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pep人教版英语四年级上册Recycle 1课件

Module 1 Unit 2 Its at the station.,turn left,turn left,turn right,turn right,go straight on,go straight on,house,train,train station,bus station,hill

pep人教版英语四年级上册Recycle 1课件Tag内容描述:

1、Module 1 Unit 2 Its at the station.,turn left,turn left,turn right,turn right,go straight on,go straight on,house,train,train station,bus station,hill,Wheres the car?Its up the hill.,up,Wheres the car?Its down the hill.,down,Wheres the car?Its near the house.,Wheres the car?Its at the station.,Wheres the, please? Go straight on. Turn left. Turn right.,小总结,Wheres the train? Its up/down theIts near the houses.Its at the station.,。

2、We have_.,a big family dinner,Spring Festival,Happy new year.,We say“Happy New Year!”,What do we say at Spring Festival?,At Spring Festival, we have _.,meat,meat,At Spring Festival, we have,Summary,在本节课中,我们学习了单词: 如何表达新年问候: 我们在春节吃什么:,。

3、Module 5,Unit 1 Can you run fast?,Yao Ming can play basketball.,run fast,jump high,jump far,ride fast,表示询问能力的问句及答句:疑问句:Can you + 动词原型?你会/能够.吗? 回答: (1)肯定 Yes, I can. 是的,我会/能够。(2)否定 No, I cant. 不,我不会/不能。,Write down what you can do,what you cant do. For example : I can run fast . I can swim. I can jump. But I cant make cakes .,Homework:,。

4、Unit One,My school,second floor,first floor,teachers office,library,返回首页,返回首页,返回首页,Go to the library. Read a book. Go to the teachers office. Say hello. Go to the playground. Play football. Go to the garden. Water the flowers.,返回首页,A:Excuse me. Wheres the teachers office? B:Its on the second floor. A:OK.Thanks.A:Hi. Is this the teachers office? C:No, it isnt. The teachers office is next to the library.A:Hi, Miss White! Heres my homework. D:Thank you, Mike. A:Bye, Miss White.,返回。

5、Unit Six Meet my family,B Lets learn,Family, family. Come and meet my family. Uncle, uncle. This is my uncle. Aunt, aunt. This is my aunt. Baby brother, baby brother. This is my baby brother. Parents, parents. They are my parents. Family, family. I love my family.,Lets chant,Lets chant,Uncle, uncle. Is this your uncle? Yes, he is. Yes, he is. Whats his job? Whats his job? Hes a football player. Hes a football player. Aunt, aunt. Is this your aunt? Yes, she is. Yes, she is. Wha。

6、Go straight on.,Unit 1,words review,go straight on live road excuse me turn left turn right next to supermarket,直着走 居 住 道路,街道 对不起,打扰了 向左转 向右转 临近的,在旁边 超市,turn left,left 左边,turn right,right 右边,go straight on,straight直的,Lets have a try!,Go straight on.,Turn left.,Turn right.,Sam: Excuse me. Wheres the , please? Policeman: Go straight on.,Go straight on, then turn left.,Go straight on, then turn right.,Find and say.,A: Excuse me. Wheres the, please? B: Go straig。

7、,Part C,Unit 1 My classroom,人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册,2,课前热身,话题导入,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起学Story time吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,课文原文,课文原文,课文原文,1. bee(名词)蜜蜂,复数形式,重难点探究,与字母b发音相同。,例句,I can see a bee on the flower.我看到花上有一只蜜蜂。,拓展,bees,2. now(副词)现在,重难点探究,例句,I must go to school now. 我现在必须去学校。,重难点探究,3. really(副词)确实地,的确(用于加强语气),Its really you. 真的是你啊。,例句,详解,Theres a bee in our classroom.我们。

8、,Part A,Unit 1 My classroom,人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册,2,课前热身,师生对话: T:Hello! Welcome to our school! Nice to meet you! S: Nice to meet you, too. T: How are you? S: Fine,thank you.,话题导入,classroom /klsrum/ 教室,blackboard /blkbd/ 黑板,window/wnd/窗户,1,2,3,新词展示,light /lat/电灯,picture /pkt(r)/图画,4,5,新词展示,6,door /d(r)/ 门,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,light,picture,新词展示,door,词汇巩固,classroom,blackboard,window,新词展示,词汇巩固,小喇叭朗读开始。

9、Recycle 1,四年级上册,Let me help you.,Thanks.,Read aloud,Wow! Your bag is so heavy. Whats in it?,An English book, a maths book, a notebook and ten storybooks.,Ten?,Yes. Theyre my friends storybooks.,Whos your friend?,Can you guess? Shes friendly and she speaks English well.,I know. Its Amy!,No. shes tall. She has short hair and big eyes.,I dont know. Whats her name?,Sandy White, our English teacher.,Ah!,Kate,Mike,Rose,Tim,Bob,name,win,nine,dog,race,lake,doll,Tom,hot,game,Coke,fine,note,Jone。

10、Recycle 2,Lesson 1,PEP Primary English 4A,Lets do,Lets do,看谁认得多,milk,kitchen,bed,brother,open,phone,aunt,nurse,study,sister,water,chopstick,farmer,family,fork,soup,What would you like?,turkey,potatoes,beef,Id like .,Read and act,Yes, it is.,There are 37.,Theyre in the kitchen.,Mikes father.,Shes a singer.,Do you know?,点击图看动画,选择角色扮演,Listen, draw lines and read,My father has _. My mother has _. My brother likes _. My sister likes _. My uncle is _.,A B。

11、人教PEP四年级英语课件,Recycle 1,Read and act,1. Warm-up/Revision,Listen and do 1,Listen and do 2,Listen and do 3,2. Presentation,Free talk,Whats in the classroom?Whats in your schoolbag?Whos your best friend?,Read and act,点击画面看答案,Clean the desks and chairs.,Sweep the floor.,No, they arent.,An English book, a Chinese book, a math book, a notebook and 10 story- books.,Sandy White.,Look and answer,更多精彩内容,微信扫描二维码获取,扫描二维码获取更多资源,。

12、,PEP 四年级下册,Recycle 2,Learning goals,1.能够完成课本上的活动,复习巩固Unit 4- Unit6中所学的四会单词。能够理解对话大意; 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;能进行角色表演。 2. 复习巩固er, le, or, ar的发音规则。 3. 复习巩固这三单元所学的核心句型。,Read aloud,Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. Lets have a picnic tomorrow.,Yeah!,Can I help you?,Yes, five tomatoes and two carrots, please.,Three bananas and two apples, please. How much is that?,Thats 42 yuan in total.,Thats expensive.,That jacket is coo。

13、,人教版(三年级起点),Recycle 1,Lets sing,热身活动,How are you?Hello, Mike. Hello, Chen Jie. Hello,hello!How are you? This is Mary. This is Willy. Nice to meet you. How are you? Im fine. Im fine. Thank you, thank you very much. Im fine. Im fine. Thank you, thank you very much.,话题导入,点击“课文朗读”,跟我一起学朗读技巧吧!,课文朗读,课文朗读,课文原文,Morning!,Im Zoom,White hands ?,Brown arms?,My names Zip.,Bye !,Hey !,Look! Zoom and Zip!,1.早上好! 2.早上好。我是陈杰。这是萨拉。,3.我叫子普。 我。

14、Recycle 1一、看图选单词。1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( )二、给下列图片选择相应的句子。1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )A. Hi, Mum. This is my new classroom. And this is my desk.B. She has long hair and big eyes.C. Look, I have a new schoolbag.D. This is a Chinese book.E. He is my uncle. He has glasses.三、阅读对话,判断句子正(T)误(F) 。Tim: Hi, Mum. I have a new classroom. It is big.Mum:。

15、人教PEP四年级英语课件,Recycle 1,Read and act,Lets act,3. Practice,猜 一 猜,His/Her name is ,传 话 游 戏,Find out,How to say,practice,+,=,?,+,=,?,You should say it like this: Whats nine plus five? Its 14. Whats eight lus eight? Its 16.,Bye bye,更多精彩内容,微信扫描二维码获取,扫描二维码获取更多资源,。

16、Recycle 1单元整体分析本单元是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书四年级上册复习一。这是一个针对前三个单元的重点句型和重点词汇设计的综合复习单元。 由对话阅读;说一说并连线;看一看、听一听、写一写;看一看,找一找;读一读,匹配句子与图片;玩游戏等活动组成。共分三个课时。第一课时为对话阅读活动,Chen Jie 帮助 John 拿书包,发现他的书包很沉,就好奇地问他书包里装了什么。John 的书包里居然有十本故事书。那是他朋友的。Chen Jie 问谁是他的朋友。John 调皮地让她猜一猜。根据 John 描述的特征,Chen Jie 猜是 Amy,最。

17、,Recycle 2,人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册,2,课前热身,We wish you a merry ChristmasWe wish you a merry Christmas.We wish you a merry Christmas.We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.Good tidings to you, wherever you are,We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.,话题导入,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,课文原文,课文原文,Group work,请同学们分组进行表演。,课堂互动,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,Listen and number the roo。

18、,Recycle 1,人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册,2,课前热身,Friends If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands. If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands. If your friend is tall and quiet,if your friend is tall and quiet, If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands.,话题导入,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,Read aloud.,Who can read it?,Let me help you.,Thanks.,Wow!Your bag is so heavy. Whats in it?,An English book, a maths book,a notebook and ten storybooks。

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