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    2017-2018学年高二英语北师大版必修五习题:单元卷3 Word版含答案

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    2017-2018学年高二英语北师大版必修五习题:单元卷3 Word版含答案

    1、单元质量检测( 三) Unit 15 Learning(时间:100 分钟 满分:120 分 本卷共 4 页).阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AEach day, teachers in the classroom are becoming more familiar with students who are struggling to deal with a psychological phenomenon known as failure syndrome. For these educ

    2、ators, finding ways in which to connect and educate a child suffering from failure syndrome can be challenging. Because children with failure syndrome often are convinced they can not accomplish any goals given to them, teachers have found educating these students requires a unique and creative appr

    3、oach. As an educator, if you are struggling with students who seem to be afflicted with failure syndrome, consider these guidelines to improve the overall success of all of your students.First, begin by focusing on the degree of complexity in the work given to the student. Often, students who feel t

    4、hey are a failure will commonly express confusion and disinterest when faced with overly complex tasks. The key to educating the children suffering from failure syndrome is to first raise their selfconfidence. Therefore, educators should use tasks and educational tools that are less complex.Beyond a

    5、nalysis of complexity of the academic curriculum, educators must also look at ways in which to reward and recognize a student for simply making attempts to achieve and complete assignments. Even though tasks may be wrong or complex, the child who suffers from failure syndrome must be encouraged to s

    6、imply complete any assignment without regard to correctness. In doing this, educators can provide praise and support for the simple completion of a task. Students who experience failure syndrome commonly will give up easily feeling as if they can not complete any assignment fully or accurately. If a

    7、 child gives up on a science fair project because the results did not turn out as planned, the student should be encouraged to identify where the error was made and then arrangements should be made to allow for the error to be corrected.1What is mainly talked about in the passage?AWhat is failure sy

    8、ndrome.BEducating students with failure syndrome.CThe harm of failure syndrome.DWhat kind of students usually fail.2Educating a child suffering from failure syndrome can be challenging because _.Athey have suffered too many failuresBthey dont have the ability to accomplish any goalsCthey cant get us

    9、ed to the teachers teaching methodsDthey dont believe they can accomplish any goals3What kind of work should be given to a student with failure syndrome?AWork of interest to him.BWork that is not very complex.CWork that needs special skills.DWork with high degree of complexity.4What is the most impo

    10、rtant in educating a child suffering from failure syndrome?ARaising his selfconfidence.BGiving him more freedom.CAllowing him more time to practice.DTeaching him to think differently.BTHE BRONTE FAMILYYorkshire in England was the setting for two great novels of the 19th century. These were Charlotte

    11、 Brontes Jane Eyre and Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights. The youngest sister, Anne, was also a gifted novelist, and her books have the same extraordinary quality as her sisters.Their father was Patrick Bronte, born in Ireland. He moved with his wife, Maria Bronte, and their six small children to Hawo

    12、rth in Yorkshire in 1820. Soon after, Mrs. Bronte and the two eldest children died, leaving the father to care for the remaining three girls and a boy.Charlotte was born in 1816. Emily was born in 1818 and Anne in 1820. Their brother Branwell was born in 1817. Left to themselves, the children wrote

    13、and told stories and walked over the hills. They grew up largely selfeducated. Branwell showed a great interest in drawing. The girls were determined to earn money for his art education. They took positions as teachers or taught children in their homes.As children they had all written many stories.

    14、Charlotte, as a young girl, alone wrote 22 books, each with 60 to 100 pages of small handwriting. Therefore, they turned to writing for income. By 1847, Charlotte had written The Professor; Emily, Wuthering Heights; and Anne, Agnes Grey. After much difficulty Anne and Emily found a publisher, but th

    15、ere was no interest shown in Charlottes book. (It was not published until 1859.) However, one publisher expressed an interest in seeing more of her work. Jane Eyre was already started, and she hurriedly finished it. It was accepted at once; thus each of the sisters had a book published in 1847.Jane

    16、Eyre was immediately successful; the other two, however, did not do so well. People did not like Wuthering Heights. They said it was too wild, too animallike. But gradually it came to be considered one of the finest novels in the English language. Emily lived only a short while after the publication

    17、 of the book and Anne died in 1849. Charlotte published Shirley in 1849, and Villette in 1853. In 1854 she married Arthur Bell Nicholls. But only a year later, she died of tuberculosis(肺结核)as her sisters had.5What did the Bronte sisters want to do for Branwell?AHelp him write stories.BHelp him get t

    18、rained in art.CTeach him how to draw well.DTeach him how to educate himself.6We know from the text that_.AJane Eyre was published in 1847BCharlotte Bronte wrote 22 books in allCthe Bronte sisters received a good educationDPatrick Bronte helped his daughters with their writings7Which of the following

    19、 was published after the death of its writer?AShirley . BVillette.CAgnes Grey. DThe Professor .8What do we know about the Bronte sisters from the text?ATheir novels interested few publishers.BNone of them had more than two books published.CNone of them lived longer than 40 years old.DEmily was the l

    20、east successful of the three.CWhat are the qualities of a good journalist? Heres what I have found.First, a good journalist should be alert (警觉的). If youre not, how can you find news? You should always stay alert. Only in this way can you find valuable news. Dont think you can just sit in the office

    21、 and wait for phone calls about information. It doesnt work.Second, you should have an inquiring mind.For example, when something happens, you should think why it happens, what consequences (后果) it will lead to, and so on. Dont just report what you see. Dig deeper to find more information.Third, a g

    22、ood journalist should be quick. It means you should report quickly what you have discovered during your missions. If you report the news too tardily,_then it is not news, right?Fourth, as a good journalist, you should be accurate. I remember that a singer was said to be in a relationship which he wa

    23、s not in a few years ago. The journalist reported it just because of a rumor. Luckily for the singer, he is a very lovable person, and the large audience of that newspaper did not believe what the report said. That happened in his case, but there are many other people who can have their entire caree

    24、rs ruined because of some bad rumors. So never report something just based on a rumor.Also, to be a good journalist, you need to be brave and willing to sacrifice. I have to tell you that the life of a journalist is not easy. Lets say your boss tells you that from the next week, you will go to a war

    25、 area and stay there to send back valuable information for two months. Would you quit and look for another job? I hope not. This is not what we want from our journalists.9According to Paragraph 2, a good journalist should _.Await for phone calls about informationBgo out and look around on the street

    26、 every dayCget valuable news from his/her colleaguesDknow it once something worth reporting happens10What does the underlined word “tardily” in Paragraph 4 mean?AFast. BLate.CLazily. DBoringly.11The singers story is mentioned to show that a good journalist should _.Abe able to find news everywhereBb

    27、e able to find exciting newsCreport news to entertain the publicDmake sure the report is correct12What is the text mainly about?AHow to report news quickly.BHow journalists usually work.CWhat makes a good journalist.DWhat makes a good news story.DThere is a paradox(悖论) improving education in America

    28、: The system is failing to prepare many kids for success, but we have spent so much on the system that isnt practical.We have a big influence on teaching and learning within our existing schools:on the playground during recess.Most elementary school headmasters will tell you that recess is the tough

    29、est time of the school day.Its when most problems happen, and too often problems from the playground come over into the classroom, creating distractions for students.Americans are usually pretty nostalgic (怀旧的) about recess, but a lot has changed since we were kids.When I was growing up in Washingto

    30、n, DC., I had the chance to play outside, every day after school, during weekends and all summer long.The older kids taught the younger kids a lot of rules from how to pick teams to how to quickly end quarrels and as the younger kids became the older kids, we passed on this culture of play to the ge

    31、neration behind us.But kids dont get to play outside and be unsupervised the way we used to.And so when kids come to school, they dont bring those skills with them.The fights and quarrels that have replaced the recess we remember can be discouraging for kids and educators.Schools generally put up wi

    32、th the problems on the playground because they dont know how to deal with them, but it turns out that rescuing recess is pretty easy.All it takes is one grownup who has a love for play and the skills in creating an environment where students can play happily.13Which of the following is the best titl

    33、e of the passage?AHow can kids enjoy their recessBWhy do kids need recessCA misunderstanding about improving educationDWays to get rid of the problems caused by students in the classroom14What do most elementary school headmasters think about the recess time?AIt will make students too excited in the

    34、 classroom.BIt will make students do damage to the playground.CIt will make teachers discover their students problems.DIt will make students pay less attention to their lessons.15In the past, the older kids _.Ahad no time to play outsideBoften got involved in quarrels with the younger kidsCcould man

    35、age the younger kids successfullyDpassed on this culture of play to their parents.任务型阅读(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The Truth about Overboiled VegetablesThe truth has finally appeared. Soggy vegetables overboiled vegetables, are good for you. This news, which is n

    36、ow official, will bring great joy to thousands of retired school chefs that fine body of men and women, whose confirmed approach to food shaped our childhoods. They boiled their lives away in kitchens. 16._ They boiled everything and they boiled it forever. It was not only in schools that the great

    37、vegetableboilers practiced their art. 17._ In some parts of England, no family was without one. The stove was controlled by a sweating mother who stuck a fork into the vegetables excessively until it met no resistance. Until last week, it was fashionable to make fun of those fine men and women. 18._

    38、 I remember switching on the television a couple of years ago and having to listen to a lecture by Delia Smith on the dangers of overcooked vegetables. She made me feel like a criminal. I am not very fond of vegetables. 19._ Soggy carrots are horrible, but at least you can force them down your throa

    39、t.Undercooked, semiraw carrots are far worse. They set your teeth on edge and are difficult to swallow. The tide of fashion has turned so decisively in favor of boiled vegetables or toasted ones that there is no point in going against it. But you cannot get soggy cabbage in a restaurant for love or

    40、money. Escoffier hints that this is not how he would cook vegetables himself. According to a Europewide study coordinated by the Institute of Food Research in Norwich, a wellcooked carrot offers more protection against heart disease and cancer than a raw one. 20_ The same is true of other vegetables

    41、. So let the nations boilers come out and do what they do best. As for the braisers, roasters, and steamers, they will just have to rethink their strategy.ASoggy peas have been replaced by toasted eggplants. BBut now science, not for the first time, has come to our rescue.CThe Army catering corps ha

    42、d some notable ones and so did British Rail.DWhen the cabbage was cooking, you could not see it for the clouds of steam.EThey had cooked all the goodness out of the vegetables or that was the usual wisdom. FBut the one thing I demand of a vegetable I am going to eat is that it should have been prope

    43、rly cooked.GIf you boil a carrot thoroughly, your body will absorb far more carotenoids, or antioxidants, which makes them so healthy. .完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Something new showed up on my fathers front porch this spring a nest.A robin (知更鸟) de

    44、cided that the top of a corner post (角柱) just under the metal roof would be the _21_ place to build her new home.Slowly she started to build it stick by stick.My father _22_ what she was doing and tossed her work back _23_ the porch, hoping that she would take the hint and choose a nearby tree _24_.

    45、The robin was _25_, however, and kept returning to rebuild her nest again and again._26_, my father gave in and let her _27_ her work.When it was done the robin laid her eggs and settled into her warm, dry, safe _28_.A few weeks later three tiny heads _29_ emerged over the corner of the nest.I had n

    46、ever seen baby birds so close up before.I watched in _30_ as the little heads tilted back and the ugly beaks stretched wide to receive the food that was _31_ into them.I knew that their mom would continue her work every day, lovingly _32_ her babies until they were grown, beautiful, and ready to _33

    47、_.Watching those baby birds made me _34_ about how so many of us huddle (蜷缩) in our own _35_ day after day waiting for the time when we will be ready to fly.So many of us look over the edge _36_ to make that first leap to live and to love.So many of us spend our hours _37_ soaring in the clouds _38_

    48、 we sit scared on a pile of sticks.We arent meant to _39_ in our nests, though. We are created to soar into the _40_ on the wings of love and joy.We just have to make that first leap.21A.last BfirstCperfect Dsecret22A.understood BnoticedCdoubted Dappreciated23A.inside Babove Con Doff24A.instead Banyway Ctherefore Dforever25A.frightened BpuzzledC


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