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    2019-2020学年人教版英语必修五课件:Unit 1 Period Three

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    2019-2020学年人教版英语必修五课件:Unit 1 Period Three

    1、,Period Three Learning about Language & Using Language,PART 1,基础自测,PART 2,课文预读,PART 3,互动探究,PART 4,达标检测,PART 1,基础自测,默写练习(二),.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共10小题;每题2分,满分20分) 1.firework n. _ 2.chart n. _ 3.creative adj. _ 4.co-operative adj. _ 5.revolutionary adj. _ 6.loop n. _ 7.privately adv. _ 8.spin vi.& vt. _ 9.rej

    2、ect vt. _ 10.universe n. _,查看答案,烟火(燃放),图表,有创造力的;创造性的;独创的,合作的,革命的;重大变革的,圈;环,私下地;秘密地,(使)旋转;纺(线或纱),拒绝;不接受;抛弃,宇宙;世界,.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共15小题;每题2分,满分30分) 11. adj. 有责任的;负责的 12. vt. 建设;修建 n. 建设;建筑物 13. vt.& vi. 捐献;贡献;捐助 n. 贡献 14. adj. 积极的;肯定的;确实的 15. n. 移动;运动;动作 16. adv.& adj. 向后地(的);相反地(的);退步地(的) 17. adj. 热情的

    3、;热心的,responsible,查看答案,construct,construction,contribute,contribution,positive,movement,backward,enthusiastic,18. adj. 小心的;谨慎的 n. 小心;谨慎 19. n. 特征;特性 20. n. 医生;内科医师 21. vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光 22. n. 治愈;痊愈vt. 治愈;治疗 23. n. 挑战vt. 向挑战 24. vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心 25. vt. 怀疑n. 被怀疑者;嫌疑犯,查看答案,cautious,caution,characteristic,phy

    4、sician,expose,cure,challenge,absorb,suspect,.写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共10小题;每题2分,满分20分) 26. 除之外;此外 27. 对严格的 28. 讲得通;有意义 29. 对作出贡献 30. 对谨慎,查看答案,apart from,(be) strict with.,make sense,make a contribution/contributions to,be cautious about/of,31.in a sense _ 32.with caution _ 33.put off _ 34.conclude.from. _

    5、35.blame sb. for sth. _,查看答案,在某种意义上;在某种程度上,小心翼翼地,推迟,延期,从中推断出,因某事责备某人;把某事归咎于某人,.完成句子(共5小题;每题6分,满分30分) 36.Only if you put the sun there _. 只有当你把太阳放在那里,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。 37.So between 1510 and 1514 he worked on it,gradually _. 于是,他在1510年至1514年期间从事这项研究,逐步改进他的理论,直到他感到完善时为止。,查看答案,did the movements of the

    6、other planets in the,sky make sense,improving his theory,until he felt it was complete,38.The changes were revolutionary. 他对旧理论所做的改动是革命性的。 39.He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system _. 他把太阳固定在太阳系的中心位置上,而行星则围绕着太阳转,只有月球仍然绕着地球转。 40.Yet Copernicus theory is now the basis _. 然而现在哥白尼的理论却是我

    7、们的宇宙观建立的基础。,查看答案,he made to the old theory,with the planets going,round it and only the moon still going round the earth,on which all our ideas of the,universe are built,PART2,课文预读,回归教材 萃取文本主旨,.Read the passage and match the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1 A.New observations didnt agree with the

    8、 old theory about the earth. Para.2 B.Copernicus theory is the basis of modern science about the universe. Para.3 C.Copernicus was puzzled as he found the earth was not the centre of the solar system. Para.4 D.Copernicus new theory that the sun was the centre could explain all the phenomena. Para.5

    9、E.Copernicus improved his theory by collecting observations and using his mathematical knowledge.,查看答案,.Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers.,1.What made Copernicus frightened and confused? A.The fact that the earth was the centre of the solar system. B.The conclusion that the sun

    10、was the centre of the solar system. C.The fact that the earth runs around the sun. D.The fact that God made the world.,查看答案,2.Why didnt Copernicus publish his theory immediately?Because . A.he didnt think it complete B.he was afraid of being attacked by the Christian Church C.his friends forbade him

    11、 to do so D.no one supported his ideas,查看答案,3.When did Copernicus publish his theory? A.After his death. B.Before he told his friends about it. C.As he lay dying in 1543. D.Copernicus theory was never published.,查看答案,4.All the following made it strange if the earth was the centre of the solar system

    12、 EXCEPT that . A.some planets in the sky seemed to stop or move backward B.some planets in the sky appeared brighter at times and less bright at others C.some planets in the sky seemed to go forward in a loop D.the sun goes around the earth,查看答案,5. Whats the Christian Churchs attitude towards Copern

    13、icus theory? A.The Christian Church objected to Copernicus theory. B.The Christian Church was in favor of Copernicus theory. C.The Christian Church paid much attention to the theory. D.The Christian Church thought highly of Copernicus theory.,查看答案,PART3,互动探究,探究重点 互动撞击思维,contribute vt.& vi.捐献;贡献;捐助;投

    14、稿;促成,造成,1,重点词汇,contribute.to.把捐献给;向投稿contribute to捐赠;捐献;有助于;导致;投稿联想 表示“引起;导致;有助于”的词汇还有:cause,lead to,result in,bring about等。 contribution n.贡献;捐助make a contribution/contributions to对作出贡献,(1)3D food printing could probably contribute to the solution.(2018天津) 3D食物打印很可能有助于解决这个问题。 (2)Everyone of us shou

    15、ld make a (contribute) to our society. 我们每个人都应该为我们的社会作出贡献。 单句改错 (3)The evidence will contribute to catch the thief.,查看答案,contribution,catching,一词多义 写出下列句子中contribute to的汉语意思 (4)Many people contributed money to the poor boy,which contributed to his returning to school.A writer wrote a story about it

    16、and contributed it to China Daily. _ (5)The sharp increase of mothers in the workplace has further contributed to the reduction in the amount of time adolescents spend with adults. _,查看答案,捐款;促使;投稿,导致, apart from除之外;此外,2,Apart from the construction mentioned above,you have also learned the following

    17、phrases.除了上面提到的句子结构,你也学了以下的词组。,易混辨析 apart from,except,besides,except for apart from 具有多重意义,既可以表示besides,也可以表示except 或except for。 except 表示从所提到的人或事中除去一部分,表示递减的概念。 besides 表示“除了之外,还有”,表示递增的概念。 except for 表示对整体主要部分的肯定和局部的否定。,选词填空 apart from,except,besides,except for (1)All the students took part in the

    18、 sports meeting Tom,for he was ill. (2)We need three more chairs these two. (3) the ending,its a really good film.,查看答案,except/apart from,besides/apart from,Apart from/Except for,make sense讲得通;有意义,3,Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有当你把太阳放在那

    19、个位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。,make sense of懂得;了解的意义 make no sense讲不通;没有意义 in a sense 在某种意义上;在某种程度上 in no sense决不(置于句首,句子用部分倒装) Theres no/little sense in doing sth. 做某事没有意义。,查看答案,(1)I couldnt make sense of what he said. What he said couldnt make any sense me. 我不能理解他所说的话。 (2)In a sense,I think he likes being

    20、 responsible for everything. 从某种意义上说,我认为他喜欢包揽一切。 (3)Planning so far ahead so many things will change. 那么早计划是没有意义的那么多事情会发生变化。 (4)Theres no sense in (argue) with hershe is so stubborn! 和她争论是没有意义的她那么固执! 单句改错 (5)What he said at the meeting didnt make sense of .,to,makes no sense,arguing,His friends were

    21、 enthusiastic and encouraged him to publish his ideas,but Copernicus was cautious.他的朋友们都热情地鼓励他把他的想法公之于众,而哥白尼却小心谨慎。,cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的,4,be cautious about/of对谨慎 cautiously adv.小心地;谨慎地 caution n.小心;谨慎with caution 小心翼翼地,(1)Ive always been very cautious about giving my address and telephone number to

    22、strangers. 我在给陌生人我的地址和电话号码时非常谨慎。 (2)The woman opened the door (cautious) and walked in. The woman opened the door caution and walked in. 这个女人小心地打开门,走了进去。,查看答案,cautiously,with,Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有当你把太阳放在那个位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。,1

    23、,经典句式,“only状语或状语从句”放于句首要使用部分倒装,即把助动词、情态动词或系动词be放在主语之前。,(1)Only then did he realize that he had made a severe mistake. 只有那时他才意识到自己犯了一个严重的错误。 (2)Only by shouting and waving his hands . 只有靠大声呼叫和晃动双手才能使人注意到他。 (3) a teacher gives permission is a student allowed to enter the room. 只有得到老师的允许,学生才能进这个房间。 名师指

    24、津 如果only修饰的不是状语,即使放在句首主句也不倒装。 (4)Only she can do it well,for she is more experienced.只有她才能把它做好,因为她更有经验。,查看答案,could he be noticed,Only if,易混辨析 only if,if only only if只有,only if本身不是一个固定词组。only是副词,用来修饰整个if从句。若用于句首,后接从句,主句要部分倒装。 if only但愿,要是就好了,常引导含虚拟语气的条件句或感叹句。,选词填空 only if,if only (5) I were a bird,I

    25、would fly in the vast sky. (6) you eat the correct foods will you be able to keep fit.,查看答案,If only,Only if,with the planets going round it是“with宾语宾语补足语”结构,在句中作伴随状语。该结构作状语还可以表示原因、条件等情况。此外,此结构还可作后置定语。 with复合结构的具体构成:,2,He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going roun

    26、d it and only the moon still going round the earth.他把太阳固定在太阳系的中心位置上,而行星则围绕着太阳转,只有月球仍然绕着地球转。,adj./adv./介词短语 doing(宾语和宾语补足语之间是主, 动关系,表示动作正在进行) done(宾语和宾语补足语之间是被, 动关系,表示动作已完成) to do(不定式表示的动作尚未发生),with宾语,(1)Youd better not go to sleep with the windows open. 你最好不要开着窗子睡觉。 (2)The little boy ran along the s

    27、treet with nothing on. 这个小男孩沿街跑着,什么也没穿。 (3)We live in a house with many flowers around it. 我们住在一所周围有很多花的房子里。 (4)The thief was brought in with his hands (tie) behind his back. 这个小偷被带了进来,双手被绑在背后。 (5)I cant go out with all these dishes (wash). 我不能丢下这些要洗的餐具就出去。,查看答案,to wash,tied,高级表达 (6)The old man was

    28、walking slowly and his pet dog followed him.(改为with复合结构) The old man was walking slowly .,查看答案,with his pet dog following him,PART4,达标检测,当堂检测 基础达标演练,1.The boss of the company is very strict the staff,so everyone there has to be completely strict their work. 2.She never lost her (enthusiastic) for te

    29、aching. 3. (cautious),he moved himself into an upright position. 4.The engineers have made great (contribute) to the design of the Change spaceship. 5.If only I (take) his advice at that time!,.单句语法填空,查看答案,with,in,enthusiasm,Cautiously,contributions,had taken,6.Provided you didnt try to make sense i

    30、t,it sounded beautiful. 7.The environmental (move) has been trying to preserve our natural resources. 8.With his suggestions (reject),he felt upset. 9.She grabbed Norms arm and (spin) him around to face her. 10.We didnt see anyone all day,apart a couple of kids on the beach.,查看答案,of,movement,rejecte

    31、d,spun,from,11. realize what had happened. 当他回到家时才知道发生了什么事。 12.We the earthquake fund last year. 去年我们向地震基金会捐赠了很多钱。 13. a child suffer like that. 让孩子那样受苦没有道理。,.完成句子,查看答案,Only when he returned home did he,contributed much money to,Theres no sense in making,14.English is one of the subjects I am intere

    32、sted. 英语是我感兴趣的科目之一。 15. ,its time to buy warm clothes.(with复合结构) 随着冬天的临近,是时候买暖和的衣服了。,in which,With winter coming on/approaching,查看答案,There was a time when the powerful Christian Church believed God have made the world.It was that reason that the earth was thought to be the centre of the solar system

    33、.But problems arose.Copernicus had thought long and hardly about them and tried to find an answer.Though, all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion what the earth was not the centre of the solar system.When he placed a fixing sun at the centre of the solar system,查看答案,.课文短文改错,had,hard,However, for,that,fixed,the movement of the planets made the sense.The Christian Church rejects his theory.But her theory is now the basis on that all our ideas of the universe are built.,rejected,his,which,查看答案,


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