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    1、2017 年重庆市初中毕业生学业水平暨普通高中招生考试英 语 试 题(A 卷)(全卷共九个大题 满分:150 分 考试时间:120 分钟)注意事项:来源:中% 教; B. ; C. ; D. ;【短文大意】介绍中医在世界上的地位及运用,弘扬中国的传统文化,树立中国人的自豪感和爱国思想。56.【解析】细节题。根据第一段和第二段第一句话可知道由 Michael Phelps 引出中医治疗之一的拔罐,故答案是 B。57.【解析】细节归纳判断题。根据第三段最后一句 Quite specially, for some healt h problems, a doctor of TCM will not

    2、give you medicine. Instead, he may give you just a food plan and right ways to eat.知道答案是 C,其它选项均与第三段中的细节相符。58.【解析】词义猜测题。根据 get your body moving often 是经常运动之意,而表示经常运动的东西不易受侵蚀或经常运动可以强身的成语只有流水不腐才有此意,故答案是 B。中&国教育*% 出版网59.【解析】结构归纳题。文章第一段介绍美国游泳者去中医拨罐;第二段介绍中医的另外两种治疗方式;由此可知一、二段均是表达中医的三种治疗方式应该归纳在一起。而第三段介绍黄帝内

    3、经中强调阴阳平衡及正确的日常饮食习惯;第四段举例说明正确的日常饮食,因此三、四段应归纳在一起。第五段是介绍中医在现代生活中的地位及在世界的影响,故此题答案是 C。DA 12-year-old girl from Virginia, US, never thought that a simple message she put online could bring her big problems. She posted the words, “Killing. Meet me in the library Tuesday”, with three emojis(表情符号) of a gun,

    4、a knife and a bomb(炸弹) on Instagram, a social media(社交媒体 ). She was told that she broke the law because of threatening(威胁 ) her school.This problem is not far away from us. Not long ago, Ni Hanxiang, a Chinese student at a university in the US, was sent back to China after expressing on social media

    5、 that he would kill his teachers if he failed to pass his exams.In China, posting threatening words online is also against the law. In 2013, Wu Hongfei, a singer, got into trouble for saying on weibo that she wanted to blow up a building.ww&w.zz*#“Threatening happens not only face to face but also t

    6、hrough the Internet, social media and the telephone,” said Mr. Cao, a lawyer from Chongqing. “Although the law of China protects peoples right of free speech, it doesnt include words that threaten others lives and national safety.”“Some people may not mean to threaten. They may just be trying to say

    7、 “Im strong”, said Fred Pratt, a lawyer from the US.The girls mother said her daughter was a good kid who had never been in trouble before. Ni Hanxiang also said he didnt realize that what he put online was so serious.“But not knowing the law doesnt mean the law will treat you any differently if you

    8、 break it,” says David Allen Green, a lawyer from the UK. So, do you think wed better spend a minute or two thinking about the words or emojis we use on social media before we press “send”?60. The 12-year-old girl from Virginia put the words “Killing. Meet me in the library Tuesday”, with three emoj

    9、is _.A. in her own diary B. in a letter to her friend C. on a social media D. on the wall of the libraryww*w.zz#61. Ni Hanxiang was sent back to China _.中国教育出版网&*%A. because he broke the US law B. because he wasnt honestC. after he killed his teachers D. after he blew up a building62. From this pass

    10、age, we can infer(推断) that _.A. Fred Pratt thinks some people may not mean to threatenB. the girls mother didnt think her daughter was a bad childwww%.zzs*te#C. Cheating in an examination at school may get you into troubleD. Putting threatening words on QQ may bring you problems63. This passage main

    11、ly wants to tell us that _.A. we shouldnt break the US law if we study at a university in the USB. students and singers shouldnt post words or emojis on social mediaC. students should study hard at school and not use the Internet too muchD. we should be careful when we send words or emojis on social

    12、 media来源*:中国教育出#&版网【短文大意】本文介绍了在社交媒体上发表威胁言论和违反法律将会受到惩罚的案例。60.【解析】细节题。根据第一段倒数第二句 with three emojis(表情符号) of a gun, a knife and a bomb(炸弹) on Instagram, a social media(社交媒体). 得到答案是 C。61.【解析】细节归纳题。根据第一段最后一句和第二段内容归纳总结出是违反了美国的法律,故正确答案是 A。62.【解析】推理判断题。A 选项与原文 Some people may not mean to threaten.内容一致,不是推断;

    13、B 选项根据 The girls mother said her daughter was a good kid who had never been in trouble before.知道是意思一样,也不是推断;而 C 选项在文章中没有涉及和提到,更不用说推测了;因此本题答案只有是 D 了。63.【解析】主旨题。本文的主旨句在最后一段,而不是第一段,再从短文大意可知答案是 D。其它三个选项均是对文章细节的提炼或归纳、总结,不是文章的主旨和主要内容。V. 口语应用。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分)阅读下列对话,从方框内 7 个选项中选择 5 个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案

    14、标号涂黑。A. By the way, when is the final?B. That would be nice!C. We have just won a game.D. Thanks, Cindy.E. What about next Tuesday?F. Maybe you can talk with your teammates about that.G. What should I do?A: Hey, Tony. You look so excited. Whats up?B: 64 And we will be in the final(决赛).A: You mean th

    15、e school soccer games?中国教&育出#%*版网B: Yes. It was quite hard for us to beat Class Two.A: Congratulations to you all!B: 65 But now I am a little nervous.A: Take it easy. You should be confident and believe in your team.B: But sometimes I feel that we dont work well enough as a team.A: Teamwork is very

    16、important. 66 B: Sounds good. Ill do it right away.A: 67 www.z%#zs&te*B: Next Tuesday.A: 68 I will be free then and I can watch the game.B: See you then. Bye!A: See you!【对话大意】此对话是关于一场比赛的日常对话,这将会涉及到比赛的时间、地点、人物和结果,以及对待此比赛的态度和观点。来源:学_科_网来*源:中 教%网#64.【解析】根据上句的 whats up?及回答中的后半句话,知道应该是赢了比赛,故答案是 C。65.【解析】

    17、根据上句的 Congratulations to you all!知道是祝贺,那么回答是 thank you.我们知道对祝贺、赞美、帮助等后的回答均用 thanks。故答案是 D。66.【解析】根据下句答语 Sounds good.知道是对建议的回答,那么能表示建议的句子只有 F 才符合,其它选项均没有建议之意。67.【解析】根据下面的答语 Next Tuesday.表示时间,当然上句应该询问的是与时间相关的问题,那么选项中表示询问时间的只有 A,而 E 是表示建议时间不是询问何时,G 表示询问东西。来源:中%#国教育出版&网68.【解析】根据后半部分的回答知道我有时间并且能云观看,那么表示同

    18、意,这样选项中表示赞同的答案只有 B 符合语境。来源:%zz&step.*com第 II 卷 (共 52 分)VI. 任务型阅读。 (每小题 2 分,共 8 分)阅读下文并回答问题。It was a summer afternoon in the countryside. Wan Bo, a university student, was painting while his classmate Tang Qi was making a wooden box by the river. A little riding on a rocking horse caught their eye by

    19、 chance. It brought them back to their childhood, warm and happy.“Why not try to make one by ourselves?” said Wan Bo. “You are good at making things and I am interested in painting.”来源:z&zs*te#“Actions speak louder than words,” Tang Qi said. Then, the two young men began to collect some information

    20、about it. During those days, watching videos about caring(雕刻) and shaping wood into horse shapes on the Internet became an important part of their life.中国教育出%&版#网*Several months later, a wooden rocking horse appeared. They felt so excited that they put the picture of it on the Internet right away. T

    21、o their surprise, it attracted lots of peoples attention and some even hoped to order one.The two young men thought it might be a good chance. They sent some forms to the customers to make a survey. According to the result, they made each customer a special rocking horse. These horses were quite dif

    22、ferent from those produced in other factories, and they soon became popular among the customers.In the first year of their new hobby, Wan and Tang made thirteen rocking horses. Sometimes, they also repaired rocking horses for people. They made the old ones look new again. Wan and Tang helped those p

    23、eople bring back many happy memories.Their hobby has now become a successful and busy business.69. Was Wan Bo interested in painting?_70. How many rocking horses did they make in the first year of their new hobby?_71. What did the forms help Wan and Tang to know about?_72. Do you think it is a good

    24、idea to start a business with the hobby like the two young university students? Why or why not?_来源:中教&网%_【短文大意】本文是介绍两个大学生自己因受启发而创业并成功的故事。69.【解析】考查事实细节题。一般疑问句的回答,我们知道一般疑问句只能是 Yes 或 No 的回答,根据文章中的第二段的第二句话中的 I am interested in painting 知道与事实相符,当然应该回答 Yes。注意此题如果有大小写、标点符号及语法错误均扣 1 分。如首字母 Y 写成 y,无标点句号或者”.”

    25、 写成“。 ”,was 写成 is, he 写成 it 等语法错误均得 1 分。70. 【解析】考查事实细节题。特殊疑问句的回答必须根据疑问词的要求进行简答或完整回答均可,这是对数量的询问。根据第六段第一句 In the first year of their new hobby, Wan and Tang made thirteen rocking horses.得到答案是 Thirteen (13)。注意此题数字写成英语或阿拉伯数字均得分,但英文首字母须大写且均有标点句号才得 2 分,否则扣 1 分。如果完整回答有语法错误也将扣 1 分。来源:学科网 ZXXK71.【解析】考查事实归纳题。

    26、根据第五段第三、四句 According to the result, they made each customer a special rocking horse. These horses were quite different from those produced in other factories,概括为 The forms helped them to know what every customer needed /wanted /required. 或者 The forms made them know /learn hobbies of different custom

    27、ers about rocking horses. 此题答题的关键在于体现不同需求方面就得分,但如果有语法或拼写错误均与 72 题共扣 1 分,同时不能使用文章中的原句进行回答,否则将得 0 分,必须用自己的语言进行总结概括才能得分。72.【解析】考查事实观点题。这是一道开放性试题,考生可以根据自己的看法,结合文章内容发表自己的观点,但注意观点必须是来源于文章,而不能脱离文章本身内容,另外对自己表达、叙述的观点所必须能够有充分足够支持本观点的原因或理由,而不是答非所问的原因或理由,这样只能得 0 分。此题如果有语法或拼写错误将与 71 题共扣 1 分。如果出现这两题有一题完全错误是 0 分,而

    28、另一题有语法错误的将只能得 1 分。此题可能的答案是:Yes. /I think so. Because I can make money and develop my hobby at the same time. 或者 No /I dont think so. Because my hobby is playing chess, and I dont think I can make money with it.只要是运用了有关表达自己观点的句子并且无语法错误均被认为正确而得分。另外注意此题的问题应该是两问,因此在回答时也应该是两个回答,但如果能够综合归纳回答这两个问题放在了一个句子中进行

    29、表达叙述,这也是正确的将不扣分。VII. 完成句子。 (每空 1 分,共 10 分)根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。73. Mr. Hu is having a rest in his bedroom. (改为否定句)Mr. Hu _ _ having a rest in his bedroom.74. They didnt arrive on time because they got up late. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they arrive on time?75. It will take them about five years to build the high

    30、-speed railway. (改为同义句)They will _ about five years in _ the high-speed railway.76. 库尔勒,新疆的一座美丽城市,以美味的香梨而著称。(完成译句)Korla, a beautiful city in Xinjiang, is _ _ its delicious pears.77. 那些既没有手机,也没有电脑的日子了,让我对人生有了许多思考。(完成译句)The days when I had _ phones _ computers made me think a lot about my life.72.【解析】

    31、否定句在有 be 或情态动词的情况下,直接加 not,因此句中给出动词了,故否定不能缩写,答案为 is not,但许多学生受定势的影响,没有注意后面的 having,而做成缩写 isnt having。注意书写不规范把 n 写成像 h 不得分,还有如果把 not 写成 not 也不得分。74.【解析】对 because 即为原因提问用疑问词 Why,再由助动词是 didnt 一般过去时,因此答案为 Why didnt,但许多学生受定势影响做成 Why dont 一般现在时或 Why not 非谓语形式。同时还要注意首字母的大小写,如果 W 没有大写将会造成不得分,另外是把 didnt 写成 d

    32、idnt 也会不得分。75.【解析】考查花费句型的转换,原句是 it takes sb. some time to do sth.转换为 sb spend some time (in) doing /on sth.,因此根据 will 后应接动词原形,答案为 spend 和 building,但许多同学受 spend on sth 的影响第二空为 on,没有注意介词 in 只能填动词的-ing 形式。注意如果形式错误或拼写错误也会不得分,如写成spent 或 build, 如拼写成 buiding,或 building,还有可能书写不规范也不会得分,如 g 写成 y 的形式。www.z&z#7

    33、6.【解析】考查短语运用。 “因而出名”英语表达为“be famous /known /well-known for”,一些学生没有与 be famous as 区别开,另外还有是易错单词 famous,可能会写成 farmous, famouse, famours 这些均是不得分,还有是书写不规范把 r 写成像 v 的情况也会不得分。77.【解析】考查短语运用。 “既没有也没有”英语表示为 neithernor 或 noor,许多同学搭配错误为neither or 或者 noand 等这种只正确一空的答案。另外还要注意书写不规范也会不得分,如 n 写成像 h或 r 写成像 v 的情况。综上所

    34、述,同学必须注意单词拼写的正确性以及书写的规范性,如果造成不容易辨认,无法准确辨别所书写的单词都有可能造成丢分的情况。来源&:zzs#tep.c*omVIII. 短文填空。( 每空 2 分,共 16 分)根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。When you talk with someone, youll need to end your conversation at some point. And there are many reasons why you need to do that. Either you or the other person ma

    35、y need to continue an activity such 78 working or shopping. Or you may have run out of things to say. You just want to keep the conversation short.But 79 do you end a conversation in a polite way? It may depend on where and how the conversation started. It may also depend on your relationship with t

    36、he 80 person. If you already know that person, you can just say, “I need to run now.” Or you can say, “Ill catch you later.” You may also give a reason for ending the conversation. “I really need to go-my piano class starts in ten 81 .”Perhaps you just meet someone in a social situation, and you hav

    37、e a nice talk. But t hen you have to go. You can say, “It was nice meeting you. Maybe we can talk happily 82 sometime in the future.”Another way to end a conversation is to make it easy for the other person to 83 . If you see the other person is already not patient, you can say, “Well, Im sure you h

    38、ave a lot to do today.”来源&:#中%教网*You could use these 84 to end a conversation, and you should notice that others may also use them. 85 they do so, you should know that its time for you to stop and get on with your day.【短文大意】介绍了与人交谈结束谈话的几种情况、方式或技巧。78.【解析】考查短语搭配。根据上下文意思,是例如、比如短语 such as。注意因书写不规范造成不得分,

    39、如 a 写成像 u 的将失去 2 分。79.【解析】考查疑问词。根据后面的回答知道是如何有礼貌地结束谈话?故填 how。注意因如书写不规范把 h 写成像 n 的也会不得分。80.【解析】考查形容词及句型搭配。上下文句意为同时也依赖于与对方的关系,对话通常是两个人,一个是 one,那么另外一个则是 the other 才正确。因此此空只能填 other,此空的关键单词是 conversation 中隐含的数量是二(two)。注意因书写不规范把 o 写成像 a 或把 r 写成像 v 的,或把 h 写成像 n 的均是不得分的。81.【解析】考查名词。句意为给一个结束的理由,我真的要离开,等会儿要上钢

    40、琴课,根据 ten 只能是minutes 来表示一会儿,注意此单词的书写易错误。中国#教育出版网*82.【解析】考查副词。句意是但你必须得离开,那你就说也许将来我们会再交谈,因此表示再一次,又一次是 again,许多同学不注意上下逻辑关系,以为是 somettime 的辞谢填一个介词 at。83.【解析】考查动词。根据上文的 81 题和 82 题均提到离开,再由后面的你看见对方不耐烦、 、那说明对方想离开,你得自动停下,注意不是对方停下,这从后面补充所说你可以说,我相信你有许多事要做可知,这样此空的答案应该是 leave 或 go,但许多同学填 stop 这不能接受,前面原因也说是你自动停下,

    41、而不是对方停下, “ 再如句型中不定式的逻辑主语是 the other,不是 you,因此 stop /end /finish 答案是不符合此文逻辑关系的。另外注意书写不规范把 g 写成像 y 的也会不得分。84.【解析】考查名词。根据短文大意可知此文是这些方式、技巧或建议等,故此空答案可以是 ideas /ways /suggestions /methods /means /tips /skills。我们从文章中知道结束对话的并非均是语言,除了语言还有面部表情等,因此填 words 或 expressions,advice 等也是不可接受的答案,它们均不能准确的表达作者的意图。注意因书写不规

    42、范把 i 写成没有一点也会不得分。85.【解析】考查连词。最后得到结论,总之(一旦、如果) 你这样做的话,那就是你该停下的时候了。此句的形式主语是 you 不是 the other,注意与 83 课的比较和区别,有的同学填 stop 的依据可能就在此句,因此本题答案可以是 When /If /Once /Whenever 均正确。注意此处单词首字母的大小写,如果小写将会扣 1 分。此题单词拼写正确相当重要,如果拼写错误将不得分,拼写正确而形式错误能得 1 分,如 minutes 写成minute 得 1 分,但写成 munites 则得 0 分,还有 ideas 写成 idea 得 1 分。来

    43、源:中国教育&* 出%版网IX. 书面表达。 (18 分)在过去的日子里,我们曾经欢笑,也曾经哭泣照片,或将这些精彩定格,或勾起你对往事的回忆。某英语网站向你发出邀请,请你按要求用英语写一篇文章,分享你照片背后的故事。要求:1. 故事必须原创;2. 80-120 词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;3. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。参考要点:1. 描述你的照片(时间,地点,人物);2. 分享你的故事(起因,经过,结果);3. 谈谈你的感受(感动,怀念,影响)。This is a photo that is very special to me. In the photo, _ _【解析】


    45、汇及句型丰富,这样写出来的作文才有可能得 16 和 17 分,甚至是满分。【范文】 Possible versionThis is a photo that is very special to me. In the photo, I was 10 while my dad looked younger. Look, we are playing ping pong happily.I used to be a ping pong player. My dad trained me so hard, though he was tired after a days work. Once, I

    46、lost a game and I felt so sad that I wanted to give up. My father said nothing, sitting quietly with me. The next morning, I found a piece of paper. It said, “Never give up, dear. I am proud of you!”Now, I spend less time playing ping pong because of my busy study. But I will never forget what my father told me. He is proud of me. How lucky I


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