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Unit 4 Seeing the doctorCartoon timeTeaching contents 教学内容Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说词汇 hurt, should, have a r


1、Unit 4 Seeing the doctorCartoon timeTeaching contents 教学内容Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说词汇 hurt, should, have a rest, point at。2. 能在理解的基础上流利地朗读并表演故事。3. 能体会到阅读的乐趣,培养学生阅读的兴趣。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能听懂、会读、会说词汇 hurt, should, have a rest, point at。教学难点:能在理解的基础上流利地朗读并表演故事。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Wa。

2、Unit3 Asking the way,Sound time,culture time&cartoon time,Unit3 Asking the way,Sound time,_ is in the _ _. _ likes _ _. But there are so many. _ doesnt know which to choose.,Sharon,shoe,shop,She,shiny,shoes,She,Sound time,Sound time,/,sh,sheep ship shoes shop,/,sh,Try to read,shy sheep shake shave shell,Culture time,In the UK, we ask “Wheres the toilet?”,Toilet , restroom 厕所,In the US, we ask “Wheres the restroom?”,Cartoon time,播放动画,回答问。

3、Grammer time,Unit 3 Asking the way,Go along Turn left/ right ,Get on/ off You can see on your left/ right.,沿着左转/右转,上车/下车 你能看到在你左边/右边 ,How do I get to ?,我怎么样到达目的地?,Learning aims学习目标,Fun time,How do I get to ?,Go along Turn left/ right ,left,third,right,Go along,turn right,left,归纳重点句型,Go along Turn left/ right ,Get on/ off You can see on your left/ right.,How do I get to ?,Home work,1)Answer this question:How do we get to our class teachers office from ou。

4、Unit 3 Asking the way(Checkout time &Ticking time),Free talk:,1. Where do you live?,2. Is your home near the hospital/ cinema/ library/ school?,3. How do you get to the school?,If you see some places, please say it loudly, If you cant see the places, please say “Shh”如果你看到的是地点图片,请大声读出来,如果你看到的不是地点图片,请说“嘘”。,Play a game,Retell Cartoon time,Bobby and Tina want to . First, they .Next, they . Then, they . Finally, they .,Give Bobby some good ideas to get to the c。

5、Unit 3 Asking the wayGrammar timeTeaching contents 教学内容Grammar time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能够复述 Story time,能熟练运用与问路有关的交际用语。2. 在复习故事的过程中进一步理解并巩固词汇 cinema,hospital ,shop, zoo 等。3. 能理解并灵活运用 Grammar time 中的交际用语。4. 能够在实际运用的过程中自主体会和归纳问路和指路的句型。5. 能够了解更多有关问路和指路的表达方式。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 介词 at, on 与动词的固定搭。

6、Unit1 Welcome to our school 一核心词汇一核心词汇 1.名词 music 音乐 way 路;道路 library 图书馆 2.代词 we 我们 our 我们的 3.动词 meet 相遇;开会 welcome 欢迎 。

7、第二学期单元检测卷 五年级英语五年级英语PEPPEP 下册下册 第一单元第一单元 试题:98 分,卷面书写:2 分;共 100 分 听力部分38 分读两遍 一听录音,一听录音, 标号标号。 5 分分 二二听录音,选择正确的答句。听录音,选择。

8、Unit 1 CinderellaFun timeTeaching contents 教学内容Fun time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1.掌握故事中出现的词汇:prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit 2. 在故事情境中强化句型:Why? Because 的功能结构,并在游戏和生活情景中开展运用4. 能够正确运用动词第三人称单数谈论 Story time 的故事,并能够简单评价对故事中的人物的喜爱与否2. 能够完成 Fun time 中的任务,并能够运用所学语言与同学合作创编童话故事并表演3. 能够运用 wh 开头的特殊疑问词在适当的语。

9、Unit 2 How do you come to school?Grammar timeTeaching contents 教学内容Grammar timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇 far from, ship, ride, near, by, bus, on foot, metro, taxi, bike, plane, train2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语 Where do/does.live?.live/lives in/on/near/far from. How do/does.come to school?.come/comes to school.3. 能运用所学句型对居住地以及交通方式进行问答和表述。4. 培养“绿色出行 ”的环保意识。Focus of the lesson and predicted 。

10、Unit 1 CinderellaGrammar timeTeaching contents 教学内容Grammar time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标知识目标:1. 进一步巩固并掌握故事中出现的词汇:prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, put on, before, have to, try on, fit2. 进一步巩固并掌握四会句型:Why? Because 3. 能理解并掌握运用 Grammar time 中以 wh 开头的特殊疑问词的用法及规则;Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点: 1. 在复习故事的过程中进一步理解并巩固词汇及句型 Why? Because 2. 能够通过交。

11、Unit 2 How do you come to school?Cartoon timeTeaching contents 教学内容Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 掌握并运用词汇:a new bike, ride in the park, too young, think so, sit in the basket。2. 复习巩固句型 Where do/does . live? . live/lives in/on . live/lives near/far from school. How do/does . come to school? . come/comes to school by (on foot)与别人交际3. 能理解 Cartoon time 故事大意并熟练朗读、表演。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难。

12、Unit 1 CinderellaStory timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 在整体理解的基础上听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit2. 基于故事听懂、会说、会读句型:Why? Because ? 并理解句型的意思;3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Come and help me Let me help you. I have to 4. 学生能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事;Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点。

13、Unit 2 How do you come to school?Story timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读 bus,taxi, metro,on foot 等交通工具类单词及词组。2. 能初步运用句型 How do/does come to school? 及回答 I by/on 3. 学生能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能听懂、会说、会读 bus,taxi, metro,on foot 等交通工具类单词及词组。2. 能初步运用句型 How do/does come to s。

14、English Name:Family Name:Telephone Number:18168217011ZhangSallyHere!苏州市相城区蠡口实验小学 周颖妍a birthday cakeeat noodleshave a partyplay gameseighthAprilWork in pairsA: Whens your birthday?B: Its on the eighth of April.A: What do you do on your birthday?B: We always have a party at home.你的生日是什么时候?是四月八号。你们过生日都做什么?我们常常在家聚会。Miss Li: Whens your birthday ,Mike?Mike: Its on the eighth of April. We always have a party at home. Helen, Tim and I go to buy a birth。

15、小学五年级英语教案Module 1 ChangingUnit 1 We lived in a small house.学习目标:1. 掌握单词: life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady.2. 灵活运用句型: There werent any buses. We lived in a small house.There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house.教具: 单词卡片,教学挂图,录音机教学程序:一.板题示标T: Today we are going to learn Module 1 Unit 1 We lived in a small house . First , lets look at the learning aims.二.课前热身Talking about: holiday and changing of you.三.课。

16、五年级下册英语语法知识汇总五年级下册英语语法知识汇总 (一)(一)祈使句祈使句 1. 含义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等。 2. 肯定的祈使句结构 (1)be+形容词/名词:Be quiet.请安静。 (2)实意动词原形 + 其他:Come on! 加油! (2)let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其他: Lets go to school! 让我们去学校吧。 3. 否定句的祈使句的结构。

17、Unit2 The United Kingdom一. 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Keeping a Diary in EnglishOur teacher asks us to keep a diary in English. I 1 doing so because I think keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to 2 our English writing ability.Compared with 3 forms of writing, it is shorter and 4 less time. It can help us to 5 the habit of thinking in English. 6 we persist in(坚持) this practice, g。

18、函数 y+lnx 的定义域为( ) Ax|0x1 Bx|0x1 Cx|0x1 Dx|x0 3 (5 分)M|+,kZ,N|+,kZ,则有( ) AMN BMN CMN DMN 4 (5 分)函数 f(x)3x+1 的零点位于区间( ) A (0,) B (1,2) C (3,2) D (,0) 5 (5 分)设是两个不共线的向量,若,则 ( ) AA,B,C 三点共线 BA,B,D 三点共线 CA,C,D 三点共线 DB,C,D 三点共线 6 (5 分)已知 f(x)Asin(x+) (A0,0,|) ,其部分图象如图所示,则 f (x)的解析式为( ) Af(x)3sin(x+) Bf(x)3sin(x) Cf(x)3sin(x+) Df(x)3sin(x) 7 (5 分)2017 年 12 月 。

19、2用递等式计算(能简算的要简算) 3 + + () 16 + () (+) 三、解方程三、解方程 3解方程 x 2x718 2.8x+1.2x36 四、填空四、填空 48 升 毫升 5dm3 cm3 m3700dm3 毫升3 立方厘米 5在括号里填上合适的单位名称 一块橡皮的体积约是 3 一个行李箱的体积约为 30 奇思喝水杯子的容积约是 0.3 一个书柜的高约为 1.8 6下面两句话各把什么量看做“单位 1” ,在括号里写一写 第 2 页(共 26 页) 腰鼓队人数是合唱队人数的 奇思收集的邮票数比妙想少 7根据如图信息在下面的括号里写出等量关系式 8根据算式“”在长方形里画一画 9、0.45 这四个。

牛津译林版英语五年级下Unit 3《Asking the way》课件3
牛津译林版英语五年级下Unit 3《Asking the way》课件2
牛津译林版英语五年级下Unit 3《Asking the way》课件1
牛津译林版英语五年级下Unit 8《Birthdays》课件1
牛津译林版英语五年级下Unit 1《Cinderella》课件
牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit4 Cartoon time教案
牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit3 Grammar time 教案
牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit1 Fun time 教案
牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit2 Grammar time 教案
牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit1 Grammar time教案
牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit2 Cartoon time 教案
牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit1 Story time 教案
牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit2 Story time 教案
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