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    2019-2020学年外研新标准版英语必修1课时练习含解析:Module 1 Period Two

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    2019-2020学年外研新标准版英语必修1课时练习含解析:Module 1 Period Two

    1、Period Two Introduction & Reading and VocabularyLanguage Points基础巩固.单词拼写1I think we should try again using different methods(方法)2Do you have any previous(以前的) experience of this kind of work?3Ive never seen your English teacher.Can you give me a simple description of him?4Because of modern technolog

    2、y,people have a much higher standard of living.5The theory is too complex.It is beyond our comprehension(理解)6You can find a lot of information(信息) from this website.7Jenny is an enthusiastic(狂热的 ) golfer.8Computer science is now a hot academic(学术的) subject.选词填空be similar to, nothing like, be impress

    3、ed with, in other words, look forward to9The course was nothing like what Id expected.Its too boring.10We are looking forward to seeing you again.11Their house is similar to ours,but ours has a large garden.12You didnt pass the driving test. In other words,you failed in the test.13The first time I v

    4、isited the West Lake,I was impressed with its beautiful sights.单句语法填空14Her attitude to/towards learning English has changed a lot.15Previous to working in that company,he studied a lot at a university.16When he saw her funny behaviour(behave),he burst out laughing.17The movie is both exciting and in

    5、structive(instruct),so it is worth seeing.18The amazing(amaze) thing is that it was kept secret for so long.19They can improve their invention with different methods.20He impressed on us the need for immediate action.21John is enthusiastic about his work,so he always does it very well.22She was emba

    6、rrassed(embarrass) when they asked her age.23I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have one.24We are looking forward to receiving(receive) your email in no time.能力提升.阅读理解What a day!I started at my new school this morning and had the best time.I made lots of new friends and really liked m

    7、y teachers.I was nervous the night before,but I had no reason to be.Everyone was so friendly and polite.They made me feel at ease.It was like Id been at the school for a hundred years!The day started very early at 7 00 am.I had my breakfast downstairs with my mom.She could tell that I was very nervo

    8、us.Mom kept asking me what was wrong.She told me I had nothing to worry about and that everyone was going to love me.If they didnt love me,Mom said to send them her way for a good talking to.I couldnt stop laughing.My mom dropped me off at the school gate about five minutes before the bell.A little

    9、blonde(金发的) girl got dropped off at the same time and started waving(招手) at me.She ran over and told me her name was Abigail.She was very nice and we became close straight away.We spent all morning together and began to talk to another girl called Stacey.The three of us sat together in class all day

    10、 and we even made our way home together!It went so quickly.Our teacher told us that tomorrow we would really start learning and developing new skills.I cannot wait until tomorrow and feel as though I am really going to enjoy my time at my new school.I only hope that my new friends feel the same way

    11、too.语 篇 解 读 本 文 是 一 篇 记 叙 文 。作 者 在 文 中 主 要 描 述 了 自 己 新 学 期 第 一 天 的 经 历 。25How did the author feel the night before her new school?ATired. BExcited.CWorried. DRelaxed.答案 C解析 细节理解题。根据首段中的“I was nervous the night before”可知,作者在开学前夕感到紧张不安。26What did the author think of her mothers advice?AClear. BFunny.C

    12、Reasonable. DExcellent.答案 B解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Mom said to send them her way for a good talking to.I couldnt stop laughing.”可知,作者觉得妈妈说的话很好笑。27What happened on the authors first day of school?AShe met many nice people.BShe had a hurried breakfast.CShe learned some new skills.DShe arrived at school very

    13、early.答案 A解析 推理判断题。根据首段中的“I made lots of new friends and really liked my teachers.”和“Everyone was so friendly and polite.They made me feel at ease.”以及下文作者详细介绍自己遇到的朋友可知,作者在开学第一天遇到了很多友好亲切的人。28What can we infer about Abigail?AShe disliked Stacey.BShe was shy and quiet.CShe got on well with the author.D

    14、She was an old friend of the author.答案 C解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“She was very nice and we became close straight away.We spent all morning together”和“we even made our way home together”可知,Abigail 和作者相处得非常好。.完形填空(2019浙江浙南名校联盟高一期末)When I was a little girl,there was the magic of Mercurochrome(红药水)It was good

    15、for cuts,scratches(抓痕),or other 29 .My brother and I tested and 30 the power of Mercurochrome many years ago.It was summer and hot.Mama was not feeling well and had become 31 tired.She told us that she was going to 32 on her bed.Only a few minutes had passed when Ronnie 33 a scratch on his knee that

    16、 needed immediate 34 .We tiptoed(踮脚走) into Mamas room and asked her if we could put Mercurochrome on Ronnies scratch. 35 on her back,Mama had fallen into a deep sleep and made no answer.We stole into the bathroom,took the Mercurochrome and 36 Ronnies knee.Undoubtedly,he immediately began to feel bet

    17、ter. 37 ,we tiptoed into Mamas room to show her that we had taken care of our scratches without 38 her.But she was in sound sleep.Then we whispered that 39 Mama didnt feel well,perhaps Mercurochrome would make her feel 40 .Twenty minutes 41 ,we painted every scratch and every freckle(雀斑) of Mamas sk

    18、in.She had Mercurochrome 42 her legs,arms and face.At Ronnies encouraging,we 43 tried to paint her fingernails and toenails.When Mama screamed in 44 ,we knew that she was awake.With all the 45 ,it didnt seem at first that she was feeling better, 46 she burst into laughter as she stared at her image

    19、in the mirror.We laughed a lot the next few days.If anyone had asked us,we would have 47 that Mama had been cured by the 48 of Mercurochrome.语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了作者和哥哥小的时候不仅偷偷地拿出红药水涂在哥哥受伤的膝盖处,还趁妈妈睡着时把红药水涂在身体不舒服的妈妈的身体多个部位上。当妈妈醒来时,看到镜子里的自己,忍不住大笑起来。如果有人问起这件事,他们会坚持说妈妈的病已经被红药水的魔力治愈了。这样搞笑的事情使兄妹俩领略到了红药水的魔力。29

    20、A.matters BworriesCtroubles Dwounds答案 D解析 matter 事情;worry 担心; trouble 麻烦;wound 伤口。句意为:它有利于伤口、抓伤或其他创伤的愈合。wound 指的是 “刀伤,枪伤” 。故 D 选项切题。30A.marked BprovedCcollected Dignored答案 B解析 mark 做记号; prove 证明;collect 收集;ignore 忽略。句意为:我和我哥哥在许多年前测试并证明了红药水的力量。由下文可知,红药水可以让伤口愈合,也可以让妈妈看到自己全身都是红药水后突然大笑,这都证实了红药水的力量。故 B 选

    21、项切题。31A.suddenly BgraduallyChardly Dextremely答案 D解析 suddenly 突然地;gradually 逐渐地;hardly 几乎不;extremely 非常。由“not feeling well”可知,妈妈感觉不舒服,所以判断出之前妈妈已经感到很累了。故 D 选项切题。32A.lie down Bsettle downCgo down Dlook down答案 A解析 lie down 躺下;settle down 定居;go down 下降;look down 向下看。句意为:她告诉我们她要躺在床上休息。故 A 选项切题。33A.doubted

    22、 BlearntCnoticed Drecognized答案 C解析 doubt 怀疑;learn 学习; notice 注意到;recognize 认出。句意为:几分钟过去了,罗尼注意到膝盖上有一处划痕,需要立即处理。故 C 选项切题。34A.service BattentionCadvice Dstudy答案 B解析 service 服务;attention 特殊照料( 或行动、处理);advice 建议;study 学习。根据生活常识,无论是大伤小伤都需要处理一下。故 B 选项切题。35A.Round BTightCWide DFlat答案 D解析 round 圆的;tight 紧的;w

    23、ide 宽的;flat 平的。句意为:妈妈平躺在床上,睡得很沉,没有回答。flat on her back 平躺,符合句意。故 D 选项切题。36A.painted BdesignedCcompleted Ddecorated答案 A解析 paint 涂,擦; design 设计;complete 完成;decorate 装饰。句意为:我们偷偷溜进浴室,拿了红药水,给罗尼的膝盖涂上。故 A 选项切题。37A.Politely BProudlyCCarelessly DProperly答案 B解析 politely 礼貌地;proudly 自豪地;carelessly 粗心地;properly

    24、恰当地。作者和哥哥自己拿的药,成功地处理了伤口,所以他们觉得做了这件事很自豪。故 B 选项切题。38A.pleasing BbotheringCexciting Dworrying答案 B解析 please 使高兴;bother 打扰,使烦恼;excite 使激动;worry 使担忧。句意为:很自豪地,我们踮着脚尖走进妈妈的房间,向她展示我们已经在没有打扰她的情况下处理了划痕。故 B 选项切题。39A.before BunlessCuntil Dsince答案 D解析 before 在 之前;unless 除非;until 直到;since 既然。句意为:然后我们低声说,既然妈妈感觉不舒服,或

    25、许红药水会使她感觉更好些。分析句子可知,前后句为因果关系,所以用连词 since。40A.better BrarerCworse Dstranger答案 A解析 better 更好的;rarer 较稀少的;worse 更糟糕的;stranger 更奇怪的。见上题句意。故 A 选项切题。41A.earlier BagoClater Dahead答案 C解析 earlier 较早地;ago 以前;later 以后;ahead 在前面。句意为:二十分钟后,我们把妈妈每处的划痕和每处雀斑都涂上了红药水。事情是按照时间的先后发生的。故 C 选项切题。42A.in BonCover Dunder答案 B解

    26、析 in 在里;on 在 上;over 在上(指垂直向上 );under 在下。句意为:她的腿、手臂和脸上都涂上了红药水。 “在表面上”用介词 on,故 B 选项切题。43A.always BeverCeven Donly答案 C解析 always 一直;ever 曾经;even 甚至;only 仅仅。句意为:在罗尼的鼓励下,我们甚至给她的手指甲和脚趾甲上都涂上了药水。even 表示递进关系,故 C 选项切题。44A.disappointment BshameChorror Dexcitement答案 C解析 disappointment 失望;shame 羞愧;horror 恐惧;excit

    27、ement 兴奋。句意为:当妈妈惊恐地尖叫时,我们知道她醒了。故 C 选项切题。45A.laughing BtalkingCscreaming Djoking答案 C解析 laugh 笑;talk 讲话;scream 尖叫;joke 开玩笑。由前文 “When Mama screamed.”可知,母亲的尖叫没有停过。故 C 选项切题。46A.so BalthoughCbecause Dbut答案 D解析 so 所以;although 尽管;because 因为;but 但是。句意为:伴随着所有的尖叫,起初她似乎并没有感觉好一些,但是当她盯着镜子里的自己时,突然大笑起来。前后句语意转折,所以用连

    28、词 but。47A.pretended BexpectedCinsisted Daccepted答案 C解析 pretend 假装;expect 期望;insist 坚持;accept 接受。句意为:如果有人问我们的话,我们会坚持说妈妈的病已经被红药水的魔力治愈了。作者和哥哥不希望自己的“愚蠢”的行为被其他人知道。所以坚持说妈妈的病已经被红药水的魔力治愈了。故 C 选项切题。48A.story BrealityCsecret Dmagic答案 D解析 story 故事;reality 事实;secret 秘密;magic 魔力。由前文 “When I was a little girl, th

    29、ere was the magic of Mercurochrome (红药水) ”可知,此处与前文相照应。故 D 选项切题。.语法填空I am now on my year abroad in Germany as part of my university course.At the 49. (begin) of my time here,I had the chance to meet so many new people and make lots of new friends.It is almost like 50. (start) a new life and can make

    30、you feel nervous and lonely at first.But I knew that when I moved to Germany I had to be open and friendly.This is 51. (certain) what I have done since moving here and I have made some great friends along the way.Next week a friend of 52. (I) is setting off to Spain for the next part of her year abr

    31、oad.She will be living near a beach and have a lot of fun.But I am also 53. (concern) about her as she will have to start a new life in another new country.She said that she 54. (want) to go back in time very much.In order 55. (say) goodbye to her,a group of friends and I had a surprise party.We mad

    32、e her a scrapbook(剪贴簿) with photos and memories of her time here so 56. she could take it along!We hope that she has 57. wonderful time in Spain and that she will get along well 58. her new classmates and settle into her new home.语篇解读 作者在国外留学,一开始感到孤独,后来交了一些朋友。其中一个是与自己有相似经历的朋友,在她离开之前,我们为她举办了欢送会。49答案

    33、beginning解析 考查名词。at the beginning of.在刚开始的时候。50答案 starting解析 考查动词ing 形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词 like 的宾语,故填 starting。51答案 certainly解析 考查副词。设空处作状语修饰整个句子,故填 certainly。52答案 mine解析 考查代词。设空处作 of 的宾语,指代“我的朋友” ,应用名词性物主代词,故填mine。53答案 concerned解析 考查过去分词作表语的用法。be concerned about 关心,挂念。54答案 wanted解析 考查一般过去时。由“She said that”可知,此处表示过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时,故填 wanted。55答案 to say解析 考查固定结构。in order to do .为了做。56答案 that解析 考查连词。so that 引导目的状语从句,表示“以便” 。57答案 a解析 考查不定冠词。have a wonderful time 过得开心。58答案 with解析 考查介词。get along well with.与相处融洽。


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