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    牛津译林版六年级下英语Project 2 第2课时教案

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    牛津译林版六年级下英语Project 2 第2课时教案

    1、Project 2 A travel book第 2 课时Teaching contents 教学内容Project 2 Section A, B and CTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生能够描述在自己喜爱的城市里的天气,景点和人们爱吃的食品。2. 学生根据自己所有的材料制作旅行手册。3. 学生能够根据旅行手册讨论分享自己最喜爱的城市。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:学生根据自己所有的材料制作旅行手册。教学难点:学生能够根据旅行手册讨

    2、论分享自己最喜爱的城市。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1. Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls. Today well learn Project 2 A travel book. I like traveling. Do you like traveling?S1: Yes, I do. T: Where have you been in the last few years? (此处的完成时学生可能不理解,提示学生只要能说出去过的地方)S1: (I have been to) many cities like Guilin, Ch

    3、engdu, Hong Kong, Sydney. T: Wow, thats wonderful. By the way, what date is it today?S2: Its the 15th of June.T: The summer holiday is coming soon. I think you are planning where to go this summer holiday.【设计意图:师生轻松地聊旅行话题,直奔主题。 】Step 2. Listen and chooseT: Summer holiday is coming. That means youll

    4、finish primary school soon. Look! The children in Class 1, Grade 6 are having a farewell party. What will they do at the party? Please listen and choose the right answer.T: It is the 26th of June. The students in Class 1, Grade 6 are having a farewell party. This time, they didnt bring any fruit or

    5、snacks. They brought some drinks. They also brought some cards, toys and photo albums. Theyll give them to each other as presents. Theyll talk about their dreams and their plans for the summer holiday. In the end, theyll take a photo of all the students with their teachers.T: OK. Now tell me the ans

    6、wer, please. 1. What didnt they bring to the party?S3: They didnt bring snacks.T: Good, maybe this party is different. They need more time to chat. What will they talk about at the party?S4: Theyll talk about their dreams and their plans for the summer holiday.T: What will they do at last?S5: Theyll

    7、 take a photo.T: Why do they want to take a photo?S6: Theyll go to different middle schools. Maybe they will miss their friends and teachers.T: Great! And Ill miss you too.【设计意图:通过听力练习导入谈论城市的话题。 】Step 3. Lets talkT: What do you want to be in the future? And why?S: T: Good. This is William. He has be

    8、en to many cities. Ill show some photos of them. Step 4. Quick responseT: Maybe the photos will be helpful for you to make your summer plan. Now look at the screen and say the names of the cities as quickly as possible. And then tell me which country the city is in? (因为是快速反应,所以课堂上出示城市图片时,学生可以说 Its B

    9、eijing. Its in China. 也可以直接说 Beijing, China. 在此过程中,教师还可以让学生说说照片中的景点名称,有些景点在教材中出现过,如 Sydney Opera House, the London Eye, Victoria Harbour 等等,对于教材中没出现过的景点,可以请了解的学生介绍一下,如果学生都不了解,教师可以做适当介绍,如深圳的世界之窗 the Window of the World, 是一个把世界奇观、历史遗迹、古今名胜、民间歌舞表演融为一体的人造主题公园。)【设计意图:了解学生在学习第 6 和第 7 单元后是否具有主动了解世界著名国家、城市的

    10、意识,同时给学生提供机会让他们对了解的国家、城市、景点作一番介绍也是对学生学习成果肯定的最好途径。 】T: How beautiful these pictures are! How wonderful these cities are! I want to visit them. If I want to visit one of them, what should I do before I go?S7: Find information about it. T: What kind of Information?S8: You should learn about the weather

    11、 there, interesting places you can go to and nice food to eat.T: Excellent! But these cities are so beautiful. I cant decide where to go. I have to study them one by one. Why dont you choose your favourite city and write down the information so that we can share.【设计意图:自然而然地让学生发现自己获取知识是多么有意义,分享有多么重要。

    12、 】Step 5. Brain stormingT: Lets have a brainstorming. This is Beijing. Hows the weather in Beijing?S9: Its hot in summer. Its very cold in winter.T: What interesting places will we see in Beijing? S10: Well see interesting places like the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, and the Bir

    13、ds Nest. (此处如果是在课堂上,学生一定会说更多景点,遇到不会说的除了老师告之还可以鼓励学生课后查阅网络或词典)T: What food will we eat there?S11: Well eat roast duck and many yummy snacks.T: Good job! What do you know Hong Kong? S12: Hong Kong is in China.T: Hows the weather in Hong Kong?S13: Its hot and wet in summer. In winter it is not very cold

    14、. T: What interesting places will we see in Hong Kong? S14: Well see Victoria Harbour, Disneyland and Ocean Park. T: What food will we eat there?S15: Well eat sweet and sour pork, Hong Kong-Style Milk Tea and a lot of snacks like wontons. 【设计意图:以北京和香港两个学生熟悉的城市为例让学生有话可说,也能得到全班同学的共鸣。 】Step 6. Fill in

    15、the formT: Now its easy for you to fill in the form about your favourite city. Step 7. Pair workT: After finishing writing, please work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your favourite city. Use the sentence patterns on the screen.【设计意图:提供机会让学生把平时学习中所积累的以及课前通过各种途径获取的信息充分用起来。 】Step 8. Stick an

    16、d writeT: If we put all the information of your favourite cities together, itll be a beautiful travel book. Boys and girls, do you want to make a class travel book?S: Yes, we do.T: Now lets learn to make one. First, stick a photo on page 101 like this. Then write down the information of the city.Ste

    17、p 9. Make in groupsT: Please work in groups of four. Each of you write about your favourite city.T: Or you can draw a mind map with the introduction of your favourite city like this. One student can use page. Then put your group members pages together. That also makes a travel book.Step 10. Show-and

    18、-tellT: OK. Please show the travel book made by your group. Its time to show, and its time to enjoy. Please get ready for show-and-tell in turns. I hope the reporters can speak loudly, and others listen quietly. If you have questions, you can ask after they finish.(学生汇报时教师板书 : is my favourite city.

    19、Its in The weather is Youll see Youll eat)【设计意图:从个人制作到小组集合成册,此过程小组成员先在组内分享,学生上台介绍时会信心满满。 】Step 11. Ticking timeT: Each group did a wonderful job! What a beautiful travel book it is if I put them all together. Today Im so glad to see so many beautiful cities and everybody learns a lot about them. Its

    20、 ticking time again. I think everyone can get three stars in each item. Congratulations!【设计意图:强化学习成果,激发学习英语的动力。 】T: Someone says, “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” The summer holiday is coming. Its travel time again. Enjoy your summer holiday. And dont forget to sh

    21、are your trip with us! 【设计意图:鼓励学生读万卷书,行万里路,在旅行的过程中丰富自己,并把知识和快乐分享给他人。 】Homework 家庭作业1. Find more information about the places you have been to. 2. Make a travel book with more photos and information.3. Share with different classmates. Teaching aids 教学准备教学 PPT板书设计:Project 2 A travel book is my favouri

    22、te city. Its in The weather is Youll see Youll eat说课谈论暑期计划和旅行是学生喜欢的话题,本课时教师从 Free talk 入手,再通过以同龄人毕业告别派对为主题的听力练习导入第一环节谈论城市的话题。在看照片说国家城市名称环节中,学生学习第 6 和第 7 单元后主动获取跨文化知识的意识和成果都有清晰的体现。接下来教师谈到也想去旅行但这么多美丽的城市无从选择,激发学生把所获取信息与他人分享,让学生了解分享的意义和重要性。第三环节解决了如何把一个城市的信息介绍给别人,教师选用北京和香港两个学生熟悉的大城市让学生进行头脑风暴,为学生填写城市信息表提供了很好的范例,学生也有机会把平时学习中所积累的以及课前通过各种途径获取的信息充分用起来。第四环节是个人制作和小组合作进而进行全班交流的过程,这是个非常愉悦的分享过程。最后教师鼓励全班学生读万卷书,行万里路,在旅行的过程中不断丰富自己,并把知识和快乐分享给他人。


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