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    牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit6 Welcome to the unit 教案

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    牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit6 Welcome to the unit 教案

    1、Unit 6 Sunshine for allComic strip and Welcome to the unitI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. identify the different kinds people who need help;2. talk about the general information about the people who need help;3. willing to help others.I

    2、I. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: train, the Olympic Games, the Olympics, support, meaningful, blind, deaf, disabled, elderly, homeless2. New structures: Im training to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games.Its meaningful to do something for the Olympics.I need some more food to eat at wo

    3、rk.Are there any other ways to help them?III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyTalk about the ways to help people in need.IV. Teaching proceduresComic stripStep 1 Lead-inFree talkT: My cousin is a policeman. He was busy taking some courses last month. Do you know why he trained so

    4、 hard? Oh, he wanted to be a volunteer. Now, he is proud to be a volunteer to help others. Look, what do they do in their free time? They help the disabled or blind people visit parks, clean up the environment, give the elderly checkups, repair the household appliances and show the ways. Is it meani

    5、ngful to be a volunteer? Will you support them? 【设计意图:通过图片创设情境,导入新课知识点和话题,启发学生思考如何成为一名志愿者,以及作为一名志愿者平时有哪些活动。 】Step 2 PracticeT: I know you all want to be volunteers. Here is a chance for you. Read this poster, and see if you are suitable for a volunteer. OK, you have free time and you are ready to he

    6、lp others, and are you good at English? Lets have a test. Please take on this challengepass three levels to show that you are good at English listening, speaking, reading and writing.1. Listen and answerT: Listen to Eddie and Hobos conversation and answer the following questions. (1) What is Hobo do

    7、ing? He is training to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games. (the Olympic Games= the Olympics) (2) Will Eddie support Hobo? Why?Yes, he will. Because its meaning to do something for the Olympics. (3) How does Hobo want Eddie to help?He needs some more food to eat at work.2. Read and act T: Read and

    8、act out the conversation. Work in pairs and you have two minutes to prepare. 3. Complete and discussT: Complete the passage and discuss: What do you think of Eddie?T: You have passed three levels and I know you are suitable to be volunteers. Congratulations!【设计意图:从阅读志愿者招聘海报过渡到卡通漫画的听、说、读、写和讨论等活动,鼓励学生

    9、积极主动完成任务,争当一名合格的志愿者。 】Welcome to the unitStep 1 Presentation1. Watch and learn T: Now, lets see some pictures to find out the people who need help. people who are oldthe elderly peoplepeople having little moneythe poor peoplesome part of the body does not work properlya disabled personpeople having

    10、no homethe homeless peoplepeople who cannot seethe blind peoplepeople who cannot hearthe deaf people2. Match and discuss(1) Match the words with their meanings. (2) Pair work.【设计意图:词释义搭配巩固所学词汇,小组讨论为 B 部分做铺垫。 】Step 2 Practice1. Part AT: Here are some pictures of the people who need help. Write the co

    11、rrect words under the pictures. Then put a tick in the boxes if you have ever helped these people.2. Part BT: Listen to Amy and Daniels conversation and find out how to help homeless people.T: Lets think of some other ways to help people who need help.(1) How to help blind people?(2) How to help poo

    12、r people?(3) How to help disabled people?(4) How to help deaf people?(5) How to help elderly people?【设计意图:先听对话回答问题,再延伸考虑可行的办法,帮助其他需要帮助的人,为下面的编对话做好准备。 】3. Make up new conversationsT: Work in pairs and discuss the people in Part A. You can use the conversation in Part B as a model. 4. Make a proposalT

    13、: Lets complete a proposal letter.【设计意图:提供对话的框架,让学生有例可依,有话可说,补全短文巩固本课所学,为本单元后续学习打下基础。 】Step 3 ConclusionT: Audrey Hepburn once said, “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.” Helping others is helping ourselves.【设计意图:引用赫本的名言,达到了情感的升华。 】V. Homework1. Recite Comic strip and Part B.2. Talk about the good ways of helping others.3. Preview Reading.


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