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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit4 Grammar 教案

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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit4 Grammar 教案

    1、Unit 4 Finding Your Way GrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know how to use a, an and the;2. use prepositions of place properly.II. Teaching contentsNew words and phrases: across, inside, outside, above, below, sign, over, bench, go

    2、across the bridge, inside/outside the shop, above the drinks, below the food, over/under the bench,III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Know how to use a, an and the.2. Use prepositions of place properly.IV. Teaching proceduresA Using a, an and theStep 1 Lead-inT: Hello everyo

    3、ne. What animals did the students see in Sunshine Zoo? Choose one of the animals on the screen to talk about. Tell us where we can see them and what they are like. T: Here are some sentences about those animals. Look at these sentences and pay attention to the blue nouns and red a, an and the.【设计意图:

    4、通过回忆之前所学,导入冠词这个新课主题,让同学们意识到冠词在句子中几乎随处可见,为下面讲解冠词用法做铺垫。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Indefinite article and definite articleT: In English we call a, an and the articles. There are two types of articles. A and an are the indefinite article. The is called the definite article. 2. A and theT: When should we us

    5、e the indefinite article? And when should we use the definite article? Look at the PPT and complete the sentence. T: Here are some more pictures of animals. Use the structure to make sentences.3. Work out the ruleT: Now we can draw a conclusion from the above sentences. We use a when we mention a pe

    6、rson or thing for the first time. We use the before a noun when the person or thing is mentioned again, or when we are talking about a specific person or thing.【设计意图:先介绍冠词的分类,然后由熟悉的句子引入冠词使用的一般规律。 】4. A and anT: Look at the PPT and fill in the blanks. Why should we use an instead of a here?A is used

    7、before a word that begins with a consonant sound.An is used before a word that begins with a vowel sound.【设计意图:通过图片,进一步讲解冠词 a 与 an 的使用区别。 】Step 3 Practice1. Fill in the blanks with a or an2. Complete a conversation3. Fill in the blanksT: Pay attention to the first sentence. Did you get the right ans

    8、wer? We dont use articles before the day of the week, months, languages, some festivals, ball games, or three meals. 【设计意图:通过练习进一步夯实基础,并适当拓展不用冠词的情况。 】B Prepositions of placeStep 1 Lead-in T: Read the sentences on the PPT again and pay attention to the circled words. They are prepositions of place.St

    9、ep 2 PresentationLearn different prepositions of placeT: Where is the bird? The bird is in front of the box.Where are the students? The students are in the front of the classroom.T: Where is the bird in this picture? The bird is behind the box.What about this bird? The bird is beside the box.Do you

    10、know any other prepositions that mean the same? The bird is next to the box.Can you locate the bird more specifically? The bird is on the right of the box.T: Look at the bird in this picture. Where is it? What about the bear? The bird is between the box. The bear is inside the box.T: Where is the be

    11、ar in this picture? What about the bird? The bear is outside the box. The bird is over the box.T: Where is the cat? The cat is under the box. Where is the bird? The bird is above the box.Where is the box? The box is below the bird.【设计意图:了解不同的方位介词所表示的方位含义。 】Step 3 Practice1. Look and sayT: Here is a

    12、picture of a park. Work in pairs and talk about where things or people are. (1) Where are the flowers? (2) Where are the trees? (3) Where is the shopkeeper? (4) Where is the food?(5) Where are the drinks? (6) Where is the sign? (7) Where is the dog?2. Fill in the blanksT: Fill in the blanks. Lets de

    13、scribe the positions of things and people in different ways. Where are the flowers? The shopkeeper? The trees? The food? And the boy? 3. Complete the passage T: Look at the picture and complete the description with the correct prepositions of place.4. Group workT: Work in groups of four and describe the bedroom with the correct prepositions of place. You have five minutes. Try to write down as many sentences as possible.【设计意图:图文结合,通过多项练习帮助学生掌握方位介词的用法。 】V. Homework1. Write about your own bedroom with the correct prepositions of place.2. Remember the new words and expressions.


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