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    2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修6:Unit 5 Section Ⅳ课时作业(含答案)

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    2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修6:Unit 5 Section Ⅳ课时作业(含答案)

    1、Section Learning about Language glance through; vary from . to .; give birth to; have a gift for; in appreciation of; tremble with; under guarantee; be home to; in panic1She _ a fine healthy baby.答案:gave birth to2As we all know, China _ pandas.答案:is home to3Her lips started to _ cold in the open air

    2、 last night.答案:tremble with4The car is less than a year old, and therefore still _.答案:under guarantee5Though he is young, he _ learning foreign languages.答案:has a gift for6On hearing the explosion, the crowd fled _.答案:in panic7He _ his sons safety, and couldnt sleep well.答案:was anxious about8Please

    3、accept this gift _ what youve done for us.答案:in appreciation of9With an attractive album lying on the desk, he asked if he might _ it.答案:glance through10Opinions on this matter _ person _ person, so it is hard for us to make the final decision.答案:vary from; to 单句语法填空1People ran out of the hotel _ pa

    4、nic when it caught a big fire.答案:in2South of the river _ (lie) many factories.答案:lie3_ (anxious), she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only to find it didnt fit.答案:Anxiously4There are _ (diversity) approaches to English teaching. But not all of them are equally efficient for our Ch

    5、inese students.答案:diverse5Shoppers _ (panic) into buying things they dont need.答案:are panicked6Can you guarantee Bill _ (keep) his word?答案:to keep7_ (master) the way to study, I got a bad result.答案:Not mastering8They are talking about the topic, _ Im tired of.答案:which9_(wait) in the queue for half a

    6、n hour, I was suddenly told that the tickets had been sold out already.答案:Having waited10All flights _ (cancel) because of the snowstorm, we decided to take the train instead.答案:having been cancel(l)ed 单句改错1Felt hungry, we made a fire and cooked some fish._答案:FeltFeeling2The mother was standing at t

    7、he gate, anxiously to see her son._答案:anxiouslyanxious3The symptoms can be comfortable, unpleasant and serious._答案:comfortableuncomfortable4I can guarantee you with a bright future if you work hard._答案:删除 with5He had been shoot in the back while trying to escape._答案:shoot shot能力题 完形填空You are travell

    8、ing on an ocean ship when suddenly a giant wave causes the ship to overturn. Hundreds of people die _1_, but you and several others _2_ in the ballroom. Would you stay there and _3_ for help? Or would you try, _4_ the danger, to find your way out of the ship?This is the _5_ faced by the characters i

    9、n the film “Poseidon”Trapped in the ballroom of the overturned ship, the _6_ orders the surviving guests to wait for help. A small group of people _7_ to accept this fate. They try to escape, knowing that there will be no way back _8_ the captain locks the doors behind them.At the time of the disast

    10、er, each of the characters is trying to overcome personal problems in their own lives. All must face their _9_ and make life and death decisions.Architect Richard Nelson is preparing to kill himself when the wave hits. He feels depressed over the _10_ of his relationship with his partner. But he is

    11、forced to fight _11_ his life, and learns to want to live again. He realizes he must _12_ the past and not think too much about the bad.Robert Ramsey, a fireman, decides to _13_ his own life so that his daughter, Jen, _14_ live. He swims to the ships control room _15_ he must press a switch to chang

    12、e the direction of the ship.He knows he will likely _16_ in the process, but just as surely, he knows that its the only way his friends can escape. His actions give the others a chance to reach _17_. They escape from the ship just before it _18_, killing all those waiting inside and Jens father as w

    13、ell. All the characters who survive feel _19_ to be alive, but they are also aware that their own _20_, bravery and determination saved their own lives.1A.gradually BindividuallyCfinally Dimmediately答案:D 结合文意可知,当巨浪突然将船打翻,成百上千的人立刻(immediately)死在了风浪中,只有那些待在舞厅的人活了下来。故正确答案为D。2A.stay BdanceCsurvive Dlive

    14、答案:C 结合第三段中的 “the surviving guests” 可知,成百上千的人都死在了巨浪中,只有你以及一些在舞厅的人幸免于难(survive)。A 、B 和 D 均不符合文意。故正确答案为 C。3A.ask BwaitCcry D demand答案:B 结合下文的 “to wait for help” 可知,你会选择留下来等待(wait)援救吗? 故正确答案为 B。4A.despite BinCwith Dexcept答案:A 句意:不论(despite)遇到怎样的危险你都要尝试找到走出船的路吗?故正确答案为 A。5A.position BsceneCdanger Ddilemm

    15、a答案:D 结合上文可知,对于幸存的人来说,无论是留下来等待救援还是去寻找出路都很危险。面对这样的状况他们进退两难(dilemma)。A 、B、C 均不符合文意。故正确答案为 D。6A.director BcaptainCsailor Dpassenger答案:B 结合本段最后一句中的 “the captain locks the doors behind them” 可知,船长(captain)命令幸存者等待救援。故正确答案为 B。7A.refuse BagreeChesitate Ddislike答案:A 结合下文可知,有一些人不接受(refuse)这样的命运,所以他们试图逃跑。B、C 、

    16、D 均不符合文意 。故正确答案为 A。8A.unless BuntilConce Dwhen答案:C 句意:他们知道一旦(once)船长将船门锁上,他们就再也没办法上来了。本题侧重的是假设,once 更符合文意。 故正确答案为 C。9A.death BsurvivalCcourage Dfears答案:D 结合上文可知,每个人都得克服自己的问题,面对他们自己内心的恐惧(fear) ,然后作出生死攸关的抉择 。A、B 、C 均不符合文意。故正确答案为 D。10A.end BdepartureCfailure Ddifficulty答案:A 结合上文可知,他为自己和伙伴之间结束 (end)关系而感

    17、到绝望,所以想到了自杀。故正确答案为 A。11A.against BforCwith Dover答案:B 句意:他为自己的生命而努力奋斗。fight for 符合文意。故正确答案为 B。12A.let alone Blet go ofClet out Dlet down答案:B 句意:他意识到自己必须放开(let go of)过去,不能把事情想得太坏。故正确答案为 B。13A.give up Bgive awayCgive in Dgive out答案:A 句意:Robert Ramsey 决定放弃(give up)自己的生命,让他的女儿活下来。故正确答案为 A。14A.might BcanC

    18、would Dmust答案:A 结合上文可知,在暴风雨中,没人能够保证自己一定可以活下来,所以即使是 Robert Ramsey 放弃自己的生命也可能救不回女儿的生命,她只是有可能(might) 会活下来。 故正确答案为 A。15A.which BthereCwhere Dthen答案:C 句意:他必须游进船的控制室,然后在那里按开关转变船的行驶方向。用 where 来引导定语从句 。 故正确答案为 C。16A.succeed BfailCsurvive Ddrown答案:D 结合上文可知,现在他们所处的环境非常危险,所以在赶过去的过程中,他有可能被淹死(drown)。故正确答案为 D。17A

    19、.safety BhomeCsuccess Ddestination答案:A 结合上文可知,他的目的是救他的朋友,所以他希望他们都能够到达一个安全的地方(safety)。故正确答案为 A。18A.breaks BexplodesCsinks Doverturns答案:C 结合文意可知,在船沉(sink)之前他们刚好逃脱。故正确答案为C。19A.relieved BrelaxedClucky Dhappy答案:C 结合下文可知,幸存的人都觉得幸运(lucky),但他们意识到勇敢和决心救了他们的命。故正确答案为 C。20A.calmness BchoicesCfortune Dconfidence

    20、答案:B 结合上文的 “killing all those waiting inside” 可知,选择等待救援的人都死了,而选择外出求生的他们活了下来。由此可知是他们自己的这种选择(choice)让他们获得了生存的机会。故正确答案为 B。 七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Being energy and resource efficient and conscious of improving the health and wellbeing of the work environment will likewise reduce the

    21、 costs of running one business. _1_Conserve your computers energy.For many people with desk jobs the computer is necessary to preserve things done. _2_ It is estimated that people waste over $1 billion on electricity every year just in computer use! To conserve energy from your computer use, turning

    22、 off your computer when its not in use maybe a good choice._3_It is already bad enough that you have to worry about air pollution every time you walk outside, but it is likewise a big priority when you work inside. So, open your windows to increase airflow. If you cant open windows, be sure to take

    23、outdoor breaks throughout the day. And dont smoke in or near the office.Green your desk, cubicle (小房间), office . _4_ Or, even better, buy plants for all of your neighbors. They will not only see this as one friendly gesture, but theyll likewise have cleaner air to breathe! Plants absorb indoor air p

    24、ollution and increase the flow of oxygen, therefore winning a green decoration to complement your desk!Recycle.There are many items in your office that you can recycle. _5_ You are capable of acquiring a few bins and posting recycling guidelines on them. Some of the items to be collected may include

    25、 paper products, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, etc.AMaintain healthy airflow.BYet, this “efficiency” comes at a cost.CIts time to “go green” at work, and here is how.DLiterally, earn a plant and place it on or near your desk.EIts natural to accept similar measures at work to save energy.FIf you do

    26、not have one recycling station at work, start one on your own!GSetting the computer to the sleep mode when youre away temporarily makes good sense.1C 根据文章第一句及下文列举的具体内容可知,设空处起承上启下的作用,故 C 项符合语境。2B 根据下文中的“people waste over $1 billion on electricity every year just in computer use”可知, B 项“但是,这种效率 的出现是有代

    27、价的”符合语境。3A 根据本段的内容尤其是“a big priority when you work inside”“increase airflow”可知,本段主要讲的是要保持空气的流通,故 A 项最能概括本段的主要内容。4D 根据下文中的“Or, even better, buy plants for all of your neighbors”以及“winning a green decoration to complement your desk”可知 D 项符合语境。5F 根据下文中的 “You are capable of acquiring a few bins and posting recycling guidelines on them.”可知 F 项“如果你工作的地方没有回收站的话,你自己动手创建一个”符合语境。


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