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    2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修2:Unit 5 单元知识滚动练

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    2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修2:Unit 5 单元知识滚动练

    1、单元知识滚动练.单词拼写1We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected(拒绝)2His anger(气愤) would burst out when things didnt go as hed expected.3Im very optimistic(乐观的) about the companys future.4When the pop star went onto the stage,the audience became excited.5It is said that the pirates(海盗) b

    2、uried their treasure(财宝) on this island.6What does the circle represent( 代表) in this dictionary?7There are more female teachers than male ones in the school.8I dont like the present work.Im going to quit next week.9No one is allowed to come in until his identity(身份) is determined.10As a musician,his

    3、 songs are popular with people,whether young or old.11Kate doesnt have a talent(天赋) ,but she always works very hard.12Tom Sawyer was a(n) ordinary(普通的) American boy who kept getting into trouble like others.13You wont believe his unique( 独特的) way of thinking and rich imagination.14My family have liv

    4、ed in the small mountain village for generations.15Having been punished by his boss,he was in a very bad mood.选词填空in other words,warm up,in the flesh,hand in,come out,refer to,play a role in,back and forth,be known as,pick up16Some flowers have begun to come out .17It was so cold that I couldnt star

    5、t my car.I had to warm it up in the garage with a heater.18My father will come to pick me up.19Must we hand in our exercise books today?20China is playing a more and more important role in international affairs.21The doctor succeeded in her operation.In other words,he gave her a second life.22He loo

    6、ked much shorter in the flesh than on television.23Zhejiang is known as the land of tea.24He is really nervous. He has been walking back and forth all the night waiting for the results.25This paragraph refers to the events of last year.单句语法填空 26Shes obviously(obvious) cleverer and prettier than I am

    7、.27Early people had very little effect on the environment.28In the last twenty years,this theory has got(get) a great development.29Jane was deeply disappointed(disappoint) at not being invited to the party.30How long have you been used to getting (get) up early?31The singer performed beautifully;in

    8、 other words,her performance was excellent.(perform)32He left a good impression on me the first time I saw him.33How long has it been since you heard from your daughter?34At no time will Janes mother allow her to go out at night.35Some films combine education with entertainment.36A neighbour came to

    9、 ask the band to quit making(make) noises when they practised at 1100 pm.37Reading(read) aloud is very important in learning a foreign language.38Youll have to attend the ceremony whether you are free or busy.39The appearance(appear) of the old house completely changed.40This machine is very easy to

    10、 operate(operate)Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误 )41It was not until 12 oclock I went to bed.whenthat42There is plenty of fun for teenagers in summer, going camping and swimming.includedincluding43Teamwork can help you to fit well with others. in44. in black,the man cam

    11、e in with a smile on his face.DressingDressed45The manager recommended he a plane in order to get there in time for the meeting.takestake46. Some of us remain at our computer for hours every day.seatingseated47You were wrong to take the book without his .permittingpermission48As a child , I would wa

    12、ke up to rainy summer days and come to crying.closelyclose49The man responsible the job is a newcomer.tofor50Loser I was in the match,I was a winner in my life.althoughthough/as51. I admit its very difficult,I can solve it.WhenWhile/Though/Although52As it with any oral language,everything begins wit

    13、h listening.53 “You are standing the way, ” she said.“Would you mind moving aside?”onin54Tony lent me the money , that Id do as much for him.hopedhoping55Do you still remember the scene when you went to school the first time? for.单元语法完成句子56Every/Each time I meet him,he is working hard.我每次见到他,他都在努力工作

    14、。57Wherever/No matter where you are,youre still my good friends.无论你们在哪里,你们仍然是我的好朋友。58As he is a tailor,he knows what to do with this material.因为他是一个裁缝,他知道怎么处理这种材料。59I have so little money that I cant afford the car.我的钱太少,买不起这辆车。60He got up early so that/in order that he could 或 in order to/so as to/to get to school on time.他早早起床以便按时到校。


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