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    2019英语译林版必修5作业:Unit 3 课时跟踪练(二)含解析

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    2019英语译林版必修5作业:Unit 3 课时跟踪练(二)含解析

    1、课时跟踪练(二) Welcome to the unit _on_the_other_hand,_it_was_possible_for_him_to_be_worn_out_at_last.So_she_wanted_to_adopt_a_child.His_wife_advised_him_to_stop_it,_but_he_didnt_transform_his_idea_and_pushed_ahead_with_it.As_a_consequence,_he_didnt_achieve_his_intention_and_became_crazy.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完

    2、形填空My StoryThe long journey to clone my two beloved dogs began about fifteen years ago.It was the year 2000 and my life was _1_.At 30 years old, I was poor.I spent all my money and I _2_ from my wife.It was at that very moment my two wonderful dogs Wolfie and Bubble cared for my _3_ heart.Until this

    3、 day, I have no idea how I would have gone through those horrible times _4_ them.I realized what my _5_ in life was. My happiness was _6_ related to my two dogs whom I considered my children.I _7_ a simple 15year plan.I would start a company, whose only _8_ was to make enough money _9_ I could pay t

    4、o have them cloned when the time came.I would start my own _10_ and save money.Work hard, save, and live _11_. Today I feel I have walked a million miles.I am very tired, _12_ have finally reached my goal.In July of 2011, I found a dog cloning company Sooam Biotech Research Foundation in South Korea

    5、 _13_ by the top cloning scientist and father of dog cloning Dr.Hwang, who was the first scientist to successfully _14_ a dog.In fact, he was the one who cloned Snuppy the worlds first cloned _15_ that I had met in May 2009.Dr.Hwang and his staff _16_ me with open arms.He told me that the Wolfie clo

    6、nes should not grow up _17_.He was going to clone Bubble _18_ and I was also relieved that the money would be enough.Two healthy Wolfie clones were born on December 23rd, 2014, just three months from the time they _19_ Wolfies cells.I have been so used to waiting that even until now Ill take out my

    7、phone and stare at the images of the clones just to make sure I dont _20_ at all.Ill have another chance to love them all over again.语篇解读:当作者处于人生低谷时,两只小狗成了作者最好的陪伴。为了克隆出同样的小狗,作者创办了自己的公司,省吃俭用,最终实现了自己的愿望。1A.exceptional BterribleCterrifying Dboring解析:选 B 根据下文中的“I was poor”, “I spent all my money”和“those

    8、 horrible times”可知“我 ”的生活很糟糕。2A.stopped BseparatedCsheltered Descaped解析:选 B “我”花光了所有的钱并且和妻子分居了。separate“分居” ,符合语境。3A.determined BstubbornCsoft Dbroken解析:选 D 根据上文的描述可知,此处表示安慰 “我”破碎的心。4A.without Brather thanCbecause of Ddespite解析:选 A 直到现在“我” 都不知道如果没有它们, “我”该如何度过那些可怕的日子。without“无相伴,没有” ,符合语境。5A.ability

    9、 BstrengthCadvantage Dpreference解析:选 D 由下文“我”开公司、存钱去克隆狗可推知,这里指“我”意识到了“我”的生活偏爱是什么。preference “偏爱” ,此处是指对狗的偏爱。6A.blindly BcarefullyCclosely Dnarrowly解析:选 C “我”的幸福与 “我”的两只狗密切相关。be closely related to .“和密切相关” 。closely“密切地” 。7A.put up with Bkept up withCcaught up with Dcame up with解析:选 D “我”想出了一个简单的十五年计划

    10、。 put up with“忍受” ;keep up with “(与 )并驾齐驱” ;catch up with“赶上” ;come up with“提出” 。8A.procedure BjobCpurpose Denjoyment解析:选 C 由语境及下文中的 “reached my goal”可知,此处说的是公司的目的是赚钱去克隆“我”的狗。9A.so that Bnow thatCin that Dsuch that解析:选 A 由语境可知空处之后为 “我”创办公司的目的,空处引导目的状语从句,故应选 so that,意为“以便,为了” 。10A.shop BcenterCcompan

    11、y Dfactory解析:选 C start my own company 表示创办自己的公司。上文中提到的“start a company”是信息提示。11A.calmly BsimplyCpeacefully Dnormally解析:选 B 为了攒钱, “我 ”努力工作,存钱并且生活节俭。live simply“简朴地过活” 。simply “简朴地” 。12A.and BsoCbut Dor解析:选 C “我”非常疲倦,但是终于达到了 “我”的目标。前后分句之间是转折关系,故选 but。13A.run BfollowedCaccompanied Dsupported解析:选 A “我”发

    12、现了由顶尖克隆科学家同时也是狗克隆之父经营的克隆公司。run“经营,管理” ;follow“ 跟随” ;accompany“陪伴” ;support“支持” 。14A.raise BcloneCadopt Dfeed解析:选 B 根据上文中的“father of dog cloning”(狗克隆之父)可知,黄博士是第一个成功克隆出狗的科学家。15A.sheep BanimalChuman Ddog解析:选 D 此句中 he 指的是 Dr.Hwang,他是顶尖克隆科学家同时也是狗克隆之父,因此他克隆的 Snuppy 就是世界上第一只被克隆出来的狗。16A.introduced BrefusedC

    13、welcomed Dconcerned解析:选 C 根据下文中的“with open arms”(张开双臂 )可知,黄博士及其员工欢迎“我” 。welcome “(打招呼)欢迎( 某人的到来)” 。17A.alone BquietlyCahead Dhealthily解析:选 A 根据下文黄博士还要克隆 Bubble 可知,alone“单独,独自” ,符合语境。18A.for safety Bfor longCfor free Dfor sure解析:选 C 根据空后的“and I was .be enough”可知答案。for free“免费地” ,符合语境。19A.produced Bre

    14、ceivedCbought Daccepted解析:选 B 在他们得到(received)Wolfie 的细胞三个月之后,两只克隆小狗诞生了。20A.resist BlikeCthink Ddream解析:选 D “我”拿出手机看着克隆出的小狗的照片为的是确保自己不是在做梦(dream)。.短文改错One day when my father drove me to school, I noticed many public bicycles park along the road.Behind it on the wall was a sign reading “Green Travel”T

    15、hen I told my father that I would give up his car or rent a bike instead.The next day I find that there was a rental service nearby that I could apply for a rental card.I was a bit surprised to find quite few people waiting there for the cards.I joined them and final got one.From now on I first rode

    16、 a bike to the subway station and then took the subway to school.My father felt proud of that I was doing something for “Green Travel”, which was a great encourage to me.答案:第一句:parkparked第二句:itthem第三句:orand第四句:findfound; 第二个 thatwhere第五句:few 前加 a第六句:final finally第七句:nowthen第八句:去掉 of; encourageencouragement


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