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    【大师珍藏】高考英语一轮单元训练金卷:第四套 英语2 Units 3-5(A卷)含答案

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    【大师珍藏】高考英语一轮单元训练金卷:第四套 英语2 Units 3-5(A卷)含答案

    1、一 轮 单 元 训 练 金 卷 高 三 英 语 卷 ( A)英 语 2 Units 3-5 注 意 事 项 :1 答 题 前 , 先 将 自 己 的 姓 名 、 准 考 证 号 填 写 在 试 题 卷 和 答 题 卡 上 , 并 将 准 考 证 号 条 形 码 粘贴 在 答 题 卡 上 的 指 定 位 置 。2 选 择 题 的 作 答 : 每 小 题 选 出 答 案 后 , 用 2B 铅 笔 把 答 题 卡 上 对 应 题 目 的 答 案 标 号 涂 黑 ,写 在 试 题 卷 、 草 稿 纸 和 答 题 卡 上 的 非 答 题 区 域 均 无 效 。3 非 选 择 题 的 作 答 : 用 签

    2、字 笔 直 接 答 在 答 题 卡 上 对 应 的 答 题 区 域 内 。 写 在 试 题 卷 、 草 稿 纸和 答 题 卡 上 的 非 答 题 区 域 均 无 效 。4 考 试 结 束 后 , 请 将 本 试 题 卷 和 答 题 卡 一 并 上 交 。第 卷第 一 部 分 :听 力 (共 两 节 ,满 分 30 分 )略第 二 部 分 :阅 读 理 解 (共 两 节 ,满 分 40 分 )第 一 节 ( 共 15 小 题 : 每 小 题 2 分 , 满 分 30 分 )阅 读 下 列 短 文 , 从 每 题 所 给 的 四 个 选 项 ( A、 B、 C 和 D) 中 选 出 最 佳 选 项

    3、 , 并 在 答 题 卡上 将 该 项 涂 黑 。AVolunteering abroad is a great way to help others, improve your skills and become a more confident, independent person. If you are interested in volunteering abroad, here are some places to go.AustraliaIf you seek a life on the beach, in a great climate with friendly people

    4、, Australia might be your best bet. With thousands of volunteers already signing up to leave for Australia during the holidays, it will be a very popular option.BrazilThis vast country has some great opportunities on offer and is especially popular this year. A lot of volunteer work is available in

    5、Brazil centers on conservation and ecological projects. With the worlds largest rainforest in Brazil, of which huge part is in danger, there are lots of different jobs you can do.KenyaKenya is the destination for those seeking an African experience. Generally volunteers in Kenya work in orphanages(孤

    6、儿院 )or with local children living in slums(贫民窟 ). There is a great demand for volunteers in Africa because many people live in poverty, so if you truly feel like making a difference to a community, Kenya should be at the top of your list.Costa RicaGolden sandy beaches, clear coastlines and beautiful

    7、 cities are what Costa Rica is all about. Because of its small size, you can see a lot of the country in just a short time. You can really make the most of your time as a volunteer. A lot of work is needed with wildlife and ecological work, so if you want to look after turtles on the beach, Costa Ri

    8、ca could be just the place for you21. If you want to do some research about some rare trees, you will probably go to _.A. AustraliaB. KenyaC. BrazilD. Costa Rica22. It can be inferred from the passage that volunteers in Kenya mainly work with .A. animalsB. plantsC. the elderlyD. children23. If you c

    9、hoose to go to Costa Rica, you should .A. work with animals on the beachB. surf with children in the waterC. take care of trees in the forestsD. look after children who have lost their parentsB In the United States, when one becomes rich, he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become ve

    10、ry rich, he wants people to think that he is. That is what “keeping up with the Joneses” is about. It is the story of someone who tried to look as rich as his neighbors.The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself. He began earning

    11、$125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighborhood outside New York City. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horseback riding every day. When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and hi

    12、s wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors.It was like a race, but one could never finish his race because one was always trying to keep up. The race ended for Momand and his wife when they could no longer pay for their new way of life. They moved back to an apartment i

    13、n New York City.Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with rich lifestyle of their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it “Keeping up with the Joneses” because “Jones” is a very common name in the

    14、United States. “Keeping up with the Joneses” came to mean keeping up with rich lifestyle of the people around you. Momands series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. And there are “Jonses” in every city

    15、of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.24. Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because they .A. want to be as rich as their neighborsB. want others to know or to think that they are richC

    16、. dont want others to know they are richD. want to be happy25. It can be inferred(推断) from the story that rich people like to .A. live outside New York City B. live in New York cityC. live in apartments D. have many neighbors26. Arthur Momand used the name “Jones” in his series of short stories beca

    17、use “Jones” is .A. an important name B. a popular name in the United StatesC. his neighbors name D. not a good name27. According to the writer, it is to keep up with the Joneses.A. correct B. interestingC. impossible D. goodCBuying books on the Internet is a great way to save time and money. Online

    18、bookstores offer new books and used books that can save you lots of money. They are far better compared to traditional bookstores as they offer much wider kinds of books. Another advantage of buying books online is that you can also read the book reviews as well as readers reviews to get an idea whe

    19、ther the book is worth buying. Online bookstores offer great discounts to regular customers which is a big attraction for book lovers.For book lovers, the most important thing is to get books on time. Therefore, you need to find a reliable online bookstore that will be able to provide fast deliverie

    20、s(送货).Here are some tips to use when choosing an online bookstore. Some online bookstores are popular for fiction books; some are for non-fiction books or novels, etc. Understanding their specialization will help you get the right kind of books in time. Check whether you will be buying the books fro

    21、m a third-party seller or directly from the website. Although the website could be reputable(声誉好的),third-party sellers advertised on their site may not have a good reputation. Never jump at stores that offer super cheap prices, as books sold at such low prices could be in very bad condition.Most of

    22、the popular online bookstores offer useful tools. One tool is a wish list tool on its website. You can update(更新 ) the list of books you wish to buy in the future. The bookstore will know what you want and will e-mail you immediately when the book of your choice is available.28. Why was online books

    23、tores much better than traditional ones?A. They offer the latest books.B. They offer more kinds of books to choose from.C. They offer the lowest prices.D. They offer readers more about their favorite authors.29. Which of the following do online book lovers care most about?A. The speed of deliveries

    24、B. The author of booksC. The prices of books D. The condition of books30. What is the 3rd paragraph mainly about?A. How to advertise on the website to get a good reputation.B. How to avoid buying bad condition books online.C. How to understand the specialization of an online bookstore.D. How to choo

    25、se a reliable online bookstore.31. Whats the benefit of updating your wish list of books?A. You may get the right kind of books.B. You may buy the book you want as quickly as possible.C. You may know more reliable booksellers.D. You may pay for the book at a low price.DBiros have been observed to sl

    26、eep while in flight for the first time ever. Because of some flights that can often last several days, weeks, or even longer, some sea birds have long been thought of being able to fall fully asleep while “on the wing”, though it was not proven.Now researchers say they have evidence which shows bird

    27、s can sleep in flight. Scientists from Max Planck Institute used a sample of 15 adult female frigatebirds(军舰鸟) to test the sleep patterns. Each bird had a small electroencephalogram(EEG 脑电图) sensor fitted to record changes in the animals brain activity as they flew for up to 10 days and over 3,000 k

    28、ilometres.The readings showed that during flight the birds could sleep using one hemisphere of the brain, or both together. It was known that frigatebirds could sleep with one “half” of the brain, which allows them to keep one eye open and “connected” to the awake half.According to the research, it

    29、is sleeping technique used by birds for finding directions. “Frigatebirds sleep mostly while circling in rising air and keep the eye connected to the awake hemisphere facing the direction of flight, suggesting that they watch where they are going,” says the study.Despite the ability to fall “fully”

    30、asleep, the birds were found to do it less in the air compared to one land. They slept “very little and less deeply while in flight. This suggests that though it is possible, falling totally asleep is not very good during flight which will need the birds attention.The researchers said the short slee

    31、p could be serving as “power naps” to keep the birds going until they return to land. Further study could help us understand why lack of sleep affects humans so badly.32. The phrase “on the wing” in the first paragraph may mean .A. sleeping B. fightingC. flying D. thinking33. Why did the researchers

    32、 fit the frigatebirds with EEG sensors?A. To know animals brain activity.B. To get some of the good samples.C. To help the birds fly much longer.D. To use the birds to find directions.34. How do the sleeping birds find the directions?A. They keep one eye connected to the awake part.B. They sleep les

    33、s when they are circling in rising air.C. They pay special attention to the way.D. They have a good sleep before they start flying.35. What is the best title of the text?A. A Study on Birds in FlightB. Birds Can Sleep in FlightC. Flying Birds Brain ActivityD. Sleep With Half of the Brain第 二 节 (共 5 小

    34、 题 ;每 小 题 2 分 ,满 分 10 分 )根 据 短 文 内 容 ,从 短 文 后 的 选 项 中 选 出 能 填 入 空 白 处 的 最 佳 选 项 。 选 项 中 有 两 项 为 多 余 选项 。There is an English saying:_36_Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body._37_.Tests were

    35、 carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while their hearts, blood pressure, breathing and muscles were checked. _38_It increases blood pressure, the heart beating and breathing; it also work several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach and even the

    36、 feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial._39_In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group that tolerated(忍耐)the pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny programme. Why can laughter reduc

    37、e pain? The reason seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemical in the brain which diminishes both stress and pain.As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics._40_They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing

    38、, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.A. They help to improve their patients condition by encouraging them to laugh.B. Laughter can prolong ones life.C. Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able reduce the effect of pain on the

    39、body.D. They have found that laughter really can improve peoples health.E. Although laughter helps cure the disease, doctors still cannot put this theory into clinic practice.F. Laughter is the best medicine.G. It was found that laugher has similar effects to physical exercise.第 三 部 分 :英 语 知 识 运 用 (

    40、共 两 节 ,满 分 45 分 )第 一 节 完 形 填 空 (共 20 小 题 ;每 小 题 1.5 分 ,满 分 30 分 )阅 读 下 面 短 文 ,从 短 文 后 各 题 所 给 的 四 个 选 项 (A、 B、 C 和 D)中 ,选 出 可 以 填 入 空 白 处 的 最 佳选 项 。When I was in middle school, I got mad at my parents because they would never give anything to the homeless that passed by us.On a family vacation in Wa

    41、shington D.C, there was a_41_man down the street. My family_42_with our eyes at our feet. On our final day in the city, when my_43_went for an evening walk, I ran out of our hotel room_44_and ran down the street to the homeless man.He looked at me with curiosity, surely not_45_anything from a middle

    42、 school girl. I asked him what he would have for_46_. He replied he would have hamburgers.I ran into the grocery store down the block and_47_five hamburgers and many other foods. I ran back with a grin(咧嘴笑) on my face and_48_the grocery bags full of food to him. His_49_has been in my mind ever since

    43、.I ran back to the_50_as soon as possible. When my parents_51_, my dad told me he had a_52_for me. He asked if I still_53_the homeless man down the street from our hotel and I shyly_54_. He then told me, with a grin on his face, a story of_55_as they were returning from their walk the homeless man w

    44、as_56_grocery bags full of food with other homeless people around and they were all smiling and laughing as they_57_. I smiled at my dad but never to this day have told him the_58_story of that homeless man.I still havent forgotten that mans smile but I wish I had the_59_to do this more often. One_6

    45、0_fearless act by a middle school girl can begin a series of effect of smiles and dignity(尊严). So please, share a smile and give some dignity to the homeless.41. A. friendly B. homeless C. generous D. thankful42. A. sat down B. walked past C. turned up D. joined in43. A. classmates B. brothers C. st

    46、udents D. parents44. A. secretly B. surely C. hopefully D. luckily45. A. taking B. losing C. expecting D. charging46. A. pleasure B. service C. dinner D. gift47. A. bought B. cooked C. borrowed D. stole48. A. lent B. sold C. posted D. handed49. A. humor B. sorrow C. anger D. smile50. A. hotel B. chu

    47、rch C. school D. town51. A. left B. discovered C. returned D. arrived52. A. present B. story C. reward D. book53. A. missed B. hated C. admired D. remembered54. A. nodded B. promised C. described D. explained55. A. how B. why C. when D. where56. A. collecting B. accepting C. sharing D. heating57. A.

    48、 played B. ate C. begged D. walked58. A. moving B. familiar C. sad D. true59. A. confidence B. courage C. determination D. wisdom60. A. funny B. interesting C. small D. crazy第 卷第 三 部 分 :英 语 知 识 运 用 (共 两 节 ,满 分 45 分 )第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The World Wide Web_61_(invent) in 1991 by an English scientist, Tim Berners-Lee. Berners-Lee built his first computer while he was studying at university with_62_old television! He came up_63_


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