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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语必修3:Unit2 Period Three课件

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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语必修3:Unit2 Period Three课件

    1、Unit 2 Language,基础自测,写作专题,内容索引,要点探究,当堂达标,Period Three Task,基础自测,1._ adj温柔的,平和的_ adv.温柔地,平和地 2._ vt.使尴尬,使难堪_ adj.感到尴尬的_ adj.令人尴尬的_ n.尴尬;使人为难的人/事物,.重点单词,gentle gently embarrass embarrassed embarrassing embarrassment,3._ adv.向后;向反方向_ adv.前进地,向前 4._ n.结论;推论 5._ n.风俗,习俗 6._ v.插嘴,打断,暂停_ n.打扰;中断 7._ adj.错误

    2、的,误解的_ n.错误v.弄错,backwards forward(s) conclusion custom interrupt interruption mistaken mistake,.重点短语,1._在某人的脑海里 2._上下 3._取笑 4._拍照 5._挑选,偶然学会,in ones mind up and down make fun of take photos of pick up,6._对满意 7._总之 8._最后,总之 9._集中注意力;集中;专注,be satisfied with in a word in conclusion concentrate on,.重点句式

    3、,When you are late for a small meeting,_sorry. 如果你去开一个小会议迟到了,没有必要说“抱歉”。,1.there is no need to do sth.,there is no need to say,In a word,_ if people learn something about other cultures before they visit a new country,_ or be misunderstood. 总之,看起来如果人们在去一个新的国家旅游之前了解一下该国的其他文化,那么冒犯别人或被误解的可能性就会小一些。,2.it

    4、seems that.;be likely to do.,it seems that,they will be less likely to upset others,People from the West like to use these words in cases _ some people in Asia may not think it necessary. 在一些亚洲人或许认为没有必要用这些词的情况下,西方人喜欢使用这些词。,3.where引导定语从句,where,要点探究,Even if you already have an answer to the question i

    5、n your mind before listening,it is still important to concentrate on that subject to make sure that your guess is correct. 即使在听之前你脑海里已经有了相关问题的答案,集中注意力听主题来验证你的猜测是正确的,这也很重要。,重点词汇,in ones mind在某人的脑海里 have.on ones mind/be on ones mind 牵挂;担心 change ones mind改变主意 come into ones mind掠过/进入某人的脑海 make up ones

    6、 mind下定决心 keep/bear in mind记住,归纳拓展,(1)At that time,something strange appeared in his mind. 那时,他脑海里出现了奇怪的东西。 (2)At last he changed his mind and left for Beijing. 最后他改变主意去了北京。 (3)Suddenly,a terrible thought came into my mind. 突然,一个可怕的念头出现在我的脑海里。 (4)If you make up your mind to do it,you will certainly

    7、reach your goal. 如果你下定决心去做,你一定会达到目的的。,语境助记,(1)Always in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.(2015湖南,31) A.to keep B.to have kept C.keep D.have kept,题组训练,解析 考查祈使句。句意为:一直要记住:你的主要任务是使这家公司运转顺利。祈使句一般以动词原形开头,故用keep。keep in mind记住,是固定搭配。,答案,解析,(2)Fred,who had expected how it wo

    8、uld go with his daughter,had a great worry his mind. A.on B.in C.with D.at,解析 句意为:弗雷德一直非常担心他女儿的情况到底怎么样了。have.on ones mind意为“牵挂,担心”。,答案,解析,She is making fun of you and trying to embarrass you into trying harder. 她在跟你开玩笑,想通过使你觉得尴尬而促使你更加努力。,(1)embarrass vt.使尴尬,使难堪 embarrass sb.into doing sth.令某人尴尬而促使其做

    9、某事 (2)embarrassing adj.令人为难的 (3)embarrassed adj.感到难堪的;尴尬的 (4)embarrassment n.困窘,尴尬 to ones embarrassment令某人尴尬的是,归纳拓展,(1)Are you trying to embarrass me? 你是想让我难堪吗? (2)Ive never felt so embarrassed in my life! 我一生中从未感到如此难堪过! (3)To her embarrassment,she couldnt remember his name. 让她尴尬的是,她不记得他的名字了。,语境助记,

    10、(1)用embarrass的适当形式填空 His face took on an smile when he heard the result of the competition. My most moment was trying to introduce a woman whose name I couldnt remember. I didnt want her in front of her friends. She suffered extreme at not knowing how to read.,题组训练,embarrassed,embarrassing,to embarr

    11、ass,embarrassment,(2)Masha,a hostess on a Chinese TV program,could not forget those moments when she first arrived in China, about Chinese culture.(2016盐城中学高一期中) A.embarrassing;confusing B.embarrassed;confusing C.embarrassing;confused D.embarrassed;confused,解析 句意为:玛莎,一个中国电视节目的主持人,无法忘记她第一次来中国时那些令人尴尬的

    12、时刻,以及对中国文化的困惑。“令人尴尬的时刻”,应该是以ing结尾的形容词;be confused about对感到困惑。,答案,解析,interrupt vi.&vt.插嘴;打断;暂停,Saying sorry if we interrupt or disagree with someone also helps us to be polite. 当我们打扰或不同意某人的看法时说声“对不起”也会使我们显得有礼貌。,归纳拓展,易混辨析,interrupt,disturb,trouble (1)interrupt指使原来正在进行的活动中断或停顿下来,尤指打断别人谈话。 (2)disturb指妨碍

    13、工作的进行或使人不能安宁。 (3)trouble指一般的烦恼、打扰或不安。,(1)Dont interrupt the speaker now;he will answer questions later. 现在不要打断演讲者讲话,他稍后会回答问题。 (2)She told her son not to disturb his father. 她告诉儿子不要妨碍他爸爸。 (3)They were troubled by disagreement among family members. 他们因家庭成员之间的分歧而烦恼。,语境助记,(1)选词填空 interrupt;disturb;troub

    14、le Her sons illness her,and she felt upset. Im sorry to the meeting,but there is an urgent longdistance call. We in the middle of our conversation,so we were very angry. I dont want to the doctor with such a small problem.,题组训练,disturbed,interrupt,were interrupted,trouble,(2)Production in the factor

    15、y was for a couple of hours because the electricity was cut off. A.disturbed B.interrupted C.missed D.lost,解析 句意为:工厂的生产因电源切断而中断了几个小时。interrupt中断,符合句意。disturb打扰;miss错过;lose失去。,答案,解析,For example,when we disagree,it is much better to say Im sorry,but I think you may be mistaken rather than Youre wrong!

    16、 例如,当我们不同意对方观点时,最好是向对方说“对不起,我想你可能错了”,而不是说,“你错了!”,(1)mistaken adj.错误的;误解的 be mistaken about sb.误解某人 (2)mistake n.错误的行为(看法、陈述),误会;v.弄错,误会,误解 by mistake 错误地(并非故意) make a mistake犯错误,搞错了 mistake sb./sth.for sb./sth.把某人/某物误认为某人/某物,归纳拓展,(1)I thought I saw her at the movies but I guess I was mistaken. 我以为我在

    17、电影院看到了她,但我想我弄错了。 (2)I got on the wrong bus by mistake. 我搭错了公共汽车。 (3)I think youve made a mistakethis isnt my coat. 我想你弄错了,这不是我的大衣。 (4)She is often mistaken for a famous singer. 她常常被误认为是个著名歌手。,语境助记,题组训练,(1)我想你准把我错认成其他人了。 I think you me someone else. (2)I think you are completely Jane. A.mistaking for

    18、 B.mistook for C.mistaken about D.mistook by,解析 be mistaken about sb.误解某人。句意为:我想你完全误解简了。B项和D项都须改为mistaken,分别表示“你被误当作简了”和“你完全被简误解了”。,答案,解析,must mistake/be mistaking,for,In conclusion,we need to know the customs of a country so that we do not make others embarrassed or annoyed. 总之,我们需要了解一个国家的风俗,因此我们不会

    19、让别人尴尬或烦恼。,(1)conclusion n.结论;推论;结束;结尾 in conclusion最后,总之 bring.to a conclusion 使结束 arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion得出结论 make a conclusion下结论 (2)conclude v.推断出;结束 conclude (sth.) with以结束() conclude from从中得出;推断,归纳拓展,(1)In conclusion,I would like to thank all the people present at the meeting

    20、today. 最后我想感谢今天参加会议的所有人。 (2)We came to the conclusion that the room must have been empty. 我们得到的结论是,那个房间当时肯定是空着的。 (3)He concluded his speech with a joke. 他以一个笑话结束了他的演讲。,语境助记,题组训练,(1)Personally I think the Andrew drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.(2016大丰区新丰中学高一期中) A.conclusion B.decisi

    21、on C.information D.invention,解析 句意为:就我个人而言,安德鲁从简单的实验中得出的结论是不科学的。conclusion 结论,词组:draw a conclusion得出结论,符合句意。decision决定;information信息;invention发明。,答案,解析,(2)When the group discussion is nearing its end,make sure to it with important points. A.conclude B.lead C.avoid D.hold,解析 句意为:当小组讨论接近尾声时,要确保得出重要结论。

    22、conclude下结论,符合题意。lead 引导;avoid避免;hold举行,故选A项。,答案,解析,经典句式,When you are late for a small meeting,there is no need to say sorry. 如果你去开一个小会议迟到了,没有必要说“抱歉”。,There is no need (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)没必要做某事 in need在困难中;在困境中 in need of需要 satisfy/meet ones needs满足某人的需要 neednt have done.本来没必要做(而做了),归纳拓展,(1)The

    23、re is no need for you to wait. 你没有必要等。 (2)We are collecting money for children in need. 我们在为贫困儿童募捐。 (3)His income is sufficient to meet his needs. 他的收入足够满足他的需要。,语境助记,(1)There is no need for you so hurry.Theres plenty of time left. A.to be B.being C.be D.are,题组训练,解析 There is no need for sb.to do sth.

    24、对某人来说没有必要做某事。,答案,解析,(2) money for school fees,I had to take another part-time job. A.In case of B.In need of C.In spite of D.In charge of,解析 句意为:急需钱筹集学费,我不得不做另外一份兼职工作。in case of以防,如果发生;in need of急需;in spite of不管,不顾;in charge of负责。,答案,解析,People from the West like to use these words in cases where som

    25、e people in Asia may not think it necessary. 在一些亚洲人或许认为没有必要用这些词的情况下,西方人喜欢使用这些词。,(1)句中where引导定语从句,并在从句中作地点状语,先行词为cases。 (2)当case意为“情形,情况”,表示抽象地点时,其后的定语从句的引导词通常用where或in which。 英语中诸如case这样表示抽象地点的名词还有stage,position,situation,point,occasion,career,degree等,这些名词充当先行词时,若定语从句的引导词在从句中作状语,则引导词用关系副词where,where

    26、可用“相应的介词which”替换;若引导词在从句中作主语或宾语,则引导词用that/which。此外,记住这几个常见的表示抽象地点的名词对解题也大有帮助。,归纳拓展,(1)There are many cases where the pen is mightier than the sword. 在许多情况下,文比武更强大。 (2)Until today we have been in a stage where we have almost no rights at all. 直到今天我们还处在一个几乎没有权利的阶段。 (3)Hes got himself into a dangerous

    27、situation where he is likely to lose control over the plane. 他使自己处于一种危险的处境,在这种情况下他很可能失去对飞机的控制。,语境助记,(1)Its helpful to put children in a situation they can see themselves differently. A.that B.when C.which D.where,题组训练,解析 当先行词为situation,case,stage,point等时,若定语从句中缺少状语,则定语从句的引导词为where。,答案,解析,(2)I admire

    28、 my English teacher very much for she has a special ability to simplify seems complicated,and always creates an atmosphere all the students feel respected and cared for.(2016溧水高级中学高一期中) A.it;that B.that;that C.what;which D.what;where,解析 句意为:我很佩服我的英语老师,因为她具有简化所有看起来很复杂的事情的特别能力,并且总能创造出一种让所有的学生都感到受人尊敬和关

    29、心的氛围。第一空是个宾语从句,连接词在句中作主语,it不能连接句子,that在从句中不充当成分,排除A和B; 第二空是个定语从句,先行词是atmosphere,关系词在从句中作状语,用where。,答案,解析,当堂达标,.单词拼写 1.His speech was frequently by stormy applause. 2.Its the for the brides father to pay for the wedding. 3.Becky came to the (结论) that he must have forgotten it. 4.She (误解) my meaning e

    30、ntirely when I signaled her to sit down. 5.The nurse is (温柔的) in touch,manner and voice.,interrupted,custom,conclusion,mistook,gentle,.选词填空 concentrate on;keep in mind;make fun of;pick up;in a word 6. that you have to be home by 10 oclock. 7. ,I am tired of everything. 8.By playing with the native b

    31、oys and girls,one can a lot of their language. 9.Dont feel sorry for the disabled or them,just accept them. 10.I find it hard to my studies with some people having small talks around me.,Keep in mind,In a word,pick up,make fun of,concentrate on,.完成句子 11.如果你能找到合适的学习方法,学习效率就很可能会提高。 If you can find sui

    32、table learning methods,your learning efficiency . 12.让她感到很不好意思的是,她察觉到大家一直都在听她唱歌。,she realized that everyone had been listening to her singing.,is likely to be improved,Much to her embarrassment,13.看起来你睡眠不足。you havent got enough sleep. 14.你没必要起这么早。so early. 15.我们已经到了需要改变的地步了。 We have reached a point

    33、.,It seems that,There is no need for you to get up,where a change is needed,.单项填空 16.The host was quite annoyed when he found that his things on the desk had been . A.troubled B.interrupted C.upset D.disturbed,解析 句意为:当主人发现他的桌子上的东西被弄乱时,他很生气。trouble(使)麻烦;interrupt打断(谈话等);upset弄翻;disturb弄乱,搞乱。根据题意选D。,答

    34、案,解析,17.He seems to be giving the impression that he didnt enjoy himself in Paris. ,he had a wonderful time. (2016张家港暨阳高级中学高一检测) A.On the contrary B.Whats more C.As a result D.In conclusion,解析 句意为:他似乎给人的印象是他在巴黎过的不愉快,恰恰相反,他在那儿玩得很开心。on the contrary相反;whats more而且;as a result因此;in conclusion总之。根据题意选A。,

    35、答案,解析,18.Its so embarrassing when you cant remember someones name. (2017射阳第二中学高一调研) A.So what? B.Take it easy. C.Take care. D.I know the feeling.,解析 句意为:你记不得别人的名字时会感到很尴尬。别担心,不要紧。考查交际用语。So what?那又怎么样呢?Take it easy.别担心,不要紧;Take care当心,小心;D项放入语境为汉语式英语。故选B。,答案,解析,19.He felt as soon as he realized that h

    36、e had asked a foolish question. A.bored B.displeased C.embarrassed D.disappointed,解析 句意为:他一意识到自己问了一个愚蠢的问题就感到尴尬。根据句意可知选embarrassed“尴尬的,困窘的”。,答案,解析,20.He hasnt slept at all for three days. he is tired out. A.There is no point B.There is no need C.It is no wonder D.It is no way,解析 句意为:他已经三天没有睡觉了,怪不得他疲惫

    37、不堪。It is no wonder (that).意为“难怪”,符合句意。,答案,解析,写作专题,本单元的写作是有关于调查报告的写法。调查报告是为一个主题或问题下定义,收集相关资料和事实,以便尽量做到完整和精确的表达。报告通常包括分析、判断、结论和建议。写报告应简洁、易懂、准确、逻辑性强、描述性强、针对性强。用于说明或阐述某个事物或某种观点,以说服读者。,Writing a report,文章结构通常包括四部分:第一部分阐述报告的目的,即介绍报告的主题。第二部分要罗列已经完成的以及如何完成的工作,即简述所获得信息的途径和方法。第三部分是要对调查得来的事实和有关材料进行叙述。第四部分要说明主要

    38、结论,同时概括主要的建议和意见。 需要注意的是要正确读取图表数据,围绕题目中心对数据进行分析、判断、归纳以揭示其规律,找出解决问题的对策。,1.Recently,a survey has been done to find out. 2.In this survey we found out that. 3.According to the chart/diagram,. 4.It will bring about unfavorable influence on. 5.It may result in a number of problems. 6.In my opinion,measure

    39、s should be taken to prevent it from happening again.,你们英语老师想要开设一个英语角,你在同学中进行了调查,想看看他们对于此事的看法。请根据下表,写一份调查报告。,注意:1.词数150左右; 2.开头已给出,不计入总词数。,Step 1 审题谋篇 1.写作体裁:调查报告。 2.时态:一般现在时为主。 3.人称:第一人称。 4.布局:四段式 (1)调查话题,两种观点; (2)赞成方的观点及理由; (3)反对方的观点及理由; (4)我个人的观点及原因。,写作步骤,Step 2 联想词汇 1.开设一个英语角 _ 2.进行调查 _ 3.丰富学校生活

    40、 _ 4.用英语表达 _ 5.不愿意做某事 _ _,set up/open (up)/establish/start an English Corner,make/conduct a survey/an investigation,make their school life more interesting,express.in English,be unwilling to do sth./dont want to,do sth./dont feel like doing sth.,Step 3 句式升级 1.多数学生认为这是个好主意,然而还有30%的学生反对(举办英语角)。The maj

    41、ority of the students are in favour of it. .(however)Most of the students think it is a good idea,_. (while),However,30% of them,are opposed to it,while 30% of them dont,2.通过与其他同学交谈,他们可以学到一些新的东西,并且也有助于改善同学间的友谊。By talking with other students,they can learn something new _ .(并列句)They can learn somethi

    42、ng new by talking with other students,_ . (非限制性定语从句),and it,also helps to improve the friendship between classmates,which,also helps to improve the friendship between classmates,Step 4 连句成篇 Our English teacher wants to set up an English Corner.I made a survey to see how my classmates think about thi

    43、s. _ _ _,Some students think the English Corner can make their school life more interesting.They can learn something new by talking with other students,which also helps to improve the friendship between classmates.Whats more,they can practice their oral English at the English Corner.,Most of them think it is a good idea,while 30% of them dont.,_ _,


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