learn We should get up early. go to bed Lets learn We shouldnt g。

7、 Unit 3 We should obey the rules. 祈使句 (Imperative sentenceImperative sentence) leftrightTurnTurn Ask and answer questions actively. Be quiet. Dont make noise.Dont eat in class. 它是英语中的一个句式,也。

8、热机效率说课稿,一、教材分析 二、学情分析 三、学习目标 四、教学过程设计,教材分析,教材的地位和作用本节热机效率,是对热学知识的进一步强化和升华,是提高学生利用热学知识解决生活中的物理问题能力的一个平台; “改变世界的热机”、“地球就在我们手中”部份,则让学生能从科学的角度去理解认识到热机在生活中的重要性,热机在给人们带来进步的同时,也给生态环境造成了污染。从而培养学生辨证看待问题的习惯,增强学生的环保意识。,学情分析,学生有一定的基础知识和生活经验; 具备了一定的分析问题、解决问题的能力和环保意识; 。

9、UNIT3 At the zoo Part A Lets talk Look at that . Its ! thin fat 5m 4m 3m 2m 1m o Look at that . Its ! short tall Look at that giraffe. Its so tall.(它 那么高) so /sEU/ 这么,那么 Look at Zoom. 。

10、三年级下册 Unit4 Where is my car? 说出下列单词对应的汉语意思。 Revision on in under chair desk 在上 在里 在下面 书桌 椅子 Lets talk Lets go home! OK! Uh-oh! Where is my pencil box? Look! Its in your desk. Oh, yes! Lets talk And y。


12、三年级下册 Unit4 Where is my car? chair desk box in 在里面 on 在上面 under 在下面 under the chair on the desk in the box under desk on chair in under the chair on the desk in the box under on chair in desk It。

13、济南的冬天,老舍,学习目标,1.了解济南冬天的景物特点; 2.学习老舍先生的写景方法; 3.抓住特点写写家乡的景物。 4.培养爱祖国、爱家乡的品质。,老舍1936年在青岛,曾任中国文联副主席、中国作协副主席、北京市文联主席等职。1951年12月,北京市人民政府授予他“人民艺术家“的光荣称号。1966年8月24日,老舍被林彪、江青及反革命集团摧残迫害,不幸逝世,终年67岁。先后在济南齐鲁大学和青岛大学任教七年,对山东产生了深厚感情,他称山东为“第二 故乡“。,作者简介,老舍故居,老舍书法,济南的冬天,正音,奇迹( ) 济( )南 伦敦( ) 暖和( ) 。

14、Unit3 At the zoo Unit3 At the zoo Unit3 At the zoo Unit3 At the zoo A Lets talk A Lets talk A Lets talk A Lets talk Lets chant gi-ra ffe-giraffe Wow! Its so tall! t-al-l- tall Look at that giraff。

15、Unit 4 Whats wrong with Unit 4 Whats wrong with you? you? 人教精通版英语五年级下册 Lets review Lead-in She has a _. He has a _. Theyre_. headache cold ill Presentation ill Im ill today. Pres。

16、人教精通版三年级下册人教精通版三年级下册 Unit 6 Is this your Unit 6 Is this your skirt?skirt? Lesson31Lesson31 This is my New words 短裙 skirt This is my skirt. T-shirt T恤衫 This is my T-shirt. Hi, Li Yan. Is this your ski。

17、课题:Unit1 Welcome to our school. 难点名称:询问在某一时段或某一地点 课程数量并回答 1 五年级-下册-Unit1 What subjects does Lingling have this new term? How many Chinese lessons do you have in a week? I have seven Chinese lessons in。

18、Part B第二课时 Lets learn Look,ask and answer,Unit One,My school.,Warm up,单击播放视频,Warm up,Free talk:,Do you have?,Yes,we do.,Warm up,Free talk:,I can see many flowers in it. Where is it?,单击播放视频,Where is the music room?,Its on the first floor.,Where do we read storybooks?,In the library.,Where do we have computer classes?,In the computer room.,This is the computer room.,T:Do you have a computer room?,Ss:Yes,we do.,This is the music room.,This is the art room.,S1:Do you have a computer 。

19、UNIT3 At the zoo Part A Lets learn 绿色圃中小学教育网 Look at that monkey! Its Be fat. Be fat. Be fat, fat, fat! fat 胖的 绿色圃中小学教育网 Look at that monkey! Its ! thin 瘦的 Be thin. Be thin. Be thin, thin, thin! fat。

20、 an apple apple s Do you like apples? Yes.I do. No. I dont. bear pear a pear pear s Do you like pears? Yes. I do. No. I dont. an orange oranges Do you like oranges? Yes. I do. No. I dont. bana。

五年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 we should obey the rules. Lesson 18 人教精通版(共15张PPT)
五年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 we should obey the rules. Lesson 15 人教精通版(共12张PPT)
五年级上册英语课件-Unit2 She looks cute.Lesson 9 人教精通版(共15张PPT)
五年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 we should obey the rules. Lesson 17 人教精通版(共15张PPT)
五年级下册英语课件-Unit 3 we should obey the rules. Lesson 15人教精通版(共12张PPT)
教科版九年级上册物理  2.3 热机效率 课件   (共15张PPT)
三年级英语下册课件-Unit 3 At the zoo Part ALet’s talk-人教PEP版(共17张PPT)
三年级英语下册课件-Unit 4 Where is my car ?Period 2-人教PEP版.(共14张PPT)
三年级英语下册课件-Unit 4 Where is my car ?Period 1 -人教PEP版.(共21张PPT)
三年级英语下册课件-Unit 3 At the zoo A Let’s talk -人教PEP版(共17张PPT)
五年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 What’s wrong with you?人教精通版.(共15张PPT)
三年级下册英语课件-Unit 6 Is thisyourskirt? Lesson 31人教精通版(共15张PPT)
五年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 Welcome to our school!人教精通版(共15张PPT)
人教PEP版四年级下册英语Unit 1 My school Part B(第二课时)课件(共15张PPT)
三年级英语下册课件-Unit 3 At the zoo Part A Let’s learn-人教PEP版(共15张PPT)
三年级英语下册课件-Unit 5Do you like pears ?-人教PEP版(共15张PPT)
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