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    2019牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit2 Welcome to the unit教案

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    2019牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit2 Welcome to the unit教案

    1、Unit 2 ColoursComic strip and Welcome to the unit I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. name different colours;2. know the different colours in a rainbow;3. talk with their partner about colours.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases:

    2、indigo, violet, rainbow, try on, look good on sb, in the sky2. New structure: Theres nothing wrong with pink.Im not sure if it looks good on you.Do you know how many colours there are in the rainbow?III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyTalk about colours around us in English.IV.

    3、Teaching proceduresComic stripStep 1 Lead-in1. Listen to a song about colours(点击图片,超链接)2. Free talk What colour do you like to wear? Why?【设计意图:通过听关于颜色的歌曲,谈论喜欢穿的颜色导入新课,使学生快速进入本课话题。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Watch a video and answer questions(点击 PPT 右下角的图片,超链接)T: Different people like to wear different c

    4、olours. What colour does Eddie like to wear? Lets watch a video and answer the questions.(1) Which colour does Eddie want to wear, pink or blue? Why? (2) Why does Hobe laugh?Step 2 PracticeRead and act outStep 3 ProductionTell a storyThis morning, Hobo showed me two pieces of clothing. One was pink

    5、and the other was blue. He asked me which I wanted to w_. I thought blue was b_ than pink. Pink is a g_ colour while blue is for boys. Hobo didnt a_ with me. He thought there was n_ wrong with pink. At that time, I didnt know what he meant. He let me choose first and helped me try it on. How k_ Hobo

    6、 was today! But when I p_ on the blue one, I found it was a girls d_! Hobo looked at me and l_ out of breath. He said that he was not sure if blue looked g_ on me. I was very angry! What a bad e-dog Hobo is!【设计意图:让学生模仿 Eddie 的语气,讲述发生在自己身上的故事,使其在表达中运用所学语言知识。 】Welcome to the unitStep 1 Lead-inGuess a

    7、riddle (谜语)T: We can see colours everywhere in our daily lives. Today Ill show you a colourful thing. Guess what it is.【设计意图:通过猜谜,引出生词,激发学生学习 Welcome to the unit 的兴趣。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Learn about colours in a rainbow2. Present new words: violet, indigoT: What colors does a rainbow have? Please

    8、 name them in order.redorangeyellowgreenbluevioletindigo (借助图片呈现 violet 和 indigo)Step 3 Practice1. Quick reaction What colours are the letters?【设计意图:通过快速反应游戏,让学生学会区分 blue、violet、indigo 三种颜色,并在游戏中进一步巩固生词。 】2. Finish Part A on P213. Listen to the conversation in Part B and read after the tape4. Work i

    9、n pairs and talk about colours around you【设计意图:提供生活中与颜色相关的图片,创设情境,让学生模仿课本对话谈论颜色,培养他们的语言运用能力。 】Step 4 ProductionHave a discussion1. How do you feel when you see such colorful things? 2. What will our life be like if there are no colours? T: The world is full of colours. It is so beautiful. Without colours, the world would be a dull place. So we should love the world and try to protect it.V. Homework1. Remember the new words, phrases and structures.2. Search for more information about colours.3. Preview Reading.


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