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    牛津译林版五年级上英语Unit2 Grammar time & Cartoon time教案

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    牛津译林版五年级上英语Unit2 Grammar time & Cartoon time教案

    1、Unit 2 A new studentGrammar time & Cartoon timeTeaching contents 教学内容Grammar time & Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 进一步巩固 there be 句型: Is/are there ? How many are there ? Its/Theyre on the floor.2. 能正确地听、说、读、写单词 art room, classroom, computer room, library, music room, playgr

    2、ound3. 读懂 Cartoon time 中的内容,掌握常见的短语: Lets go and play! Push me! Youre so heavy. Its too high! There is/are 并能运用到日常生活中去。4. 能正确理解并朗读 Cartoon time 故事内容,读懂故事的幽默,在教师指导下表演故事Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点: 1. 复习和巩固句型 Is/are there ? How many are there? Its/Theyre on the flo

    3、or.2. 能正确理解、朗读卡通故事,在教师指导下表演故事内容。3. 掌握常见短语 Lets go and play! Push me! Youre so heavy. Its too high! There is/are教学难点:1. 句型 Is/are there ? How many are there? Its/Theyre on the floor. 的正确使用。2. Cartoon time 中语言点的理解和掌握。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting and warm up1. Greetings: T: Hello, boys and g

    4、irls.S: Hello, Miss .T: Nice to see you.S: Nice to see you too.2. Game: Magic eyes.T: Boys and girls. Lets play a game: Magic eyes. (大声说出你看的词组或图片,当看到炸弹的时候请说 bomb)【设计意图:通过单词和短语帮助学生回忆上节课的内容,为下面复述课文打下基础。】Step2 RevisionT: Those phrases and pictures are about Nancys new school. Do you still remember it?

    5、(播放Story time 动画)T: Now can you look at the pictures and the key words and say something about Nancys new school?S: Nancy is a new student. This is her new school. There are 24 classrooms in the school. Nancys classroom is on the second floor. There are two computer rooms. There is a library too. Th

    6、eyre on the third floor. There is a music room. Its on the first floor. The table tennis room is on the first floor. too.(请两位同学看图,根据图片提示复述 Story time,教师给予评价,也可以整班集体复述)Step 2 Review and New teaching1. T: one, two, three 是基数词,first,second,third 是序数词,序数词在使用时前面要加 “the”. Lets read a rhyme. (PPT 呈现儿歌)T: W

    7、hich floor is it? (教师指向 PPT 上的图,学生回答)S: Its the first/second/third floor.T: Where is your classroom?S: Its on the floor.T: Where are the computer rooms?S: Theyre on the floor.2. T: 如果今天 Nancy 要到我们学校参观,她会提什么问题呢?你能把刚才我们说的there be 句型的肯定句变成一般疑问句吗?3. T: When I was a little girl, Im in Primary School. My

    8、school is not big, but it is very beautiful. Do you want to know about it? You can ask me questions with these sentences. (PPT 呈现主要句型 )【设计意图:复习单词,为学生巩固和使用重点句型创造情境。 】4. GrammarT: Now lets do some exercise with there be 1. Is there an art room in your school? Yes, there is. 2. Are there any computer r

    9、ooms on the second floor? Yes, there are.3. How many students are there in the library? There are 20 students.4. Is there a music room too? No, there arent.5. Are there 25 classrooms in your school? No, there are 20 classrooms.6. How many libraries are there in our school? There is only one.【设计意图:通过

    10、练习帮助学生辨析 there be 的适当形式。 】Step 4 Cartoon time1. T: (出示 Cartoon time 图 1) Look, Bobby and Sam are in the playground. Lets see what they are doing there? (播放动画 )2. T: Now I have some questions for you. (PPT 呈现) Please listen and answer.T: Where are Sam and Bobby? (播放图 1 录音)S: They are in the playgroun

    11、d. T: Whats in the playground? S: Theres a swing. (教授 swing)T: Can Bobby push Sam? Why? (播放图 2 录音)S: No, he cant, because Sam is so heavy. (教授 push heavy)T: How does Bobby say it? (提醒学生模仿录音语调)S: Youre so heavy, Sam!T: Is Bobby happy on the swing? Why? (播放图 3 录音)S: No, he isnt, because he is afraid.

    12、Its too high. (教授 high afraid)T: How does Bobby say it? (提醒学生模仿录音语调)S: Stop , Sam !Its too high! T: Do they like to swing? (播放图 4 录音)S: Sam likes to swing, but Bobby doesnt.T: What does Sam say? (提醒学生模仿录音语调)S: Its great fun! Lets play again! T: What does Bobby say?S: Oh no! Its time for dinner. Lets

    13、 go home now. T: Will Sam and Bobby play on the swing again? Why? S: Sam will play it again, because he likes the swing and he enjoys it. But Bobby will not, because the swing is too high , he is afraid.【设计意图:随文学习新单词和句型,并引导学生模仿录音的语音语调,正确地表达故事中人物的情感,为下一步表演打下基础。 】Step 5 Practice1. Listen and follow. 跟

    14、录音朗读重点句型,体会朗读感情2. Lets dub. (给动画配音)3. Lets read. (跟读全文)4. Act it in groups. (教师评价,学生互评 )【设计意图:让学生通过多种朗读活动对文中短语和句子进行熟练掌握,为表演打基础并让学生在表演中体验英语学习的乐趣和成就感。 】Step 6 Consolidation1. T: Do you like this story? T: Which one do you like, Sam or Bobby? Why?T: Can you continue this story?2. 三个场景综合表演:a. Sam 和 Bobb

    15、y 参观学校b. Sam 和 Bobby 玩秋千c. 表演续编的情节(评价环节:教师评价,学生互评)Homework 家庭作业1. Read the sentence patterns in Grammar time. 2. Ask your parents about their primary school with the words and sentence patterns in this lesson.3. Read and act Cartoon time.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:1.教师准备:PPT,板书, 学校图片。2.学生准备:复习 St

    16、ory time,熟读、会复述。板书设计: Unit 2 A new student (Grammar time& Cartoon time)Is there a ? Yes, there is. Are there any ? Yes, there are.No, there isnt. No, there arent.How many s are there? There is/are Its on the floor.Theyre on the floor.one first two second three - thirdLets go and play! Push me! Youre

    17、 so heavy. Its too high!说课本节课的教学内容是 Grammar time 和 Cartoon time。教师首先通过热身环节的游戏唤醒学生对所学词组的记忆,通过播放动画帮助学生回忆 Story time,然后加大难度要求学生根据图片和句子提示复述 Story time。序数词在 Story time 中已有渗透,此处教师通过儿歌帮助学生巩固。对于 there be疑问句的掌握,教师主要通过创造情境,让学生进行口头表达的形式和强化练习的形式。在卡通板块,教师先通过动画让学生了解大概内容,然后逐图播放录音针对录音提问,即时考查学生的理解情况并随文讲解新单词和句型。本课卡通,人物感情比较丰富,所以教师提醒学生在朗读时模仿录音中人物的语音语调,揣摩人物的感情,为表演做好准备。在跟读、配音、卡通表演等活动后,学生对卡通已经比较熟悉,教师鼓励学生发挥想象力,给故事续编一个结尾,然后,教师结合 Story time 的内容,对 Cartoon time 进行了拓展,给学生更多发挥的空间,也为综合使用 Story time 句型创造了平台。


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