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    北师大版高中英语选修7课件:Unit 19 Period Four

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    北师大版高中英语选修7课件:Unit 19 Period Four

    1、Unit 19 Language,基础自测,内容索引,要点探究,达标检测,课文预读,Period Four Communication Workshop,Language Awareness 4,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board,基础自测,.重点单词 1. n.申请人v.申请;应用 2. n.证书;证明 3. n.能力adj.有能力的,足以胜任的 4. n.毕业证书 5. vt.登记 6. n.候选人,applicant apply,certificate,competence competent,diploma,register,candidate,7. n.图

    2、解;图表 8. n.地球adj.全球的 9. vt.束紧 10. n.规则adj.定期的;有规律的 11. adj.业余的 12. adv.真诚地 13. vt.使窘迫,diagram,globe global,fasten,regulation regular,amateur,sincerely,embarrass,14. adj.准时的,守时的 15. n.学院;学会 16. n.& v.影响 17. v.承认,认可,punctual,academy,influence,acknowledge,.重点短语 1. 集中(注意力、精力等)于 2. 另外,此外 3. 与有联系,和联系在一起 4.

    3、 牵涉;卷入之中;参与 5. 与相关,focus on,in addition,be associated with,be involved in,be related to,.重点句式 1.独立成分作插入语(put) it simply,if you want to be a success in the business world,you need a high level of English competence. 简单地说,如果你想在商界取得成功,你就需要有较高水平的英语能力。 2.provided that引导条件状语从句 Thirdly,you say that there i

    4、s a discount (provide) that I pay in advance. 第三,你们说我只要预付款就有折扣。,To put,provided,3.so.that. They are I watch them again and again. 它们如此有趣,以至于我看了一遍又一遍。,so interesting that,课文预读,.根据P12课文内容判断正(T)误(F) 1.Generally speaking,a success in the business world has a high level of English competence.( ) 2.Li Wei

    5、 is less interested in studying English varieties.( ) 3.If you sign up right now,you will receive a discount.( ) 4.New Future Language School can offer all applicants a Business English Diploma course.( ) 5.The curriculum emphasizes the communicating skills in English.( ),T,T,F,T,F,.根据P12课文内容选出最佳答案

    6、1.What is the cost of one 6-week session,according to the ad? A.1,500 pounds. B.1,500 dollars. C.1,500 yuan. D.1,500 cents.,答案,1,2,3,4,2.How many pieces of information does the writer of the letter want to clarify? A.4. B.5. C.6. D.7.,答案,1,2,3,4,3.We should write the letter asking for information in

    7、 a style. A.formal B.informal C.casual D.cautious,答案,1,2,3,4,4.What does the passage mainly tell us? A.The contents of a letter. B.An advertisement of a language school. C.The importance of business English. D.How to learn English well.,答案,1,2,3,4,要点探究,New Future Language School The right choice for

    8、 all applicants 新未来语言学校 所有申请者的正确选择,重点词汇,(1)applicant n.申请者;请求者(尤指求职者) (2)apply v.申请;应用;涂,敷;使致力于;有关 apply(to sb. ) for sth. 向某人申请某物 apply to sb. /sth. 适用于某人或某物 apply sth. to sth. 把某物应用/涂抹于某物 apply oneself to (doing) sth. 专心/致力于(做)某事 (3)application n.申请;申请书/表;应用;涂抹,(1)This traffic rule applies to all

    9、the drivers. 这条交通规则适用于所有的司机。 (2)There are over 2,000 (apply) for the job. 有2 000多人申请这份工作。 (3)He wants to apply to the company a job as a salesman. 他想向这家公司申请一份售货员的工作。 (4)We should apply what we have learned at school daily life. 我们应该将我们在学校学到的知识应用到日常生活中。 单句改错 (5)The new technology has been applied for

    10、 farming.,applicants,for,to,to,The curriculum focuses on English language skills used in business meetings and in areas such as marketing and advertising. 课程的设置以英语语言技能为重点,这些技能应用于商务会议以及诸如市场营销和广告等领域之中。,focus on/upon集中于 focus/fix ones attention on集中注意力于 be absorbed in专心于;对入迷 concentrate ones attention/

    11、energy on把注意力/精力集中于 put ones heart into全心全意投入,(1)The recent wave of bombings has focused the publics attention on the region. 最近一连串的爆炸案把公众的注意力集中到该地区。 (2)We must concentrate our attention improving education. 我们必须致力于提高教育。 (3)Its easy to this book.看这本书容易入迷。 单句改错 (4)When everyone else in the class was

    12、focused on tasks,I could not. (2015重庆),on,be absorbed in,focusing,By the way,would I also have to pay a fee for registering? 顺便问一下,我还需要为注册缴费吗?,(1)register v.注册,登记;n.登记簿;注册表 register with向登记 register for为注册/登记 (2)registered adj.注册的;(信或包裹)挂号的 (3)registration n.注册;登记,(1)The following term,I registered

    13、for an ASL class. 第二个学期,我注册参加了美式手语学习班的课程。(2017全国) (2)All new guests must sign the hotel . 所有新来的旅客必须在旅馆登记表上签名。 (3)When you move house,you need to a local doctor. 你搬家时需要到当地医生那里去登记。 单句改错 (4)The girl standing under that tree is a registration nurse.,register,register with,registered,I was so embarrassed

    14、.我是如此尴尬。,(1)embarrassed adj.难堪的,尴尬的 be embarrassed at/about sth. 对某事感到为难/尴尬 (2)embarrassing adj.令人困窘的 (3)embarrassment n.困窘,困惑 to ones embarrassment令某人感到尴尬的是 (4)embarrass vt.使窘迫 It embarrasses/embarrassed sb. to do sth. 做某事使某人窘迫。,(1)The more embarrassing or shameful the secret is,the juicier the gos

    15、sip it makes. 秘密越是令人尴尬或者不体面,流言就会越生动。(2016浙江) (2)It embarrassed him to have no idea of what was going on. 对所发生的事情一无所知,这让他很难堪。 (3)Much to her (embarrass),she realized that everyone was staring at her. 当她意识到大家都盯着她看时,她感到很不好意思。,embarrassment,单句改错 (4)From his embarrassing expression,we know that this is a

    16、n embarrassing question.,embarrassed,Celebrity is not usually a characteristic associated with middle-aged giant tortoises from the Galapagos Islands. 加拉帕戈斯群岛的中年巨龟并不是一直就很有名气。,(1)be associated with与有联系,和联系在一起 (2)associate with sb. 与某人交往 associate sb. /sth. with sb. /sth. 把某人/某物跟某人/某物联系在一起 (3)associat

    17、ion n.社团,联盟;交往;联合 in association with与联合,(1)A machine with a specific purpose has another quality,one that we usually associate with living things. 一个有特殊用途的机器有另一种品质,一种我们通常与生物联系起来的品质。(2017北京) (2)Her name will ever be (associate) with the womens rights. 她的名字将永远和女权运动联系在一起。 (3)Readers will closely what

    18、happens in the news stories. 读者将会把自己和新闻里发生的事紧密联系起来。(2015江苏),associated,associate themselves,with,(4)I benefited much from my (associate)with him. 通过和他的联系我获益良多。 句型转换 (5)The scientist decided he didnt want to associate himself with the project. The scientist decided he didnt want to the project.,assoc

    19、iation,be associated with,However,few have been so influenced by humanity as Lonesome George. 但是,很少有东西像“孤独的乔治”一样如此受人类影响。,influence n.& vt.影响 influence sb. to do sth. 影响某人做某事 have an influence on/uponhave an effect/impact on/upon对有影响 under the influence of在的影响下,(1)The advice from his friends influenc

    20、ed him to change his mind. 朋友们的建议让他改变了主意。 (2)The film Confucious has a strong influence some young people. 电影孔子对一些年轻人有极大的影响。 (3)The court was told that he was the influence of alcohol when he committed the offence. 法庭得知他是在酒精影响下犯罪的。,on/upon,under,高级表达 (4)I was influenced by her story and created the

    21、As We Heal,the World Heals project.(用过去分词短语作状语改写) ,I created the As We Heal,the World Heals project.,Influenced by her story,By the time George was discovered,breeding programmes were known to be increasing the numbers of other tortoise sub-species,but it was acknowledged that his case was different

    22、. 到乔治被发现的时候为止,人们才知道繁殖计划是为了增加其他海龟亚种的数量,但是人们也承认乔治的情况有所不同。,acknowledge v.承认,认可 acknowledge (doing/having done)sth. /that从句 承认(做了)某事/承认 acknowledge sb. /sth. to be/as.承认是 It is acknowledged that.大家公认的是,(1)Mary acknowledged having told a white lie to her father in order to hide the bad news from him. 玛丽承

    23、认为了不让父亲知道那个坏消息而向父亲说了一个善意的谎言。 (2)Mo Yan is generally acknowledged (be) one of the best writers in China. 莫言是公认的中国最优秀的作家之一。 (3)It is universally acknowledged purple is a noble colour. 人们普遍认为紫色是高贵的颜色。,to be,that,句型转换 (4)People acknowledge him to be one of the greatest pianists in the world. he is one o

    24、f the greatest pianists in the world.,It is acknowledged that,But I was so involved in the story that I didnt want to stop to check its meaning. 但是我是如此专注于这个故事,以至于不想停下来去查看它的意思。,(1)be/get involved in卷入;专注于;参与;包括中 be/get involved with涉及;与有关 (2)involve vt.包括;牵涉;使参与;专注 involve sb. in (doing) sth. 把某人牵涉到某

    25、事里,让某人参与(做)某事 involve doing.包含(做) 注意:involved adj.作前置定语时,意为“复杂的”;作后置定语时,意为“涉及的”。,(1)For a long time Gabriel didnt want to be/get involved in music at all. 很长一段时间,Gabriel根本不愿意参与到音乐中。(2017江苏) (2)He was involved in (write) his doctoral dissertation. 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文。 (3)Dont other people your trouble. 不要

    26、把别人牵扯进你的麻烦中。 (4)The test will involve (answer) questions about a photo. 考试将包括回答一些关于一张照片的问题。,writing,involve,in,answering,单句改错 (5)We will make our decision and contact the people involving.,involved,经典句式,To put it simply,if you want to be a success in the business world,you need a high level of Engli

    27、sh competence. 简单地说,如果你想在商界取得成功,你就需要有较高水平的英语能力。,to put it simply意为“简单地说”,也可用put simply,在句中作插入语。此时put意为“说,表达”,后常跟it作宾语。 常用的独立成分还有: to put it correctly准确地说 to begin/start with首先 to be brief简而言之 to be frank/honest老实说 to be exact说得确切些 to tell/speak the truth说实话 to make matters/things worse更糟的是,(1)To put

    28、 it more correctly,he is the boss,and Im just working for him. 更准确地说,他是老板,我只是在给他打工。 (2)To be honest,I havent been so happy for ages. 老实说,我很久没有这么开心过了。 (3)It was raining heavily;to make matters (bad),I forgot to take my umbrella. 雨下得很大,更糟的是,我忘记带雨伞了。 句型转换 (4)To be frank,I dont like your hairstyle. ,I d

    29、ont like your hairstyle.,worse,Frankly speaking,Thirdly,you say that there is a discount provided that I pay in advance. 第三,你们说我只要预付款就有折扣。,provided (that)引导一个条件状语从句,意为“如果,只要”,可替换为providing (that)。 类似结构还有: considering (that)考虑到;鉴于 seeing (that)由于,鉴于 supposing/suppose (that)假设 given (that)考虑到,(1)I wil

    30、l go provided/providing (that) my expenses are paid. 要是我的费用有人代付我就去。 (2)Supposing (that) it rains this afternoon,what shall we do? 假如今天下午下雨,我们该怎么办? (3) (consider) that your birthday is the same day as mine,we could have a joint party. 鉴于你和我的生日在同一天,我们可以合开一个生日聚会。 (4) (see) that hes ill,hes unlikely to

    31、come. 由于他生病了,所以他不可能会来。,Considering,Seeing,一句多译 (5)只要你把作业做完,你就可以出去玩。 You can go out to play you finish your homework. You can go out to play you finish your homework. You can go out to play you finish your homework.,as/so long as,on condition that,provided/providing (that),They are so interesting tha

    32、t I watch them again and again. 它们如此有趣,以至于我看了一遍又一遍。,(1)It was so noisy that we couldnt hear ourselves speak. 太吵闹了,我们连自己说的话都听不到。(2015浙江) (2)It is so cold a day that we have to stay at home. 天太冷了,我们只好待在家里。 (3)It is fine weather that we all want to go to the park. 天气如此好,以至于我们都想去公园。 (4) fast did he run

    33、that nobody could catch up with him. 他跑得如此快,以至于没人能追上他。,such,So,句型转换 (5)It is such an interesting story that I want to read it again. It is I want to read it again. The story is I want to read it again.,so interesting a story that,so interesting that,达标检测,.单句语法填空 1.Does your son apply himself to (do)

    34、 some research in his spare time? 2.He dealt with an (embarrass) situation in a skillful way. 3.Keep your safety belt (fasten). 4.The camera is expensive that I cant afford it. 5. addition,communicating well can help prevent and resolve conflict. 6.As a staff,you should focus your attention your wor

    35、k.,doing,embarrassing,fastened,so,In,on,7.Mrs White prefers (do) some voluntary work in a local hospital,rather than do nothing all day long. 8.She had to leave off if she couldnt be (competence) for the job. 9.How can you get involved such a difficult situation? Well,I have no choice but to get int

    36、o it as expected. 10.They managed to sign all the best performers.,to do,competent,in,up,.完成句子 11.那天是这位导游为我们带的路。 It was the guide for us that day. 12.只要我们能得到他们的支持,我们就会赢得比赛。,we will win the match. 13.她的舞跳得如此好,以至于所有的裁判都给了她满分。 She danced all judges gave her full marks.,who/that led the way,Provided/Pro

    37、viding (that) we get support from them,so well that,14.我们首先需要仔细检查包含在这一项目中的所有费用。 We need to examine all the costs the project first. 15.太阳不仅给我们提供光,而且给我们提供热量。 Not only ,but it also gives us heat.,involved in,does the sun give us light,.课文语法填空 English is the most widely 16. (study) foreign language in

    38、the world.In many countries,English is used as a first language 17._ more millions of people speak it as 18. second language.So 19. did English become a world language? British English began to spread around the world in Shakespeares lifetime.In 1607,British rulers established the first permanent En

    39、glish-speaking 20. (settle) in North America.,studied,while,a,how,settlement,Noah Webster introduced a new,simplified spelling in his first Dictionary of American English.American English 21._ (influence) by immigration from Europe.In the 20th century,American English began to influence the rest of

    40、the world. Canadian English started when British loyalists moved north into Canada in 1782.,was influenced,Australian English began when the first British 22. (prisoner) were sent away to Australia.The Australian accent was 23. (heavy) influenced by Cockney,but it is also unique because of the Abori

    41、ginal words 24. have come into the languagewords like “kangaroo” and “boomerang”. New Zealand English sounds very similar to Australian English,but uses 25. (many) British words and expressions and has borrowed words from the Maoris.,prisoners,heavily,that/which,more,.微写作 写作素材(关于语言学习) 1.有一种关于语言习得的著名

    42、理论:为了扩大词汇量,你应当确保足够的练习。 2.你应当有一个明确的目标来确保获得它。 3.但有人认为,没有外语语言环境,学好一门外语是很难的。 4.然而,你可以通过足够的课程来学好一门外语。 提示:加颜色部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用that引导的同位语从句,主语从句等结构。,连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文),There is a famous theory on language acquisition that to enlarge your vocabulary you should ensure adequate practice.You should have an explicit target to ensure to attain it.It is thought that its very difficult to learn a foreign language in the absence of a native language environment.However,you can learn a foreign language through enough curriculums.,


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