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    2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修1学案含解析:Unit 1 Period Three

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    2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修1学案含解析:Unit 1 Period Three

    1、Period Three Lesson 2 Relaxing.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)1.studio n.演播室;工作室2.expert n.专家3.pressure n.压力4.reduce vt.减少;降低5.predict vt.预言,预测.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共 8 小题;每小题 4 分,满分 32 分)6.stress n.压力stressful adj.充满压力的,紧张的7.prevent vt.预防;阻止8.suffer vi.遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛suffering n.痛苦;苦难9.social adj.社交的;社会的

    2、society n.社会10.organise vt.组织organisation n.组织11.diet n.饮食;节食12.prefer vt.更喜欢;宁愿preference n.偏爱;优先权13.stand vt.忍受,忍耐.写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共 10 小题;每小题 4 分,满分 40 分)14.suffer from 遭受;忍受15.take place 发生;举行16.lose weight 减肥17.make a mistake 出错18.take turns 轮流;依次19.at some time 在某段时间20.have something to do wi

    3、th.与有关21.be bad for.对有害处22.make a list 列清单23.do exercise 做运动.完成句子(共 3 小题;每小题 6 分,满分 18 分)24.I find painting or drawing very relaxing.我发现绘画令人很放松。25.But its very stressful to wait for exam results.但是等待考试结果是非常有压力的。26.I prefer listening to music.我更喜欢听音乐。重点词汇Stress can cause headaches and other illnesses

    4、.压力能引起头痛和其他疾病。?stress n.压力;重要性,重点 vt.着重,强调under the stress of.在的压力下,为所迫lay/put/place stress on/upon.把重点放在stress that.强调stressed adj.感到有压力的(指人)stressful adj.充满压力的,紧张的(指物)(1)Premier Li stressed the importance of understanding between nations.李总理强调国家间相互理解的重要性。(2)My parents lay/put/place great stress on

    5、/upon honesty.我父母非常看重诚实的品质。(3)He stole some bread under the stress of hunger.为饥饿所迫,他偷了一些面包。(4)You should have a rest if you feel stressed(stress).如果你感到紧张,就休息一会儿。The interview took place in a studio.采访是在一个演播室进行的。?take place 发生;举行(为不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态或进行时态)take ones place 就位,入座take the place of sb. /sth.

    6、 take sb. s/sth. s place 代替in place of sb. /in sb. s place 代替某人(1)Take your place,please.The meeting is about to begin.请入座,会议马上就要开始了。(2)Now plastics have taken the place of many materials.如今塑料已取代了许多材料。(3)Great changes have taken place in China since the four decades of the reform and opening-up.改革开放

    7、四十年来中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。(4)She couldnt go to attend the meeting,so her assistant went to it in place of her/in her place.她无法去参加会议,因此她的助理代她去参加了。John is suffering from backache.约 翰 后 背 疼 。?suffer vt.遭受,蒙受(损失、失败等) vi.受苦;患病suffer from 忍受,遭受;患病suffering n.痛苦;苦难(1)We suffered heavy losses in the financial crisis

    8、.我们在金融危机中遭受了巨大的损失。(2)The young mother as well as her daughters was suffering from a serious headache.这位年轻的母亲和她的女儿们都患有严重的头痛。名师点津 suffer 指遭受损失、痛苦、失败等,其宾语常为 loss,pain,defeat 等;suffer from 指受苦,患病,其宾语常为自然灾害、疾病等。选词填空 suffer ,suffer from(3)He suffered great pain during the operation.(4)It rained a lot here

    9、 this year.Factories suffered a great loss and people suffered from floods.Breathing exercises can help reduce stress.呼吸锻炼能帮助减少压力。?reduce vt.& vi.减少;降低reduce to.减少至 reduce by.减少了be reduce to doing .沦落为;陷入某种状态(1)We need to reduce the amount of salt in our diet.我们需要减少饮食中盐的含量。(2)The camera was reduced

    10、to half the original price.这台摄像机的价格降到了原价的一半。(3)The workforce has been reduced by half.劳动力已经减少了一半。(4)Eventually Charlotte was reduced to begging(beg) on the streets.最后夏洛特被迫沦落到沿街乞讨。名师点津 reduce 与 to 连用表示“减少至” ,其后的数字表示减少后达到的数量;与 by连用表示“减少了” ,后面的数字表示减少的幅度。I prefer listening to music.我 更 喜 欢 听 音 乐 。?prefe

    11、r(preferred,preferred,preferring ) vt.更喜欢;宁愿prefer (doing) sth. 更喜欢(做)某事prefer (sb. ) to do sth. 宁愿(某人)做某事prefer (doing) A to (doing) B 宁愿(做)A 而不愿(做)Bprefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做 A 而不愿做 B(1)What kind of hotel does Peter prefer?(2017 全国)彼得更喜欢哪种旅店?(2)You prefer healthy food to fast food.(2018全国

    12、)你更喜欢健康的食品而不是快餐。 (3)I prefer watching(watch) TV to going(go) shopping with my mother.我宁愿看电视而不愿和妈妈去购物。(4)He prefers to die(die) rather than become a traitor.他宁愿死也不愿成为叛徒。I really love playing the piano,but I cant stand singing in front of the class.我确实喜欢弹钢琴,但我无法忍受在全班面前唱歌。?stand vt.忍耐,忍受,容忍(多用于否定句,常与情态

    13、动词 can,could 连用,且不用于进行时态)cant stand (sb. ) doing sth. 不能忍受 (某人)做某事stand by 袖手旁观;信守(诺言 );支持(某人)stand for 代表;象征stand out 显眼,突出图解助记(1)The boy has been standing in the cold wind for half an hour,and he cant stand it any longer.这个男孩在寒风中站了半个小时了,他再也无法忍受了。(2)How can you stand by and let him treat his dog li

    14、ke that?他那样虐待他那只狗,你怎么能袖手旁观呢?(3)She couldnt stand being kept(keep) waiting.她受不了让她等着。(4)She always stood out in a crowd.她在人群中总是显得很突出。单句改错(5)Mr Smith,I often hear people say IOC ,would you please tell me what IOC stands ?byfor经典句式I find painting or drawing very relaxing.我发现绘画令人很放松。该句为“find宾语宾语补足语”结构。该结

    15、构中的宾语补足语可以是:形容词、名词、现在分词、过去分词、副词、介词短语等。find 后跟复合结构时,如果宾语是不定式,常把不定式移至补语之后,用 it 作形式宾语。(1)Jin Dong found Ma Yili a good partner.靳东发现马伊琍是个好搭档。(2)He hurried there,but found them all out.他匆忙赶到那里却发现他们都出去了。(3)The boy found it very hard to have(have) a good command of grammar.这个男孩发现要精通语法很难。(4)When he looked b

    16、ack,he found himself followed(follow) by his fans.他回头看时,发现粉丝们跟着他。(5)When he woke up,he found himself lying(lie) on the beach.他醒来时,发现自己躺在沙滩上。But its very stressful to wait for exam results.但是等待考试结果是非常有压力的。在“It isadj./n.(for/of sb. ) to do sth. ”句型中,it 作形式主语,不定式为真正的主语。常用于此句型的形容词有:obvious,possible,stra

    17、nge,natural,important ,difficult ,necessary 等。It isadj./n.that 从句(it 作形式主语,that 从句为真正的主语 )(1)Its a good idea for us to travel to the south.去南方旅行对我们来说是个好主意。(2)Its a shame that we failed to finish the task ahead of time.我们没能提前完成任务,真感到惭愧。句型转换(3)That he has won the first prize is good news.It is good ne

    18、ws that he has won the first prize.(4)To learn English well is quite necessary.It is quite necessary to learn English well.单词拼写1.Mo Yan is an expert in Chinese folk literature.2.It is not an easy task to organise(组织) the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.3.The government lays stress(重要性) on welf

    19、are work.4.The band spent six months in the studio working on their new album.5.Lyn always seems to be on a diet(节食).6.I dont want to be a workaholic,so I would try to do some sports to reduce(减少) my stress.7.The army suffered(遭受) great losses in the battle.8.Some people work better under pressure(压

    20、力).9.There were many new inventions and social(社会的) changes.10.She cant stand people smoking around her.完成句子11.She prefers to listen to music at home rather than go shopping.她宁愿在家里听音乐也不愿去购物。12.It takes place almost every year all over the world.这样的事在全世界几乎每年都发生。13.It is a pity that you missed the exc

    21、iting football match.你错过那么精彩的足球比赛太可惜了。14.He found it difficult to understand her.他觉得很难理解她。15.Does his visit have something to do with the meeting tomorrow?他这次来是不是跟明天的会议有关?基础巩固.单句语法填空1.It is clever of you to grasp(grasp) such a good chance.2.Moving to a new house is a very stressful(stress) experienc

    22、e.3.I cant stand him interrupting(interrupt) all the time.4.Social(society) robots are not just finding their way into the home.5.They are putting pressure(press) on people to vote yes.6.This charity is a non-profit organisation/organization(organise).7.Youll find taxis waiting(wait) at the bus stat

    23、ion which you can hire to reach your host family.8.Costs have been reduced by 20% over the past year.9.She couldnt help eating delicious fish and meat,although she was on a diet.10.He drank some water in the river under the stress of thirst.选词填空take place, at some time, suffer from, have something t

    24、o do with, stand by11.Because he was caught in the rain yesterday,he is suffering from a bad cold now.12.The May Fourth Movement took place in 1919.13.Please remember Ill stand by you whatever happens.14.Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives.15.It seems to me that this has

    25、something to do with what you said before.单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误 )16.We had no one to take place of John. the17.He paid 200 yuan the watch.offor18.Nowadays many children prefer surfing the Internet at home to exercise outdoors.taketaking19.Mary is 5 kilos thinner than before.Thats to say,she reduced her w

    26、eight 5 kilos.toby20.In June 1667,England suffered from a defeat by the Dutch.能力提升.阅读理解AA private sixth grade is set to start its lessons at 130 pm every day because the schools teacher thinks his students will study better after a morning lie-in(懒觉).Instead of rising early for a 9 am start,students

    27、 at the15,000-a-year Hampton Court House, in East Molesey,Surrey,will get to enjoy a lie-in and work from 130 pm until 7 pm.Head teacher Guy Holloway says the move for all sixth grade students,set to begin from September,has been made according to research by scientists.He predicts(预测) that not only

    28、 will his students aged 16 and upwards get great nights sleep,but their productivity(效率) will also be improved.The co-educational school will have the latest start time in the UK,and will be the only one to begin lessons in the afternoon.Experts say young people are programmed to get up later,and th

    29、at rather than laziness,it is simply a shift(转变) in their body clocks.“There are 168 hours in a week and how productive they are depends on how they choose to use those hours, ” said Mr Holloway.“At Hampton Court House we dont think we have the answer for everybody;its about what works in our school

    30、.We want to get them into a condition where they can get great sleep and study well.” He said students would also benefit from reduced journey times as they travel to and from school after rush hour(上下班高峰时间).Year 10 student Gabriel Purcell-Davis will be one of the first of 30 A-level students to sta

    31、rt at the later time.“I want to wake up in my bed,not in my maths lesson, ” said the 15-year-old.Lessons for all other students at the school will still begin at 9 am as usual.语篇解读 研究表明:年轻人起床晚是一种自然的事情。本文叙述的是“推迟学生上课时间,对学生的学习是有益的” 。21.Why did the school decide to start the class at 130 pm?A.It may be

    32、good for students study.B.Students wanted a morning lie-in.C.Students were often late for school.D.Teachers wanted to have a good sleep in the morning.答案 A解析 细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,下午一点半上课可能会对学生的学习有益。故选 A。22.What can we learn about the new start time?A.Its suitable for every student.B.It was based on scien

    33、tific research.C.Students are following the new school time now.D.Only the sixth grade students will use the new school time.答案 B解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“Head teacher Guy Holloway says the move for all sixth grade students,set to begin from September,has been made according to research by scientists.”可知,它是

    34、以科学研究为基础的。故选 B。23.Experts think young peoples getting up later .A.is a bad habitB.is a natural thingC.is because of lazinessD.is helpful to their study答案 B解析 推理判断题。根据第四段“Experts say young people are programmed to get up later,and that rather than laziness,it is simply a shift(转变) in their body clock

    35、s.”可推知,年轻人起床晚是一种自然的事情,故选 B。24.In Mr Holloways eyes,students can improve their productivity by .A.working harderB.not wasting timeC.using time wiselyD.learning new study methods答案 C解析 推理判断题。根据第五段第一句“There are 168 hours in a week and how productive they are depends on how they choose to use those hour

    36、s, said Mr Holloway.”可知,依 Mr Holloway 来看,学生通过明智地利用时间可以提高学习效率。故选 C。B(2019江西九江一中高一上期末) You often can choose a private setting when you browse(浏览) the Internet.But be forewarned:It may not afford nearly as much privacy as you expect.Thats the finding of a new study.Major web browsers,such as Googles Ch

    37、rome and Apples Safari,often have a private-browsing option.Its sometimes referred to as “incognito”. This option lets you surf the Internet browser and saves a record into its history of each page that you visited.And what sites you visit wont affect the suggestions your browser makes the next time

    38、 youre filling out an online form.Many people believeincorrectlythat the incognito setting protects them more broadly.Most believe it even after reading a web browsers explanation of the incognito mode.For instance, a new study had 460 people read web browsers descriptions of private browsing.Each p

    39、erson read one of 13 descriptions.Then the participants answered questions about how private they thought their browsing would be while using this tool.The volunteers didnt understand the incognito mode.This was true no matter which browser explanation they had read.The researchers reported their fi

    40、ndings on April 26 at the 2018 World Wide Web Conference in Lyon,France.More than half of the volunteers thought that if they logged into a Google account through a private window,Google wouldnt keep a record of their search history.Not true.And about one in every four participants thought private b

    41、rowsing hid their devices IP address.Thats wrong, too.Blase Ur was one of the studys authors.Hes an expert in computer security and privacy in Illinois at the University of Chicago.“Companies could clear up this confusion by giving better explanations of the incognito mode, ” his team says.For examp

    42、le,the browsers should avoid vague(模糊).The web browser Opera,for instance,promises users that “your secrets are safe”. Nope Firefox encourages users to “browse like no ones watching”. In fact,someone might be.(If youd like to know more about the research information,please click here.)语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。短

    43、文介绍了当浏览互联网时,经常可以选择一个私人设置。但它可能没有像想象的那样保护人们的隐私。25.The researchers did the study with the aim of .A.checking the safety of browsers of leading companiesB.finding users knowledge about private browsing policyC.tracking young web users browsing habitsD.testing a new tool to judge the Internet答案 B解析 推理判断题

    44、。由第四段中的“Then the participants answered questions about how private they thought their browsing would be while using this tool.The volunteers didnt understand the incognito mode.This was true no matter which browser explanation they had read.”可知,参与者回答了关于他们在使用这个工具时认为自己的浏览会有多私密的问题。志愿者们不明白匿名模式。不管他们读过哪个浏

    45、览器的解释,这些都是事实。故判断出研究人员进行这项研究的目的是发现用户对私人浏览策略的了解。故 B 选项正确。26.The “incognito” mode is believed to be able to .A.record ones passwordsB.give a warning of insecure linksC.help hide ones past browsing historyD.access ones favorite websites quickly答案 C解析 推理判断题。由第二段中的“This option lets you surf the Internet b

    46、rowser and saves a record into its history of each page that you visited.”以及第三段首句“Many people believeincorrectlythat the incognito setting protects them more broadly.”可知,此选项允许您浏览Internet 浏览器,并将记录保存到您访问的每个页面的历史记录中。许多人错误地认为,“匿名”模式更广泛地保护他们的隐私。所以判断出“隐姓埋名”模式被人们认为能够帮助隐藏过去的浏览历史。 故 C 选项正确。27.The article is

    47、probably from .A.a text book B.a newspaperC.a magazine D.the Internet答案 D解析 文章出处题。由最后一段最后一句“If youd like to know more about the research information,please click here.”可以判断出这篇文章最可能来源于因特网。故 D 选项正确。28.The last paragraph is written to .A.report a new findingB.put forward a suggestionC.introduce a web b

    48、rowserD.correct a misunderstanding答案 B解析 推理判断题。由最后一段中的“Companies could clear up this confusion by giving better explanations of the incognito mode, his team says.For example,the browsers should avoid vague(模糊).The web browser Opera,for instance,promises users that your secrets are safe. Nope Firefox

    49、 encourages users to browse like no ones watching.”可以判断出最后一段的目的就是为了提出建议。故 B 选项正确。.七选五Top Tips for Traveling AbroadTraveling abroad,for business or pleasure,should be a fun experience. 29 Plan well in advance for your trip,prepare yourself for what you might experience,and protect yourself as much as you can from any accidents.Here are some tips:Check you ar


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