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    2019-2020学年人教新标准版英语必修1课时练习含解析:Unit 3 Period Two

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    2019-2020学年人教新标准版英语必修1课时练习含解析:Unit 3 Period Two

    1、Period Two Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points基础巩固.单词拼写1When the weather is good,I prefer(更喜欢) to go to work by bike.2We will need a big truck to transport (运送) all the boxes to our new house.3The project will be completed several weeks ahead of schedule(进度表)4Each idea they came up with has its own

    2、advantages and disadvantages(缺点)5After hours of cycling(骑自行车),he finally found the best place to live in.6They organized(组织) a meeting between teachers and students last night.7I bent (弯腰) down to lift the box off the ground before he came in.8Its at this point that the river flows(流) down into the

    3、ocean.9He slowed down his pace(步伐),so I could keep up with him.10He is so stubborn(固执的 ) that it is no use trying to persuade(说服) him.选词填空dream of, on schedule, be determined to, ever since, change ones mind, give in11I was going to vote(投票) for him,but I changed my mind and voted for Reagan. 12At f

    4、irst Robert wouldnt let his daughter go diving,but eventually he gave in as she was so confident about her skills.(2018天津)13He is always dreaming of becoming an astronaut like Yang Liwei.14He left for his hometown ten months ago and hasnt been heard of ever since.15Because of the heavy snow,the trai

    5、n didnt arrive on schedule.16Even if it may take me six weeks,I am determined to finish this task.单句语法填空17The determined(determine) expression on his face suggested that he wouldnt give in.18Those activities organized(organize) by our school really provided us with much pleasure.19It is always the h

    6、usband who/that gives in first when a quarrel breaks out between the young couple.20This science book is difficult to understand(understand) for a middle school student.21By the time Jack returned home from England,his son had graduated from college.22My mother insisted that I (should) go(go) to bed

    7、 before 10 oclock at night.23He cares about nothing but money,not even his parents and friends.24It was your bad attitude towards/to your work that made your parents upset.句型转换25I like the original book better than the revised edition,because the original one is more vivid and imaginative.I prefer t

    8、he original book to the revised edition,because the original one is more vivid and imaginative.26Dont let yourself be persuaded to buy things you dont want.Dont let yourself be persuaded into buying things you dont want.27I like reading books or magazines about travel because I like traveling.I like

    9、 reading books or magazines about travel because I am fond of traveling.28Tony determined to go to university,so he worked harder than ever before.Tony made up his mind to go to university,so he worked harder than ever before.29.I dont mind the price as long as the car is in good condition.I dont ca

    10、re about the price as long as the car is in good condition.能力提升.阅读理解Where Is Spring BreakWhere is Spring Break going to be?The options are endless.Do you want to get your blood pumping from thrilling travels?Look no further!These tours and destinations will keep you on your toes all week long.Panama

    11、:This underrated destination is a littleknown secret of the most travelers! Through this tour youll get to hike,snorkel and explore all the best sights this beautiful country has to offer! Eight days tours for $250/day.Canada:This diverse country is full of options.Explore the East of Canada and vis

    12、it cities such as Montreal,Quebec or Toronto.If youre feeling adventurous,explore the Western part of the country with a Canadian Rockies Tour.During this twelve days tour you will hike a glacier to beautiful scenery and wander through postcardworthy villages.Tours to Canada for $200/day.Iceland:Che

    13、ck off one of the seven wonders of the world with a tour of the Northern Lights and Golden Circle.Spend seven days full of adventure like hiking glaciers,snowshoeing through Thingvellir National Park,relaxing in the Geysir Hot Springs and of course experiencing the glory of the Northern Lights! Seve

    14、n days tours for $ 300/day.South Africa:Discover the diverse culture and wildlife that makes up South Africa.Your tour plan includes a journey along the coast known as “Rainbow Nation”Here you will enjoy beautiful scenery,a hunting travel through Addo Elephant National Park and the wildlife in Tsits

    15、ikarnma National Park.Nine days tours for $230/day.语 篇 解 读 本 文 为 应 用 文 中 的 广 告 布 告 类 ,主 要 介 绍 了 四 个 令 人 激 动 的 旅 游 胜 地 。30What is the similar characteristic of the travels mentioned in the text?AExciting. BRisky.CEducational. DEnvironmental.答案 A解析 细节理解题。根据“Where is Spring Break going to be?The option

    16、s are endless.Do you want to get your blood pumping from thrilling travels?”可知,文章中提到的这些旅行的共同点是令人激动的。A 项与文中的 thrilling 相对应。故选 A。31Which destination costs tourists the most money?APanama. BCanada.CIceland. DSouth Africa.答案 B解析 推理判断题。根据第二段 Panama 中的最后一句“Eight days tours for $ 250/day.”可知,在巴拿马旅行的费用是 250

    17、82 000(美元);由第三段 Canada 中的最后两句“During this twelve days tour.Tours to Canada for $200/day.”可知,在加拿大旅行的费用是200122 400(美元);由 Iceland 部分中的最后一句“Seven days tours for $ 300/day.”可知,在冰岛旅行的费用是 30072 100(美元) ;根据 South Africa 部分中的最后一句“Nine days tours for $230/day.”可知,在南非旅行的费用是 23092 070(美元)。通过比较可知,去加拿大的费用最高。故选 B

    18、项。32According to the text,Panama is a destination which .Ais not as famous as the other threeByou can go to for enjoying surfingCoffers an option to hike in the parkDtakes the most time of the four tours答案 A解析 细节理解题。根据第二段 Panama 中的“This underrated destination is a littleknown secret of the most trav

    19、elers!” 中的 littleknown意为“鲜为人知的” ,由此可知,巴拿马不像另外三个旅游地那么出名。故选 A。.完形填空I feel very excited at the thought that in another week I will be with you again on holiday.I 33 my stay in England very much indeed.Mr Brown and my classmates are all very 34 to me but as they say in England, “Theres no place like 35

    20、, ” and I think you will feel this above all at 36 time.I am leaving here on Thursday,the 23rd,and Ill be 37 in Basle on Friday morning, 38 Ill be home about lunch time.Can you 39 me at the station,as I will have a lot of 40 ?In some of my early 41 I have told you all about the other students here.W

    21、ell,I want to 42 my Canadian friend,John,to come and 43 Christmas with us.Will that be 44 ?His parents died last year and he cannot go home for Christmas.And also he has no friends in England 45 the Browns.He is a nice boy.I know you all like him,and I feel 46 he will enjoy Christmas with us.But I h

    22、avent 47 him yet because I thought it was better to ask you first.Please let me know soon 48 it will be all right.Ive got some Christmas 49 for you all,but I am not going to tell what they are.So it will be a 50 .How are you all at home?I hope you are all keeping 51 .Im looking forward to seeing you

    23、 next 52 .语 篇 解 读 这 是 作 者 写 给 家 人 的 一 封 书 信 ,请 求 家 人 同 意 带 朋 友 回 家 过 圣 诞 节 。33A.care BenjoyCthink Dwant答案 B解析 “我”很喜欢待在英国。enjoy 喜欢,符合语境。care 在乎;think 考虑;want 想要。34A.cold BgratefulCnice Dpolite答案 C解析 布朗先生和“我”的同学们对“我”都很好。be nice to sb.对某人友好,符合语境。be cold to sb.对某人冷漠;be grateful to sb.感激某人;be polite to s

    24、b. 对某人礼貌。35A.home BheavenCchurch Dprison答案 A解析 什么地方都不如家。home 家,符合语境。heaven 天堂;church 教堂;prison 监狱。36A.lunch BschoolCLondon DChristmas答案 D解析 根据后文中的 Christmas 可知该处用 Christmas。37A.coming BarrivingCpassing Dtravelling答案 B解析 根据空前的 leaving here 可知,空处应填 arriving,指在周五早上到达巴塞尔。arrive到达,符合语境。come 来;pass 经过;tra

    25、vel 旅行。38A.but BorCso Dbecause答案 C解析 因此“我”大概午饭时间到家。逗号前后两句是前因后果的关系,故用 so。39A.meet BbringCcall Dreceive答案 A解析 因为“我”有很多行李,所以您能到车站接“我”吗?meet sb.接某人。40A.friends BluggageCmoney Dfood答案 B解析 参考上题解析。luggage 行李,符合语境。41A.years BlettersCdetails Dposters答案 B解析 在“我”早先写的信中“我”和您说到很多同学。letter 信,符合语境。detail 细节;poster

    26、 海报。42A.ask BcommandCsend Dmove答案 A解析 该处指邀请加拿大朋友和我们一起过圣诞节,故用 ask。command 命令;send 送;move 移动。43A.have BgetCspend Dpass答案 C解析 参考上题解析。spend 度过,符合语境。44A.difficult BpossibleCtrue Dall right答案 D解析 Will that be all right?意为“这样可以吗?” ,表请求许可。difficult 困难的;possible可能的;true 真实的。45A.except BlikeCbesides Dwithout答

    27、案 A解析 除了布朗一家,他在英国没有朋友。except 除了,符合语境。besides 除了之外还有。46A.fine BsureCreliable Ddetermined答案 B解析 “我”肯定他会和我们一起愉快地度过圣诞节。sure 肯定的,符合语境。reliable 可靠的;determined 坚决的。47A.found BseenCintroduced Dinvited答案 D解析 但是“我”还没有邀请他因为“我”认为最好先征求您的意见。invite 邀请,符合语境。find 发现;introduce 介绍。48A.before BifCas Duntil答案 B解析 如果一切可以

    28、,请尽早告诉“我” 。if 如果,符合语境。49A.trees BcapsCcards Dgifts答案 D解析 “我”有一些圣诞礼物要送给你们,但“我”不会告诉您是什么礼物。gift 礼物,符合语境。50A.surprise BwonderCshortcoming Ddisadvantage答案 A解析 这是个惊喜。surprise 惊喜,符合语境。wonder 奇迹;shortcoming 缺点;disadvantage 缺点。51A.well BkindCcalm Dbeautiful答案 A解析 “我”希望你们一切都好。keep well 保持健康。52A.Monday BThursd

    29、ayCFriday DSunday答案 C解析 根据第五个空后的 Friday 可知该处选 Friday。.语法填空I am a boy who prefers 53. (travel) rather than stay at home.Ever since middle school, I 54. (make) up my mind to make a journey around China.However,I was too busy to organize 55. journey then.It was after graduating from university 56. I fi

    30、nally got the chance to make my dream come true.My mother cared 57. my safety so much that she tried to persuade me to go with my classmates.In her view,being too stubborn was one of my 58. (shortcoming)However,I insisted I 59. (travel) on my own.I was fond of 60. (cycle),so I was determined to trav

    31、el by bicycle.61. I knew there would be many difficulties to go through,I would never give up.Nothing would be hard 62. (deal) with for a boy who is determined.语篇解读 作者非常喜欢旅游,但上学期间,没有时间。大学毕业后,他才说服妈妈让他一个人骑自行车去旅行。53答案 to travel解析 prefer to do rather than do 喜欢做而不愿做。54答案 have made解析 ever since 引导时间状语从句,

    32、主句谓语用现在完成时,故该处填 have made。55答案 the解析 该处填定冠词 the,特指前面提到的 a journey around China。56答案 that解析 这是 it is.that.强调句式,强调 after graduating from university。57答案 about解析 此处考查固定搭配 care about “关心,担心” 。58答案 shortcomings解析 根据设空前的 one of my 可知,该空应用名词复数。59答案 (should) travel解析 insist 作 “坚决要求” 讲时,宾语从句的谓语用 should do 形式

    33、,should 可以省略。60答案 cycling解析 设空前是固定短语 be fond of “喜欢” 。be fond of doing sth.喜欢做某事,故该空应填动名词作介词 of 的宾语。61答案 Though/Although/While解析 虽然我知道会经历很多困难,但我永远不会放弃。此处表示“虽然,尽管” ,故用Though/Although/While。62答案 to deal解析 根据固定句式“主语be形容词to do”可知该处填不定式。.概要写作用约 60 个词概括课文内容Wang Kun and Wang Wei had dreamed about taking a

    34、great bike trip since middle school.After college graduation,they planned to realize their dream by cycling along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.Before starting,they made a detailed schedule for the trip.They also went to the library and found an atlas to know more geographical information of the river.


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