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    冀教版八年级英语下册Unit3 Lessons13—15阶段能力训练(含答案)

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    冀教版八年级英语下册Unit3 Lessons13—15阶段能力训练(含答案)

    1、冀教版八年级英语下册 Unit 3阶段能力训练(Lessons 1315).完形填空Many people across the world have pets. You may have one, and_1_ some of your friends do, too. A pet can be a special _2_ and you might also think of him as a member of the family. A pet can play with you or just be with you when you dont _3_ like talking._4

    2、_, pets cant stay with us forever. _5_ all other living things, they will die. Sometimes a pet gets too sick _6_. Even an animal doctor cant save him. Youll be _7_ when a pet dies. You may feel lonely because your pet cant be with you any longer. You may even feel mad at _8_ because he cannot make y

    3、our pet better. Maybe you will feel sorry when you remember the time when you werent kind to your pet.To some children, no one can really understand their feelings. Many people may say, “You _9_ get another cat.” But you know you will never have another cat just like the dead _10_( )1.A.may Bmay be

    4、Cmaybe Dmight( )2.A.present Bfriend Csister Dinterest( )3.A.sound Blook Csmell Dfeel( )4.A.Unluckily BLuckily CSurprisingly DHappily( )5.A.Such as BFor example CLike D Unlike( )6.A.not to live Bliving Clives Dto live( )7.A.sad Bhappy Csurprised Dexcited( )8.A.the pet Byour father Cthe animal doctor

    5、Dthe shopkeeper( )9.A.must Bcan Chave to Dhave( )10.A.it BhimCanimal Done.2018荆门阅读理解A squirrel(松鼠) that was nearly killed nine years ago continues to visit the family that saved, raised and later sent her into the wild.In October 2009, a four-week-old squirrel was almost killed by an owl(猫头鹰). Lucki

    6、ly, a wildlife rescue group saved her and left her in the care of Brantley Harrison and her family in South Carolina. The Harrisons often look after wild animals and later send them back into the wild.The Harrisons named her Bella. With three other squirrels, Bella stayed in Brantleys care until spr

    7、ing. During her stay Bella acted similarly to the other squirrels. In April 2010, the squirrels were sent back into the wild. Bella, however, wasnt ready to leave her human family. Within days of being released, she started visiting them, looking for treats. Brantley said that the other squires also

    8、 came back over the first few days, but within a week they stopped coming by and began to avoid people.“Bella usually sits at the front door, waiting for someone to notice her. She comes almost every day.” said Brantley. Her husband John often brings Bella nuts as she is usually waiting by the door

    9、for him. Actually Bella has become a member of the family.For nine years, she continues to visit them. Brantley said, “If Bella can teach at least one person to care for all living things, no matter how big or how small, then we have done what we have set out to.”( )1.From the passage, we know that

    10、the Harrisons _Adont like wild animals Bsaved an owl in 2009Care very kind to animals Dcannot help Bella out( )2.The underlined part “being released” means “_”Agetting hurt Bdropping byCbeing saved Dbeing sent into the wild( )3.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?ABella wants to get more attention.

    11、 BBella becomes a member of the family.CNuts are Bellas favourite food. DIts not easy for the Harrisons to find Bella.( )4.Whats the best title for the passage?ATo Save Squirrels BWays of VolunteeringCThe Harrisons and Their Pets DA Squirrel and Her Human Family.1.C 句意:或许你的一些朋友也有(宠物) 。原句中有谓语动词 do,所以

    12、排除A、B 、 D 三项,故选副词 maybe,相当于 perhaps。2B3D feel like doing sth 意为“喜欢做某事”。句意:宠物可以和你一起玩或当你不喜欢说话时陪着你。4A5C like 在这里作介词,意为“像” 。句意:像其他的生物一样,它们也会死亡。6D “tooto”意为“ 太 而不能”。句意:有时宠物病得太重而不能活下去。7A8C 由下文“because he cannot make your pet better.”可知选 C。9B 10.D.1.C 细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“The Harrisons often look after wild animals”可知选 C。2D 3.B 4D 主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了一只小松鼠和它的主人一家的故事。故选 D。


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