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    1、第 1 页(共 46 页)2017 年北京市中考英语试卷一、听对话,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片每段对话你将听两遍 (共 5 分,每小题 1 分)12345第 2 页(共 46 页)二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项每段对话或独白你将听两遍 (共 15 分,每小题 1.5 分)6请听一段对话,完成第 6 至第 7 小题6What does the woman want to drink?ATea BMilkC Juice7How much does the woman pay?A7B8C 98请听一段

    2、对话,完成第 8 至第 9 小题8Where are the speakers going to have a picnic?AIn the parkBOn the hillC At the seaside9Who will join the speakers for the picnic?AThe boys dadBThe boys grandpaC The boys grandma10请听一段对话,完成第 10 至第 11 小题10How did the boy go to the wild animal park?ABy trainBBy carC By bus11What did th

    3、e boy do in the wild animal park?AHe drew a picture第 3 页(共 46 页)BHe fed an elephantC He saw a bird show12请听一段对话,完成第 12 至第 13 小题12What are the speakers mainly talking about?ADifferent reading skillsBSome benefits of readingC The mans reading habits13What does the man think of reading?AHe believes it

    4、is enjoyableBHe finds it a little difficultC He thinks it takes too much time14请听一段独白,完成第 14 至第 15 小题14What can we know about the speaker?AShe lives near her schoolBShe likes traveling abroadC She wants to improve her English15Why does the speaker send this message?ATo describe her trip in LondonBTo

    5、 tell the way to her houseC To introduce her hometown16听对话,记录关键信息本段对话你将听两遍请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上Service Request FormName (16) WhitePhone (17) Address 56(18) RoadService Moving a double(19) Time On (20) ,July 31第 4 页(共 46 页)四、单项选择(共 10 分,每小题 1 分)从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项21M

    6、y father is a worker is very kind ( )AHe BShe CHis DIt22More and more young people go skating winter ( )Aat Bin Con Dto23 did you stop playing?Because I was tired ( )AHow BWhy CWhen DWhere24The hotel is very old Its one of buildings in the city ( )Aold Bolder Coldest Dthe oldest25 I hand in the repo

    7、rt today?No,you neednt ( )ACan BMust CShall DCould26 How do you usually go to school?I to school on foot ( )Ago Bwent Cwas going Dwill go27My mother some washing when the telephone rang ( )Adoes Bdid Cis doing Dwas doing28Lily is my classmateWe each other since she came to our school ( )Aknow Bknew

    8、Chave known Dwill know29The mobile phone in 1973 ( )第 5 页(共 46 页)Ainvents Bis invented Cinvented Dwas invented30 Judy,could you tell me_the schoolbag?Oh,yesI bought it in a store on the Internet ( )Awhere did you buy Bwhere will you buyC where you bought Dwhere you will buy五、完形填空(共 15 分,每小题 1.5 分)阅读

    9、下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项31A Meaningful GiftEmily was an eighth graderTo pass her Civics course(公民课程) ,she had to do some volunteer service in a nursing home for a weekOne Monday,Emily went to the nursing home after schoolWhen she arrived,she was told she would(31) an hour every w

    10、eekday with an elderly lady,MrsBlairShe was then led into a room,where an old lady in a flowery dress was sitting on a sofaEmily( 32) awkwardly(别扭地)in front of the ladyShe cleared her throat and said,“Good afternoon Im Emily“Good afternoon,Emily Take a seat,please“MrsBlair repliedThen, (33 ) filled

    11、the space between themEmily wondered what to say“Tell me about yourself,Emily ,“Mrs Blair said suddenly“Well,“Emily started,“I dont have any grandparents,so I cant relate to elderly people muchI love the performing artsIm here mainly because I have to(34) here to get a good grade for my Civics class

    12、“MrsBlair didnt seem to(35) “Many people,especially teens,dont seem to care about old people like meNow you are here,and Im going to change that about youAsk me anything“第 6 页(共 46 页)Emily thought for a moment,and finally decided,“What was your job?“I was a Broadway star in the 1950s“MrsBlair answer

    13、ed“Cool!Can you tell me about it?“Emily asked,amazedMrsBlair smiled“Back then,only the lead actress had the honor to wear a( 36) bracelet I was the lead in almost all of the plays,so I always wore the braceletTill this day,I still have it“Emily smiled along with MtsBlair and listened to the other st

    14、ories,attentivelyShe had become sointerested in MrsBlairs(37) that she decided to come earlier the next dayTuesday,Wednesday,and Thursday passed by quicklyThen came FridayAs she was leaving,Emilywas really(38) to say goodbye“Dont be sadYou can still visit me,“MrsBlair comforted herShe then handed a

    15、small box to Emily,“Its my gift to you“Emily( 39) opened the box and was surprised to see what was inside“Its the bracelet that youworeThank you!“Emily said,with tears in her eyes“Im sure to visit you whenever Im free“On the way home,Emily thought of her own love for the performing artsShe touched t

    16、he bracelet andmade a (40) that she would keep her word to MrsBlair 31A waste Bspend C plan Dexercise32A asked Bsat C stood Ddanced33A warmth Bsadness C happiness Dsilence34A study Blive C volunteer Dplay35A mind Bfear C insist Dregret36A strange Bspecial C common Dprivate37A dreams Bhobbies C stori

    17、es Djokes第 7 页(共 46 页)38A upset Bconfused C surprised Dnervous39A proudly Bsecretly C worriedly Dcarefully40A promise Bchange C judgment Dchoice六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项 (共 30 分,每小题 2 分)41Summer Programs at Museums41You can join in the programs at the Postal Museum any day Afro

    18、m July 17to 23Bfrom July 2930C from August 720第 8 页(共 46 页)Dfrom August 21to 2742If you are interested in the program about video arts,you can phone A.9650400B.6540930C.3573030D.272056043A 15yearold student can take part in the programs at Athe Building Museum Bthe Postal MuseumC the Air and Space M

    19、useum Dthe Science Museum44In the Air and Space Museum,you can Acreate a stamp Bbuild a houseC make a paper airplane Dexplore a future city45The Sixth Time I Went to the Principals OfficeWhen I was in the seventh grade,I had problems behavingMy heart was in the right place,but Icouldnt always follow

    20、 the rulesI played many tricks on my schoolmatesOnce,I even pulled a girls hair on the school bus to get her attentionAs a result,I was repeatedly sent to the office of the principal(校长) Although I hated going there, I did not hate the principal,MrRatcliffMrRatcliff was a kind,elderly manWhen he spa

    21、nked( 打屁股) me for putting some ants into aclassmates pencil box,it didnt hurt at all,but it did hurt my feelingsI thought so much of him and第 9 页(共 46 页)moments like that seemed to prove I was hopelessly badWhen I got called to MrRatcliffs office for the sixth time,I had no idea what I had doneI fel

    22、tdisappointed as I walked down thereI went into his office,sat down,and looked at the floorThen he said the last thing I expected to hear:“Kevin,Ive heard youve been behaving really well latelyI want you to know how proud I am of you,and I just called you down to my office to give you a peppermint“R

    23、eally?“I was surprised“YesNow you can take that peppermint and go back to class“I carried the peppermint with me as if it was a gold coinWhen I got into my classroom,I bragged ( 吹嘘) to my classmates about my turnaround,excitedlyI wasnt so bad after allMrRatcliff was really kindHe made me realize tha

    24、t I was just a kid who had problems with behaviorHe bought some peppermints and took the time to notice me when I got somethinganythingrightMrRatcliff gave me some hope by giving me some loveI will just remember him for the rest of my life45In his seventh grade,the writer Ahated the principal Bhad p

    25、roblems behavingC always followed the rules Doften helped his classmates46How did the writer feel when he went to the principals office for the sixth time? ALonelyBExcitedC ConfidentDDisappointed47The sixth time the writer went to the principals office,he got 第 10 页(共 46 页)Aa peppermint Ba model bus

    26、 C a pencil box Da coin48The writer will always remember MrRatcliff,because the principal Atalked with him in the office Bplayed games with himC expected him to be a teacher Dgave him some hope and love49Buying Is Doing?How important is shopping to you?How much time do you spend buying things?And ho

    27、w much timedo you spend organizing these things in your home?In the future,how much time will you spend in movietheaters,at amusement parks,at shopping malls,or at convenience stores?When you add it all up,you will probably see you spend a lot of your life consuming(消费)thingsConsuming products is no

    28、t necessarily badHowever,if we spend too much time doing it,we should look at it carefullyImagine that you have a week off from schoolYou dont have to go to class However,in this week,you cannot spend any moneyno shopping,no movies,no eating outHow would you spend your time?What things would bring y

    29、ou happiness?Perhaps you would take a walk with your best friendPerhaps you would help a child readOr 第 11 页(共 46 页)you might spend time with your familyWhen we look back,it is likely that nonconsuming experiences like these will be our most importantmemoriesWhy?Nonco nsuming activities are active,n

    30、ot passiveThey dont come in a packageYou make the experience yourselfFor example,each person who reads to a child will have a different experienceThe experience changes with the reader,the child,and the bookSimilarly ,when you have a conversation with a friend ,you are actively creating an experienc

    31、eThe conversation that you have with your friend cannot be experienced or recreated by anyone elseHowever,if you watch a movie with a friend,you will each have a package experienceIt requires no action and little interaction between the two of youThe environment we live in encourages us to have pack

    32、aged experiencesWe feel that we must consume because we believe that buying is doingHowever,we can start a personal revolution ( 变革) against consumerismHow?By consuming lessWe can ask ourselves what experiences bring us the greatest satisfaction Then we can organize our lives so that we have more of

    33、 those kinds of experiences49If consuming products takes too much time,we should Aspend less money Bthink about it carefullyC organize our things Dgo to convenience stores50According to the passage,the writer believes that Awe can say no to consumerism by consuming lessBbuying things can bring us th

    34、e greatest satisfactionC the environment seldom influences our shopping choicesDconsuming experiences will be our most important memories51What is the writers main purpose in writing this passage? 第 12 页(共 46 页)ATo introduce some ways of enjoying our spare timeBTo encourage people to have more activ

    35、e experiencesC To explain reasons behind peoples shopping behaviorDTo share his personal experience in consuming products52Say youre sitting around with some friends playing video games and someone mentions a game that happens to be one of your favorites“Oh,that games easySo not worth the time,“one

    36、of your friends saysThe others agreeAlthough you enjoy the game quite a lot,not wanting to argue with them,you go along with the crowdYou have just experienced what is commonly referred to as peer pressure(同伴压力) ,also called peerinfluenceY ou will adopt a certain type of behavior,dress,or attitude i

    37、n order to be accepted as part of a group of your“peers“As a teen,you are likely to have experienced the effect of peer pressure in a number of different areasWe are all influenced by our peers at any ageFor teens,as school and other activities take you awayfrom home,you may spend more time with you

    38、r friends than with your familyAs you become moreindependent,your peers naturally play a greater role in your lifeAccording to DrCasey from Cornell University,teens are very quick and accurate in making decisionson their own and in situations where they have time to thinkHowever,when they make decis

    39、ions in theheat of the moment or in social situations,their decisions are often influenced by factors like peersIn arecent study,teen volunteers played a video driving game,either alone or with friends watchingTheresearchers discovered that the number of risks teens took more than doubled when their

    40、 friends were第 13 页(共 46 页)watching,compared with when they played aloneThis shows that teens may find it more difficult to control risky behavior when their friends are around,or in situations where they are extremely angryJust as people can influence us to make unwise choices,they can also influen

    41、ce us to make good onesA teen might join in a volunteer project because his or her friends are doing it,or get good grades because his or her friends think getting good grades is importantIn fact,friends often encourage each other to study,or try out for sportsWhile we are always influenced by those

    42、 around us,the decision to act or not is up to usSo when itcomes to decision making,the choice is up to you52According to the passage,Dr Casey probably agrees that teens Alike to play driving games with their friendsBprefer situations where they have time to thinkC may take more risks when their fri

    43、ends are aroundDare slow in making decisions when they are on their own53The words“in the heat of the moment“in Paragraph 4probably mean“ “Awhen teens avoid possible risks Bwhen teens trust their judgmentC when teens lose control over their anger Dwhen teens give consideration to situations54What ca

    44、n we learn from the passage? ATeens are eager to be different from their peersBPeer pressure has effects on both teens and adultsC Peer pressure does more harm than good to teensDTees think it challenging to get good grades at school55Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A

    45、Peer Pressure:Is It Necessary to Deal with It?第 14 页(共 46 页)BPeer Pressure:Is It Possible to Get Away from It?C Peer Pressure:Its Benefits to Teens and Friend MakingDPeer Pressure:Its Influence on Teens and Decision Making七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项每个选项只能用一次 (共 10 分,每小题 2 分)56From the Othe

    46、r SideLara and Tara are twins ( 56) but they are very different in everything elseFor example,hot food is Laras favorite,and Tara has a sweet choiceHowever,this isnt the problem with the twin girlsThey always argued that the opposite one was wrong (57) ,while Tara insisted that mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight(58) To put an end to their fights,their parents decided to create a small dramaThey wanted the girls to understand that they were


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