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    1、1期末测试卷(B)姓名班级 得分第 I 卷(选择题 共60分)一、听力(共20分)第一部分 听对话回答问题(计10分)本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。( ) 1. Where does Kevin want to visit during this Spring Festival? A. B. C.( ) 2. What subject does Timmy like best?A. B. C.( ) 3. What is Tony

    2、 excited to see?A. B. C.( ) 4. What is David wearing?A. B. C.( ) 5. What time will the woman watch the concert?A. 9:00 to 12:30 on February 12th.B. 8:00 to 11:30 on February 12th.C. 9:00 to 12:30 on February 20th.( ) 6. What does Jason think of his school life? A. Tiring and boring. B. Exciting and

    3、colourful. C. Lively and interesting.( ) 7. What kind of movie does the man like better?A. Western films. B. Documentaries. C. Action movies.( ) 8. What are they going to do this evening?A. To go to a pop concert.B. To go to the theatre.C. To enjoy a Beijing opera on TV.2( ) 9. Why isnt Betty allowe

    4、d to drive her fathers car?A. Because she has to study for a text.B. Because she is not calm enough.C. Because she is not old enough.( ) 10. How often does Peter play basketball?A. Every day. B. Never. C. Twice a week.第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题(计10分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒

    5、钟时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。听一段对话,回答第1112小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇短文。( ) 11. When will the party be held?A. Next Sunday evening. B. This Sunday evening. C. Tomorrow evening.( ) 12. What is Jane going to take with her?A. A guitar. B. A violin. C. A camera.听第一篇短文,回答第1315小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下

    6、一篇短文。Some information about Guangming Travel OfficeNew address 68 Park Road. Near the 13 , behind the Bank of China.New telephone number Please call 14 .Business hours Be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Present If your holiday costs $350, you will get 15 .( ) 13. A. square B. park C. supermarket( )

    7、14. A. 8487669 B. 8448996 C. 8478696( ) 15. A. a free ticket B. a free bag C. a special price听第二篇短文,回答第1620小题。( ) 16. What was the man trying to take away one day?A. A camera. B. A necklace. C. A gold ring.( ) 17. Who caught the thief?A. A policeman. B. A shopper. C. The shopkeeper.( ) 18. What did

    8、the shopkeeper want to do at first?A. To call the police. B. To throw the thief out. C. To kill the thief.( ) 19. Did the thief really want to buy the necklace?A. Yes, because his wife liked it a lot.B. Yes, but he only wanted a cheaper one.C. No, he just told a lie.( ) 20. How would the shopkeeper

    9、feel when the thief asked for something cheaper?A. He would feel very angry and would like to send him to the police.B. He would feel sorry and go to get a cheaper one for him.C. He would feel worried because he didnt have anything cheaper.二、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)( ) 21. What a good youve given me! Thanks

    10、 a lot. A. information B. news C. suggestion D. advice( ) 22. Which of the two computer games do you like better?In fact, I like of them. I hardly play such games.3A. both B. either C. none D. neither( ) 23. The Reed Flute Cave is praised the Art Palace of Nature.A. as B. at C. to D. of( ) 24. I oft

    11、en mistake Alice Lily because they are twins and look the same. A. with B. for C. of D. on( ) 25. The sports meeting will be covered tonight.A. alive B. lives C. live D. lively( ) 26. My father often encourages me speaking English.A. practice B. to practice C. practices D. practicing( ) 27. Mr Zhang

    12、 devotes much of his spare time us with our English.A. to help B. helps C. help D. to helping( ) 28. The Forbidden City was a museum in 1925.A. turned to B. turned up C. turned into D. turned down( ) 29. Though I like the house very much, its price my ability to pay.A. goes beyond B. goes further C.

    13、 goes down D. goes with( ) 30. What happened to Peter? He was murder last week.A. charged of B. guilty with C. arrested with D. charged with( ) 31. You are sure to fail the exam you study hard.A. if B. unless C. since D. that( ) 32. Read it aloud the whole class can hear you clearly.A. so that B. if

    14、 C. when D. although( ) 33. Tan Dun is an excellent composer he can make music without boundaries.A. so; that B. too; to C. /; that D. such; that( ) 34. Jet Lee is a great actor is good at Chinese kung fu.来KA. what B. which C. whom D. who( ) 35. Would you like to go out for a walk with us? , but I m

    15、ust finish my homework first. A. Of course not B. Thats all right C. Id love to D. Yes, I do三、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)In April this year, lots of bags full of small change were seen at bus stops in Tianjin. They were made for passengers to 36 their notes into small change. And such a/an 37 came from four st

    16、udents from Zhongbei Middle School, Tianjin. “People will surely feel worried when taking a bus without 38 . We just want to do something to help them,” said Wang Yongcun, 15, one of the four students. The four boys spent their whole weekend 39 the change bags. After that they went to see the number

    17、 of the passengers at each bus stop near their school, and then chose the top six stops to put the bags. Many people think that the four boys have 40 done a good job. But things didnt go41 the boys thought. Two days later, they found that the money was 42 , and that even the bags were taken away. It

    18、 really made them sad but they would not 43 . Their classmates and teachers came to help them 44 . They put their pocket money in bags again and made some new bags. The four boys feel very happy because they have done something good for the 45 . Their warm hearts are moving. More and more people are

    19、 beginning to join in the activity. ( ) 36. A. change B. put C. cut D. pass4( ) 37. A. activity B. job C. idea D. suggestion( ) 38. A. money B. coins C. time D. help( ) 39. A. buying B. finding C. making D. repairing( ) 40. A. hardly B. simply C. luckily D. really( ) 41. A. because B. if C. when D.

    20、as( ) 42. A. gone B. broken C. thrown D. hung( ) 43. A. come up B. give up C. get up D. pick up( ) 44. A. on duty B. at hand C. in time D. for nothing( ) 45. A. students B. drivers C. travellers D. passengers四、阅读理解(共15分,每小题1分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMost of Australians live near the

    21、beach. In summer time, going to the beach is the first choice for them. Many families join surfing (冲浪) clubs which organize activities for children, for example, running races on the sand, walking races in the shallow water and swimming races in the sea. They get points for every event they go in.

    22、At the end of summer, everyone wins and gets awards. The best part is that they make friends and have a lot of fun. There are so many people on the beach that it is necessary to have Life Savers. These people are good swimmers and are well trained to rush into the water to help anyone in trouble.The

    23、 Life Savers check the beach every day and mark a safe area with red and yellow flags. People must swim between these flags, where the water is not moving strongly. The Life Savers are easy to see because they wear special red and yellow uniforms.Australia has the highest rate (比例) of skin cancer in

    24、 the world. To avoid getting sun burnt, you should keep the following in mind:First, wear sunglasses and a hat whenever you go out.Second, avoid the between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. when it is at its strongest. ( ) 46. Why do most Australians like going to the beach in summer according to the passage?A. B

    25、ecause its very hot in summer there.B. Because they go to the beach for free.C. Because they have nothing else to do.D. Because its fun and they dont live far away from the beach.( ) 47. What does the underlined word “shallow” mean in Paragraph 1?A. Not deep. B. Quite warm. C. Not clean. D. Very fre

    26、sh.( ) 48. It is certain that .A. all the Life Savers can swim very wellB. many people are in trouble when swimmingC. any good swimmer can work as a Life SaverD. Life Savers must go to the beach by train( ) 49. Why are the flags red and yellow?A. Because swimmers like these colours.B. Because these

    27、colours are easy to see.C. Because these colours represent safety.D. Because Life Savers dont like other colours.( ) 50. Which word is the most suitable to be put into the blank in the last paragraph?A. moon B. sea C. sun D. wind5BAs traditional Chinese art, paper cutting has a long history. But it

    28、is at risk of disappearing now. Luckily, Voyo Woo, a Chinese immigrant (移民) in America, is trying to bring this art back to life. One Saturday in 2014, Ms Woo held a paper cutting show at a shopping centre near Washington. She hoped more people would enjoy it. Ms Woo began to study the art of paper

    29、cutting as a 14-year-old girl in her hometown. All the students at school had to learn paper cutting. But she had a deep love for it. So her teacher spent more time teaching her after class. Later, she won the second prize in a national painting and art competition. She went to America after she fin

    30、ished college in 2008. Soon after that, she took part in an activity to promote (推广) Chinese paper cutting. And then she was invited to show the art in many important activities. “It is important to promote this art to Americans or anyone who is interested in it. Maybe it will make this art more pop

    31、ular,” Woo said. From the art of paper cutting, people can know about Chinese cultural values, history and stories of peoples lives. Ms Woo uses the art as a tool to show Chinese culture to people who know little about it. Chinese art is not only for Chinese, but also for people all over the world.

    32、( ) 51. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. Chinese art. B. Paper cutting.C. Chinese tradition. D. The long history.( ) 52. Ms Woo held a paper cutting show in America . A. to earn money B. to show her talentC. to have fun D. to promote paper cutting( ) 53. Which is true ac

    33、cording to the passage?A. Voyo Woo began to learn paper cutting in 2014.B. All the students learned paper cutting in their spare time.C. Voyo Woo was more interested in paper cutting than any other student.D. In 2008, Voyo Woo went to study in an America college.( ) 54. Ms Woo sees paper cutting as

    34、.A. a tool to show Chinese culture B. modern Chinese artC. her best friend D. a tool to make her popular( ) 55. Where can we most probably read this passage?A. In a text book. B. In a newspaper.C. In an advertisement. D. In Ms Woos diary.CSally was a student. It was going to be her mothers birthday.

    35、 She wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not expensive.One day before her mothers birthday, she went shopping after a quick and simple lunch. Half an hour later, she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas, and decided to take a black one, since her mother had lost he

    36、rs the month before.She thought, “ could carry that when wearing clothes of any colour.” So she decided to buy a lovely black umbrella and took it back to the school with her until her classes finished.On her way back to school in the train that evening she felt hungry because she had such a small l

    37、unch that she went along to the buffet car (餐车) for a sandwich and a cup of coffee. She had left the black umbrella above her seat in the compartment (车厢), but when she got back, it had gone! Sally began to cry. The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what was 6the matter. She told th

    38、em that the black umbrella she had bought for her mother was gone, and that she had to get off at the next station. After the three other passengers heard this, they asked her for her mothers address so that they could send the umbrella to her if someone had taken it by mistake and brought it back.T

    39、he next week, Sally heard from her mother. It said, “Thank you very much for your lovely presents, but why did you send me three black umbrellas?”( ) 56. The following would be the standards of the present that Sally wanted to buy for her mother except .A. cheap B. small C. useful D. nice( ) 57. Whi

    40、ch of these should be put into the blank in Paragraph 3?A. You B. I C. Mum D. It( ) 58. What can we infer according to the passage?A. Sallys home was far away from the school.B. Sally was always hungry when taking a train.C. Sally left the umbrella in the buffet car.D. Sally knew who had taken the u

    41、mbrella away.( ) 59. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The other passengers didnt know what had happened at first.B. Sally would get off the train at the next station.C. The three other passengers were ready to help Sally.D. Sally was too sad to cry when she found the umbrella was gone.( ) 60. W

    42、hat kind of persons were the three other passengers?A. Rich and active. B. Kind and helpful.C. Calm and impatient. D. Generous and careless.第II 卷(非选择题 共60分)五、填空(共15分,每小题1分)A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。61. There have only been six (顾客) in the shop today.62. The news came as a (完全的) surprise to me.63. T

    43、he teacher spent three quarters of an hour in explaining this (章节).64. (任何) is worth doing at all is worth doing well.65. We usually gather in the playground to watch the raising of the national (旗帜) every Monday morning.B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。66. I think playing computer games is (simple) a waste

    44、 of time. 67. People are often afraid of (know) objects.68. Thank you for giving me such (value) advice.69. Its very important to teach young children about road (safe).70. The trip was (tired), but they were happy to see the fantastic landscape there.C)根据句子意思,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。71. He will write to me

    45、 as soon as he (get) to Beijing.72. The girl wondered where (meet) her friends the next morning.73. I hear lots of noise from your group, Suzy.Oh, sorry to have disturbed you. We (discuss) the history project.74. Tea became popular after it (introduce) here.775. (celebrate) World Book Day, the books

    46、hop sold books at a discount on April 23rd.六、根据汉语意思完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)76.他停下笔,似乎有一些问题要问。He stopped .77.当我开始使用电脑时,问题出现了。When I began to use the computer, .78.我不知道他是否对我的工作满意。I dont know .79.这类DVD不允许在我们店里出售,因为它们是盗版的。to be sold in our shop, since they are pirate.80.她走得慢,赶不上我们了。She walked .七、任务型阅读(共10分,每小题1

    47、分)阅读下面的短文,根据文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)Have you ever heard of e-waste (electronic waste), which can be produced every day? E-waste is a popular, informal name for electronic products near or at the end of their useful life. How do you deal with your computers, MP4 players and mobile phones when theyre broken

    48、or you want a new one?Most people just throw them away. With the development of electronic industry, e-waste pollution has become a serious problem. According to the United Nations, in 2014, people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste and only recycled 6.5 million tons. The US was the biggest waster, producing 7.1 million tons. China came second, with 6 million tons.Its important to pay attention to e-waste. It can either be valuab


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