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    1、Module 2 模块检测卷(120 分 90 分钟)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分 45 分).单项填空( 共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(A)1.I will have an important match tomorrow.I hope I will win. . A.Good luck B.No ideaC.Thats such a pity D.Its all right(D)2.I usually ride bike to school.But this morning,I wen

    2、t to school by bus. A.a;the B.the;a C./;a D.a;/(D)3.The Dragon Boat Festival this year will come four days. A.after B.for C.during D.in(B)4.Audrey Hepburn,one of the greatest actresses,was to take on challenges in her life. A.enough brave B.brave enoughC.stupid enough D.enough stupid(C)5.Miss Zhang

    3、teaches English.She is very strict. A.our B.we C.us D.ours(C)6.I 30 pages of the book so far,but I hope to finish it by next week. A.read B.am reading C.have read D.will read(B)7.Sam stayed in the classroom instead of out on such a rainy day. A.go B.goingC.goes D.went(D)8.We have learnt three hundre

    4、d new words this term. A.at once B.at all C.at times D.at least(A)9.Got any information about the Senior High School Entrance Examination?Well,I was trying to,but found . A.none B.no one C.one D.some(C)10.Do you have enough men to finish the task?No.I think we need men. A.two another B.other twoC.tw

    5、o more D.more two(A)11.What a bad day!Everyone has one of those days when goes right. A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something(C)12.Great changes in our home town in the past five years. A.take place B.took placeC.have taken place D.will take place(D)13.Warm,bright colours yellow and red are po

    6、sitive colours. A.as well as B.for exampleC.such like D.such as(B)14.The organisation Wild Aid is to protect wild animals. It has done a lot so far.A.cheered up B.set upC.taken up D.picked up (A)15.Would you like to play football after school? .I have a lot of homework to do. A.Im afraid not B.Enjoy

    7、 yourselfC.Take our time D.It takes no time.完形填空( 共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AWhitney didnt have many friends.She was shy and 16 .She never wanted to be popular,but she did want to have someone to share 17 and laugh with. Then it was time for her to go to college

    8、 in another town.And she had to 18 with someone she didnt know.She had no idea whether she could make friends in that new environment. But something happened during the first class.And it 19 Whitneys life.The teacher asked everyone to 20 a little about themselves.Whitney told everyone where she came

    9、 from and some simple information.The last 21 for each student was “What is your goal for this term?” 22 of the students said it was to get good grades,pass the tests or something similar! But Whitney said something 23 .She said that her goal was to make just one good friend. When most of the studen

    10、ts sat quietly,one student came to Whitney.She reached out her hand and introduced herself.She asked 24 she could be Whitney s friend.Whitney was surprised and happy.She 25 and reached her hand out too. Their friendship lasted all through the college.(B)16.A.careless B.quiet C.noisy D.weak(D)17.A.ma

    11、rks B.friends C.tests D.secrets(C)18.A.quarrel B.debate C.live D.discuss(A)19.A.changed B.controlled C.destroyed D.blocked(B)20.A.remember B.share C.recite D.write(D)21.A.require B.decision C.competition D.question(A)22.A.Most B.Few C.All D.None(B)23.A.interesting B.different C.similar D.strange(C)2

    12、4.A.how B.why C.whether D.where(A)25.A.smiled B.watched C.rushed D.turnedBWaste can be seen everywhere in the school.Some students ask for 26 food than they can eat and others often forget to 27 off the lights when they leave the classroom.They say they can afford these things.But I dont agree 28 th

    13、em. Waste can bring a lot of problems. 29 China is rich in some resources,we are short of others,for example,fresh water.It is 30 that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years.So if we go on 31 our resources,what can we use in the future and 32 can we move? Think about it.I think we should sa

    14、y no to the 33 who waste things every day.Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible. In our 34 life,we can do many things to prevent waste from happening,for example,turn off the water taps(水龙头) when we finish washing,turn off the lights when we leave the classroom,try not to order more food

    15、 than we need,and so on.Little by little,everything will be changed.Waste can be stopped one day,if we do 35 best. (B)26.A.much B.more C.most D.many(C)27.A.take B.get C.turn D.put(C)28.A.on B.to C.with D.of(B)29.A.But B.Although C.If D.Because(C)30.A.taught B.askedC.reported D.remembered(A)31.A.wast

    16、ing B.losing C.finding D.throwing(D)32.A.when B.how C.why D.where(B)33.A.doctors B.students C.workers D.teachers(A)34.A.everyday B.every day C.someday D.one day(B)35.A.my B.our C.ours D.ourselves第二部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分 45 分).补全对话( 共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A:Hello! Zhu

    17、Hui,have you seen the movie Amazing China(厉害了,我的国)?B:Not yet.What do you think of it?A:36. C B:I heard its a documentary,but many people like watching it.37. F A:Its about Chinas achievements over the last five years.B:38. D A:No,55.5% of the audience are 20 to 29 years old.B:Really?I cant believe.A

    18、nything else?A:39. A B:Oh,Ill go to see the film tonight.40. G A:Ha ha.You know I have seen it.You can ask Li Ming to go with you.He wants to see it.B:OK.Ill call him later.A:Have a good time tonight.A.And the film has caused a patriotic fever(爱国热) recently.B.Who is the director?C.I think its fantas

    19、tic.D.I guess the old people like it better,right?E.How can I get there?F.What is it about?G.Would you like to go with me?.阅读理解( 共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AA class teacher,in my opinion,plays an important role in a childs development.Every year when my daughter mo

    20、ves to a new class,I have a usual big worryher new class teacher.This year,she is moving to Class Three and I cant wait to see how things are going on.Last year,my daughter did not like her teacher at all.It was so bad that she did not look forward to school.It was a year full of trouble and worries

    21、.This year,Miss Purity is gentle and humorous.Its hard not to like her.Here are the changes in my daughter.She becomes an early bird.Last year,mornings were like a fight because I had to force Tasha to hurry up when she was preparing for school.I had to pull her out of bed,tell her to take breakfast

    22、 and then drove her to school.But now,our mornings are like a party.She wakes up early,prepares everything at a high speed and then rushes to school to be with Miss Purity.Shes happy.She enjoys school and school work and keeps talking about what they did at school when she comes home.Shes responsibl

    23、e.She used to be careless and forgetful.But now she never forgets even her water bottle at school.She makes her bed and helps in the kitchen.Her diary is full of praises.The diary is the tool of communication between the teacher and the parents.Last year,her diary was always full of negative(负面的 ) r

    24、eports.One time,she poured water in a childs lunchbox,another time she threw another kids textbook in the toilet.Now she began to share her snacks with those who did not have anything.Shes always volunteering to clean the blackboard,the teachers chair and desk.She does well in school.Finishing her c

    25、lasswork was such a big problem.She had to do it at home.But now,she finishes both the classwork and homework at school.(A)41.What is the big worry of Tashas father every year?A.Who will be Tashas class teacher.B.Which class Tasha will be in.C.How Tasha goes to school in the morning.D.What Miss Puri

    26、ty looks like.(B)42.What did Tasha do when she didnt like her class teacher?A.She had a fight with her mother in the morning.B.She didnt want to go to school.C.She missed a lot of classes.D.She refused to do classwork and homework.(D)43.Which of the following is NOT true about Tashas past?A.She coul

    27、dnt finish her classwork at school.B.She often forgot things at school.C.She didnt get on well with her classmates.D.She was careless and silent.(B)44.What is not mentioned about the changes in Tasha?A.The progress with Miss Purity.B.Her hobbies.C.Her habit of living.D.Her behaviours at school.BRead

    28、ing for pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in English.It is also the most important way.Some students say they dont want to read for pleasure.They say they want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new words.They say that pleasure reading is too easy.Many exper

    29、ts(专家) say pleasure reading is very important for learning English.Dr Stephen Krashen,a famous expert on learning languages,says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things about English.Students learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasure.They also learn more about

    30、 good writing.Dr Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in different ways.Each student needs to learn something different.Pleasure reading makes it possible for each student to learn what he or she needs.Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying.When you read for pleasure,y

    31、ou can choose your own books,and you dont have to remember everything.There are no tests on your pleasure reading books.Pleasure reading will help you as follows:Learn how English speakers use English.Read faster in English.Find examples of good writing in English.Learn new words.Learn about the cul

    32、ture of English speakers.(D)45.What do students learn more when they read for pleasure?A.Grammar and listening.B.Listening and spelling.C.Listening and speaking.D.Grammar and words.(B)46.Each student needs to learn by pleasure reading. A.something difficult B.something differentC.something easy D.so

    33、mething important(C)47.From the passage,we know pleasure reading helps each student to do the following things EXCEPT to . A.find examples of good writing in EnglishB.learn new wordsC.learn how English writers use EnglishD.read faster in English(D)48.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Pleasure

    34、reading is a difficult way to learn English.B.Pleasure reading is the same way to learn English.C.Pleasure reading is a boring way to learn English.D.Pleasure reading is an important way to learn English.CIn China,safety education is becoming more and more important now.The last Monday in March is f

    35、or students to learn it at school.It helps students learn more about what they should do to keep themselves safe.What are the accidents at school? Take a look.Stampedes(踩踏),earthquakes and fires are the main accidents at school.A stampede always happens in crowded places.When students around you beg

    36、in to push,just stand there and try to hold onto something.If you fall down in the crowd,move to one side and protect your head with your hands around.When earthquakes happen,you can get under a desk quickly and hold on.Itll protect you from falling things.If you are outdoors,find a place away from

    37、buildings,trees,and power lines.When theres a fire,leave the classroom quickly.Its better to put something wet over your mouth and nose.In this way,you wont breathe in smoke.Many people die in a fire,not because of the fire but smoke.It makes them cough and they cant breathe.Thats very dangerous! So

    38、 when you want to get out,you should make yourself close to the floor.Then you can breathe some fresh air.(A)49.Stampedes,earthquakes and fires are the main accidents . A.at school B.at homeC.on the farm D.in the open air(C)50.A stampede always happens in places. A.busy B.dirty C.crowded D.clean(B)5

    39、1.When earthquakes happen,you can get a desk quickly and hold on. A.on B.under C.near D.behind(D)52.Whats the best title for the article?A.Health education B.Manners educationC.Habits education D.Safety educationDUsing iPads to make learning funPaper,pencil,whiteboard,textbook are the tools you need

    40、 if you want to go to school.But recently,you can add another one to the list,an iPad.Because the popular Apple tablet is not only useful for searching the Internet and watching videos,but it is also being used to make learning fun.Scientists now know that we learn better when we are enjoying oursel

    41、ves,so recently software developers have made iPad applications(应用程序) that look like video games,but have strong educational content.One of the best examples of this new form of teaching application is Futaba,a game in which up to four children try to recognise a spinning(旋转的) object,and then identi

    42、fy what it is.The game can be used to teach English,maths,foreign languages,or just about anything,and students love it.Teachers can even make their own questions.The important thing is that children enjoy the game,and dont even realise how much they are learning!So the next time you have to choose

    43、between making your child study and letting them play a game,just remember.they could do both at the same time!(A)53.What can be added to the school thing list according to the passage?A.An iPad. B.An English textbook.C.A pencil. D.A whiteboard.(B)54.What does the underlined word “tablet” probably m

    44、ean in Chinese in this passage?A.药片 B.掌上电脑C.牌匾 D.桌子(C)55.Futaba is . A.an old kind of classroom B.a new outdoor activityC.a new educational application D.a very old tool of teaching(D)56.How many children can take part in one Futaba game at a time?A.7. B.6. C.5. D.4.(B)57.Which of the following is N

    45、OT true according to the passage?A.Scientists think that we learn better when we are enjoying ourselves.B.Futaba can only be used to teach languages.C.Teachers can make their own questions using Futaba.D.The writer thinks children can study and have fun playing games at the same time.阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题

    46、(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。EIt was 6:00 on a Monday morning.Adam,12 years old,was on the way to school,the Mcedo-Beijing School in a slum(贫民窟) in Nairobi,the capital of Kenyan(肯尼亚首都内罗毕).This school was built in 2001 with the help of China,for kids from poor families.After getting school,Adam went straight to h

    47、is class to do his class work.It is usual that pupils in this school prepare for their lessons before the teacher comes.To study in the school was once a dream for the poor boy.His mother made a living by washing clothes for others.Some days she bought home nothing,and some days she could get about

    48、$3it was hard enough to buy them a full meal for a day.Before joining the Mcedo-Beijing School,Adam was at home with his seven brothers,collecting garbage(垃圾).The school is giving these kids hope for the future by providing a chance to get education.“For me,education is the best gift,” said Adam.58.

    49、Which country helped build Adams school?(不超过 10 个词)China./China helped (to) build Adams school. 59.How did Adams mother make a living?(不超过 10 个词)By washing clothes for others. 60.What did Adam do before joining the school?(不超过 5 个词)He collected garbage. 第三部分 写(共两大题,满分 30 分).单词拼写( 共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。61.Susan works hard and is confident of passing (通过) the exam. 62.Look!


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