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    1、大泗学校小学英语六年级下册集体备课教学设计3课 题 Project 1 Being a good student集体备课教师 主 备 教 师 修改、生成The 2nd period教学内容:Part C教学目标:1.在竞赛中帮助学生复习 14 单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用 14 单元的单词和句型。2.以”Being a good student”为主题,帮助学生归纳好习惯和坏习惯,以培养学生的良好习惯。3.帮助学生尝试制作“Being a good student”宣传海报。教学重点: 1.以”Being a good student”为主题,帮助学生归纳好习惯和坏习惯,以培养学生

    2、的良好习惯。2.帮助学生尝试制作“Being a good student”宣传海报。教学难点: 1.以”Being a good student”为主题,帮助学生归纳好习惯和坏习惯,以培养学生的良好习惯。2.帮助学生尝试制作“Being a good student”宣传海报。教具准备: ppt,some pictures教学过程:Step 1 Revision1 free talkDaily English2 Review1) Read the word list2) retell the story time 3 揭 题 :Today, well learn Project 1 Bein

    3、g a good student.大泗学校小学英语六年级下册集体备课教学设计4Step2. Presentation1.Lets PK.Do you want to be a good student in class?T: Good. Lets PK.Ss: Yes.(Each group has a box. Now open the box .If you did a good job, you will get a heart from the box .)1)Round 1a. Sing a song b. Try to make a new songT: Can you make

    4、a new song like this?2)Round 2:Pick applesT: get up.T: go to school.3)Round3:Have nice fooda little & a few4)Round :Quick responseTry to describe and judgeAre they good habits or bad habits?listen to the teachers at school( )drive so fast( )drink and drive( )throw rubbish on the road( )wear a safety

    5、 belt( )wait for the green man ( )When you see the red man, you should stop( )2.Read and writeRound 5:Read about Amy and John.T: What habits do they have? Try to write.Are they good habits or bad habits?Round 6:Ask and answerT: Are Amy and John good students? Why?T: What makes a good student?Talk ab

    6、out this in groups.大泗学校小学英语六年级下册集体备课教学设计53.Try to make a posterT: Can you try to make a poster?How to make a poster? Do you remember?T: Yes ,you can make posters like these after school.Step 3 Consolidation1.Try to make a posterT: Can you try to make a poster?How to make a poster? Do you remember?T:

    7、 Yes ,you can make posters like these after school.Step 4 Homework 1.Try your best to finish your posters.2.Try to be a good student, try to believe you are the best .板书设计: Project 1 Being a good studentGood habits, Bad habitsA good student should.A good student must.A good student mustnt.教学反思:The 3

    8、rd period练习用所给词的适当形式填空1.Look,the girl is (clean) the door carefully.2. (do)your father have dinner yesterday?3.I usually go to bed (late),Im a good girl.4.Do you feel (sleep),Tina?5.Wang Bing (not)always put books on the desk.6.She shouldnt (throw)the toy on the floor. 大泗学校小学英语六年级下册集体备课教学设计67.Can we

    9、 (play) table tennis now?8.Now your parents (cook) in the kitchen.9.Bobby wants (buy) a big fish.10.My grandparents have to (wash)this large watermelon.11.I usually have a few (potato)for dinner.12. (do)Liu Tao eat any meat every day?13. Does your brother play football (good) , Tom?14. Tom can (draw

    10、) pictures in the park.15. Nancy (go) to the park in Shanghai every year.16. I have (many) milk.17. I want (eat) a hamburger. Can you buy one for ( I )?18. There (be not ) any meat on my plate.19.My brother had a lot of (apple) juice last night.20. I like (sweet) food, but Helen (do not).21. Mary (h

    11、ave) some fish every day.22. Its seven oclock. You have (go) to school now.23. Here (be) a lot of bikes in front of the school.24. You can (draw) pictures in the park.25. Can your little brother use the knife (safe)?26. The driver must (look) at the traffic lights.27. Please run (quick), Sam.28. That sign (mean) you can eat here.29My brother swam (quick).We were very (excited).30. You laughed (loud).We could not hear that.教学反思


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