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    2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修6:Unit 1 Section Ⅱ 课时作业(一)含答案

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    2019-2020学年人教版高中英语选修6:Unit 1 Section Ⅱ 课时作业(一)含答案

    1、Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业( 一) 完形填空(2019江西省新余市第四中学高三月考)It is a true story behind a wellknown piece of art.In a village near Nuremberg lived a family with eighteen children. Merely to keep food on the table, the father worked eighteen hours a day. Despite their _1_ condition, two of t

    2、he children had a dream to seek their talent for _2_, but they knew well their father would never be able to send _3_ of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.The two boys finally worked out an agreement. They would toss (扔,掷) a coin. The _4_ would work in the nearby mines to support his brother

    3、. Albrecht _5_ the toss and went off to Nuremberg. Albert went into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, financed his brother, _6_ work at the academy was almost an _7_ success. Albrechts woodcut and oils were _8_ better than those of his professors and he soon was earning considerable

    4、fees _9_ his works.When the young _10_ returned home, the family held a festive dinner. Albrecht rose to toast to his beloved brother, “Now, Albert, it is your _11_ to seek your dream and I will support you.”All heads turned to the far end of the table, where Albert sat, tears streaming down his pal

    5、e face, while he _12_ and repeated, “No, no.” Finally, Albert rose and _13_ the tears from his cheeks. He said softly, “I _14_ go to Nuremberg, brother. It is too late for me. Look what four years in the mines have done to my hands! The bones in every finger have been smashed at least once, and I ca

    6、nnot even hold a glass to _15_ your toast.”Today, Albrechts masterful works _16_ in every great museum in the world, but chances are great _17_ you, like most people, are familiar with only one of them. Albrecht drew his brothers abused hands with palms together and thin _18_ stretched skyward. He _

    7、19_ it “The Praying Hands”Next time you see that touching creation, take a second look. Let it be your reminder, if you still need one, that no one ever makes it _20_!1A.hopeful B luckyCdisappointed Dhopeless答案:D 根据上文可知,这个家庭要养活太多孩子,条件很艰难,生活境况窘迫,令人感到无望。hopeful “有希望的 ”;lucky “幸运的” ;disappointed “失望的”

    8、; hopeless “无望的” 。故选 D。2A.music BartCmining Dfarming答案:B 由第 7 空后的“woodcut and oils”可知此处指的是艺术天分,艺术才华。故选 B。music “音乐” ;art “艺术” ;mining “采矿” ;farming “农业” 。3A.all BbothCeach Deither答案:D 根据上文可知,由于经济能力有限,父亲不能把他们都送去上学。either 和 never 连用表示完全否定。4A.painter BloserCwinner Dfailure答案:B 根据第 4 空的前两句可知,这俩男孩要投硬币来定输

    9、赢。因此这里指败者到附近的矿场工作赚钱供另一个人去学艺术。故选 B。5A.lost BgotCwon Dbeat答案:C Albrecht 赢得了比赛,然后去了纽伦堡。故选 C。6A.who BhisCwhom Dwhose答案:D 句中先行词为 his brother,在从句中作名词 work 的定语,故用关系代词 whose。他的作品很快就取得了成功 。故选 D。7A.random Bimmediate Cattractive Dordinary答案:B 他的作品很快就取得了成功,与下文的 soon 相呼应。故选B。random “随意的” ; immediate “立即的” ; attr

    10、active “有吸引力的” ;ordinary “普通的” 。8A.far BquiteCvery D more答案:A 此处 Albrecht 的木刻和油画比他的教授们好得多。故选 A。far用于比较级前,表示程度。9A.for BtoCin Dat答案:A 他很快就因为自己的作品赚了不少钱。 故选 A。for 表原因。10A.miner BworkerCartist Dprofessor答案:C 由家里为他的归来举行庆祝晚餐可知,是年轻的艺术家回到了家。故选 C。11A.luck BturnCmove Dmoment答案:B 由下文可知艺术家回来想让兄弟学艺术,因此此句表述“轮到你去实现

    11、你的梦想了” ,it is ones turn to do . “轮到做” ,故选 B。12A.sobbed BnoddedCsmiled Dlaughed答案: A 与上文的 tears 相呼应,可知他哭了。故选 A。sob “抽泣” ;nod “点头” ;smile “微笑” ; laugh “笑” 。13A.recovered BweptCwiped Dhanded答案:C 此处表述他哭了,因此应该是擦掉脸上的泪水。故选 C。14A.cant BmustntCcan Dhave to答案:A 由下文的描述可知他不能去学艺术了,故选 A。cant “不能” ;mustnt “不可以” ;c

    12、an “能够” ;have to “不得不” 。15A.hold BreturnCmove Dturn答案:B 我不能举杯去回敬你。故选 B。return 在此意为“回应,回报” 。16A.hang BrepresentCpresent Dvisit答案:A 这幅作品挂在许多博物馆。故选 A。17A.when BthatCwhich Das答案:B 但是很可能你只熟悉其中的一件作品。chances are great (that) . 句型表示可能性很大。故选 B。18A.figures BhandsCfingers Darms答案:C 由下文作品名“The Praying Hands”及该空

    13、格前的 palms 可知,此处表明手指是指向天空的。故选 C。19A.said BlovedCtold Dcalled答案:D 根据上文可知,把这幅爱的作品重新命名为 “祈祷之手” 。故选D。call “叫作;称作” 。20A.yet BoutCalone Dbefore答案:C 没有人能单枪匹马地获得成功。故选 C。 阅读理解A(2019合肥市高三调研性测试)Invisible Dialogues and Invented LanguagesOctober 13, 2018This discussion will examine selftaught artists who use code

    14、d or invented languages in their work. Artists include Melvin Edward Nelson, and Carlo Keshishian. Exploring the relationship between language and visual expressions, it seeks to find out how some unreadable words, letters, and symbols communicate meaning.6:30 pm8:00 pm$ 10 members, students, senior

    15、s; $ 12 nonmembersArt and Storytelling October 20, 2018Artist Ernesto Caivano will discuss the connection of drawing and stories in his work, while examining how his explorations of storytelling relate to his previous works.Another activity includes conversations with artists and scholars, providing

    16、 a good opportunity to engage with the central themes and histories found in the artwork.6:30 pm7:30 pm$ 5 members, students, seniors; $ 8 nonmembersSelfTaught GeniusOctober 27, 2018Sponsor Sarah Suzuki will discuss selected drawings and prints on view in the exhibition Highlights from SelfTaught Ge

    17、nius on a guided gallery tour.The program is held together with the exhibition Highlights from SelfTaught Genius at the newly opened SelfTaught Genius Gallery in Long Island City, Queens.6:00 pm7:00 pm$ 5 members, students, seniors; $ 8 nonmembersGender, Politics, and Textiles (纺织品)November 3, 2018A

    18、rt historian Julia BryanWilson will present an illustrated overview of her publication Fray: Art and Textile Politics. Julia will explore the relationship between textiles, gender, and war. The book signing will follow the discussion.6:30 pm8:00 pm$ 8 members, students, seniors; $ 10 nonmembers篇 章 导

    19、 读 : 本 文 是 一 篇 应 用 文 。文 章 介 绍 了 几 个 有 关 艺 术 的 讨 论 活 动 。1Who will talk about drawing and stories?AErnesto Caivano. BSarah Suzuki.CMelvin Edward Nelson. DJulia BryanWilson.答案:A 细节理解题。根据第二个活动部分中的 “Artist Ernesto Caivano will discuss the connection of drawing and stories in his work”可知,Ernesto Caivano 将

    20、会讨论绘画和故事之间的联系,故选 A。2Which of the activities is available in November, 2018?ASelfTaught Genius.BArt and Storytelling.CGender, Politics, and Textiles.DInvisible Dialogues and Invented Languages.答案:C 细节理解题。根据最后一个活动 Gender, Politics, and Textiles (纺织品 )的时间介绍“November 3, 2018”可知,应选 C。3What is the purpose

    21、 of the text?ATo advertise some activities.BTo introduce some artists.CTo publicize some books.DTo sponsor some events.答案:A 推理判断题。根据对全文的整体理解可知,本文是一篇活动介绍,主要介绍了几个有关艺术的讨论活动,故选 A。BDrama and the performing arts are excellent methods of building confidence in both children and adults. Learning through dra

    22、ma allows children to explore their creativity and have fun while leaving their shyness and worries behind. Drama also works by supporting the growth of imagination and other skills.Entertainment has become rather passive (被动的) with cinema, television, and video games. These screenbased methods have

    23、 had a negative effect on communication. However, drama puts the “getupandgo” back into entertainment. Children have the opportunity to connect with others in a more meaningful way as drama encourages speech development and awareness of body language, and allows children to become more socially acti

    24、ve. Play and drama are closely connected. When children play a game, they are pretending and using their imagination and so they are moving away from reality to create their own story. Drama is a vehicle through which children can express themselves more freely through movement and speech to make ed

    25、ucation fun. Children gain confidence by understanding that there is no final answer in drama and that their opinions and contributions are valued. Children are able to give a personal response to many problems and situations such as poverty, global warming and recycling. The problems that drama can

    26、 deal with are endless. Drama and education have a strong connection as drama can encourage children to take an active interest in other subjects such as geography, history, and English and so they can have a more rounded education.As a drama teacher, I have seen children at their first class holdin

    27、g onto their parents armsunwilling to let go. Then to see the same child later running into my class with smiles is an excellent sight. Drama gives children confidence by allowing them to try and experiment. Everyone is given the opportunity to shine within drama. Besides the history of the theatre,

    28、 drama covers dance, music, directing, etc. These classes are especially designed to be of great fun.4Performing drama is likely to help children _.Ainvent something useful Bimagine anything they likeCbecome more confident in themselvesDdevelop an interest in doing experiments答案:C 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Dra

    29、ma and the performing arts are excellent methods of building confidence in both children and adults.”可知答案选 C。5Which of the following is useful in developing a childs communication skills?ADrama and play.BTelevision and cinema.CVideo games and drama.DCinema and video games.答案:A 推理判断题。根据第二段第一、二句可排除 B、

    30、C、D 三项。根据第二段最后一句中的“as drama encourages speech . socially active”可知,戏剧鼓励孩子们发展演讲能力,意识到身体语言的作用并让孩子们更具社会化。根据第三段可知,戏剧可以激发孩子们的想象力,让他们利用想象力创作自己的故事。由此可推知,戏剧有助于培养孩子的沟通能力。故选 A。6What does the underlined phrase “getupandgo” in the second paragraph probably mean?AGreat influence on children.BEnthusiasm for commu

    31、nication.CNeed for communication.DNegative effects on children.答案:B 词义猜测题。根据 However 可知,此句表达的意思与前面两句相反。getupandgo 的意思应该与前两句描述的孩子们不乐于沟通,没有沟通激情的状况相反。故答案选 B。7We can know from the fourth paragraph that _.Achildrens opinions are of little importanceBdrama has a weak connection with educationCchildren can learn drama by themselves in their daily livesDdrama can help children learn about other subjects答案:D 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句话可知,戏剧和教育联系密切,它可以帮助孩子们学习其他学科。故答案选 D。


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