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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit1 Grammar 教案

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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit1 Grammar 教案

    1、Unit 1 Dream homesGrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn about cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers;2. use cardinal numbers to describe numbers, sizes, etc;3. use ordinal numbers to describe dates, floors, etc.II. Teaching content

    2、s1. New words and phrases: zero, hundred, thousand, million, foot, square, metre, area, over, square metre, in size, have an area of2. New structures: The CN Tower is 1,815 feet tall.Womens Day is on the eighth of March.He is always the first to come to school in our class.III. Focus of the lesson a

    3、nd predicted area of difficulty1. To remember all the ordinal numbers.2. To use the cardinal and ordinal numbers correctly.IV. Teaching proceduresA Cardinal numbersStep 1 Lead-inT: Lets play a number game in groups of four. Say the number 1, 2, 3 in turn. When someone meets 7, like 17, 27, or the ti

    4、mes of 7, like 14, 21, he or she should spell it instead of saying the number.【设计意图:学生对 1-20 的基数词比较熟悉,可通过游戏更加深刻的复习数字,同时提高他们学习的积极性和兴奋度。 】Step 2 Read the cardinal numbers1. “zero” and numbers with “zeros”T: What is a full moon like? What is your open mouth like? (zero)T: Lets learn about the words wit

    5、h zeros. 2. Read more difficult numbers and find out the rule【设计意图:数字教学层层深入,由简入繁,教学扎实。 】Step 3 Study the words and practice1. Watch some pictures and show the new wordsT: The Eiffel Tower is over 1,050 feet tall. Also, we can say the Eiffel Tower is more than 300 metres tall.T: Look! The Tiananmen S

    6、quare is so big. It has an area of about 440,000 square metres. 2. Read the sentences with new words and numbers【设计意图:教完数字后,把数字融入到实际运用的句子当中,让英语学习更加贴近生活。】B Ordinal numbersStep 1 Learn about the ordinal numbers1. Show when to use ordinal numbersT: Among the six sentences, which is the most difficult o

    7、ne to read, the third or the sixth?We use the ordinal numbers here. Do you know when to use ordinal numbers? We use ordinal numbers to order things and events. We use them to talk about dates, floors, positions, etc. Lets learn more about it.Read the sentences. 2. Learn, read and remember the ordina

    8、l numbersT: Lets learn all about the ordinal numbers.3. Find out the rule of changing cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers.4. Complete Exercise B2 and make up a new dialogue. T: Can you make up a more difficult dialogue like this when you report?【设计意图:学生自己总结基数词变序数词的规律,练习汇报从简单的句子变成对话,本环节教学的每一个步骤都在锻炼

    9、学生的自学能力、基础语言能力。在夯实基础的同时,更加注重学生学习的能力。 】Step 2 Development 1. The usage of cardinal numbersT: Different usages, different reading. Look at these numbers. Do you know how to read them correctly?T: We should say “two hundred” instead of two hundreds. We should say “thousands of” instead of “two thousand

    10、 of”.2. The usage of ordinal numbersT: We use ordinal numbers to describe dates or orders. T: In which condition can we use the ordinal numbers without “the”?【设计意图:这一环节旨在让学生掌握更多有关数词的用法,夯实基础。 】Step 3 PracticeHave a PK.T: We have learned a lot about the numbers. Now Ill divide you into two groups. Lets have a PK and see who is better at the numbers.【设计意图:通过竞赛的方式,在检查学生的掌握情况的同时,活跃了课堂气氛。 】V. Homework1. Remember the cardinal and ordinal numbers we learned in this lesson.2. Preview the new words in the next lesson.


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