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    2019中考英语考前倒计时冲刺专练(七)进阶版 热点书面表达篇(含答案)

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    2019中考英语考前倒计时冲刺专练(七)进阶版 热点书面表达篇(含答案)

    1、2019 中考英语考前倒计时冲刺专练(七)进阶版热点书面表达篇 1A某英语网站正在进行英语征文活动,主题为“中学生如何保持健康”。请根据思维导图提供的信息,写一篇 80 词左右短文应征。要求:条理清晰,语言流畅,文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名。内容应包括导图中的所有信息,可适当发挥。It is very important for us to keep healthy. How to keep healthy? Here are some suggestions:First, we should take more exercise every day. Try to walk instead

    2、 of taking a bus. Second, we should eat healthily . Most of the students like eating fried food such as fried chicken. This kind of food isnt good for us. Youd better eat fresh vegetables and fruits instead of some junk food. Next, a healthy lifestyle can also help us keep healthy. Getting up early

    3、and going to bed early are good for our health. Last, you should keep happy every day, if you are always in a good mood, you can study or work better.B中学校园里的小胖子随处可见,肥胖影响了他们的生活,甚至带来许多健康问题。请你给这些人提提建议,让他们远离肥胖、快乐生活。内容要求:1、必须包括饮食、锻炼和生活习惯三个方面的建议,可适当发挥。take more exercise eat healthilyHow to Keep Healthydon

    4、t go to bed late be in a good mood2、字数 80 左右。参考词汇:junk food, vegetable and fruit, living habits, exercise.More and more students are getting fat nowadays,More and more students are getting fat nowadays. it brings trouble to their lives. Some of them even have health problems. If they dont want to be

    5、 fat any more, they should do something. First, they should stop eating junk food. They can eat more fruit and vegetables. Milk and eggs are good for them, too. Second, it is necess ary to do some exercise. Exercise makes people keep fit and strong. Third, they should have good living habits. Go to

    6、bed early and get up early. Dont stay up too late. I hope fat students will live a healthy and happy life.C在初中即将毕业之际,请你以张明的名义给英国笔友 Brian 写一封感谢信。要点提示如下:三年前 你来到新的班级没有朋友,感到孤独三年中Brian 多次给你写信,他在信中:鼓励你多交朋友;告诉你学好英语的方法;和你分享快乐;你变得近年来重庆发生很大变化,你邀请他来重庆游玩参考词汇:分享快乐 share happiness要求:1.词数:80120; 2.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词

    7、数 ; 3.要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。Dear Brian ,How time flies! We have been friends for three years. Im writing to thank you for your great help!Three years agoHope to see you soon!Yours,Zhang Ming【答案】Dear Brian,How time flies! We have been friends for three years. Im writing to thank you for your great help!Thr

    8、ee years ago, when I first went into the class, I had no friends to play with, so I always felt lonely and bored. During the three years, you always write to me to encourage me to make more friends. You often tell me how to lean English well. When you have something happy, you always share it with m

    9、e. Thanks to you, I am not lonely any longer now. I have made lots of good friends and I become more and more outgoing now.Great changes have taken place in Zhengzhou in the past years. I hope you can come and visit Zhengzhou.Hope to see you soon!Yours,Zhang MingD61.为响应我市全面创建国家文明城市的号召,福州市中小学开展“文明城市,

    10、健康生活”为主题的英语征文活动。请你以“The Civilized City, the Healthy Life”为题,根据表格中的图片及文字提示,简要描述并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇英语短文。SubjectThe Civilized City, the Healthy LifeWays of doingride bikes, reduce air pollution, throw rubbish into the bins, keep the city clean, plant more trees,Your opinion (至少 2 条)注意:(1)词数 80-100 左右,短文开头已给

    11、出,不计入总词数;(2)文中不得提及考生所在学校及自己的姓名。The Civilized City, the Healthy LifeAs a citizen of fuzhou, its our duty to_【答案】The Civilized City, the Healthy LifeAs a citizen of Fuzhou, its our duty to help build a civilized city so that we can live a healthy life. We can reduce air pollution by riding bicycles. I

    12、ts better for us to put rubbish into the rubbish bin. In this way, we can keep our city clean. And wed better plant more trees to protect the natural environment.In my opinion, Ill try my best to make our city cleaner and more beautiful. Firstly, I can save water by taking shorter showers. Secondly,

    13、 I can save energy by turning off the lights when I leave the room.In a word, everyone can do something to make a difference.E扬州市“五个一百工程” 英语经典文学 (English classics)阅读正在全市各地各校全面而深入地推进,这提高了扬州学子的人文科学素养,并促进了他们的终身发展。某校正在开展中学生是否有必要阅读英文经典文学的大讨论,请根据以下问题和要求用英语写一篇文章参与讨论。1. Do you think reading English classics

    14、 is necessary? Why? (Give 3 reasons)2. How do you usually take part in the activity of reading English classics? (Give 3 examples, e.g. take part in the Reading Club, take notes while reading )3. Whats your advice for the students who are weak in English? (Give 1-2 opinions)要求 1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须

    15、包括问题中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥;3)词数:100 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数) ;4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。With the development of the Five One-hundred Project in Yangzhou, our school has had a discussion about whether it is necessary for middle school students to read English classics.【答案】With the development of the Five One-hundred Projec

    16、t in Yangzhou, our school has had a discussion about whether it is necessary for middle school students to read English classics. I think reading English classics is not only necessary but also important. First, we can learn a lot about Western history and culture by reading. Second, by reading clas

    17、sics we can enlarge our vocabulary and improve our writing. Finally, it can help us with our lifelong learning. So I often spend my free time reading English classics.I am in the Reading Club. And I often take notes while reading. Whats more, I sometimes ask the teacher for help if I have difficulty

    18、 reading books.If some students are weak in English, they can read the short and easy English stories at the very beginning. Well begun is half done. Next, they should keep reading and never give up. Then their English will be improved little by little.F中考即将来临,许多学生都感到学习紧张,压力很大,他们很苦恼,为此,你们学校以课后放松方式进行

    19、了调查,请你以 How to relax yourself? 为题写一篇 80 词左右的短文,向校刊投稿。要点提示:1.学生压力大及其表现;2.学会放松很重要;3.常见的放松方式;4.最适合你的放松方式;5.你的建议。参考词汇:压力 pressure 压力大的:stressed outHow to relax yourself?【答案】How to relax yourself ?Now many students often feel much pressure. They always feel tired because they have a lot of homework to do

    20、 every day.Its important for the students to relax. It keeps your mind clear and make you not be nervous. There are many kinds of relaxing ways. For example, you can try to have enough sleep, you can listen to your favorite music. You can also read some books or do some sports. For me, I often hang

    21、out with my friends.While you are studying, dont forget to relax yourself. You will study better after a good rest.2019 中考英语考前倒计时冲刺专练(七)进阶版热点书面表达篇 2A假如你远在英国的笔友 Mike 看到了有关禽流感爆发(outbreak of H7N9 bird flu)的报道,来信安慰并向你询问有关情况。请你以李明的名义用英文给他复信一封,信中说明:1.H7N9 禽流感已得到有效控制,请他不必担心;2.将鸡肉和蛋类煮透即可放心食用;3.坚持锻炼身体、养成良好的卫

    22、生习惯有助于抵抗 H7N9 禽流感;4.要尽量避免和活禽(live domestic animals)的接触。参考范文Dear Mike,Thank you for your care about the health of my family. So far,H7N9 has been effectively controlled.The government is devoting itself to fighting against such disease.So please dont worry about it.In fact,if we can stick to build ou

    23、rselves up and keep healthy living habits,we will keep many kinds of disease away from us.At the same time,if we cook chicken and eggs thoroughly,its not necessary to be afraid of eating them.On the other hand,we should try not to touch any live domestic animals. Hope to meet you in Beijing this sum

    24、mer vacation!Yours,Li MingB母亲节就要来临,校学生会将举行以“Thank You,Mum”为题的英语演讲比赛,请你根据以下提示写一篇参赛演讲稿;1.感谢母亲在你成长过程中的所有付出和为全家所做的一切;2.对她只注意照顾家庭成员不关心自己提出善意的批评;3.检讨自己在家时的一些不足,并表明今后将如何改正;4.对家庭的祝福。参考范文Thank you,MumToday is Mothers Day.Now I would like to say thanks to all the mothers for what they have done for the famili

    25、es.Every day they are busy with all kinds of housework all the time,such as cooking,washing clothes,cleaning the rooms and so on.Also,they often buy some new clothes for us,but they always think little about themselves.Each of us hopes that our mothers can take more care of themselves.I am sorry to

    26、tell that I seldom helped my mother (to) do the housework in the past.But I am sure I will do better from now on.Best wishes to all mothers and families!C假设你是李明,学期即将结束。你的美国好友 Jeff 发来 e-mail 询问你的暑假计划。请你给他回复一封 e-mail,告诉他你的假期计划。参考范文Hi,Jeff!The summer vacation is coming soon.I want to have a relaxing su

    27、mmer vacation.I feel tired this term so I want to relax myself.First,I will visit Beijing with my parents.We will go there by train.Second,I want to read some English books.Our teacher tells us about some famous English books.I want to read them.Third,I am going to be a volunteer.I want to do things

    28、 for others.Fourth,I am staying at home,helping mother do some housework,and doing some sports.How will you spend your holiday?Best wishes!Yours,Li MingD你即将初中毕业,请你根据下面表格内容,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你过去三年的学习情况以及到新学校的打算。过去三年的学习情况1.努力学习,擅长英语,并在英语竞赛中获奖。2.帮助老师组织英语活动。到新学校的打算 In the past three years,Ive been studying har

    29、d at all subjects and I do best in English.I got several prizes in English competitions and helped our English teacher organize some English activities.This September I will become a high school student.I will work harder and I will help my classmates as much as possible.I think I can get on well wi

    30、th everyone.I will take part in different kinds of activities and do more exercise to keep healthy.I am sure I will make greater progress in high school.E假如你叫李华,你的笔友黄鹏写信给你说他英语学得比较困难,询问如何学好英语。请根据提示和你自己学英语的体会给黄鹏写一封回信。参考范文Dear Huang Peng,Im glad to hear from you.I know you have some trouble in learning

    31、 English.I have some ideas that may help.Firstly,its very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later.Secondly,try to practise English with your classmates or teachers.Dont be afraid of making mistakes.Then try to listen and read more in English.Whats more,youd better plan your time well and study it every day.Above all,I think you should be confident in yourself and dont give up whenever you meet with difficulty.I believe you can learn it well.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua


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