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    2019-2020学年人教版英语选修六课件:Unit 3 Period Four

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    2019-2020学年人教版英语选修六课件:Unit 3 Period Four

    1、,PART 1,语法导学,PART 2,达标检测,Period Four GrammarThe use of “it”(1),PART1,语法导学,感悟规律 重点难点剖析,感知以下课文原句,补全方框下的小题,语法感知,1.it可以用作非人称代词,指代 ,如句1;也可以指代 ,如句3。 2.it用作非人称代词时,可以指代 ,如句4中的第二个it、句6、句7和句8中的第一个it。 3.it可以代替 ,作形式主语,如句2;也可代替 作形式主语,如句5和句8中的第二个it。 4.it可以代替 作形式宾语,如句4中的第一个it。,查看答案,天气,时间,前面所说的部分内容或某个东西,主语从句,不定式,不定

    2、式,一、it 作人称代词 1.it的最基本用法是作代词,主要指上文提到的事物,以避免重复: Xian is a beautiful city,isnt it? 西安是个美丽的城市,不是吗? 2.也可以指动物、婴儿(未知性别的婴儿或孩子)或不明身份的人: Is this your dog? No,it isnt. 这是你的狗吗? 不是。,语法精析,Her new baby is tiny;it only weighs 2 kilos. 她刚生的宝宝个头很小,才两千克重。 Who is it knocking at the door? It might be the postman. 谁在敲门?

    3、可能是邮递员。,二、it作非人称代词 1.指天气: It is a lovely day,isnt it? 天气真不错,不是吗? It is a bit windy.有点风。 2.指时间: It was nearly midnight when she came back. 她回来时已近午夜。 3.指环境: It was very quiet in the caf. 咖啡馆里非常安静。,4.指距离: It is half an hours walk to the city centre from my home. 从我家到市中心有半小时的步行路程。 5.指日期: Whats the date

    4、today? Its May 1,2018. 今天是几号? 2018年5月1日。 6.指季节: It is summer now. 现在是夏季。,三、it作形式主语 1.it作形式主语替代动词不定式 (1)It beadj.(for sb. ) to do sth. 此处的形容词通常为描述事件的形容词:easy,difficult,hard,necessary,unnecessary,possible,impossible,likely,unlikely,right,wrong,important,unimportant,legal,illegal,well-mannered,ill-mann

    5、ered,polite,impolite,clear,obvious,certain,suitable,proper,fit,useful,useless,dangerous等。 It is illegal (for a teenager) to drive a car without a license. 青少年没有驾照开车是违法的。,(2)It beadj.of sb. to do sth. 此处的形容词通常为描述人的形容词:kind,unkind,nice,rude,cruel,considerate,thoughtful,thoughtless,careful,careless,sil

    6、ly,foolish,stupid,clever,wise,crazy等。 Its kind of you to help me with the problem. 帮我解决问题,你真是太好了。 2.it作形式主语替代主语从句 (1)It isadj.从句 It is clear (obvious/true/possible/certain/.) that. 该句型中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句,常译为“清楚(显然,真的)”。例如: It is very clear that hes round and tall like a tree. 很明显他又胖又高像一棵树。,(

    7、2)It isv.-edthat.Sb. /Sth. isv.-edto do It is said (reported/learned/believed/thought/known/told/hoped/.) that. 该句型中的it 仍是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句;该结构常译为“据说(据报道,据悉)”。 It is said that he has come to Beijing. 据说他已经来北京了。 It is reported that another earth satellite has been put into orbit. 据报道另一个地球卫星已发射进轨

    8、道。,(3)It isn.that. It is a pity (a shame/an honor/a good thing/a fact/a surprise/.) that. 该句型中,如果表示出乎意料等感情,that后的从句一般用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“should动词原形”,should可省去,常译为“竟然”。没有这种意义时,则不用虚拟语气。例如: It is a pity that such a thing (should) happen in your class. 这种事竟然发生在你们班上,真是遗憾! It is a pity that he is ill. 他生病了,真遗憾!,

    9、四、it作形式宾语 当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式、动名词或宾语从句时,往往把宾语放在它的补足语后面,而用it 作形式宾语,放在宾语补足语之前。常用的动词有think,believe,make,find,consider,feel等。 I think it no use arguing with him. 我认为和他争吵没有用。 I found it very interesting to study English. 我发现学英语非常有趣。 He made it clear that he was not interested in this subject. 他非常清楚地表示他对这门学科不感兴

    10、趣。,疑难辨析 一、it替代作主语的动名词或不定式的常见句型 Its no good/use doing. Its (well) worth doing. Its worthwhile doing/to do. 二、it常用的固定搭配 1.make it (1)在口语当中相当于succeed,表示“成功,做到,说定,赶上,及时到达”。例如: He never really made it as an actor. 他从来就不是一个成功的演员。,(2)在口语中相当于fix the date for,表示“约定好时间”。例如: Shall we meet next week? OK.We just

    11、 make it next Saturday. 我们下星期见面好吗? 好。那我们约定好下星期六吧。 2.take it/things easy相当于dont worry或dont hurry,用来劝告别人,表示“不要慌,别担心,沉住气”。 Take it easy! He will do it well. 别担心!他会做好的。,3.it all depends/that all depends 在口语中,相当于it hasnt been decided yet,表示“视情况而定”。 Are you going to the countryside for holiday? It/That al

    12、l depends. 你要去乡村度假吗? 那得看情况。 4.its up to sb. 在口语中,相当于its decided by sb. 表示“由决定,由负责,取决于”。 Shall we go out for dinner? Its up to you. 我们出去吃晚饭吗? 你决定吧。,.用适当的代词填空 1.Many westerners who come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap can be to eat out.(2018浙江) 2. can be

    13、 concluded that restaurant keepers need not “be overly concerned about bad tables,” given that theyre profitable.(2018江苏) 3.Whatever youre looking for,color is the key to making a room feel the way you want to feel.(2018全国),高考链接,it,查看答案,It,it,4.The event celebrates its 22nd anniversary with a great

    14、show of the very best of gardening,making one of the most popular events in gardening. (2018全国) 5.When comes to technology and reading,the report does little to counsel(建议) parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading.(2018全国) 6.I cant find my purse.I could have left

    15、 in the supermarket yesterday,but Im not sure.(2018天津),it,查看答案,it,it,7.For most of the last century,the car represented what meant to be Americangoing forward at high speed to find new worlds.(2018浙江) 8.However,the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within six months,more than 25,000 p

    16、eople were using every day.(2017全国),it,查看答案,it,.单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误) 1.It was both excited and frightening to be up there!(2016浙江,短文改错) 2.Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around them. (2015浙江,短文改错) 3.It is difficult to understanding why she barks every minute shes outside. (

    17、2014辽宁,短文改错) 4.We were organizing an art exhibition for high school students in the city.This will be held on the 9th of July in the Exhibition Hall of Beihai. (2008宁夏,短文改错),exciting,查看答案,it,understand,It,5.Now,I fully understand how hard is to earn money. (2008浙江,短文改错),查看答案, it,PART2,达标检测,当堂检测 基础达标

    18、演练,1.This house is beautiful with a garden.We really like very much. 2.Well,you mustnt play on the road. is dangerous. 3.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see who is. 4.I have a new copy of the book.Id like to send to you. No,thanks.Id rather buy in the bookstore. 5.The mistake made impossible

    19、for us to go on. 6.From the teachers patient explanation, I have learnt what a big responsibilityis to educate us.,.用适当的代词填空,查看答案,it,It,it,it,one,it,it,7.I know is important to know my own limitations, but what is difficult is to help others to know their own limitations. 8.I would appreciate very m

    20、uch if you could give me some suggestions. 9. never occurred to me that you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind. 10.Will you see to that my children are taken good care of while I am away?,查看答案,it,it,It,it,11. your dictionary with me. 与我共用你的字典,你真是太好了。 12.Whats worse, some drivers, cyc

    21、lists and pedestrians do not _. 更糟的是,一些司机、骑自行车的人和行人认为遵守交通规则不重要。 13.He he is quite well again. 多亏医生的照料,他的身体又好起来了。,.完成句子,Its kind of you to share,think it vital,to observe traffic rules,owes it to his doctors care that,查看答案,14.We all Mile can succeed. 我们都想当然地认为米莱能成功。 15. from your hometown to Beijing? 从你的家乡到北京有多远?,take it for granted that,How far is it,查看答案,


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