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    1、高考提能练 Unit 1 高考仿真检测卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What time is it now?AIts 4:30. BIts 4:50. CIts 5:10.2What does the man think of the fish?AIt is tasty. BIt is spicy. CIt is salty.3W

    2、hat is the man going to do?AFinish his report.BBorrow a computer.CBuy a train ticket.4Where does the conversation probably take place?AAt a restaurant.BAt the womans house.CAt a clothes store.5What did David do in London?AHe went sightseeing.BHe bought some gold.CHe worked as a delivery man.第二节(共 15

    3、 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.Why is the man calling?ATo check the price of renting.BTo book an area for an event.CTo confirm the reservation.7When will the man ha

    4、ve the outdoor event?AOn Saturday. BOn Sunday. COn Monday.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8Why is the woman coming here most probably?ATo visit the new house.BTo have afternoon tea.CTo attend a dinner party.9How many people will be absent?AOne. BTwo. CThree.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10Hows the weather today?AIts su

    5、nny. BIts rainy. CIts cloudy.11What are the two speakers going to do?AWatch a movie.BDo outdoor sports.CGo to an exhibition.12When will they get there?AAt 8:20. BAt 8:30. CAt 8:50.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13Why does the man come to Cambridge?ATo work here.BTo stay with family.CTo study in a school. 14

    6、What does the man dislike about Cambridge?AThe concerts.BThe people.CThe place he lives in.15What do we know about the mans apartment?AIt is noisy. BIt is quiet. CIt is big.16What does the woman suggest the man do?ATry some Chinese food.BHave dinner with his family.CGo to the parks with her.听第 10 段材

    7、料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17Where is the man s new house?AIn the city.BIn the country.CIn the town.18Where is the man s work area?AIn the hallway.BIn the living room.CIn the bedroom.19What does the man think of cooking?ABoring. BHard. CInteresting.20What is the man going to do this Sunday?AHold a housewarming

    8、 party.BBuy a bigger fridge.CGet a washing machine.答案:15 ABCBC 610 BACBA1115 CAACB 1620 ABBCA听力材料:(Text 1)W:When is your piano class over?M:Its over at ten to five. Its only twenty minutes left.W:OK. Ill wait for you outside the school then.(Text 2)W:The fish tastes fresh. Dont you think so?M:Yes. B

    9、ut its a bit hot to me.W:I think its just right.M:Id like light diet.(Text 3)W:May I borrow your computer? I havent finished my report yet. Its due tomorrow.M:Wait for a minute. I need to buy a train ticket online right now. Then you can use it.(Text 4)W:Come in, Jack. Can I take your coat?M:Sure, t

    10、hanks.W:Youre the first guest to arrive.Ill get you something to drink.M:OK. Should I take off my shoes?W:Whatever you like.(Text 5)W:Where did you go in the summer vacation, David?M:I went to London for a parttime job, but not for a trip.W:So you got the first pot of gold?M:Yeah. I got it by delive

    11、ring beer to restaurants.(Text 6)W:City of Nutley, Department of Parks and Recreation.M:Yes, this is Mr. Black from Balentine Construction Company. Were organizing an outdoor company event. May I reserve a barbecue area and the big picnic tables at Lake Park for the July 4 holiday weekend?W:It s a b

    12、it late to call, isnt it?M:Yes, so sorry. But were not talking about the Monday holiday, here. its Saturday we had in mind. We need it all day, really, from 9:00 am. until 6:00 pm.(Text 7)W:It s a nice place. How long have you been living here?M:Just over three weeks. Would you like a drink?W:Sure.

    13、What do you have?M:Ive got white wine, red wine, green and black tea, orange juice and cola.W:Ill have a cup of black tea, please. So how many people are coming for the party tonight?M:Its just going to be 14 of us tonight.W:Oh, I thought there were going to be 16. Who isnt coming?M:Mark and Eric ca

    14、lled to cancel at the last moment. Mark was running late and Eric wasnt feeling well.(Text 8)W:It has rained for two days. It finally clears up. What would you like to do?M:I havent decided what to do yet. Anyway, staying at home all day watching plays or movies on TV isnt a good way to kill time. D

    15、o you have any suggestions?W:I feel like going to the Coal Trade Center. Theyve got a special exhibition about new sports cars. Why dont you go with me?M:Good idea. Id love to see that. You see, Im interested in new sports cars. Im planning a special study of car engines this term. Maybe I could fin

    16、d some useful information there.W:Fine.M:How much shall we pay to get in?W:It s free. Its 7:50 am. now and if we ride there, well arrive in half an hour. Why dont you go back to get your bicycle?M:OK, I will.(Text 9)W:Hello, Ken! Are you from Cambridge?M:Well, I m from Hong Kong, but I live near Cam

    17、bridge now. I just started a new job here.W:How do you like Cambridge?M:Um . I like it. There are so many things to do: I like the concerts and the music. And the people are very friendly.W:Yeah, I like all the parks, the stores and the people. Theres always something happening.M:Yeah. I like all th

    18、at, too. But I dont like the place I live. Its a new apartment near Alden Park. I live alone, and its just a little too quiet.W:Quiet is usually good.M:Yeah, but I dont like to live alone. In Hong Kong I lived in a big apartment with my grandparents, my parents, my sister and brother. It was noisy,

    19、but it was home. We ate dinner together and we talked together. I miss them.W:It seems youre a little homesick. I know some good Chinese restaurants around here. Ill write down a few names. You can try them.M:Sure, thanks.Sounds good.(Text 10)(M) I moved into a new house last week. Its on the side o

    20、f a mountain. At the back of my house there are rice fields. Theres a house next door to mine and it has a barking dog. Luckily, I like dogs and this dog loves me. He welcomes me home every day, which makes me feel good.The house is not big, with one story. When you go in the door there is a hallway

    21、 for taking off shoes and coat. Then you are in a bright living room. There is what I call a work area. Its where I have my computer and some books and research stuff. The kitchen is large. I have everything because I enjoy cooking. It relaxes me after a hard day at work. Im thinking of buying a new

    22、 bigger fridge because my fridge is too small, and because its in the country I cant do shopping as often. By the time I get out of work, most of the shops around here are closed. The shower room and the bathroom are separated. There is a washing machine in my bathroom. I cant live without it.Im hav

    23、ing a housewarming party this Sunday. Welcome to join it! 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21_ for snakes while hiking in the woods.Ill dress appropriately to protect myself.AWalk out BGo outCSet out DWatch out解析:选 D 句意:“在森林里徒步旅行时当心蛇。 ”“我将穿

    24、着适当来保护自己。 ”watch out for“当心” ,符合题意。22Where did you come across your old classmate Jane?It was in the supermarket _ she worked _ I came across her.Awhere; when Bthat; whenCthat; that Dwhere; that解析:选 D 句意:“你是在哪里偶然遇到你的老同学简的?” “我是在她工作的超市里遇到她的。 ”分析句子结构可知,第一个空引导定语从句,修饰 in the supermarket,且关系词代替先行词在从句中作地点

    25、状语,故用 where;去掉 It was 和第二个空格后,原句可调整为:I came across her in the supermarket where she worked.句子结构和意义均完整,由此可判断该句为强调句型,故第二个空填 that。23I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond _.Ahearing BstrengthCrecognition Dmeasure解析:选 C hearing“听力” ;strength “力气;力量” ;recognition“认出;识别

    26、;认识” ;measure“ 测量;措施” 。句意为“她变得认不出来了 ”。24Is Helen free today?No.Recently she has been _ the most of her time to prepare for the coming sports meet.Amaking BplanningCusing Dgetting解析:选 A make the most of“充分利用” 。25One of the men held the view _ the book said was right.Athat Bwhat thatCthat what Dwhethe

    27、r解析:选 C that 引导同位语从句。在 that 从句中又包含一个由 what 引导的主语从句。26Those who suffer from headache will find they get _ from this medicine.Arelief BsafetyCdefense Dshelter解析:选 A 句意:那些头痛的人会发现这种药物能使头痛缓解。A 项意义符合句意,relief“缓解,减轻,解除 ”。 safety“安全,保险” ;defense“防御,防护” ;shelter“掩蔽,保护” 。27When she knew that the dinosaur eggs

    28、 arrived at the museum safely, she smiled _.Ain doubt Bin reliefCin peace Din return解析:选 B 句意:当知道恐龙蛋安全到达博物馆时,她如释重负地笑了。in doubt“怀疑地;迷惑地” ; in relief“松了口气;如释重负” ;in peace“和平地” ;in return“作为回报” 。28The success of many great scientists is seldom _ the born ability but to nonstop effort.Arelated Brelated

    29、toCrelating to Drelated with解析:选 B be related to .是固定搭配,表示“与有关” 。29I know that no one likes the feeling of _, but you cant draw their attention in that way.Aignoring Bto be ignoredCbeing ignored Dthe ignorance解析:选 C no one 与 ignore 之间是被动关系,of 是介词,后须用 v.ing 形式作宾语。30Drilling oil wells was _ work that

    30、he couldnt finish it by himself.Asuch difficult Bsuch a difficultCso difficult a Dso a difficult解析:选 A work 是不可数名词,且是中心词,所以用 such 修饰。31Class regulations require _ is the last to leave the classroom _ off all the lights.Awhomever; should turnBwhom; shall turnCwhoever; turnsDwhoever; turn解析:选 D 句意:班规要

    31、求任何最后一个离开教室的人把所有的灯关掉。第一空用whoever, whoever 引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语,相当于 anyone who; require 后接宾语从句时,从句谓语动词用虚拟语气,即从句谓语形式为“(should)动词原形” ,所以第二空可用 should turn 和 turn。故本题选 D。32Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.Ato have studied Bto studyCto be studying Dto have been studying解析:选 A

    32、 句意:据说 Robert 曾在国外留学,可我不知道是哪个国家。题干属于“Sb./Sth.be 过去分词不定式 ”结构,结合 dont know what country he studied in 可知,在国外留学这件事情发生在过去,该状态已结束,所以用不定式的完成式。33Can you see the man _?Yes, I can.He is my neighbor Mr.Smith, who is difficult to get along with because he always keeps everyone _.Ain the distance; from a distan

    33、ceBat the distance; at a distanceCin the distance; at a distanceDat a distance; in the distance解析:选 C 句意:“你能看到远处那个人吗? ”“是的,能看到。他是我的邻居史密斯先生,不过他因总是疏远别人而难以相处。 ”第一空用 in the distance(在远处) ;第二空用at a distance, keep sb.at a distance“疏远某人” 。34I was walking along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in a

    34、nd knocked me down.You can never be _ careful to walk in the street.Amuch BveryCso Dtoo解析:选 D 句意:“我正在街上走,突然一辆小汽车超车抢道,把我撞倒了。 ”“走在街上时无论你怎么小心都不为过。 ”can never .too .to .表示“无论怎样也不为过” 。35Ten years ago the population of our village was _ that of theirs.Aas twice large as Btwice as large asCtwice as much as

    35、 Das twice much as解析:选 B twice as .as .“是两倍” 。第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Jane used mind over matter to overcome her fears, and achieved her ambition of swimming the channel.Here is her story:I am 40 years old and my full time job _36_ is to keep

    36、my 2yearold son Harry out of mischief (调皮捣蛋)I am interested and _37_ in photography and writing.My story was about _38_ the channel in 2004.It was always a(n) _39_ of mine, since I learnt to swim at the age of 7.The channel _40_ was so surreal (离奇的) that I felt it was something people may be _41_ to

    37、 hear.I swam the channel with five other ordinary working people.We _42_ the kids, the housework, the bills and all that normality, and _43_ from Dover to do it.It was horrible.The worst bit was _44_.Id never considered that.The lightstick on my hat made _45_ colours in the water of the dark sea.Whe

    38、n I turned my head to _46_, I saw ferries with what looked like Christmas lights on them _47_ it was August and not December; it was still really very cold.I thought I wasnt scared, which was _48_ the case.“Just do it!” was what I could think._49_ you cant feel your hands and feet any more, swimming

    39、 becomes _50_ different.When you have no time _51_ with the waves, swimming becomes different.Arms need to _52_ further .keep going .reach .pull .breathe .are we there yet?Then suddenly we were _53_.We had done it.And we just had enough _54_ to cry and cheer and open the champagne (香槟)Swimming the c

    40、hannel was _55_ over matter.None of us were athletes.We raised 30,000 for charity, and raised a lot more inside ourselves.语篇解读:本文讲述了 Jane 克服恐惧和困难成功游过海峡的故事。36A.in the future Bat the momentCbefore long Din the past解析:选 B 根据空后的 is 可知时态是一般现在时,只有 at the moment 可以与一般现在时连用。37A.puzzled BpleasedCexcited Dabs

    41、orbed解析:选 D 根据前面的 and 可知要填的单词的意义应与 and 前面的 interested 的意思相近,be absorbed in sth.表示 “被某某事吸引” ,故选 D。38A.crossing BgoingCswimming Dsailing解析:选 C 根据首段和第四段第一句中的 “swam the channel”可选出答案。39A.confidence BideaCambition Dthought解析:选 C 根据第一段中的 “her ambition of swimming”可选出答案。40A.experience BtourCwater Dtravel解析

    42、:选 A experience “经历 ”;tour“游览” ;travel “旅行” 。 “游过海峡”应为一种经历。41A.interested BunwillingCworried Ddissatisfied解析:选 A 根据上文中的“ surreal(离奇的)”可知人们对这样的事的反应应该是感兴趣的。42A.dropped out Bleft offCleft behind Ddropped off解析:选 C 根据语境可知,是丢下孩子、家务等去游泳。选项中只有 leave behind“丢下” 符合语境。drop out“退出,退学” ;drop off“下降,减少” ;leave o

    43、ff“停止” 。43A.started Bwent outCleft off Ddrove解析:选 A start from“从开始” ;go out“出去” ;leave off“停止” 。这里表示从多佛尔出发。44A.in the day Bat noonCat the beginning Dat night解析:选 D 由后文中的“dark sea”可知是晚上。45A.strange BinterestingCexciting Dfascinating解析:选 A 根据上文可知,灯棒在海面上产生的效果应是奇怪的。46A.search BwatchCbreathe Drest解析:选 C

    44、在水中游泳,伸出头是为了呼吸。47A.because BsinceCalthough Dhowever解析:选 C 根据上下文可知,此处应填一个有转折含义的连词,故选 C。48A.differently BexactlyCalmost Dreally解析:选 B 根据上文可知她一点也不害怕,应选 B。49A.If BWhenCWhenever DBecause解析:选 B 此句为时间状语从句。50A.everything BanythingCsomething Dnothing解析:选 C 本题考查复合不定代词含义的区别。51A.to breathe Bto travelCto swim Dt

    45、o dive解析:选 A 在水中呼吸至关重要 ,所以用 to breathe。52A.put out Bswim overCreach out Dget out解析:选 C 游泳时需要伸出胳膊,所以用 reach out。53A.down BthereChere Dup解析:选 B 这里指我们到达了终点。54A.spirit BenergyCawareness Dmood解析:选 B 由推理可知游过海峡后一定是筋疲力尽了,所以说只剩下欢呼和开香槟的力气了。55A.idea BthoughtCcourage Dmind解析:选 D 与 matter(物质)相对应的是 mind(精神)。第三部分:

    46、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)请阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ADear students,Most of us get some exercise walking or riding our bikes to school, but that just isnt enough. Why not get into shape by playing the most popular sport in the world soccer?Two weeks ago, Ms. Goldstein, the physical ed

    47、ucation teacher, posted a notice about an exciting new soccer club (for Grades 35). To join, all you have to do is sign your name and be at school for the fun of it on Saturday mornings. Youll make new friends and share information about famous teams and players.Ms. Goldstein will teach, so youll learn basic skills and new techniques (技巧) to improve your game. Thats good news because soccer is a game you can love three season


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