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第四课时一、图中小球的位置在哪?选出相应的词语。1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( )4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( )二、根据首字母或汉语提示补全句子。1. The chair is in f_ of the desk.2. There is a ball u_ the bed.3. There is


1、第四课时一、图中小球的位置在哪?选出相应的词语。1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( )4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( )二、根据首字母或汉语提示补全句子。1. The chair is in f_ of the desk.2. There is a ball u_ the bed.3. There is a fork o_ the table.4. There are two chairs_(在床旁边).5. There is a small chair_(在门后).三、阅读短文,从方框中选择合适的答句。I have a beautiful house. There is a bike in front of the house. We have a big tree. My grandparents are under the tree. They have a rest. In my ho。

2、Unit 5 There is a big bed,Part A Lets learn Lets play,What can you see? I can see_.,my room,my new room,What we can put in the room?,This is a clock.,clock,This is a bike.,bike,This is a water bottle.,water bottle,This is a plant .,plant,photo,This is a photo.,pair work,There is/are ,Home work: Design your future room.(设计你未来的房间) Introduce your bedroom.(介绍你的房间),Introduce it to you!,This is my new bedroom. There is an/a _in my bedroom. There are_。

3、Unit5There is a big bed,B Lets learn,in front of,beside,between,behind,above,my grandparentss house, Are there any pictures in Zhang Pengs living room?Yes, there are. Who draws the pictures?Zhang Pengs father. Whose plants are they?Theyre Zhang Pengs grandmothers plants. Where is the garden?Its in front of the house.,listen and answer,compare these sentences,There is a big bed.There is a nice photo.There are so many pictures here.There are so many plants, too.,课堂练习选择填。

4、,Unit 5 There is a big bed.B lets check & lets wrap it up & C story time,Lets check,a computer on my desk.,There are some flowers beside the bed.,some books on the shelf.,a water bottle beside the table.,two plants behind the table.,用 there is, there are, have或 has填空。 1、_some photos in my room.2、On the desk _a water bottle.3、Lily _a new computer.,There are,there is,has,(丽丽),4、In my room I _a big bed.5、_。

5、Unit 5 There is a big bed,第一课时 A Lets try & Lets talk,My small bedroom,There is a .,clock,plant,There is a .,water bottle,There is a .,photo,There is a .,bike,There is a .,There is,The room is really nice.,There is a big bed.,There is a nice photo, too., Is Zhang Pengs room nice?Yes, it is. Is the bed big or small?The bed is big. Where is the computer?It is on the desk.,听录音回答下面问题:,答疑解惑,在小组内试读对话,找出不懂或不会的 地方,做上记号,先在小组内互相帮忙解 决一部本分,都不会的。

6、,第五课时,Unit 5 What does he do?,人教版 (三年级起点) 六年级上册,2,课前热身,Lets sing!,My Baby My precious lovely baby She gently closes her eyes She cutely closes Her hand into her face Want sleep in my cozy arms Her smiling face brightly shine Which makes her even more lovely Even in her dreams I want her to deem Happy enough draught time My little robot baby My beloved to baby That was my precious present time reseed,3,课前热身,Lets review!,Words: fisherman scientist pilot coach Sentences: S。

7、第五课时一、词图搭配,选一选。1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )二、单项选择。( )1. Whats in your room? _ two chairs and a desk.A. Its B. There are C. These are( )2.Where is the bike? Its_the car and the bus.A. at B. / C. between( )3.Where is the tree? Its _the house.A. in B. in front of C. of( )4. I can see a bag_the door.A. in B。

8、Unit 5 There is a big bed,B. read and write,Whats in Zhang Pengs room?,There are things everywhere.,This is Zhang Pengs room.,The room is dirty.,girl,shirt,dirt,dirty,ir,/,Mr Jones just moved into an old house.,moved into,Whats in Mr Jones house?,Maybe .,This is Mr Joness house.,Listen and choose,Which is Mr Jones room?,I see a mouse behind my computer.,Read and judge with “T“or “F“,( )1.Robin writes an email to Mr Jones. ( )2.The old room is。

9、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 6 In a nature park,Learning goals,1. 能够听、说、读、写5个有关自然公园的景物名称单词。 2. 能够在语境中正确运用这5个单词。 3. 能够观察词汇部分的图片,完成5个描述该图片内容的句子。,New words,树;树木;乔木,桥,建筑物;房子;楼房,村庄;村镇,房屋;房子;住宅,Lets learn,Are there any lakes on the mountains?,Yes, there is one.,village,house,tree,building,bridge,Play roles,This is a small village. I can see many trees in it.,Yes, I can see them, too. Are there any buildings in the vi。

10、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 4 What can you do ?,Learning goals,能够听、说、读、写5个有关课余文化活动的 单词或词组。 2. 能够在语境中正确运用这5个词组。 3. 能够填写关于课余文化活动的调查表并进行描述。,Warm-up,Hi, Wu Yifan!,Hi, Sarah! What can you do?,I can cook. How about you?,I cant cook, but I can swim.,Oh, great! I want to learn it!,I can help you.,New words,烹调;烹饪,游泳,打篮球,乒乓球,打乒乓球,说英语,Lets learn,swim 游泳,speak English 说英语,cook 烹调、烹饪,play basketball 打篮球,play ping-pong 打乒。

11、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 3 What would you like?,Learning goals,1.能够听、说、读、写5个形容食物的单词。 2.能够在语境中正确运用这5个词组。 3.能够完成看图片写词语,朗读句子的活动。,Warm-up,Whats your favourite food?,Beef noodles.,Whats your favourite drink?,I like tea best.,New words,新鲜的,刚摘的,健康的,美味的,可口的,辣的,辛辣的,含糖的;甜的,Lets learn,fresh,healthy,delicious,hot,sweet,Whats your favourite food?,Ice cream. Its sweet!,Role-play,Whats your favourite food?,Vegetable. Its healthy!,Whats。

12、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 1 Whats he like?,Learning goals,1.听、说、读、写5个有关性格、品质等特征的单词:polite, helpful, shy, clever, hard-working。2.能在语境中正确运用这5个单词来描述人物性格特征。3.完成图文连线活动并根据结果展开问答。,Lets learn,有礼貌的;客气的,be polite to sb. 对某人有礼貌,Wang Hua is polite. 王华有礼貌。,例如:,Wang Hua is polite to my father. 王华对我爸爸有礼貌。,polite,工作努力的;辛勤的,The boy is hard-working. 这个男孩很勤奋。,例如:,work hard 努力工作/学习,hard work 辛苦的工。

13、,Unit 5 There is a big bed,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Part A Lets learn & Lets play& Lets spell,2,课前热身,Free talk,What can you see? I can see_.,话题导入,clock /klk/(名词)时钟;钟,plant /pla:nt/(名词)植物,bottle /btl/(名词)瓶子,1,2,3,新词展示,water bottle水瓶,bike /baIk/(名词)自行车;脚踏车,photo /ft/(名词)照片;相片,4,5,6,新词展示,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,新词展示,词汇巩固,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,Lets learn,课文朗读,课文原文,Lets learn,1. bedroom(。

14、,Unit 5 There is a big bed,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Part B Lets try & Lets talk,2,课前热身,Review,What is there in the bedroom ?,话题导入,grandparent / grnpernt/(名词)祖父;祖母;外祖父;外祖母,their /e/(代词)他们的;她们的;它们的,1,2,新词展示,house /has/(名词)房屋;房子;住宅,lots of 大量;许多,3,4,新词展示,flower /fla/(名词)花;花朵,5,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起练听力吧!,Lets try,课文朗读,课文原文,Lets try,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读课文吧!,Lets talk,课文朗读,Lets talk,课文原文,Lets talk,课文。

15、,Unit 5 There is a big bed,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Part C Story time,2,课前热身,Review,话题导入,点击“课文朗读”,跟我一起读课文吧!,课文朗读,课文朗读,课文原文,Story time,Read and answer,Who is sad?,Who does he ask for help?,Who kicks the can?,Read and answer,What do the fish do?,What does Zoom do?,课堂互动,Lets act the story !,Practice,There is a can on the table. 桌子上有一个罐子。,can作情态动词,意思是“能;会”。,重难点探究,例句,can(名词)罐子;罐头,want(动词)要;想要,短语 want to do sth.。

16、,Part A Lets try & Lets talk,Unit 5 There is a big bed,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,2,课前热身,Greeting,话题导入,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起练听力吧!,Lets try,课文朗读,课文原文,Lets try,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读课文吧!,Lets talk,课文朗读,Lets talk,课文原文,there (副词)表示存在(或发生),单词巧记 t + here(这里,这儿) = there表示存在(或发生),例句,There is a book on my desk.我的书桌上有一本书。,重难点探究,详解,1. Your room is really nice!你的房间真漂亮!,这是一个陈述句, 用来描述某物的特征。reall。

17、,Unit 5 There is a big bed,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Part B Read and write & Lets check & Lets wrap it up,2,课前热身,Lets sing,A photo of me,话题导入,A picture of a house,move /muv/(动词)搬家,dirty /dti/(形容词)肮脏的,1,2,新词展示,everywhere /evriwe(r)/(副词)处处;到处,3,mouse /mas/(名词)老鼠,live /lIv/(动词)住;居住,4,5,新词展示,nature /neIt(r)/(名词)自然界;大自然,6,新词展示,词汇巩固,dirty,everywhere,move,live,mouse,nature,搬家,肮脏的,处处;到处,老鼠,住;居住,自然界,课文原文,Read and write,例。

18、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 5 There is a big bed,Learning goals,能够完成听录音选词组的活动。 2.能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 3.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话并能进行角色表演。 4.能够在情景中运用句型There are 描述某处有某物(复数)。 5.能够观察对话部分的配图,描述图中其他物品。,Warm-up,What is in your room?,There is a computer.are some toys.are some books.,New words,grandparent their house lot lots of flower,祖父;祖母;外祖父;外祖母,他们的;她们的;它们的,房屋;房子;住宅,大量;许多,大量;许多。

19、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 5 There is a big bed,Learning goals,1.能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的特征,学习ai/ay在单词中的发音规则;能够跟着录音说唱歌谣,强化记忆ai/ay的发音规则。 2.能够根据ai/ay的发音规则读出生词;能够通过听录音圈单词的活动强化ai/ay的音形对应关系。 3.能够按照ai/ay的发音规则拼写出单词。 4.能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范正确。,New words,Lets spell,Read,listen and chant.,rainy 下雨的,rainbow 彩虹,paint 绘画,wait 等待,say 说,way 道路,birthday 生日,Monday 星期一,/ei/,。

20、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 5 There is a big bed,Learning goals,1. 能够听、说、读、写5个表示相对位置关系的介词或词组。 2. 能够在语境中正确运用这5个介词或词组。 3. 能够观察图片,正确描述图中的人物或物品,注意区分 名词单复数。,New words,正面,在前面,在中间,在(或向)上面,在旁边(附近),在(或向)后面,Lets learn,in front of,beside,between,behind,above,Where is the ball?,Its in front of the dog.,above 在上面 above是介词,意为“在上面”。 【例句】Uncle Wang lives above us.王叔叔住在我们楼上。 英语中有许多表示。

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