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    1、深圳市 2018 年初中毕业生学业考试英语试卷第一部分选择题(60 分)I. 词汇测试(15 分)i. 从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 8 小题,每小题 1 分)( )1. - More than 400 street gardens will be built in Shenzhen next year.Good news! Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.A. Over B. Around C. Nearly【解析】Aover,意为“太,过于”;B 选项

    2、 around 意为“大约”;C 选项 nearly 意为“几乎,差 不多“。【考点】同义词转换more than( )2.- Tim, you spend too much time on computers. Its harmful to your eyes.I see. Thank you. Ill do more sports instead.A. is good for B. is bad for C. is useful to【解析】BA 选项,be good for 意为“对有好处”;B 选项 be bad for 意为“对什么有坏处”;C 选 项 be useful to 意为

    3、“对有用”。【考点】同义短语转换短语 意思 近义词/短语more than超出、多于 over短语 意思 近义词/短语be harmful to对.有害 be bad for2( )3. - Hi, John! Would you like to go hiking with me tomorrow?Sounds great! Its a good way to keep fit.A. lively B. active C. healthy【解析】CA 选项,lively 意为“活泼的,令人兴奋的”;B 选项 active 意为“活跃的”;C 选项healthy意为“健康的”。【考点】同义词转

    4、换fitThey keep fit by doing sports, (adj.健康的)=healthy( )4.- Mr. Li, I feel a little nervous before the coming exam.Youd better take a break from studies and relax yourself.A. rest B. breath C. walk【解析】AA 选项,rest 意为“休息”;B 选项 breath 意为“呼吸“;C 选项 walk 意为“散步 【考点】同义词转换breakSo they took a break, (n.休息)=rest

    5、( )5. -1 dream to be a great dancer when I grow up.Thats great. But it requires confidence and a lot of practice.A. gets B. has C. needs【解析】CA 选项,get 意为“获得”;B 选项 has 意为“有”;C 选项 need 意为“需要”。【考点】同义词转换requireShe is requested to hand in her homework today, (v.要求)=require/need( )6. - Excuse me, could you

    6、 please tell me how to get to the Concert Hall?Sure. Go down the street, and youll find it dose to the Book City.A. behind B. opposite C. near.3【解析】CA 选项,behind 意为“在.后面”;B 选项 opposite 意为“在对面“;C 选项 near 意为 “在.附近”。【考点】同义词转换.close toclose to / near / beside 靠近、在旁( ) 7. - Tony, have you got any plan for

    7、 the summer vacation?Not yet. Perhaps Ill go back to my hometown with my family.A. Maybe B. Actually C. Generally【解析】AA 选项,maybe 意为“也许,大概”;B 选项 actually 意为“实际上”;C 选项generally 意为“普遍地,广泛地【考点】同义词转换( )8.- Our English club will put on a famous play during the school art week.Really? I cant wait to watch

    8、it.A. work on B. act out C. make up【解析】BA 选项,work on 意为“对.起作用,企图影响,说服”;B 选项 act out 意为“表演”;C 选项 make up 意为“化妆“。【考点】同义短语转换put onThe band is hoping to put on a show.(上;寅)Lets act out the story of the three bears once more.(上演、演出来)ii.根据句子意思,从下面每小題的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最怡当的词语完成句子, 并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 7 小题,每小题

    9、1 分)( ) 9. - Simon always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day.Thats good . Reading makes a full man.A. dream B. wish C. habit单词 词性及意思 近义词/短语perhaps adv.可能 probably; possibly; maybe【解析】C6A 选项,dream 意为“梦想”;B 选项 wish 意为愿望”;C 选项 habit 意为习惯”。【考点】词义辨析( )10. - Do you still remember our primary

    10、school teacher, Mrs. Liu?Yes, she always encouraged us and gave us support we metdifficulties.A. whenever B. whatever C. however根据句意 A 选项,whenever 意为“每当,无论何时”,她总会鼓励我们并给子我们支持; B选项 whatever 意为无论什么”;C 选项 however 意为 “无论怎样”。【考点】词义辨析Whenever【解析】A宾语从句引导词:whatever (无论是什么);whenever (无论何时);wherever (无论在 哪);wh

    11、oever (无论是谁):however (无论怎样)( 11. Im looking forward to the final of the 2018 World Cup.Me too. I hope the German team will be the .Its my favorite.A. player B. winner C. loser【解析】B根据句意 B 选项,winner 意为“胜者”,语境分析得知德国队是“我”的最爱;A 选项 player 意为“运动员”;C 选项 loser 意为失败者“。【考点】词义辨析)12. - The piano lessons are too

    12、hard for me. I nearly give 单词 词性及意思 近义词/短语habit n.习惯 /habit动词一名词转换表V. n.win winner (嬴家)_yup. 一 Please be more . I believe youll make it.8A. careful B. helpful C. patient【解析】C根据句意 C 选项,patient 意为“有耐心的“,语境分析得知对方在鼓励钢琴恐惧症的朋 友,要有耐心不泄气就一定会成功的;A 选项 careful 意为“细心的;B 选项 helpful 意为“有 帮助的”。【考点】词义辨析patientShe i

    13、s always patient with the patients, (adj.耐心的( )13. Have you heard about Shenzhen International Magic Festival?_! Its a big event for magic lovers like me.A. Well B. Certainly C. Exactly【解析】B根据句意 B 选项,certainly 意为“无疑,确定地”,语境分析得知对方肯定知道深圳有 魔术节,因为他就是魔术迷;A 选项 well 意为“好;好吧(口语)” ;C 选项 exactly意为“精 确地,准确地”。【

    14、考点】词义辨析certain() 14.-一 Jack usually to help at the underground station on weekends.一-Cool! Lets join him next Saturday.A. offers B. refuses C. forgets【解析】A根据句意 A 选项,offer 意为“主动提出,自动给予“,语境分析得知 Jack 志愿地铁义工, 对方很热心地表示想参与进来;B 选项 refuse 意为“拒绝”;C 选项 forget 意为“忘记“。【考点】词义辨析 offerShe offers to teach the inter

    15、viewer Chinese, (v.自愿); offer to do (自愿去做)形容词一副词转换表adj. adv.certain certainly (adv.确切地).( ) 15. -一 Have you noticed that Annas great progress in spoken English?一 Yes. She sets us a good example. Hard work always .A. makes a deal B. makes a difference C. makes a problem 【解析】B根据句意 B 选项,make a differen

    16、ce 意为“有影响,有关系”,语境分析得知 Anna 的 口语水平提高了很多,归功于她的勤奋;A 选项 make a deal 意为“成交,达成交易”;C 选项 make a problem 意为“有问题“。【考点】短语辨析make a differencePeacekeepers are too few in number to make a difference.(有影响)II. 完形填空(15 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分)When I was young,

    17、 I went to a boarding (寄宿)school in Edinburgh. It was far fromhome because I_16 on an island in the north of Scotland.It was a music school, and I studied the violin. At the end of the term, we all packedour bags and our_17 to go home for our holidays. Most kids went by train or bus.Some were_18_ by

    18、 their parents. But I had to go home by ferry 14 hoursovernight on the open sea.One summer, after packing my suitcase and violin, I said 19 to my friends. Itook the train to the ferry terminal (渡船码头)and then got on the ferry. But when the ferrystarted moving, I realized a(n) 20 thing! I left my viol

    19、in on the train!Oh no! What should I do? What would my dad say? Hed be really 21 ! I got soscared (害怕)that I didnt sleep all night.The next morning, I 22 the ferry to meet my dad. After I told him everything, helaughed. I looked at him couldnt believe it. 23 was he laughing?I always had a label (标签)

    20、in my violin case with my address and a .10telephone number. My dad told me, “A cleaner found your violin on the train and took it to the police. They_24_me and put it on a plane. It arrived an hour ago.” 25 ,my violin was safe.I was so happy!( ) 16. A. lived B. played C. worked( ) 17. A. introducti

    21、ons B. instructions C. instruments16. A【解析】结合上下文语境,句意为:这所学校里我家很远,因为我家住在苏格兰北部的一座 小岛上,故选 A。17. C【解析】此题考查名词词意,introduction n.介绍,instruction n.描导,instrument n.乐器。 根据句意:在学期末,大家都打包好行李和自己的乐器回家,故选 C。18. A【解析】此题考查词组意思,pick up 开车接某人;care for 关心,照顾;wake up 醒了,惊醒。根据句意:我的同学们一般都会坐火车或是有父母开车来接,故选 A。19. C【解析】结合上下文语境

    22、,某一年暑假,在和同学们告别后,我登上了回家的船,故选C。20. B【解析】结合上下文语境,我意识到一个非常可怕的事情,我把我的小提琴落在了火车上, 故选 B21. C【解析】结合上下文语境,我爸爸一定会特别生气,故选 C22. A【解析】此题考查词组意思,get off 从下来;get on 上车;get up 起床,起立。结( ) 18. A. picked upB. cared for Cwoken up( ) 19. A. hello B. sorry Cgoodbye( ) 20. A. wonderfulB. awful Csuccessful( )21. A. happy B.

    23、helpful Cangry( ) 22. A. got off B. got on Cgot up( ) 23. A. What B. Why CWhen( ) 24. A. called B. caught Cheard( ) 25. A. SuddenlyB. Luckily CSadly.合 上下文语境,我下了船,见到我爸爸。故选 A。23. B【解析】根据上下文语境,他为什么笑;如果选 what, laughing 后要加 at,故只能选 B。24. A【解析】根据上下文语境,警察给我爸爸打了电话,故选 A。25. B【解析】根据通篇的意思,幸运的是,我的小提琴是安全的,故选 B。I

    24、II. 阅读理解(30 分)阅读下面短文,从下面每小题的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡 将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分)AWhen you go on a vacation, the hotel you choose and the room you stay in are important. There are many cool theme (主题)hotel rooms around the world. Here are some of them.题型 解析教材题型参考比重难度 2018 深圳中考试题比重考点1. 获取文章的具体信息2

    25、. 根据文章的具体信息进行简细节 55% 65%简单题型60% 单的推理和判断3.找出文中表示时间顺序,空间顺序,逻辑思维顺序和文章写作的框架结构顺序的关键词主旨 10% 20%难题 10% 理解归纳文章的主旨要义、为文章选定合适的题目推理判断10% 20%较难題型20% 理解作者的观点、意图和态度猜词 10% 20%较难题型10% 根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义近五年阅读考点分布题型 2013 年 2014 年 2015 年 2016 年 2017 年 2018 年细节 16 17 12 14 9 12词汇 1 1 1 2 1 2推测 4 3 5 2 6 4主旨 4 4 2 2 4

    26、2总计 25 25 20 20 20 20.12The Harry Potter RoomThe George Castle Hotel in England gives its guests the experience of staying in Harry Potters world.This 19th-century castle hotel is beside Harry Potter tour bus stop. The bus will take you to the Making of Harry Potter studio tour.13An ice theme can be

    27、 found at Hotel de Glace in Canada. In winter, you can get a fireplace and a private spa in the rooms.The ice hotel has new rooms each year. This winter, it will build a room with the theme of Disneys movie Frozen.Pirate (海盗)Theme RoomIf you want a more attractive theme room, the Adventure Island Ho

    28、tel in America is the best choice.In their pirate theme rooms, youll feel like youre on a pirate ship in a world of sea adventures.Night at the Movie RoomAt the Wens ley Hotel in Australia, guests are crazy about the Night at the Movies Room. There they can see different things of Hollywood, such as

    29、 Hollywood signs over the door, and hand-painted actors pictures above the bed.( ) 26. What can guests do during their stay at the George Castle Hotel?A. Visit a movie studio. B. Have a private spa.C. Enjoy a movie night. D. Play an adventure game.【解析】A细节题;根据“the bus will take you to the Making of H

    30、arry Potter studio tour可知去 George Castle Hotel 的旅客可以去参观电影工作室,故答案选 A。( )27. Who is most likely to choose the Adventure Island Hotel?A. Kids who love Disneyland. B. Kids who love pirate stories.C. Adults who love castle tours. D. Adults who love watching movies.【解析】B细节题;由“in the pirate theme rooms, yo

    31、ull feel like you are on a pirate trip in a world of sea adventures”可知喜欢海盗故事的孩子们会选择这家旅馆,故答案选 B。( ) 28. What is the possible choice for a super fan of Hollywood movies?A. The Wensley Hotel. B. Hotel de Glace.C. The George Castle Hotel.D. The Adventure Island Hotel.【解析】A.14细节题;由文章“there they can see d

    32、ifferent things of Hollywood, such as Hollywood signs“可知,喜欢好莱坞电影的人会选择这家旅馆,故答案选 A。( )29. Where is the text probably taken from?* .A. A storybook C. A science book.C. Excited. D. Painful.B. A history book.D. A travel guide book.【解析】D推测题;由全文可知,本篇文章介绍了四个主题酒店,可推测这篇文章是从旅游手册上摘抄 的,故选 D。Last summer, Mac Holl

    33、an, a primary school teacher, was cycling to Alaska with two friends. On the way, his friends had to stop for a bicycle repair, but they encouraged Mac to ride on, and they would catch up with him soon.Mac began to cycle alone. A few minutes later, Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him. “Man

    34、, thats a big dog!“ he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw immediately that it wasnt a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him.Macs heart jumped. He searched and took out his can of bear spray (防熊喷雾).With one hand on the bars, he tired the spray at the wolf. A bright red clo

    35、ud enveloped the animal. To Macs relief (宽慰),rt fell back, shaking its head. A minute later, however, it was again by his side. It even attacked the back of Macs bike, tearing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back, only to quickly restart the chase (追赶).Mac w

    36、as riding hard now. He waved and shouted at passing cars without slowingAt that moment, Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They found a dog-like animal running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the “dog” was a wolf. Mac heard a large car beh

    37、ind him. He kept waving and shouting as the wolf was catching up closer. And the car did stop in front of him at the right time.() 30. Why was Mac riding alone?A. He wanted to try his bear spray. B. He liked riding alone all the way.C. His friends were repairing the bike. D. His friends returned for

    38、 their tents.【解析】C细节题;由第一段“On the way, his friends had to stop for a bicycle repair, but they encouraged Mac to ride on, and they would catch up with him soon”可知 Mac 的明友需要 修自行车,故 Mac 需要独自骑行,答案选 C。( ) 31. How did Mac feel when he realized a wolf was after him?A. Calm. B. Frightened.16【解析】B推断题;由第三段 “M

    39、acs heart jumped. He searched and took out his can of bear spray. ” 推断可知,当 Mac 发现是狼追着后心跳的很快并拿出了防熊喷雾,可推测内心是非常恐惧 的,故答案选 B。() 32. What does the underlined word “it“ in Paragraph 3 refer to (指代)?A. The wolf. B. The dog. C. The can. D The cloud.【解析】A猜词题;由第三段“he fired the spray at the wolf. A bright red c

    40、loud enveloped the animal. To Macs relief, it fell back.“可知,it 指的是狼,故答案选 A。() 33. How did Mac ask for help in the end?A. By cycling hard. B. By firing the spray.C. By waving and shouting. D. By running after the car.【解析】C细节题;由尾段 “He kept waving and shouting as the wolf was catching up closer. And th

    41、e car did stop in front of him at the right time”可知,Mac 是通过挥手和大声求救获得帮助的, 故选 C。CThe 14th Chinese Language Competition attracted about 1,100 children from kindergarten kids to high school students. The children from different language and cultural backgrounds met in San Francisco and competed in event

    42、s like Chinese calligraphy(书法),drawing and Chinese poetry recital (背诵).Thomson, an 11th-grade boy from Justin-Siena High School in Napa city of California, has studied Chinese language for three years. It was hard for him to learn Chinese at the beginning, because it was one of the most difficult la

    43、nguages in the world. However, the writing of Chinese characters is a form of art, which made him feel different. “Its amazing to see how attractive Chinese culture is.” he said.Julie, a 12th-grade girl shared her similar experience of learning Chinese for four years. When recalling her trip in Beij

    44、ing and Shanghai, she expressed huge interest in shared bikes, “The shared bike is known as one of the new Great Inventions of China, along with Chinas Express Railway and Alipay online payment system. They amaze the whole world as part of Chinas rapid rise.”According to the hosting organization, th

    45、e Confucius Institute at San Francisco Stateli.17University, the competition was mainly for American and overseas Chinese kids. It aimed to set a platform to present (展示)their Chinese language and culture talents. It also helped to deepen the understanding of young Americans about the Chinese cultur

    46、e and history.( ) 34. Where was the 14th Chinese Language Competition held?A. In Beijing.B. In Shanghai. C. In Napa city. D. In San Francisco.【解析】D细节题:由题干关键词 the 14th Chinese Language Competition 定位到第一段“met in San Francisco“可知来自各地的参赛者在 San Francisco 相遇,也就是在此举办,故选D。( ) 35. What is among the new “Grea

    47、t Inventions” of China according to the passage?A. Railway.C. The shared bike.B. Paper making.D. Chinese calligraphy.【解析】C细节题:由题干关键词 Great Invention 定位到第三段“The shared bike is known as one of the new Great Inventions of China.“可知答案为 the shared bike,故选 C。( ) 36. Which statement is TRUE about the compe

    48、tition?A. All college students took part in it.B. It was not only for overseas Chinese kids.C. It was hosted by Justin-Siena High School.D. Students competed in different languages.【解析】B 细节题:A 选项由第四段“the competition was mainly for American and overseas Chinese kids.”可 知主要参加者为美国和华人小孩,A 选项意为所有大学生都参与,可

    49、知信息错误且过于绝对, 故排除 A。B 选项由第四段“the competition was mainly for American and overseas Chinese kids.”可 知不仅仅是给海外中国参赛者,也面向美国参赛者,与选项意思相符,故选择B。C 选项由第四段 “According to the hosting organization, the Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University,”可知举办方为 the Confucius Institute, C 选项意为举办方为 Justin-Siena High School,与文意不符,故排除 C。D 选项由第四段“It aimed to set a platform to present (展示)their Chinese language and culture talents.“可知这个比赛主要是针对中国语言文化


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