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    1、20192020学年度第一学期期中考试七年级英语学科满分:120分, 考试时间:100分钟 命题人:储祥兰 审核人:葛晓华第I卷(选择题,共75分)一、听力部分(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)A、听对话,选择合适的图画或答案,每段对话听两遍。( )1. What does Andy do in his free time? A B C ( )2. Whats Ann like? A B C ( )3. Where does Bobs mother work? A B C ( )4. Which sport does Andy like best? A B C ( )5. How is th

    2、e weather(天气) tomorrow? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.( )6. When was Lily born? A. On January 1st. B. On March 8th. C. On October 1st.( )7. How many Chinese students are there in Sandys class? A. 35. B. 38. C. 41.( )8. How does the girl go to school when it rains? A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus.(

    3、 )9. Where are they talking? A. In the classroom. B. In the library. C. In the bookshop.( )10. Who does the boy often play with? A. Amy. B. Kate. C. Jack. 听下面一段对话,回答11至12小题,对话听两遍。( )11. Which club is Daniel in? A. The Maths Club. B. The Football Club. C. The Reading Club.( )12. What can we know abou

    4、t Mrs. Wu? A. She is short. B. She doesnt wear glasses.C. She has long hair.B、 听第一篇短文,完成信息记录表,短文听两遍。My new schoolMy school is 13 My classroom is on the 14 floorOur library is_.( )13. A. small B. beautiful C. large( )14.A. first B. second C. third( )15. A. new but large B. old but small C. old but la

    5、rgeC、听第二篇短文,回答第16至20题,短文听两遍。( )16. What does Simon do after breakfast at the weekend? A. Play basketball. B. Water the flowers. C. Do morning exercises.( )17. How long does Simon run with his dog? A. For an hour. B. For two hours. C. For three hours.( )18. What does Simon do in the afternoon at the

    6、weekend? A. Chat with his friends. B. Go shopping. C. Read comic books.( )19. What time does Simon go to bed at the weekend? A. At 10 p.m. B. At 9 p.m. C. At 8 p.m.( )20. Which sentence is RIGHT about Simon? A. He often gets up late at the weekend. B. He doesnt have a garden in his house. C. He does

    7、nt enjoy his weekends.二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。( ) 21. Swimming is_ fun in_ summer.A. a; B. ;a C. the; the D.;( )22.Everyone in my class _ flying kites in their free time.A. like B. likes C. like to D. likes to( ) 23. -Please open the door, Mike. -_? I cant hear you. A

    8、. WhatB. Pardon C. ReallyD. All right( ) 24.The shop near our school_ at eight in the morning and it_for twelve hours a dayAis open; opens Bopens; is openCis opening; is open Dopens; is opening( )25 Our teacher has many English books. We often_ books_ him.lend; toB. lend; from C. borrow; to D. borro

    9、w; from ( ) 26. Kitty does not like football, so she _ plays it. A. alwaysB. usuallyC. oftenD. seldom ( ) 27. How often do you go on a picnic? _. A. About twice a month.B. About two days. C. About three times.D. About half an hour.( )28.- How much do you know about Mrs Gao?- Mrs Gao is kind and teac

    10、hes _ English.A. they B. them C. their D. theirs( )29.-How long does it takes him _home from school? About fifteen minutes.A. walking B. to walk C. to walk to D. walks( )30.Linda is very _at singing and she sings very_. A. good; good B. good; well C. well; good D. well; well( )31.- Look! How nice my

    11、 new iPad(平板) is! - Woo! Where can you buy_? I want to buy_, too.A. one; one B. it; it C. it; one D. one; it( )32.The boy _me is very tall, so I cant see the blackboard clearly.A. behind B. next to C. in front of D. in the front of( )33.I usually get up at seven oclock _every Sunday morning.A. at B.

    12、 in C. on D. ( )34.一_he free at the weekend? 一I am afraid not. He has lots of homework to do.A. Is B. Are C. Does D. Do( )35.一Jane,your new skirt looks very nice on you!_. I like it very much.A. You are welcome B. Thanks a lot C.I dont think so D. Dont say that三、完型填空(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题

    13、的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Hello, I am Jack. Im the leader(队长) of a sports team. The team 36 are my father , my mother , my brother 37 my sister .My father is a famous 38 player in our city. He has a lot of fans(迷). He plays in the national(国家的) team and he will 39 in the World Cup. My mother ha

    14、s a 40 habit(习惯). She gets up early in the morning. She jogs(慢跑) in a park. She also 41 doing yoga (瑜伽) in the evening. She is a happy mum. We love her very much.My brother likes table tennis. 42 plays it with his friends on Saturday or Sunday afternoon.My sister 43 to school every morning to keep f

    15、it. She is a dancer. Running helps her dance well.Like my 44 , I love football, too. I am 45 the Football Club of my school.I love my familysuch a sports family.( ) 36. A. jobsB. members C. numbersD. tests( ) 37. A. orB. and C. but D. so( ) 38. A. basketballB. footballC. tennis D. piano( ) 39. A. pl

    16、ayB. stopC. lendD. use( ) 40. A. good B. badC. beautiful D. young( )41. A. watches B. worksC. makesD. enjoys( ) 42. A. She B. TheyC. HeD. It( ) 43. A. walksB. runsC. jumps D. rides( ) 44. A. fatherB. motherC. brother D. sister( ) 45. A. atB. inC. ofD. behind四、阅读理解 30A、阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案

    17、。(每小题2分,计30分) ( A )What are this months activities in Daisys school? Look at this.Art festival Date: May 8th Time: 8:00-18:00 Place: school hall(礼堂) Tel: 302-1866Football game Date: May 18th Time: 9:00-11:00 Place: football court (球场) Tel: 386-5626School campDate: May 28thTime: 7:00-16:00Place: Cent

    18、ral ParkTel: 836-9846English partyDate: May 31stTime: 18:00-21:00Place: school hallTel: 587-3686( )46 When is the English party?A. On May 8th. B. On May 18th C. On May 28th D. On May 31st( 47 Jim wants to know about the art festival. He can call_.A.302-1866 B.587-3686 C.386-5626 D.836-9846( 48. How

    19、long is the football game?A. 1.5 hours. B. 2 hours C 3 hours D. 4 hours( )49 Where is the school camp?A In Central Park B.In the music hall C.On football court. D. In the school hall( )50. What is the last activity in this month?A.The football game B.The art festival C.The English party D.The school

    20、 camp (B)Dicks grandmother is very rich. She has many shops. The old woman begins to learn drawing when she is sixty years old. And she loves it very much. She draws a lot of pictures for twelve years.One day, the old woman is ill. She stays in hospital. Before she dies(死), she says to Dick,“I want

    21、to give my pictures to a school. Then the students will remember(记得)me . But I dont know which school Ill give them to. Can you help me?” “Well”,says Dick, “You can give them to a blind (盲人) school!”( )51. Dicks grandmother_.A. has a lot of money B. is poor C. is a painter D. is a teacher( )52. Dick

    22、s grandmother likes _ pictures.A. buying B. selling C.drawing D. teaching how to draw( )53. How old is the old woman when she dies?A. Sixty. B. Sixty-two C. Seventy D. Seventy-two( )54. Why does the old woman give her pictures to a school? Because _.A. she loves children B. she loves schoolC. she wa

    23、nts the students to remember her D. she doesnt like the pictures any more( )55. Dick thinks the pictures are_.A. bad B. good C. beautiful D. cheapCI seethenursery(苗圃). It islikeaseaofgreen.Therearelotsof treesandabigvegetablegarden. I walkinside thegate. Itisquiethere, anditsmellssogood.Avoicesays,

    24、“Welcome!I seeyouat schooltoday.”I turnaroundto seethewoman. Shecomestotalktomyclasstoday.“Welcome,”shesays, holdsout(伸出) herhand, “Iam Makena.”“ImKemzie,” I say.At thebackofthenursery , peopleareputtingsmalltreesintobags. Oneofthemismy friend, Anne. Wehelpputthetreesonthebackof a truck.Makenacomesa

    25、ndgivesussomedrinksandbananas. Wesitdown.“WhenI firstcomehere, saysMakena, “thereisnothing, justdirt(泥土). Wemakeadam (大坝) and theres alot of water now, then we makeasmallnursery andgrowourfirsttrees.”Makenasaysagain. Yearsago, thiscountryisverygreen.Butpeoplestarttocutdown treestomakewayforfarms, an

    26、dsoonitbecomesadry, dusty(有灰尘的)place, Peopledont understandhowmuchweneedthetrees.56. Whocomesto talktoKemziesclassthatday?A. Makena B. Kemzie. C. Anne. D. Grandma.57. What is Anne doing at the back of the nursery?A. Sheiswateringthetrees.B. Sheisplantingtees.C. She isputting smalltreesinto bags.D. S

    27、heiseatingbananas.58. WhatdoesMakenagiveus?A. Somemilkandbananas.B. Somedrinksandcakes.C. Somemilkandcakes.D. Somedrinksandbananas.59. Whydopeoplecutdowntrees?A. Toplantmoretrees. B. To makeway for farms.C.Tomakemoney.D.Tomakeadam.60.Whatcanbethebesttitleforthepassage?A. Welcometothedam.B. Howtomake

    28、anursery?C. Welcometothenursery.D. Howtomakeadam?第卷(非选择题,共45分)四、 B. 任务型阅读(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)Dear Nancy,I am happy to tell you about my school and my life. Every day my father drives me to school. My school is very big and beautiful. I like my school very much. The desks and chairs are new. There are

    29、lots of pictures on the walls. You can also see some flowers on the teachers desk. We clean the classroom every day.I dont go to school on Saturday or Sunday. I get up at six on Saturday. I play basketball with my father in the park near my home for half an hour. Then I eat my breakfast. I help my m

    30、other water the trees and flowers in the garden. At eight, I begin to do my homework. My parents and I have lunch in the KFC. In the afternoon, I have Art lessons. Sometimes I play computer games or chat(聊天)with my friends on the Internet in the evening.I like my weekend very much.Yours, TomWho is t

    31、he letter from?Its from 61 .What does the letter mainly(主要)talk about?It talks about his 62 and his 63 .He goes to school 64 days a week and he goes to school by 65 with his father every day.What is his school like?Its big and 66 .What does he usually do on weekends?He often 67 basketball with his f

    32、ather and helps his mother water the trees and flowers in the 68 .When does he do his homework on Saturday?He does his homework at 69 .How can he chat with his friends?He can chat with his friends on the 70 .61. _62. _ 63. _64. _65. _66._67._68. _69. _70. _C. 阅读与回答问题。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)每题答案不超过5词。One d

    33、ay, a tiger catches(抓住)a fox(狐狸)in the forestBefore the tiger can eat him up,the fox cries out,“You cant eat meDont you know that Im king(王)of the forestIf you eat me up,all the other animals in the forest will be angry(生气)with you”The tiger doesnt believe(相信)him“How can such a small animal be king

    34、of the forest? He asks himself“If you dont believe me,”the fox says,“then take a walk with me in the forestYou can see for yourself whether(是否)they are afraid(害怕)of me”The tiger thinks it is a good idea,so the fox walks in front and the tiger goes behindWhen the other animals see the tiger coming,th

    35、ey run away fast.“See for yourself,Mr. Tiger,” he calls out quickly“All the animals are afraid of me”“Yes,yes,”the tiger says“You are quite rightHe then lets the fox go71 What does a tiger catch one day?72 What do the other animals do when they see the tiger coming?73Are the other animals afraid of

    36、the tiger or the fox?74 Does the tiger eat the fox at last(最后)?75 .What do you think of(认为)the fox?五、词汇(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)A根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。76. Look! The singers over there are my_(偶像)77. What_ (其他)can you see in the picture?78. My mum often _(购物) on Sunday.79. Yancheng is a _(现代的)city and people t

    37、here are very kind.80. On Friday afternoon, I often practise _(play) badminton with my brother.B根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。In the m_81_, Zack gets up. He looks at the c_82_. It is already eight oclock. He is going to be l _83_for school.!Zack quickly p_84_on his clothes and runs into the dining roo

    38、m. His mother is sitting at the table and l_85 _to the radio. “Mom, why dont you w_86_ me up?” Zack asks. “ Im going to be late for school.” Mom smiles,Look outside, Zack,” she says.Zack walks to the w_87_. His e_88 _ get big -everything outside is w_89_! Everything is under the snow. It is quiet an

    39、d beautiful!Mom says , “It is the biggest snow in 30 years. The radio says all schools are closed.” Zack says,”Oh, mom, I need to go to the bird feeder in the backyard. I dont know how birds can make it o_90 _ such a snowy day. 81_ 82_ 83_84_85_ 86_87_88_89_90_六、书面表达(10分)最近,学校的微信公众号平台举办了一场英语征文大赛,请同学们畅谈丰富多彩的校园生活。请根据以下提示,以“My School Life”为题写一篇英语短文参加此次大赛。提示:1、7点上学,7:30上课。最喜欢的学科是数学,很擅长。 2、同学和老师对我很好,课后经常和同学聊天或和他们去操场玩。有一个读书俱乐部,经常在星期三去那儿看书。喜欢绘画,星期五下午和朋友一起练习画画。 3、在学校总是很快乐。要求:1. 字迹工整美观,语言规范,标点符号正确; 2. 所有提示内容都要用上,可以适当增加信息。 3. 字数80词左右。My School Life_


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