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    2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修2学案含解析:Unit 4 Period Six

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    2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修2学案含解析:Unit 4 Period Six

    1、Period Six Communication Workshop,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board.Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F).1.Over 80% of the population of New Zealand are British origin.(F)2.Kiwi is the symbol of New Zealand.(T)3.The national rugby team of New Zealand is “The All Blacks”.(T)4.E

    2、uropeans were the first to come to New Zealand.(F)5.New Zealand,consisting of two large islands,is in the South Pacific.(F).Choose the best answer according to the text.1.What happened in 1893 in New Zealand?A.British Queen became the official head of the country.B.Women had the right to vote.C.Work

    3、ers only worked eight hours a day.D.Old people could have pensions.答案 B2.North Island is different from South Island mostly in .A.climate B.sizeC.scenery D.landform(地形)答案 A3.New Zealand is .A.the only country that has two official languagesB.a country where industry plays a more important part than

    4、agricultureC.the only country that has people of European originD.a country where agriculture plays a more important part than industry答案 D 4.New Zealanders are called “Kiwis” because .A.the kiwi cant flyB.the kiwi is the symbol of New ZealandC.the kiwi is a large birdD.the kiwi is in danger nowaday

    5、s答案 B重点词汇Qingdao is an attractive city located on the eastern coast of China.青岛是一座位于中国东部沿海的迷人的城市。?attractive adj.吸引人的,有魅力的be attractive to 对有吸引力attract vt.吸引,引起 兴趣attraction n.吸引,吸引力,诱惑力attractively adv.动人地,引人入胜地(1)Bright colours are attractive to the children.鲜艳的颜色对小孩有吸引力。(2) Both the hand movement

    6、s and the very idea of communicating without speaking attracted me. (2017全国)这种手部的动作以及无语言交流的想法吸引了我。(3)But for tourists like me,pandas are its top attraction(attract).但对于像我这样的游客来说,熊猫是最吸引我的。(4)Their products are always attractively(attractive) packaged.他们的产品总是包装得很吸引人。What do you think are some of the r

    7、easons that people carry out experiments in space?你认为人们在太空进行实验的部分原因是什么??carry out 履行,执行,实施;搬出;完成;进行一词多义 写出下列句子中 carry out 的汉语意思(1)By the end of last month,our factory had carried out the production plan for this year.完成(2)Everyone should carry out his or her duty.履行(3)Would you please carry the chai

    8、r out into the garden?搬出(4)We are carrying out some scientific experiments.进行carry off 赢得,获得;成功地完成carry on 继续carry away 带走,拿走;使激动carry through 贯彻;成功完成,顺利实现;使渡过 困难、危机等(5)I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan had been carried out in the past two years.(2018江苏)上个月我被派到那个村子

    9、里去看了看在过去的两年里这个发展计划实施得怎么样了。(6)We are determined to carry through all our plans.我们决心贯彻我们所有的计划。(7)He carried off the first prize in the contest.他在比赛中赢得了一等奖。(8)The meal over,the managers went back to the meeting room to carry on their discussion.吃完饭,经理们回到会议室继续讨论。(9)I got carried away and started shoutin

    10、g at the television.我变得很激动,开始对着电视大喊大叫。New Zealand,in the South Pacific,consists of two large islands plus other smaller islands with an area of 270,000 sq km.新西兰,地处南太平洋,由两个大岛和其他小岛组成,面积 27 万平方公里。?consist of(be made up of be composed of)由组成 /构成consist in 在于consist with 与一致注意:consist of 不用于进行时和被动语态。(1)

    11、Happiness doesnt consist in how much money you have.幸福不在于你有多少钱。(2)His actions do not consist with his words.他言行不一。句型转换(3)Our class is made up of 56 students.Our class consists of 56 students.Our class is composed of 56 students.New Zealand was cut off from the rest of the land on Earth for 80 millio

    12、n years.新西兰与地球上的其他陆地隔绝了 8 000 万年?cut off 隔断,隔绝;切掉,割断;切断(水、电、煤气等的供应);( 电话)中断,断线一词多义 写出下列句子中 cut off 的汉语意思(1)We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.(电话)中断,掉线(2)Kathy cut off some flowers from the bush.剪下(3)The heavy wind cut off the wire.切断cut down 砍倒;减少,缩减cut in on sb. /sth. 插嘴cut up 切碎,剁碎

    13、;使伤心,使难受cut out 删除,删去;剪下;减掉(4)I wish Tom would stop cutting in on our conversation all the time.我希望汤姆在我们谈话时别老插嘴。(5)You smoke too muchyou should try to cut down.你吸太多烟了。你应该试着少吸点。(6)You can cut out the unimportant details.你可以删掉不重要的细节。经典句式Over 80% of the 3.6 million people are of European mainly British

    14、 origin.三百六十万人中超过百分之八十的人来自欧洲 主要是英国 。“beof 名词”的用法:“beof 名词”表示主语的类属,其中的 be of 相当于 belong to。“beof 名词”相当于“be该名词所对应的形容词形式 ”,主要用来表示主语的性质。用于此结构的常见名词有 value,importance ,use ,help,benefit,significance 等。这一结构中的抽象名词前可用 great,little,no,some,any,not much 等修饰,以表示不同的程度。be of a(n)/the/the same抽象名词,用来表示种类、数量、 颜色、形状

    15、、重量、尺寸、高矮、年龄等。(1)Mothers labour is of a higher value than it is realised.母亲们的劳动价值远远高于人们所认识到的。(2)Your bag is of the same size with mine.你的书包和我的一样大。句型转换(3)This medicine is useless.This medicine is of no use.单词拼写1.A spider made a perfect web outside the window.2.I hate all this travel;I want to get mar

    16、ried and settle down.3.A girl is attractive(吸引人的 ) not only because she is pretty.4.They have officially(正式地) announced their engagement.5.We passed through some beautiful scenery(景色) on our journey through the Lake District.完成句子6.Carry on working/with your work when Im out.我出去时你要继续你的工作。7.Their user

    17、s consist largely of kids under 20 years old.它们的使用者大部分由 20 岁以下的孩子组成。8.Im the first in my family to go to university.我是家里第一个上大学的(人 )。9.The cotton produced here is of poor quality.这里产的棉花质量差。10.The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to the heavy snow.因为大雪,这个镇子与外界隔绝了。.课文语法填空New Zealand has

    18、11.its(it) own government,but it is also part of the British Commonwealth.It was the first country 12.to give(give) the vote to women,to have old age pensions and the eight-hour working day.New Zealand 13.consists(consist) of two large islands plus other 14.smaller(small) islands.It has some industr

    19、y 15.but agriculture is more important.It was cut 16.off from the rest of the land on Earth for 80 million years and has some unique animals and plants.Over 80% of the 3.6 million people are of 17.European(Europe) origin.Around 9% of the population 18.are(be) Maoris.New Zealanders,known 19.as “Kiwis

    20、”,love outdoor life.The 20.national(nation) sport of New Zealand is rugby.基础巩固.单句语法填空1.To be honest,the pay isnt attractive(attract) enough,though the job itself is quite interesting.2.Our deeds must consist with our words.3.Shooting became an Olympic event officially(office) in 1896.4.I was deeply

    21、impressed with its beautiful scenery(scene) the first time I toured Zhangjiajie.5.Whos going to carry out the plan?6.Since giving up using the Net,Ive spent more time doing sports.7.The two brothers are twins and of the same character.8.Please give me some advice if it is convenient to you.选词填空share

    22、.with, consist of, to ones surprise, carry out, cut off9.Our water supply has been cut off because they are repairing one of the main pipes.10.This organization consists of 200 delegates from 18 countries.11.Jim shared his chocolate with other kids.12.To her surprise,her son passed the most difficul

    23、t exam.13.The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise,if carried out regularly,can improve our health.单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误 )14.She is not beautiful,but I find her very because she seems so full of life and fun.attractivelyattractive15.The football team, 或 of 22 players and three coaches,was set

    24、 up about 3 which consistedconsistingyears ago.16.The rest of the rice stored in a dry bag.areis17.This book is little use. of18.We are all looking forward to you again in the near future.seeseeing能力提升.阅读理解Gold Coast family holidays are always great fun whether you are from Australia or from abroad.

    25、There are beautiful beaches,adventure parks,nature parks and so much more.There are so many sights to see here.It is a pity to drive in a car and youll miss a great part of it.Australia is home to many animals and birds that can only be seen when moving slowly and going into the areas that they live

    26、.When you are on a bicycle,you have the advantage of being able to stop whenever you want to see an interesting animal or bird that you have never seen before.It is a quieter mode(方式) of transportation as well,so you might even be able to take a picture.When you are on the beach, you can breathe tha

    27、t clean air and view the beauty of the water and sand.It is a totally different experience from either simply sunbathing or passing it in a car.There are many choices of hiring a bicycle to experience the Gold Coast attractions.There are stores that will fit a bike perfectly to your size.These bikes

    28、 for both adults and children are in many styles and colors to please any taste.If you have ever wanted to try a tandem bike(双人单车),now is your chance,because they have those too.A bicycle hire on Gold Coast is something that everyone should try at least once.This is a wonderful chance for anyone who

    29、 likes to cycle and it is also a cheap way to travel with your family.语篇解读 文章主要介绍了澳大利亚黄金海岸的旅游景点,在那里骑自行车游览是一大特色,作者因此极力推荐。19.Driving in a car on Gold Coast is not suggested because .A.you will break the traffic rulesB.you cant drive into some parksC.you will cause much noiseD.you cant enjoy the beauti

    30、ful scenery well答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据第二段前两句“There are so many sights to see here.It is a pity to drive in a car and youll miss a great part of it.”可知,澳大利亚黄金海岸有许多景点,开车去的话会错过很多美景。故选 D。20.The following advantages of hiring bikes are mentioned EXCEPT that .A.you can get a clearer sight of animals B.it is a ch

    31、eap way of travelingC.it is a good way to do sunbathingD.you can take photos of animals答案 C解析 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“being able to stop whenever you want to see an interesting animal or bird that you have never seen before”和“be able to take a picture”可知A、D 两项正确;根据最后一段中的“a cheap way to travel”可知 B 项正确;根据第三段最后

    32、一句“It is a totally different experience from either simply sunbathing or passing it in a car.”可知,骑自行车游览和单纯的日光浴以及开车是不同的体验。故选 C。21.Whats the authors attitude towards a bike hire on Gold Coast?A.He doesnt like this way of traveling.B.He thinks it is a personal choice.C.He supports it very much.D.He thi

    33、nks it is only good for adults.答案 C解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“A bicycle hire on Gold Coast is something that everyone should try at least once.This is a wonderful chance.”可知,作者极力推荐骑自行车游览,故选 C。22.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A.How to hire bikes on Gold Coast.B.Who can hire bikes on Gold Coast.C.What bikes

    34、are the most popular.D.What kinds of bikes there are in stores.答案 D解析 段落大意题。根据第四段内容可知,本段主要介绍的是自行车的类型。故选 D。.完形填空I remember the first day when I saw Sally playing basketball.I watched in wonder as she struggled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground.She seemed so 23 ,but she managed to sh

    35、oot jump shots just over their heads and into the net.The boys always tried to stop her 24 nobody could.I began to notice Sally at other times,basketball in hand,playing 25 .She practiced dribbling(运球) and 26 over and over.One day I asked Sally why she 27 so much.Without a moment of hesitation she s

    36、aid, “I want to go to college.The only way I can go is to get a 28 .Im going to play college basketball and I want to be the best one.I believe that if I am 29 enough,I will get one.My father has told me that if the dream is big enough,the facts dont 30 .”I 31 her through those junior high years and

    37、 into high school.Every week,she led her team to 32 .One day in her senior year,I saw her sitting on the grass,her head 33 in her arms.Slowly and quietly,I 34 and sat down beside her.“Whats wrong?” I asked.“Oh,nothing , ” came a soft reply, “I am just too short.” The 35 told her that at 165cm she wo

    38、uld probably never play for a top teamstill less she would be 36 a scholarshipso she should stop dreaming about college.I felt she was extremely 37 .I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet.She told me that her father said those coaches were 38 .They didnt understand the 39 of a dream.T

    39、he next year, Sally was seen by a college basketball coach after a big game.She was 40 offered a scholarship and 41 to the college team.She was going to get the college education that she had 42 and worked toward for all those years.Its true:if the dream is big enough,the facts dont count.语篇解读 本文记叙了

    40、一位身材矮小的女生通过自己的不懈努力实现篮球梦和大学梦的故事,由此告诉我们一个道理:如果梦想足够大,现实中的困难就不算什么。23.A.silent B.smallC.strong D.huge答案 B解析 根据空后的 but 可知,此处为转折关系,她身材显得如此矮小(small),但是投出的球能从他们的头顶越过进篮。故选 B 项。24.A.but B.andC.so D.for答案 A解析 该空前的“The boys always tried to stop her.”与空后的“nobody could”之间是转折关系。故选 A 项。25.A.still B.againC.well D.alo

    41、ne答案 D解析 萨莉一遍又一遍练习运球和投篮,并没有比赛,因此,此处指她总是独自(alone)打球。故选 D 项。26.A.passing B.runningC.shooting D.struggling答案 C解析 根据常识可知,运球动作的下一步应是投篮(shoot)。故选 C 项。27.A.studied B.practicedC.expected D.improved答案 B解析 根据上文的“She practiced dribbling(运球). ”可知,此处指作者询问萨莉为什么要如此努力练习(practice)。故选 B 项。28.A.title B.prizeC.scholars

    42、hip D.reward答案 C解析 根据第四段最后一句中的 scholarship 可知,此处指萨莉想上大学的唯一途径是获得奖学金(scholarship)。故选 C 项。29.A.good B.braveC.careful D.active答案 A解析 根据空前的“I want to be the best one”及空后的“I will get one”(指前文的scholarship)可知,此处指她相信如果自己足够好(good),就能得到奖学金。故选 A 项。30.A.lack B.talkC.appear D.count答案 D解析 根据文章最后一段中的“if the dream i

    43、s big enough,the facts dont count.”可知,父亲告诉萨莉,如果梦想足够大,现实中的困难就不算什么(count) 。故选 D 项。31.A.encouraged B.respectedC.watched D.helped答案 C解析 根据语境可知,作者一直在关注萨莉,故此处指作者看着(watch)她这些年从初中升到高中。故选 C 项。32.A.victory B.confidenceC.responsibility D.profession答案 A解析 萨莉一直在刻苦练习,为了自己的梦想而努力。由此可推测,此处指她带领球队取得胜利(victory),故 A 项符合

    44、语境。33.A.dropped B.buriedC.covered D.sunk答案 B解析 根据本段最后一句中的“so she should stop dreaming about college”可知,教练告诉萨莉她太矮了,无法进入顶尖球队,她应该打消去上大学的念头,此时萨莉非常失落,因此应是将头埋在(bury)臂弯里。故选 B 项。34.A.walked off B.walked outC.walked around D.walked up答案 D解析 根据空后的“sat down beside her”可知,此处指作者看到萨莉后,向她走去(walk up) ,轻轻地坐到她旁边。故选 D

    45、 项。walk off 离开;walk out 突然离开,退席;walk around 四处走动,闲逛。35.A.coach B.teacherC.captain D.leader答案 A解析 根据下文的 those coaches 可知,此处指篮球教练(coach)告诉萨莉,以她的身高,几乎是没有机会到一流的球队去打球的,更不用说获得奖学金了。故选 A 项。36.A.suggested B.sentC.promised D.offered答案 D解析 still less 更不用说,根据空后的 “she should stop dreaming about college”可知,她可能得不到

    46、奖学金。根据下文的 offered a scholarship 也可知答案。37.A.worried B.excitedC.disappointed D.surprised答案 C解析 萨莉一直在为上大学的梦想而努力,如今被告知可能得不到奖学金,只能放弃上大学的梦想,萨莉应该是极度失望的(disappointed) 。故选 C 项。38.A.great B.wrongC.strict D.cruel答案 B解析 根据下一句可知,萨莉的父亲认为教练不懂梦想的力量,因此在否认教练说的话,认为那些教练是错误的(wrong)。故选 B 项。39.A.pressure B.valueC.cause D.

    47、power答案 D解析 根据上文可知,萨莉的父亲说如果梦想足够大,现实中的困难也算不上什么,强调了梦想的力量(power)。故选 D 项。40.A.exactly B.naturallyC.really D.normally答案 C解析 根据下文的“She was going to get the college education”可知,萨莉真的(really)获得了一份奖学金。故选 C 项。41.A.taken B.admittedC.introduced D.appointed答案 B解析 根据上文的“Sally was seen by a college basketball coac

    48、h”及“offered a scholarship”可知,此处指她进入了大学球队。故选 B 项。42.A.dreamed of B.picked upC.benefited from D.carried out答案 A解析 根据设空后的“worked toward for all those years”可知,为之努力多年的应是自己的大学梦。dream of 梦想;pick up 捡起,用车接;benefit from 从中受益;carry out 执行,实施。故选 A 项。.语法填空A new football competition,Man v Fat,has been organized recently in England.43. (judge) from the name,it is easy to guess that players can only join if they are fat.They can only win when they score or lose 44. (pound) after each game.So,the aim of this competition is 45. (get) overweight men to do regular exercise.Jay Ali, a bank m


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