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    2019-2020学年牛津英语9A Unit2 colours单元检测试题(含答案)

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    2019-2020学年牛津英语9A Unit2 colours单元检测试题(含答案)

    1、牛津英语9A Unit2 colours单元检测试题一、选择题1. Mum, there _something wrong with my watch. I want to buy a new _. A. are; one B. is; one C. is; it D. are; it2. He _his favourite umbrella, so he is _. A. loss; in bad mood B. lost; in a bad mood C. loses; in a bad mood D. lost; in bad mood3. What you read _ your th

    2、inking and exercise has _influence on your health. A. influence; an B. influences; an C. influences; a D. influence; a4. Her heart is full of _and often looks at us _. A. sadness; sad B. sad; sadly C. sadness; sadly D. sadness; sad5. _we will go to the park is up to your brother, so he should _us ab

    3、out it at once. A. If; tell B. whether; tell C. If; say D. whether; talk6. After walking in the countryside, we always have a wonderful _of _. A. feel; peace B. feeling; peaceful C. feel; peacefully D. feeling; peace7. Do you know _ she _for the iPad last week?A. how many; spent B. How much; paid C.

    4、 how many; cost D. how much; spent8. It _ courage and _ to climb up the high mountain. A. takes; strong B. cost; strength C. spend; strong D. takes; strength9. I am _. I prefer _at home to going out for a walk. A. sleepy; sleeping B. sleepy; to sleep C. asleep; slept D. asleep; sleep10. They all mad

    5、e a decision _ the task instead of _. A. accept; giving up it B. to accept; giving it up C. to accept; giving up it D. accept; giving it up11. When Janet saw him, she suggested _the street to _side. A. crossing; another B. across; other C. crossing; the other D. across; others12. He promised _me a b

    6、irthday present but he didnt _his promise. A. buy; keep B. to buy; keep C. buying; break D. to buy; break13. There is _milk in the cup . Its _hot. A. a little; a bit B. a bit; a little C. a little bit; a bit D. a bit of; a bit of14. We would rather _at home than go out _the heavy rain. A. to stay; b

    7、ecause B. stay; because C. to stay; because of D. stay; because of15. -Would you mind _ me with my English?-_. A. helping; Of course not B. to help; of course C. helping; certainly D. to help; certainly not二、完形填空Most people have a favorite colour, but how people feel about colours _1_ their culture.

    8、 This can be very important to people in_ 2 _that sell products all over the world. They might choose a colour _ 3_they think it is exciting or attractive, but in another country that same colour could be used to give a sad _4_. Look at these examples:If you ask someone in Britain_5_ the right colou

    9、r is for a bride to wear, the answer will be white. In China and_6_ eastern countries, brides often wear red because the colour red is a sign of good luck, happiness and prosperity(繁荣). Red is an_ 7_ colour for a British bride to wear. In Britain, red is used_8_a sign of danger. Road signs and warni

    10、ng labels are often in red. In eastern cultures , the colour red does not mean you , _9_ be careful. In Egypt, yellow is the colour linked to death. In Britain and other western cultures death and funerals( 赞礼)are_ 10_linked to the colour black, but in many eastern countries white is the colour most

    11、 people_ 11_ death and funerals. In Britain , green is used in traffic signals to_ 12_people that it is safe to go. Green is often seen as a positive and lucky colour but _13 _green at weddings is unlucky. In some cultures green is linked to cheating or jealousy. Many people like the colour orange b

    12、ecause it is bright_14_ exciting. Some advertisers will not use orange in their advertisements because they believe it_15_that the products are cheap and perhaps not of good quality. In Britain the most popular colour is blue. What do you think is the most popular colour in China?11. A. carries on B

    13、. gets on C. puts on D. depends on12. A. sciences B. business C. arts D. sports13. A. until B. while C. because D. when14. A. message B. challenge C. decision D. information15. A. whether B. why C. how D. what16. A. another B. other C. the other D. others17. A. unusual B. unable C. unhealthy D. unre

    14、al18. A. for B. by C. with D. as19. A. prefer to B. used to C. have to D. happen to20. A. seldom B. never C. always D. usually21. A. do with B. connect with C. agree with D. catch up with22. A. tell B. talk C. say D. speak23. A. dressing B. putting on C. wearing D. accepting24. A. and B. but C. or D

    15、. so25. A. advises B. reminds C. explains D. suggests三、阅读理解 A To find out whether bee can see colours, the following experiment is made. A round table is put in a garden, and on the table is a piece of blue card with a drop of syrup( 糖浆 )on it. After a short time, bees come to the syrup. The bees th

    16、en fly to their hive (蜂房) and give the information of the syrup to other bees in the hive. Then they return to the feeding place which they have found. After a while, the blue card with the syrup on it is taken away. Instead of this blue card, another blue card is now put on the left side of the fir

    17、st feeding place and a red card is put on its right. These new cards have no syrup on them. Very soon bees arrive again, and fly straight to the blue card. None go to the red card. 1. How many cards do you need to prepare for the experiment?A. Two: one blue and one red. B. Three: two blue and one re

    18、d. C. Three: one blue and two red. D. Four: two blue and two red. 2. Where is the round table put?A. On the playground. B. In the garden. C. In the park. D. In the street. 3. During Step2 of the experiment, the bees go to_. A. the blue card with syrup on it B. the new blue card with no syrup on itC.

    19、 the empty space where the original(原先的) blue card wasD. the new blue card with syrup on it on the left of the red card4. The experiment has proved(证明)that bees_. A. cannot see colours B. can see colours C. cannot see blue D. cannot see red5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    20、A. Bees Love Blue B. Bees Love SyrupC. Bees, Colours and Syrup D. Can Bees See Colours BThe choice of colours for a rooms walls and ceiling( 天花板) can help you decide whether your design is successful or not. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when planning your homes colours. Bright colours, like b

    21、lue , yellow and orange, provide an expansive (膨胀的) feeling. These are friendly and happy colours. They can encourage communication and are especially welcome in the dining room and kitchen. Dark colours, such as red and purple, have a constricting (收缩的) and gloomy effect. But when they are used in

    22、the right place, they can help create a safe and comfortable feeling. Warm colours, orange and yellow, for example, raise the temperature of a room. For that reason, theyre best used in rooms that face north. Warm colours are also active colours, so youd better not use them in rooms for relaxation,

    23、like the bedroom. Cold colours, such as icy blue and green, have a calming effect. They are especially suitable for bedrooms. They help you fall asleep easily in the evening and become energetic when you get up the next morning. Navy blue can make people unwilling to communicate, S0 do not use it in

    24、 the living room or the dining room. Red raises the energy level of a room, but it may also make people get angry more easily. Therefore, its not suitable for a childs room. Grey should not be used in the dining room or kitchen if you want to enjoy your meals. 1. What does the underlined word a “glo

    25、omy” mean in Chinese?A. 忧郁的 B. 乐观的 C. 舒适的 D. 积极的2. _can make us feel safe and comfortable when they are used in a correct way. A. Bright colours B. Dark colours C. Warm colours D. Cold colours3. _can help people keep silent according to the passage?A. Yellow B. Purple C. Red D. Navy blue4. Which of

    26、the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Bright colours are happy and friendly colours. B. Purple sometimes has a gloomy effect. C. A childs room should be painted red. D. Grey is not suitable for dining rooms. 35. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. How to choose colours when de

    27、signing rooms. B. Different colours have different meanings. C. Colours are important in our lives. D. Colours influence our moods. CTheres much to see under the sea, but you need 10remember that light behaves differently in water than in air. The objects appear closer to you than they exactly are.

    28、You might find yourself reaching out to touch something and completely missing it. Objects under water will appear larger than they would on the surface, too. Be careful not to tell any stories about the big fish that got away. That fish might not be so big after all! Its just because sometimes thin

    29、gs can seem to be as much as about 33 percent bigger in water!Whats more, in deeper water, colors just dont , seem as bight . In fact it looks as if some colors are miss in. Remember the color of an object results from the wavelength(波长)of light that are reflected(反射) from its surface. And light is

    30、taken in as it moves down through the water. Swimmers wear wet suits to keep warm underwater. Lets take a bright red , yellow and blue wet suit as an example. These colors are hard to miss on the surface of water. Watch carefully the changes in color as you descend in the water. The red part now loo

    31、ks almost black because the red light wavelengths , the longest among these three colors, are missing. As you go down deeper, the same thing will happen to the yellow part and in the end to the blue . part. Even at a place of about 6to 9meters underwater, you will look terrible like a ghost! And you

    32、 have to wait for your return to the surface to enjoy the bright colors again!26. Youmisstheobjectunderwaterwhenyouwanttotouchitbecause_. A. youreyesightisquitepoor B. youarenot quickenough C. itisnotascloseasitseems D. itdisappearsveryquickly27. Theexampleofthewetsuitisusedtoexplainthechange of_ofa

    33、nobjectunderwater. A. thesize B. thecolor Ctheposition D. the weight28. The underlined word _in Chinese in this passage. A. 上升 B. 漂浮 C. 屏息 D. 下潜29. Which of the following is true?A. A four-meter-long fish looks three meters long underwater. B. The wavelengths of red light are longer than those of bl

    34、ue light. C. Much water will be taken in by the swimmer deep in the water. D. You will see a ghost if you go as deep as 6 to 9mete into the sea. 30. The best title of this passage is _.A. The Standard of Color Underwater B. The Direction of Light UnderwaterC. The Brightness of Color Underwater D. Th

    35、e Behavior of Light Underwater四、词汇A. 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词1. He has _(从事) as a doctor for three years. 2. Nancy has a close_(关系) with her twin sister. 3. We must find the lost boy as soon as possible, _(否则) he will be in danger. 4. Youd better make a_(决定) as soon as possible. 5. Students should have a small

    36、 English dictionary for_(日常的) use. B. 所给词正确形式填空1. My father suggested _ _(go) out for a walk after supper. 2. When the Nazis came, she went into _(hide) in a secret place in her fathers office. 3. -Will the president attend the meeting?-Well, that_( depend). He may not have the time. 4. Today were g

    37、oing to practise_ (park). 5. Do you still have difficulty _(solve) this problem?五、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 如果你不能决定,他的建议可能对你有很大的 帮助。If you cant decide, his advice may be _to you. 2. 白色和黑色是十分不同的颜色,却是很好的搭配。White and black are very different colours, but they are_. 3. -你认为蓝色适合于卧室吗?-当然 ,不过这取决于个 人品位。一Do you think blu

    38、e bedroom?- Certainly, but it _ personal taste. 4. 这台新电脑不工作了。我想知道是否能把我的钱拿回来。The new computer doesnt work. I wonder if I can_5. 这个三岁的男孩总是毫不费力地表达自己的意思。The three-year-old boy always _himself. 六、任务型阅读When I was 15 months old, I had a bad fall. I landed on a glass rabbit and it cut my eye badly enough to

    39、 blind it. The doctor said if the eye was taken out, my face would become out of shape, so my scarred (有疤痕的), blind and grey eyes lived on with me.Not all people were friendly to me. Some asked uncomfortable questions about my eye or even played jokes on me. When the kids played games, I was always

    40、the “bad guy”. I grew up imagining (想象) that everyone looked down on me.Yet every time Mum noticed I was unhappy, she would say to me, “The world inside you is always colourful. Hold your head up high and face the world.” It helped me move on in life.As a teenager, I always looked down to hide my sh

    41、ame(羞愧), but I found that people liked me when I held my head up high. In high school I was even made monitor, but outside I still felt like a freak(怪物). All I really wanted was to look like other people. When things got really bad, I would cry to my mum and she would look at me with loving eyes and

    42、 say, “Hold your head up high and face the world. Let them see the love that is inside.” Mums love and encouragement gave me the confidence to remove my own doubt (怀疑). Finally I was able to face everything bravely. I learned not only to appreciate (欣赏) myself but to have love for others.“Hold your

    43、head up high” has been heard many times in my home. Each of my children has felt its power. It lives on with my children.Hold your head up highMy problemI got (1) because of a bad fall. People were sometimes (2) to me. They asked uncomfortable questions and played jokes on me. I was looked (3) on.I

    44、wanted to be like everyone (4) .Mums love and (5) She told me the world (6) me was colourful and that I should hold my head up high.My feelingsThese words gave me confidence and made me (7) enough to face everything. I learnt to appreciate (8) and love others.The (9) on my children“Hold your head up high” has brought (10) to my children. 七、短文填空 Whats your f_1_ colour? Do you like yellow, orange or red? If you do, you must be a person full of hope and h_2_ feelings about life. If you lo


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