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    【公开课】牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit7 Reading (I) 课件

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    【公开课】牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit7 Reading (I) 课件

    1、Unit 7 International charities Reading (I),Oxfam,UNICEF,ORBIS,WWF,Do you know these logos?,What does the logo look like?,an eye,ORBIS,a plane,A charity that helps people with eye problems.,a special plane,Why is there a plane in the logo?,Why is it a special plane?,Read and answer,Dr Ma,an ORBIS doc

    2、tor,an interviewer,How many questions does the interviewer ask? What are they?,Interview: Dr Ma, please tell us something about blindness.,Interview: How does OBRIS help?,Interview: Why dont you work in a hospital?,Interview: How many operations do you do during a visit?,Interview: Is there anything

    3、 else youd like to say to our readers?,Read and divide,Part 1 Lines Part 2 LinesPart 3 LinesPart 4 Lines,Parts,16,Main ideas,Read the interview quickly and divide it into 4 parts.,715,2126,something about blindness,the work of ORBIS,Dr Mas work and his feeling,Dr Mas hope,620,blindness,the condition

    4、 ofbeing unable to see,285 million people are blind or have other eye problems.,80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured.,Many people dont have money for medical treatment.,mostly in poor areas,something about blindness (Lines 1-6),Flying Eye Hospital,operation room,training centre,volun

    5、teer doctors,do operations,doctors who give help to others without pay,the work of ORBIS (Lines 7-15),the work of ORBIS (Lines 7-15),Flying Eye Hospital,operation room,training centre,Who?,Who?,Many of the patients cant afford to go to hospital.,have money to B. be afraid to ,volunteer doctors,local

    6、 doctors and nurses,learn new skills,help more people,the work of ORBIS (Lines 7-15),patients,local doctors and nurses,volunteer doctors,have eye problems mostly in cant afford to ,Try to retell,are invited to learn ,do operations on teach ,Why is there a plane in the logo? Why is it a special plane

    7、?,Dr Mas work and his feeling (Lines 16-20),How many operations do you do during a visit?,During my last visit, 150 patients were operated on.,Dr Ma is very _.,busy,Dr Mas work is very _.,important,Dr Ma feels very _.,proud,Im proud to help people see again and improve their lives.,Dr Mas hope (Line

    8、s 21-26),Read the line of 21-26 and answer the questions.,Q1. Why can most eye problems and diseases be treated and cured?,Because modern medicine is developing quickly.,Q2. What is needed to carry on with ORBIS?,More money.,Q3. What does Dr Ma hope?,He hopes more people will support them.,ORBIS is

    9、an international _ that helps people with _ problems. Most of the cases can be prevented or _. However, many people are in _ areas. They cant afford to go to _. ORBIS uses a _ to visit them. Its called _ Eye Hospital. On the plane, ORBIS doctors do _ to help people _ again. They also invite _ doctor

    10、s and nurses to learnt about eye operations and teach them new _. ORBIS doctors are very _ but they are very proud. Now more_ is needed to carry on with their work. They hope more people will _ them.,Try to fill in the blanks,charity,eye,cured,poor,hospital,plane,Flying,operations,see,local,skills,b

    11、usy,money,support,Have an interview,Practise in pairs. One is an interviewer and the other is an ORBIS doctor, a local doctor or a patient. Make a up new dialogue.,an interviewer,What can we do to support ORBIS?,Have a discussion,Give a helping hand. Many hands make light work.,Homework,1. Read the interview three times after the tape.2. Try to retell the interview.3. Finish B2 on Page 96.,Thank you!,


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