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    2019年外研版英语选修7学案:Module 3 Section Ⅳ

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    2019年外研版英语选修7学案:Module 3 Section Ⅳ

    1、Section Other Parts of the Module原文呈现 读文清障Dickens LondonDickens cast of characters lived in London, the largest and richest city in the world. But its wealth was distributed unfairly among the population. Every chapter of his novels describes the sights, sounds, and smells of the city, and provides

    2、a social commentary of London life.In the middle of the 19th century, London was a filthy city for rich and poor people alike . Although on clear days the air was filled with sparrows and seagulls flying high above , more often the smoking chimney pipes created smog which was so strong that it choke

    3、d the inhabitants. The River Thames was polluted, causing disease and death everywhere, and if you fell in, it was dangerous to swallow the water.cast/kst/ n.演员阵容,全体演员distribute/dIstrIbjut/v.分发,分配,分送distribute .among/between 在之间分配,给某人发某物unfairly adv.不公平地 chapter/tpt/n.章节filthy/fIli/ adj.十分肮脏的,污秽的 al

    4、ike adv.同样地be filled with ( be full of)充满sparrow/spr/n.麻雀 seagull/sil/n.海鸥flying high above 作后置定语,修饰“麻雀”和“海鸥” 。pipe/paIp/n.(通常埋在地下的)管,管子,管道chimney pipes 烟囱smog/sm/n.烟雾choke/tk/v.(使)窒息,(使)噎住,( 使)呼吸困难which was so strong that it .是定语从句,修饰 smog。该从句中含有 so .that .“如此以致”句式,that 引导结果状语从句。causing disease and

    5、 death everywhere 作结果状语,表示自然的结果。swallow/swl/v.吞下,咽下(食物或饮料)狄更斯时代的伦敦第 12 段译文狄更斯笔下的人物住在伦敦,这是世界上最大最富有的城市,但它的财富分配不公。他的小说的每个章节都描述了这个城市的景象、声音和气息,并对伦敦的生活做出了社会评价。在 19 世纪中叶,伦敦对富人和穷人来说都是个同样脏乱的城市。尽管在晴朗的天气里会有麻雀和海鸥在高高在天空翱翔,但更多的是烟囱里冒出的浓烟使居民们感到窒息。泰晤士河受到污染,引发各地的疾病和死亡,如果你掉进河里,吞了河水的话是很危险的。The East End was Londons poor

    6、est district, where children wore rags for clothes and the women searched in dustbins for food. Few people could ever hope to attain an 21 acceptable standard of living . Many people suffered from the effects of poor nutrition 22 23 24 25 and even starvation because of a lack of food, yet their welf

    7、are was of no concern 26 27 28 29 30 to the taxpayers of London. Ships from all points of the compass would drop anchor 31 32 33 here at the main port of London. South of the river lies Southwark, another poor district . The 34 George Inn was a busy coaching stop with food and accommodation for trav

    8、ellers leaving 35 London, and for carriers taking goods into the city . 36 37 But some Londoners had accumulated enormous wealth through trade. In the old City of 38 London are housed the many banks and corporations which Dickens mentions . Further 39 40 41 west and opposite Southwark stands Somerse

    9、t House, where Dickens father worked for the 42 43 navy . Close by are the Law Courts, where lawyers and their clerks, carrying piles of 44 45 46 paperwork , would hurry to the trials . There were many squares and gardens with water 47 48 pumps and fountains , as well as smart restaurants and pubs .

    10、 49 50 51 52 rag/r/n.(一小块)旧布;抹布dustbin/dstbIn/n.垃圾箱,垃圾桶 search for 寻找where children .for food 是非限制性定语从句,修饰 district。attain/teIn/v.获得,达到 acceptable adj.可接受的 21 22 standard of living 生活标准 suffer from 遭受 23 24 nutrition/njutrIn/n 营养(作用);滋养 25 starvation/stveIn/n.挨饿,饿死 a lack of 缺乏 26 27 welfare/welfe/n

    11、.幸福,福祉;健康 28 “be of某些抽象名词”表示“具有特征,特点” 。 29 be of importance be important 重要的be of significance be significant 重要的concern/knsn/n.关心,担心 30 taxpayer/tkspeI/n.纳税人 31 compass/kmps/n.指南针,罗盘 32 all points of the compass 指“世界各地” 。anchor/k/n.锚 33 another poor district 作 Southwark 的同位语。 34 inn/In/n.小旅馆 carrie

    12、r/kri/n.运输工具 35 36 leaving London 和 taking goods into the city 均是现在分词短语作后置定语。 37 accumulate/kjumjleIt/v.积累 house v 收藏,安置 38 39 corporation/kpreIn/n.公司,企业 40 which Dickens mentions 是限制性定语从句。 41 opposite prep.在对面,句中用了完全倒装。 42 where Dickens father worked for the navy 是非限制性定语从句,修饰 Somerset 43 House。navy

    13、/neIvi/n.海军 pile/paIl/n.堆,叠,摞 44 45 paperwork/peIpwk/n.资料,文件 46 where lawyers and their clerks .是非限制性定语从句。 47 trial/traIl/n.审判,审理 pump/pmp/n.泵;抽水机 48 49 fountain/fantIn/n.喷泉;喷水池 50 as well as 以及,相当于 and, in addition to。 51 pub/pb/n.酒馆,酒吧 52 第 34 段译文东区是伦敦最贫困的地区,那里的孩子们衣衫褴褛,妇女们在垃圾桶里寻找食物。很少有人会期望达到可以接受的生

    14、活标准。由于缺少食物,许多人都受到营养不良的影响甚至饿死,然而伦敦的纳税人却对他们的健康漠不关心。来自世界各地的船只都会在伦敦的主要港口停泊。南华克位于泰晤士河南,是另一个贫民区。乔治旅馆是一个繁忙的客车停靠点,为离开伦敦的游客和运货物到城里的人提供膳宿。但是有些伦敦人却通过贸易积累了大量的财富。在伦敦的老城里聚集着许多狄更斯提到的银行和公司。再往西,南华克的对面是萨默塞特宫,狄更斯的父亲曾在那里为海军工作。旁边是法院,在那里律师和职员们抱着成堆的文件匆匆赶去审理案件。那里有许多广场和花园,有浇水的管子和喷泉,还有精致的餐馆和酒吧。Servants would buy fruit and ve

    15、getables at Covent Garden market for their rich families, and maids would buy bunches of flowers to decorate their mistresses rooms. 53 54 55 The West End is the theatre district where Dickens felt at home because, 56 57 surprisingly , he thought he would accomplish more with his drama than with his

    16、 novels. 58 59 It is also the London of government, where politicians, ministers, ambassadors as well as 60 more humble pedestrians walked home at night through streets lit with gas lanterns . 61 62 63 64 65 London is very different today, and few people mourn the passing of the old city. But 66 67

    17、you can still see many of the sights which Dickens saw and wrote about in his novels . 68 maid/meId/n.女仆 53 bunch/bnt/n.一束,一串 54 a bunch of 一束/串 bunches of 成束的,成串的mistress/mIstrs/n.女主人 55 where 引导定语从句,修饰 the theatre district。 56 feel at home 感觉自在 57 surprisingly adv.令人吃惊地,作状语。 58 accomplish/kmplI/v.

    18、完成 (任务等),取得( 成功) 59 ambassador/mbsd/n.大使 60 humble/hmbl/adj.(身份、地位等)低下的,卑微的 61 pedestrian/pdestrin/n.行人 62 where politicians .walked home .是定语从句,修饰 the London of government。 63 lit with gas lanterns 为过去分词短语作后置定语。 64 lantern/lntn/n.灯笼,提灯 65 mourn/mn/v.悼念,哀悼,为哀痛 66 passing n 流逝,过去 67 which 引导的定语从句修饰 t

    19、he sights。 68 第 57 段译文仆人们会在柯芬园市场为他们富有的主人买水果和蔬菜,女仆人们会买来一束束的花来装饰女主人的房间。西区是剧院区,在那里狄更斯感到自己像在家里一样自在,因为令人吃惊的是,他认为他完成的剧本会多于小说。这里也是伦敦政府的所在地,到了晚上,政治家、部长、大使还有更多的身份地位低下的行人从点着煤油灯的街上走回家去。现在的伦敦已经大不相同的,很少有人会为这座古城的流逝而悲伤。但是你仍然能看到许多狄更斯看到的以及他在小说中描绘的情景。Step 1 Write down T (for true) or F (for false) according to the te

    20、xt. (Passage on P39)1London is still the largest and richest city in the world now. 2In the middle of the 19th century, the River Thames was polluted, causing disease and death everywhere. 3Then the West End was Londons poorest district. 4Dickens father worked as a lawyer. 答案:1.F 2.T 3.F 4.FStep 2 C

    21、hoose the best answers according to the passage. (Passage on P41)1Why was his father put in prison?ABecause of murder. BBecause of debts.CBecause of stealing. DFor some other reasons.2Where was Charles Dickens born?ANew York. BMississippi.CLondon. DParis.3Which of the following sentences is WRONG ac

    22、cording to the text?ADickens started writing novels in his early thirties.BDickens often wrote about the problems of poor people.CDavid Copperfield is one of his famous novels.DDickens books were only popular in England.4We can infer from the text that Charles Dickens .Awrote about the problems of p

    23、oor peopleBhelped improve the lives of the poor peopleCused his experiences in his writingDwas very satisfied with his novel Oliver Twist, especially the final part答案:14 BCDD一、这样记单词记得准写得对 记得快记得多.基础词汇1.scream v 尖叫;高声喊叫2.drag v. 拖;拉;硬拽3.naughty adj. 淘气的;调皮的4.escape v. 逃跑5.repay v. 报答;回报6.dustbin n. 垃圾

    24、箱,垃圾桶7.attain v. 获得,达到8.nutrition n. 营养(作用);滋养9.welfare n. 幸福,福祉;健康10.pedestrian n. 行人.拓展词汇1.prison n 监狱prisoner n 犯人;俘虏2.intend v 打算intention n 打算;目的,意图 3.illegally adv.违法地;非法地illegal adj.违法的,非法的legal adj.法律的;法定的,依法的4.starvation n 挨饿,饿死starve v 挨饿5.concern n 关心,担心concerned adj .担忧的,关心的6.accumulate

    25、v 积累accumulation n 积累,聚集7.accomplish v 完成(任务等) ,取得(成功)accomplishment n 成就,成绩8.rough adj.多暴力的;犯罪率高的roughly adv.粗暴地9.distribute v 分发,分配,分送distribution n 分配,分布1.scream v 尖叫;高声喊叫联想 yell v 大喊2.drag v (dragged, dragged) 拖;拉;硬拽同义 draw v 拖,拉 pull v 拖,拉比较 draw 和 pull 都指拉向动作者,而 drag 则指拖向另一地3.escape v 逃跑联想 fle

    26、e vi.逃离4.attain v 获得,达到比较 attain 常指经过不懈的努力获得未曾预料的结果;也可指达到某一目标obtain 指得到、获得某物achieve 多指成就、目标、幸福的取得5.pedestrian n 行人联想 passerby n 过路人6.intend v 打算串记 With the intention of becoming famous and rich, many ordinary people intend to take part in some TV shows, such as Supper Brain. 7.concern n 关心,担心串记 All

    27、the parents are concerned about their children, but some teenagers ignore their parents concern and make them disappointed.二、这样记短语记牢固定短语 多积常用词块1.a huge amount of 大量的2.as a result 结果是3.in ones early (late) twenties/thirties1.on clear days 在晴朗的日子里2.fruit and vegetables 水果和蔬菜在某人 20/30 岁出头(好几)时4.suffer

    28、from 遭受之苦;患有( 某种疾病)5.put sb.in prison 把某人关进监狱6.bring sth. to the attention of sb.使某人关注某事3.feel at home 感觉自在4.two days after his 13th birthday 他 13 岁生日后两天5.for this reason 因为这个原因6.over the next 25 years 在接下来的 25 年期间7.have a heart attack 心脏病发8.bunches of flowers 几束花三、这样记句式先背熟 再悟通 后仿用1.The River Thames

    29、 was polluted, causing disease and death everywhere . 泰晤士河受到污染,引发各地的疾病和死亡现在分词短语作结果状语,表示自然而然的、意料之中的结果。It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in that country. 大雨滂沱,造成了那个国家洪水泛滥。2 yet their welfare was of no concern to the taxpayers of London. 然而伦敦的纳税人却对他们的健康漠不关心。“be of 抽象名词”结构,常在句中作表语。Reading witho

    30、ut understanding is of no use. 读书不求甚解,没有什么用处。3.There were many squares and gardens with water pumps and fountains, as well as smart restaurants and pubs. 那里有许多广场和花园,有浇水的管子和喷泉,还有精致的餐馆和酒吧。as well as“不但(而且),既(又) ,和,也” ,用于连接并列成分。Im learning French as well as English. 我学英语之外还学法语。1(教材 P37)Magwitch has esc

    31、aped from prison but is soon caught again . 马格韦契从监狱跑了,但很快又被抓住了escape v 逃跑;逃避,避免 (不愉快或危险的事物);被遗忘,忽略 n.逃走;逃脱 (1)escape from . 从逃跑,摆脱escape (doing) sth. 逃脱/避开(做)某事(2)make ones escape 逃跑a narrow escape 死里逃生She had a narrow escape from the serious disease.她在那次疾病中死里逃生。He tried to rise, to flee, to make hi

    32、s escape; but he could not move his feet.他试图站起来,迅速离开,逃走,但是一步也动不了。Fortunately, he escaped from the burning house without being injured. 幸运地是他从着火的房子里逃了出来,没有受伤。If you commit a crime you can never escape being punished (punish). 你要是犯罪,就逃脱不了要受惩罚。2(教材 P37)Some years later, Pip learns that an unknown perso

    33、n intends to give him money every month.几年后,皮普得知有一位不知名的人士打算每个月给他一些钱。intend v. 打算;想要,计划,主张 intend to do sth. 打算/想要某事intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事be intended for 准备给用的,专为而设计的Error! 本打算做某事(却没有做到)I had intended to go there with them, but I was ill.我原打算和他们一道去,可是我病了。Lets ask her what she intends us to do

    34、 (do)咱们去问问她,她打算让我们干什么。This money is intended for the development of the tourist industry.这笔钱准备用于旅游业的开发。3(教材 P39)But its wealth was distributed unfairly among the population.但它的财富分配不公。distribute vt.分发,分配,分送distribute . to/among . 把分配给distribution n U,C 分配,分发;分布Textbooks are distributed free of charge

    35、.教科书是免费发放的This document will be distributed among/to the people at the meeting. 这个文件将分发给与会人员。They passed a law forbidding the distribution (distribute) of leaflets. 他们通过了一条禁止散发传单的法令。4(教材 P39)Many people suffered from the effects of poor nutrition and even starvation because of a lack of food, yet th

    36、eir welfare was of no concern to the taxpayers of London.由于缺少食物,许多人都受到营养不良的影响甚至饿死,然而伦敦的纳税人却对他们的健康漠不关心。concern n U 关心,担心 v.使担忧;与有关(1)show/express concern about/for 对表示关心、担心concern oneself with/in/about sth. 忙于某事;关心某事(2)concerned adj. 担心的;忧虑的;关注的so/as far as .be concerned 就来说/而论 be concerned with 与有关;

    37、涉及be concerned about/for 关心;挂念(3)concerning prep. 关于The whole society should show concern for handicapped children.整个社会都要关心残疾儿童。Everybody is concerned about the future of his country.每个人都关心自己国家的前途。As far as Im concerned, I totally disagree with your opinion.就我而言,我完全不同意你的看法。I enjoyed the great benefi

    38、t of his instructions concerning (concern) the matter.在这个问题上他的指教使我受益匪浅。5(教材 P41)Dickens always had a huge amount of energy.狄更斯总是精力充沛。a huge/large amount of 大量的( 修饰不可数名词)This film costs a huge amount of money, with many big stars participating in it.这部影片耗资巨大,有很多巨星加盟。Large amounts of money were (be) s

    39、pent on the magnificent building.这幢气派的大楼花了大量的钱。While water evaporates, a large amount of heat is (be) absorbed.水蒸发时,大量的热被吸收了。名师点津 “a large amount of不可数名词”后跟谓语动词单数;“large amounts of不可数名词”后跟谓语动词复数,也就是说,由 amount 的数来决定谓语动词的单复数。类似用法的还有:a quantity of, quantities of。6(教材 P41)However, it brought child pover

    40、ty to the attention of the public, and for this reason alone it is a very important novel.但尽管如此,这部小说使贫困儿童问题得到关注,就这一点而言,它已是很重要的一部小说。bring sth. to the attention of sb.(bring sth. to sb.s attention) 使某人关注某事call/draw sb.s attention to sth. 使某人注意某事fix/concentrate ones attention on 把某人的注意力集中到pay attention

    41、 to 注意turn ones attention to 把某人的注意力转移到上There is one point that I must bring to everybodys attention.有一个问题我要提醒大家注意。At present, we should concentrate all our attention on learning English. 现今,我们应集中精力学习英语。They began to turn their attention to the current situation and concern themselves with the futur

    42、e of the nation. 他们开始注意当前的形势,关心国家的前途。1Many people suffered from the effects of poor nutrition and even starvation because of a lack of food, yet their welfare was of no concern to the taxpayers of London.由于缺少食物,许多人都受到营养不良的影响甚至饿死,然而伦敦的纳税人却对他们的健康漠不关心。(1)句中 be of no concern 属于“be of抽象名词”的结构,在句中作表语。The

    43、question is of great importance that it cannot be neglected. 这个问题是很重要的,它不能被忽视。(2)“be of抽象名词”可转化为相应的形容词。这类名词有 use, value, importance, help, benefit, interest, concern 等。它们可用 no, some, any, little, much, great 等词修饰。The medicine is of no use to this disease.The medicine is useless to this disease. The

    44、medicine is not useful to this disease.这种药对这种疾病无用。(3)“be of抽象名词”没有相应的形容词形式,主要用来表明主语的这类特征。这类名词有 size, weight, height, length, age, type, quality 等。The products are of high quality.这些产品质量很好。The two poodles are of the same size and of the same color.这两只狮犬大小一样,颜色相同。2There were many squares and gardens w

    45、ith water pumps and fountains, as well as smart restaurants and pubs.那里有许多广场和花园,有浇水的管子和喷泉,还有精致的餐馆和酒吧。(1)本句中 as well as 意为“不但(而且),既(又),和,也” ,用于连接并列成分,如名词、代词、形容词、动词、介词短语等。as well as 连接的并列成分作主语时,谓语动词与 as well as 前的成分在人称和数上保持一致。It is unpleasant in summer as well as in winter.夏天不好过,冬天也不好过。Lucy as well as

    46、 I is (be) going shopping this Sunday.露茜和我这个星期天要去买东西。(2)as well as“除之外( 还) ”,常位于句首,相当于 besides, in addition to。The Chinese nation includes more than 50 national minorities as well as the Hans.中华民族除了汉族外,还包括五十多个少数民族。(3)as well as 也可以是 well 的同级比较结构,表示“和一样好” 。John plays piano as well as Jack.约翰弹钢琴和杰克一样好

    47、。.单句语法填空1He listens to music to escape from the pressure of work.2I had intended to make (make) a cake, but I ran out of time.3The teacher distributed the new books to the pupils.4We are concerned about your safety.5It is desired that this rule shall be brought to the attention of the students.6Large amounts of money were spent (spend) on our new school.7It was in the park that I told him about t


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