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    2019-2020学年北师大版英语选修6课件:Unit 16 单元知识回顾——默写练习(五)

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    2019-2020学年北师大版英语选修6课件:Unit 16 单元知识回顾——默写练习(五)

    1、,单元知识回顾默写练习(五),Unit 16,.单元知识回顾(共40小题;每小题1.5分,满分60分) 1.出现 _ 2.写出与knock有关的短语 (1)撞倒某人 (2)敲(门、窗等) _ (3)撞上;偶然遇到 _ (4)(驾车把某人)撞倒;摧毁 _,查看答案,come into view,knock sb. over,knock at/on,knock into,knock.down,3.写出与block有关的短语 (1)堵住 _ (2)关闭;阻止;堵塞 _ (3)阻挡;堵塞 _ 4.写出与way有关的短语 (1)从某种程度上说 _ (2)挡道,妨碍 _ (3)用这/那种方法 _ (4)决

    2、不 _ (5)在某人去的路上 _,查看答案,block out,block off,block up,in a way,in the way,in this/that way,in no way,on ones way to,5.被困在 _ 6.写出与come有关的短语 (1)偶然遇见 _ (2)发生 _ (3)开花;发行 _ (4)达到,总计 _ (5)出现;被提及 _ (6)提出,想出 _,查看答案,be caught in,come across,come about,come out,come to,come up,come up with,7.写出与hold有关的短语 (1)支撑起

    3、_ (2)隐瞒;控制 _ (3)伸出;维持 _ (4)别挂断;坚持 _ (5)抓紧,不放开 _ 8.依靠 _ 9.理解 _ 10.以结束,以告终 _,查看答案,hold up,hold back,hold out,hold on,hold on to,count on,figure out,end up,11.写出与put有关的短语 (1)容忍,忍受 _ (2)存储;放在一边 _ (3)收拾;存起来 _ (4)记下;放下;镇压 _ (5)推迟;延期 _ (6)举起;建造;投宿;张贴 _ 12.特别,尤其 _ 13.共有,共同 _,查看答案,put up with,put aside,put a

    4、way,put down,put off,put up,in particular,in common,14.介绍;引进;挣得 _ 15.讲得通,有道理 _ 16.指的是;参考;涉及 _ 17.在这种情况下 _,查看答案,bring in,make sense,refer to,in this case,.完成句子(共5小题;每小题4分,满分20分) 18.I my mother would promise to buy me a new mobilephone. 我认为妈妈答应给我买新手机是不可能的。 19.The young scientist came up with a new ide

    5、a _ _. 在做一些关于污染的研究时,这位年轻的科学家想到了一个新主意。,查看答案,considered it impossible that,while doing some research on,pollution,20. I watched the popular TV play Like a Flowing River. 是在叔叔家里我看了很受欢迎的电视剧大江大河。 21.The fact is that I stay here, I will miss my family. 实际上,我在这里待的时间越长,我就会越想念我的家人。 22. ,we may have a discuss

    6、ion next time we meet. 既然我们已经看完了整个章节,下次见面时就可以讨论了。,查看答案,It was at my uncles that,the longer,the more,Now that we have covered the whole chapter,.知识运用于语境(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) Im interested in volcanoes.A few years ago,I came across a book written by a Roman writer,Pliny.He gave us a vivid description of

    7、 a terrible volcanic eruption 23. (occur) on August 24th,79 AD near the city of Pompeii,which was named after a person.Pliny witnessed the disaster when he was young and he couldnt figure out why the “dead” volcanoVesuvius,erupted suddenly and 24._(bury) the whole town overnight.He trembled 25._ fea

    8、r and couldnt put up with the sorrow at the disappearance of the city and its citizens.He was sorry for the victims.,查看答案,occurring,buried,with,About 1748,the ancient Pompeii was discovered by experts.Up to now,it 26. (preserve) well.In a way,the precious finding of Pompeii is a breakthrough,27. hel

    9、ps us learn more about the life of Roman.A lot of scientists think it is of great 28._(significant) to archaeological research.Now that I have learned about the city,I was eager 29. (visit) it.This year I made a trip to Italy.On the way to Pompeii,I imagined what the city would look like.When it cam

    10、e into view,I was still amazed at the great scene.It seemed as if time rewound. I admired the ancient architecture,statues,decorated walls and authentic objects characteristic of the time.The city is like not only a “time capsule” 30. a monument to human history. A man,31. (lie) on his side,,查看答案,ha

    11、s been preserved,which,significance,to visit,but,lying,looked as if he was trying to escape.A woman with a baby was knocked over by a man in the opposite direction.I showed sympathy for these once-living statues.All of them 32. (abandon) by the God.Now although one-third of the city is open to tourists,the city being dug out is still expanding.Sooner or later,the whole city will appear before us.,查看答案,were abandoned,


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