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    1、2018-2019学年江苏省南京市秦淮区郑和外校九年级上学期10月月考英语试卷分析一、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)1.Mike is _tall_strong, but he scores many points for his team.A.not only; but also B.either; or C.neither; nor D.both; and【参考答案】C 【考查内容】 考察连词搭配【难度等级】 易【思路解析】根据后半句的but可知前后文为转折,所以选C。 2. Do you know who the _ Executive Officer of Microsoft is

    2、now?-Yes.Its Satya Nadella.A.Main B.Chief C.Big D.Master【参考答案】B 【考查内容】 考察固定搭配【难度等级】 易【思路解析】CEO为Chief Executive Officer的缩写。3. Mr Yang is a hard-working teacher. He devotes most of his time _ and helping his students.A.teach B.to teach C.teaching D.to teaching【参考答案】D 【考查内容】 考察固定搭配【难度等级】 易【思路解析】devote

    3、. to doing sth。 4. Betty wears her glasses all the time.Without her glasses, she is _ blind.A.as long as B.as well as C.as bad as D.as good as【参考答案】D 【考查内容】 考察词组辨析【难度等级】 易【思路解析】as long as表示“只要”, as well as表示“和一样好;和,又”,as bad as表示“和一样差”,as good as表示“和一样好;简直” 5. He left the classroom without _ a word

    4、to us just now.A.saying B.speaking C.say D.speak【参考答案】A 【考查内容】 考察介词+动名词【难度等级】 易【思路解析】without为介词,后跟动词ing形式。Say a word. 6. -_ do you like_, the blue shirt or the orange shirt?-The blue shirt.Blue is my favourite.A.What colour, better B.Which one;better C.What;best D.Which one;best 【参考答案】B 【考查内容】 考察句型【

    5、难度等级】 易【思路解析】根据后文的选择可知用which,在两个当中作比较用better。7. -Im wondering if you _ to my party tomorrow evening.I will surely attend your party if 1_ free then.A.will comes; am B.comes; will be C.will come; will be D.come; am【参考答案】A 【考查内容】 考察if的条件状语从句和宾语从句【难度等级】 较难【思路解析】问句问宾语从句,用相应的时态,答句为时间状语从句,使用主将从现原则。 8. -Do

    6、nt forget _ the letter on your way home. OK,1 _. A.to send; will B.sending; will C.to send; wont D.sending; wont【参考答案】C 【考查内容】 考察句型【难度等级】 易【思路解析】forget to do sth忘记要去做某事。 9. Its terrible for him _all day long.A.not to speak B.not speak C.without speaking D.not speaking【参考答案】A 【考查内容】 考察句型【难度等级】 易【思路解析

    7、】its +adj+for sb to do sth。 10. Little Cai Qi impressed _ country _ her ability to dance.A. all the:by B.the all; with C.whole the,by D.the whole,with.【参考答案】D 【考查内容】 考察impress句型【难度等级】 易【思路解析】impress sb with sth 11. The high-speed railway _ Shanghai _Nanjing makes our travel much quicker.A.connects ;

    8、to B.connecting; to C.connects; from D.connecting; from【参考答案】B 【考查内容】 考察固定搭配和句型【难度等级】 易【思路解析】connect.with/to.,第一个空省略了which is。 12. .-Could you tell me _this Friday?-It depends. If its rainy, it will be put of until next week.A. if the sports meeting would be heldB. that the sports meting will be hel

    9、dC. if the sports meeting will be heldD. where the sports meeting will be held【参考答案】C 【考查内容】 考察宾语从句【难度等级】 较难【思路解析】宾语从句遵从两大原则:1、陈述句语序;2、时态不由主句决定。 13. .-Could you please tell me_? -Sure.A. Whether is the red blouse match my trousers B.if the river is badly pollutedC.that we will visit the Great Wall D

    10、. when is Mid-autumn Festival【参考答案】B 【考查内容】 考察宾语从句【难度等级】 较难【思路解析】宾语从句遵从两大原则:1、陈述句语序;2、时态不由主句决定。 14. Five years ago, Mr Lee was completely a _ in teaching English. But now,he is a model teacher.A.black sheep B.white elephant C.green eye D.green hand【参考答案】D 【考查内容】 考察俗语【难度等级】 难【思路解析】A表示黑马,B表示贵而无用的事物,C表

    11、示羡慕嫉妒,D表示生手,没有经验的人。 15.Youd better think about the difficulty you will have _the problem. It wont be as easy as it seems.A.working out B.to work out C.worked out D.to work out【参考答案】A 【考查内容】 考察固定句型【难度等级】 较难【思路解析】have difficulty doing sth,注意倒装语序不影响句型的使用。 16.She wanted to know _ her mother liked the pr

    12、esent or not.A.if B.that C.whether D.weather【参考答案】C 【考查内容】 考察宾语从句连接词选择【难度等级】 难【思路解析】whether.or not是固定搭配 17. Humans are slowly polluting the whole world and there is not enough clean air _ water. We must take action, _ things will be worse.A.and:and B.or, so C.and;or D.or;and【参考答案】C 【考查内容】 考察连词【难度等级】

    13、 易【思路解析】根据句意进行判断 18. -What about playing football this afternoon, Sam?I would rather _at home than _ football. Its too hot outside.A.stay;play B.stay;playing C.to stay;to play D.to stay;play【参考答案】A 【考查内容】 考察句型【难度等级】 易【思路解析】would rather do sth than do sth 19. Blue is one of calm colours. _calm colour

    14、 that can make people feel calm and peaceful is white.A.Other B.Another C.The other D.Others【参考答案】C 【考查内容】 考察搭配【难度等级】 易【思路解析】一个另一个用one. the other表示。 20. I doubt _ Sam will be the new chairperson of the Students Union. I dont think hed beable to organize things well.A.that B.what C.which D.whether【参考

    15、答案】D 【考查内容】 考察宾语从句连接词选择【难度等级】 易【思路解析】doubt为“怀疑,不确定”,连接词用if/whether 21. -Sir, how much is this blue T-shit _? -150 yuan.A.cost B.worth C.pay D.spend【参考答案】B 【考查内容】 考察动词搭配【难度等级】 难【思路解析】be worth表示“值”,其他选项动词都由助动词搭配。 22. Mum, I want to have a party and invite some friends to our home for fun.OK._ how much

    16、 money you need for the party and then tell me about it.A.Hand out B.Work out C.Put out D.Come out【参考答案】B 【考查内容】 考察动词短语搭配【难度等级】 易【思路解析】根据句意可知为“算出多少钱”。 23. What do you think of Jack Mas speech? -its worth _.A.listening B.to listen C.to listen to D.listening to【参考答案】D 【考查内容】 考察固定句型【难度等级】 易【思路解析】be wor

    17、th doing sth. 24. _ sleep does a student have every night? -About eight or nine hours.A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How much【参考答案】D 【考查内容】 考察固定短语搭配【难度等级】 易【思路解析】How much sleep为多少睡眠 25. Dad,can you tell me _ in on hundred years?-Sorry, thats too difficult to imagine. The world is changing so fa

    18、st!A.what life is like B.what life will likeC.what will life be like D.what life will be like【参考答案】D【考查内容】 考察句型【难度等级】 易【思路解析】be like表示“像什么样子”,又因为句子为将来时,所以选D。 26. -When l have some worries, 1just cant decide with _ I can share them.-Really? You can share them with your parents,I think.A.whether B.who

    19、m C.who D.why【参考答案】B 【考查内容】 考察连接词【难度等级】 难【思路解析】句子正常顺序为I just cant decide I can share them with whom. 27. -Mary, its not safe for a girl of your age to _ so late.-I am here Waiting for my brother,Jacky will pick me up.Thanks anyway.A.stay up B.stay out C.stay away D.stay off 【参考答案】B 【考查内容】 考察动词短语【难度等

    20、级】 易【思路解析】stay up熬夜,stay out待在户外 28 .Tom watched TV until nearly 12 oclock ,so he could not_ his lessons.A.go through B.go across C.go along D.go over【参考答案】D 【考查内容】 考察动词短语搭配【难度等级】 易【思路解析】go through经历,通过;go across通过;go along沿着;go over复习 29. He wonders _.A.who he can get on with his classmatesB.how he

    21、 do withC.Whats wrong with his mobile phonesD.why dont they agree with him【参考答案】C 【考查内容】 考察宾语从句【难度等级】 难【思路解析】A选项连接词有误;B选项动词有误;D选项语序有误。 30. 1 know the name of the pretty girl, but l am not sure _.A.how old is he B.where does she come from C. where she lives D.how tall is she【参考答案】C 【考查内容】 考察宾语从句【难度等级

    22、】 易【思路解析】ABD选项语序有误 31.-When did you realize your pet dog was not with you? -_ I arrived home.A. Until B. Not until C. Since D. While【参考答案】B 【考查内容】 考察时间状语从句引导词【难度等级】 难【思路解析】A直到.为止,B直到.才,C自从,D当.时 32. -When will you play badminton with me, Mum?-As soon as my housework _.A. is finished B. will be finish

    23、ed C. finishes D. will finish【参考答案】A 【考查内容】 考察时间状语从句【难度等级】 难【思路解析】 as soon as后为从句,使用主将从现原则,又因为为被动,所以选A。 33. Tom is a _person.He thinks no one can be successful without _.A.hard-working;hard workB.hard-working; work hardC.working-hard; hard workD.working-hard; work hard【参考答案】A 【考查内容】 考察短语辨析【难度等级】 难【思

    24、路解析】hard-working为形容词,意为努力的;hard work表示艰苦的工作。 34.-Do you know _Steven Curry is shorter than lanes?Yes Curry is about 10 cm shorter.A.how soon B.how long C. how much D. how many【参考答案C】 【考查内容】 考察短语搭配【难度等级】 易【思路解析】根据句意 35. -Did you have the chance to interview the football star after the match?No. He le

    25、ft the stadium(体育场)_ I could get in a word.A.while B. after C. until D. before【参考答案】D 【考查内容】 考察连词【难度等级】 易【思路解析】参考句意 二、根据中文提示写单词(每题1分)36. We saw nothing_(除了) a small ball on the playground.Key: except解析:根据句意可得。37. How many ways of making salads are _ (提及)in the book?Key: mentioned解析:根据句意可知用被动。38 Youd

    26、 better find another way of _(解决)this problem.Key: solving解析:根据介词后用doing形式。39. The new teaching _(方法) are defy used in our schoolKey: method解析:根据句意可得。40. One of the _ (原因)of the traffic accident was the carelessness of the driver.Key: reasons解析:根据one of +名词复数。41. Thank you for your _(建议). Theyre ver

    27、y useful to me.Key: advice解析:advice不可数。42. She _ (怀疑)if the news was true, but she said nothing.Key: doubted解析:根据文中过去时。 43 Our maths teacher never smiles and he is the _(严厉)of all the teachers.Key: strictest解析:句意可知用最高级。 44. His mother gol even _(发疯的) after his fathers death.Key: madder解析:句意可知用比较级。 4

    28、5, In her diary, Anne wrote down her _(想法), her feelings and her dreams for the futureKey: thought解析:句意可知用名词。46. I want to know something about the _(古代的)Olympics.Key: ancient解析:句意可知用形容词。47. Dinosaurs first _(出现)about 230 million years ago.Key: appeared解析:用一般过去时。48. These pupils will be Young _(先锋)o

    29、n Childrens Day this year.Key: pioneers解析:注意用复数形式。49. Taking care of a pet dog _(需要)a lot of care and attention.Key: needs解析:现在分词做主语。50. Planning is part of being organized. _( 日历) and lists can help you planKey: Calendars解析:日历可数。51. The workers good service has won high _ (赞扬) from all the guests.K

    30、ey: praise解析:固定表达。52.It is not easy for us to learn English _(语法) well without hard work.Key: grammar解析:句意可知。53. I _ (建议)Tom to take more exercise, but he disagreed.Key: adviced解析:注意时态。54. Its said that _(德国人) do everything carefullyKey: Germans解析:注意复数形式。55.She was so excited because she _(成功) in pa

    31、ssing the driving test.Key: successed解析:注意时态。3、 适当形式填空56. Whats your _ (decide), Jack? I will stay there for another two days.Key: decision解析:考察名词的词性。这边是你的决定是什么?57. Of the seven days in a week, Saturday is said to be the most popular _ (choose) for a wedding for some countries.Key: chosen解析:这边已经出现了动

    32、词is, 所以动词choose应该是非谓语的状态,有又考察了被动。所以是chosen58. Jack went out for a picnic by bike, but _(lucky), his bike broke down on the way.Key: unluckily解析:根据句子意思,是不幸地而且是副词。59. have you heard of the big fire in Star Factory? Yes, it was caused by a workers _ (careless).Key: carelessness解析:考察词性名词。60. Do you know

    33、 which is the longest high-speed railway in the world? Yes, the high-speed railway _ (connect) Beijing to Guangzhou.Key: connecting解析:书上原句,省略了谓语动词 is the longest high-speed railway .61. Please pay attention to _ (listen) to the teacher carefully.Key: listening 解析:固定搭配pay attention to doing sth.62. I

    34、t was late into night so the boy _(prefer) to stay at home and watched TV instead of working out.Key: preferred解析考察prefer的过去式需要双写。63. _ (give) me a call as soon as you get home, will you?Key: Give解析:考察祈使句。64. _ (travel) abroad is a good way to learn more about different cultures.Key: Travelling解析:注意

    35、好双写,动名词做主语。65. My watch doesnt work. Im afraid I have to have it _ (repair).Key: repaired解析:have something repaired使某物被修理。四、完型填空。(每题1分)Dear children,How time flies!As your teacher,Id like to talk aboutbehaving like a grown-upwith you before you leave schoolDuring our lives,we need the strength of ot

    36、her people to achieve our goals(16)_of us can make it on our ownIn an(17)_world,we would all have thoughtful,helpful people to guide us in lifeImagine having a (18)_who is devoted to keeping you healthyOr imagine having a boss who wants you to enjoy your job and make progress in your(19)_But many of

    37、 us have difficulty dealing with(打交道)grown-ups who seem(20)_in their changeable moodsIf we have immature(不成熟的)adults(21)_trustworthy adults around us,we will certainly get into real troubleWhats more,if we are always(22)_that were right all the time,while others are wrong,then we are like those imma

    38、ture adultsOur own personalities could be the(23)_A mature adult is someone who makes problems better,not worseWhen this type of people face a bad(24)_,they try to find ways to be calm and in controlThey keep practicing solving problems(25)_they become members of mature adultsMaybe youre now too you

    39、ng to behave like a mature adultWhen you run across a problem,try to stay calm and think more about before taking actions,then youre really on the way to be grown-upYours faithfully,Vivien16ANoneBMostCAnyDMany【参考答案】A【难度等级】中等【思路解析】 考查代词,根据上文During our lives,we need the strength of other people to ach

    40、ieve our goals可知在我们的生活中,我们需要其他人的力量实现我们的目标。结合题干(16)of us can make it on our own可推知我们没有人能够独立地达成目标,故填none可与of短语连用表示没有人或东西,故选A。17AancientBidealCunknownDequal【参考答案】B【难度等级】中等【思路解析】考查形容词,根据题干In an(17)world,we would all have thoughtful,helpful people to guide us in life中缺少形容词作定语修饰world,结合意思我们有考虑周到的、乐于助人的人们在

    41、生活中指导我们可推知这是一个理想的世界,故填ideal理想的,故选B。18AdirectorBteacherCpolicemanDdoctor【参考答案】D【难度等级】易【思路解析】 考查名词,根据题干Imagine having a (18)who is devoted to keeping you healthy想象一位致力于保持你的身体健康结合选项可推知医生能保持你的身体健康,故选D。19AdreamBcareerCstudyDhabit【参考答案】B【难度等级】易【思路解析】考查名词,根据题干 Or imagine having a boss who wants you to enjo

    42、y your job and make progress in your者想象有一个老板让你享受你的工作,并让你的取得进步结合选项,可推知老板能帮助你在事业上取得成功,故填career职业,事业故选B。20AtrappedBsurprisedCboredDfrightened【参考答案】A【难度等级】难【思路解析】考查形容词,根据题干But many of us have difficulty dealing with(打交道)grown-ups who seem(20)in their changeable moods中的关键词changeable moods多变的情绪可推知陷在多变的情绪里

    43、故填trpped意为陷入困境的,故选A。21Ain front ofBas well asCinstead ofDalong with【参考答案】C【难度等级】难【思路解析】考查介词短语,根据题干If we have immature(不成熟的)adults(21)Ctrustworthy adults around us,we will certainly get into real trouble中的主句意思我们肯定会遇到真正的麻烦可推知如果我们周围是不成熟的成人,而不是值得信赖的成人,我们会遇到麻烦故填instead of而不,故选C。22AreportingBguessingCthin

    44、kingDdiscussing【参考答案】C【难度等级】中等【思路解析】考查动词,根据题干Whats more,if we are always(22)Cthat were right all the time,while others are wrong,then we are like those immature adults此外,如果我们总是我们是正确的,而别人是错误的,那么我们就像那些不成熟的成人一样了可推知认为自己对,别人错是不成熟的表现,故填thinking,故选C。23AproblemBprojectCpurposeDpower【参考答案】A【难度等级】易【思路解析】考查名词,根据上文可知我们总是认为我们是正确的,而


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