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    2019-2020学年新素养导学英语译林版必修2学案:Unit 1 Period Three

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    2019-2020学年新素养导学英语译林版必修2学案:Unit 1 Period Three

    1、Period Three Word power & Grammar and usage & Task.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)1.mystery n.神秘的事或人2.questionnaire n.调查问卷3.tick vt.标记号;打上钩;打对号4.blank n.(文件等)空白处,空格 adj.空白的;无表情的5.discount n.折扣6.badminton n.羽毛球7.organize vt.组织,筹备;安排,处理8.tournament n.联赛,锦标赛9.outer adj.外面的,外部的10.scientific adj.科学的

    2、.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)11.enthusiastic adj.热情的;热烈的;满腔热忱的enthusiasm n .热情12.base n.基地,大本营;底部;基础 vt.以为基础basic adj.基础的13.exist vi.存在existence n.存在14.statement n.陈述;声明state vt.陈述;声明15.disagree vi.不同意agree( 反) vi.同意16.appropriate adj.适当的17.humour n.幽默humorous adj.幽默的18.award n.奖,奖品,奖金 vt.

    3、授予,奖励19.discover vt.发现;发觉20.provide vt.提供;供给.写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共 10 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 30 分)21.send up 发射22.carry out 实施,执行23.pick up 拾起,捡起24.take off 脱下,摘下25.take charge of 负责,掌管26.separate from 从脱离,把分开27.in some way 在某种程度上28.at a time 一次,每次29.point out 指出30.take turns 依次,轮流.完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 6 分,满分 30 分)3

    4、1.Though he has never met any aliens,he believes they do exist.尽管他从未见过外星人,但他相信他们确实存在。32.Ill get it done today.我今天要把它完成。33because not everyone knows what Stonehenge is.因为并不是每个人都了解巨石阵。34.For this reason,we suggest that we organize a school basketball tournament.为此,我们建议组织一次校篮球锦标赛35.We could offer award

    5、s to the winning team and the most enthusiastic players.我们可以向获胜队和最有激情的选手颁发奖品。重点词汇I guess some of you are dreaming of becoming an astronaut and travelling to outer space to carry out scientific research.我猜想,你们当中的一些人正梦想成为一名宇航员,并且去太空进行科学研究。?carry out 实施,执行,贯彻;完成;实现(诺言等)carry on 继续carry through 贯彻;使渡过(困

    6、难、危机等);成功完成carry off 夺取;赢得,获得;搬走(1)I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan had been carried out in the past two years.(2018江苏)上个月我被派到那个村子里去看看在过去的两年里这个发展计划实施得怎么样了。(2)It is a tough job and we hope that you will carry it through.这是一项棘手的工作,我们希望你坚持到底。(3)After a break,the lead

    7、ers went into the room to carry on the discussion.休息过后,领导们进入房间继续讨论。(4)Tom carried off three silver medals at the World University Games.汤姆在世界大学生运动会上获得了三块银牌。 Then a tracking ship picked them up.然后遥测船将其收回。?pick up 拾起,捡起;收听到;收拾,整理;(偶然) 学会,得到;( 开车)接人;恢复健康/精神;(生意、天气等)好转;加快一词多义 写出下列句子中 pick up 的汉语意思(1)Sho

    8、uld you come across waste paper thrown out of a passing car,pick it up.(2018浙江)捡起,拾起(2)It is necessary to use a shortwave radio to pick up the programmes.收听,接收(3)Uncle Paul,my dads friend,picked us up from the airport and drove us up to his farm in Pecos.(2018浙江)(开车) 接(4)She picked up Spanish when s

    9、he was living in Mexico.(偶然)学会,掌握(5)After the operation,his old father is beginning to pick up now.恢复精神/健康(6)Suddenly the train began to pick up speed.加快pick out挑 选 出 ;辨 认 出 ,分 辨 出(7)How did you pick out my younger sister in the crowd?你是怎样从人群中认出我妹妹来的?My friend Jack is enthusiastic about travelling.我

    10、的朋友杰克对旅游很感兴趣。?enthusiastic adj.热心的,满腔热情的;热烈的be enthusiastic about (doing) sth. 对(做) 热情;对(做)感兴趣enthusiasm n .热情,热心;积极性have (no) enthusiasm for (doing)sth. 有(无)(做) 的热情be full of enthusiasm 充满热情(1)The detective is enthusiastic about looking into unexplained cases.这位侦探对调查神秘的案件充满了热情。(2)The team which is

    11、full of enthusiasm(enthusiastic) is more likely to win.士气高昂的那一队有可能获胜。(3)The journalist has no enthusiasm for/is not enthusiastic about doing his present work.那名记者对目前的工作没有热情。He has just been to Qomolangma Base Camp and saw a Yeti there.他刚去过珠穆朗玛峰大本营,并且在那儿看到了一个雪人。?base n.基地,大本营;底部;基础 vt.以为根据at the base

    12、 of.在的底部base.on/upon.把建立在;以为根据be based on/upon.以为基础 (根据)basic adj.基本的,基础的(1)The company has its base in New York,and branch offices all over the world.该公司总部设在纽约,分支遍及全世界。(2)Youd better learn some basic Chinese before you come.(2018北京)你来之前最好学一些基础的汉语。(3)Some letters are written at the base of the cup.杯

    13、子底部写着一些字母。(4)As we all know,most of the ratings are based on others judgment on the product or service concerned.(2018江苏)众所周知,这种排名大部分都是基于别人对该产品或相关服务的评价。高级表达(5)The play was based on a real story.It is very popular with us.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Based on a real story,the play is very popular with us.Though he

    14、has never met any aliens,he believes they do exist.尽管他从未见过外星人,但他相信他们确实存在。?exist vi.存在;生存exist in 存在于;起因于exist on 靠生存There exist/exists/existed.某地有;存在existing adj.现存的,现行的existence n.存在;生存come into existence 开始存在(1)They cant exist on the money hes earning.他们靠他挣的那点钱无法生存。(2)New laws will soon replace ex

    15、isting ones.新法律即将取代现行的法律。(3)There is/exists a good way to solve the problem.有一种解决这个问题的好办法。(4)Please tell me when the word “wanghong” came into existence.请告诉我“网红”这个词是什么时候开始存在的。单句改错(5)The custom was existed in that area about ten years ago.In a survey,we ask people to respond to a list of questions or

    16、 statements.在调查中,我们要让被调查者对一系列问题或陈述做出回应。?statement n.陈述;声明make a statement (on/about.)(对)进行声明state vt.陈述;声明,说明 n.状态,状况,情形It is stated that.据称in a state of/in a.state 处于状态in a good/bad state 状态良好/糟糕(1)There is a possibility that the president would make a statement.总统很有可能会发表声明。(2)Hell state his opinio

    17、n at the meeting this evening.他将在今晚的会议上说明自己的观点。(3)The house is in a dirty state.那房子很脏。(4)It is stated that the two countries are at war.据称,这两个国家正在交战。单句改错(5)The vice president is in state of poor health. aA stands for Agree,D for Disagree,and N for Not sure.A 代表“同意” ,D 代表“不同意” ,N 代表“不确定” 。?disagree v

    18、i.不同意;有分歧disagree with sb. about/over/on sth. 与某人在某事上意见有分歧disagree with sb. 不同意某人;对某人不适宜disagree with sth. 不赞成某事,反对某事disagreement n.不同意;分歧in disagreement with 与不一致(1)He disagrees with his parents on/about/over most things.他在多数事情上都与父母意见不一致。(2)Theres a lot of disagreement among students on this issue.

    19、在这一问题上,学生们有很大分歧。(3)The weather here disagrees with you.这里的气候不适合你。一句多译(4)每次我和他有分歧,他都会去找班主任。Every time I disagreed with him,he would go to our class teacher.(disagree)Every time I didnt agree with him,he would go to our class teacher.(agree)Every time I was in disagreement with him,he would go to our

    20、class teacher.(disagreement)Please tick the appropriate boxes tick only one after each question or write your answers in the blanks.请在恰当的方框里打钩 一个问题后面只勾一个 或者在空格中写出你的答案。?appropriate adj.合适的,适当的be appropriate for/to.适合It is appropriate (for sb. ) to do sth. (某人)适合做某事。It is appropriate that.是合适的。 (从句谓语动

    21、词用 shoulddo,should 可省略)(1)You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time.在适当的时候将把详情告诉你。(2)Your clothes are hardly appropriate for/to a job interview.你的衣服不太适合求职面试穿。(3)As a teacher,its appropriate for you to be(be) so enthusiastic about your work.作为教师,对你的工作如此热情是适宜的。单句改错(4)It is appropriat

    22、e that we would 或 go for an outing at this time of the year.wouldshouldTake turns to be the interviewer and the club member.轮 流 充 当 采 访 者 和 俱 乐 部 成 员 。?take turns 依次,轮流take turns to do sth. /in doing sth. 轮流做某事by turns 轮流in turn 依次;转而Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事。(1)If friends can take turns to l

    23、isten to each other well,their friendship will be better!如果朋友之间能轮流做好听众,他们的友谊将会更美好!(2)Interest rates were cut,and in turn,share prices rose.利率下降了,因而股票价格上涨了。(3)Its your turn to clean(clean) the blackboard.轮到你擦黑板了。句型转换(4)We take turns in looking after the homeless child.We look after the homeless child

    24、 by turns.We could offer awards to the winning team and the most enthusiastic players.我们可以向获胜队和最有激情的选手颁发奖品。?award n.奖,奖品;奖金 vt.授予,奖励;奖给award sth.to sb.award sb.sth.把某物颁发给某人be awarded for 因而受奖(1)He is the first Chinese citizen to win this award.(2018全国)他是获得该奖项的第一个中国公民。(2)The gold medal will be awarde

    25、d to whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race.(2018天津)金牌将被授予在自行车比赛中获得第一名的人。(3)The boy was awarded for bringing back the lost dog yesterday.昨天,男孩因为送回丢失的狗而受到了奖赏。一句多译(4)他们授予了约翰一等奖。They awarded John the first prize.They awarded the first prize to John.经典句式Ill get it done today.我 今 天 要 把 它 完 成 。g

    26、et/have sth. done 中的过去分词作宾补,表示被动的含义,该结构意为“使某事被做” ,有时翻译成“请人做某事”或“主语遭遇到某事” 。get sb .to do sth. 让某人做某事 get sb ./sth. doing sth. 让某人/某物做某事 常指由静态变为动态get sb ./sth. adj.使某人/某物变成某种状态(1)I will get/have my TV set repaired this afternoon.今天下午我要找人修电视机。(2)Peter got/had his leg hurt while playing football.彼得踢足球时把

    27、腿弄伤了。(3)Ill get my friends to find me a good hotel.我要让我的朋友们为我找一家好的旅馆。(4)Its too cold and he finds it hard to get the car running.天太冷了,他发现把车发动起来很难。.because not everyone knows what Stonehenge is.因为并不是每个人都了解巨石阵。not everyone 属部分否定现象,当句子中出现表示全部概念的词,如all, both,every,everybody ,everything,everywhere,always

    28、 等时,如果用 not 否定这些词就会使句子变为部分否定,表示“不都;并非都” 。(1)Such a thing is not found everywhere.这样的事情并非所有的地方都会出现。(2)All my friends do not study well.我的朋友们并非个个都学习好。(3)While online shopping has changed our life,not all of its effects have been positive.尽管网上购物已经改变了我们的生活,但并非它的所有影响都是积极的。一句多译(4)我们班里并不是所有的学生都擅长物理。All the

    29、 students are not good at physics in our class.Not all the students are good at physics in our class.For this reason,we suggest that we organize a school basketball tournament.为此,我们建议组织一次校篮球锦标赛suggest(建议)Error!It is suggested that.有人建议 (其后的从句中谓语动词常用 shoulddo,should 可以省略)suggest 作“暗示,表明”讲时,其后的从句用陈述语气

    30、。suggest 后不可接双宾语,间接宾语多由介词 to 引出,即 suggest sth. to sb. 向某人建议某事。suggestion n.建议(其后的从句中谓语动词常用 shoulddo,should 可省略)make a suggestion 提出建议(1)Someone suggested sending the player to the US for treatment.有人建议送这个运动员去美国治疗。(2)It is suggested that the question (should) be discussed(discuss) at the next meeting

    31、.有人建议在下次会议上讨论这个问题。(3)The girls pale face suggested that she was badly ill.这个女孩苍白的脸色说明了她病得很重。(4)Ill suggest a new plan to him.我将向他建议一个新计划。(5)I make a suggestion(suggest) that we (should) go out to eat.我提议我们出去吃。.单句语法填空1.The basic(base) price for a 10-minute call is only $2.49.2.Some rare wild animals

    32、are battling for their existence(exist).3.My bike is out of order and Ill get it repaired(repair) soon.4.He is confident and always enthusiastic about his future.5.No matter how hard it is,I will try to carry out the plan.6.Soon afterwards he made his first public statement(state) about the affair.7

    33、.They disagree with each other on this issue.8.It would not be appropriate for me to discuss(discuss) that matter now.9.She picked out her father from the photo at first sight.10.The children called out their names in turn.完成句子11.Ill get my elder sister to help me with my English.我要让我姐姐帮我学习英语。12.Bas

    34、ed on a true story,the film has attracted a lot of young people.以真实故事为基础,这部电影吸引了很多年轻人。13.Not everyone/Not all the people can work out the problem.并非所有的人都能做出这道题。14.His suggestion was that we (should) go to see a doctor at once.他的建议是我们立刻去看医生。15.It was stated that standards at that hospital were droppi

    35、ng.(state)据称,那家医院的医疗水平在下降。基础巩固.单词拼写1.He is always enthusiastic(满腔热情的 ) about astronomers work.2.The climber has to return to the base(基地) due to the bad weather.3.In an official statement(声明) ,the president formally announced her resignation.4.All staff were asked to fill in a questionnaire(调查问卷) ab

    36、out their jobs.5.Write on one side of the paper and leave the other sideblank(空白的).6.He is a man with a good sense of humour(幽默).7.Students need to learn how to organize(组织) their work.8.Several months later,the coach took the boy to his first tournament(锦标赛).选词填空come into existence, pick up, at a t

    37、ime, carry out, take turns9.Let your listeners answer one question at a time.10.Please tell me when the Great Wall came into existence.11.Researchers always carry out experiments with fetal(胚胎) mice.12.The doctors take turns at participating in the mobile medical team.13.Instead of walking a few blo

    38、cks to pick up a child or the dry cleaning,they send the self-driving minibus.(2018北京).单句语法填空14.The astronomer assumed that success exists in the enthusiasm for your work.15.The doctor suggested that she(should) take(take) more exercise.16.The woman is looking for a way to separate the bad apples fr

    39、om the good ones.17.The poor lady had her money stolen(steal) on the bus that day.18.They were selling everything at a discount then.19.During the summer holidays,the teachers were on duty by turns.20.He decided to point out that the girl had done wrong.21.Tom strongly disagrees with Jacks statement

    40、.22.The headmaster awarded the first prize to the schoolboy who did best in the contest.23.Our friendship is based on trust and honesty.完成句子24.Your son did come,but he said nothing.你的儿子的确来过,但他什么也没说。25.As soon as I saw him,I recognized him.我一看见他就认出了他。26.Though/Although he is a child 或 Child though/as

    41、 he is,he knows a lot.尽管他是个孩子,但他知道很多。27.Its not appropriate that we should dismiss these ideas just because they are unfamiliar.我们仅仅因为不熟悉这些观点就不考虑它们是不合适的。28.Not all birds can fly.并不是所有的鸟都能飞。能力提升.阅读理解A(2019黑龙江大庆实验中学高一上期末)I was once told, “You are wasting your time on a career that will give you no mon

    42、ey or comfort.”I explored my interests for years and finally decided to be a journalist.However,Im still influenced by others arguments:print publications are being replaced by web versions where content is updated nearly every time you refresh the browser.But I hold onto my decision.Why? For the si

    43、mple,yet powerful reason that it makes me happy in a way that no amount of money ever could.Rarely have I found others who think like this,and I find it very disappointing when I hear students trying to design their lives on the basis of factors(因素) other than keeping to their passions and interests

    44、.Factor number one is parents.They certainly have a right to be a part in their childrens lives,but sometimes their words create more stress than encouragement.Instead of trying to make their children happy,as their original purpose may have been,parents can end up limiting their childrens dreams an

    45、d desires until nothing remains but the hard seeds of a cruel reality.The second factor is money.I had a conversation with my college friend one afternoon,which explains this point.“What happened?” I asked him after he said he had changed his major.“I thought you wanted to be a photographer.”“I do,

    46、” he said, “But there is no money in it.Dont worry, ” he added,probably feeling my worry.“Im happy where I am.” I was ready to believe that,but as we kept on talking, he continuously interrupted me to point out the beauty of this view and that view,saying he wished he had taken his camera with him.N

    47、aturally,we cannot predict where we will end up with our choices.Our ideas and plans could change as we progress.However,at this stage in our lives when so many voices are telling us who we should be,we need to value our individual dreams,not to abandon them,because they may be the only things left

    48、that tell us who we are.语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。曾经有人告诉作者, “你是在把时间浪费在一个不会给你带来金钱或舒适的职业上。 ” 作者认为在选择职业时,一个人的愿望和兴趣应该放在第一位。29.Why is the author determined to be a journalist?A.He could get a high pay.B.He is influenced by others.C.He is truly interested in journalism.D.He has been studying journalism for years.答案 C

    49、解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“I explored my interests for years and finally decided to be a journalist.”可知,作者之所以决心成为一名记者是因为他确实对新闻工作感兴趣。故选 C。30.What does the author think of parents role in their childrens career choice?A.They shouldnt try to influence their children in any way.B.They help their children make the right choice of a career.C.They should support their children whatever


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