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    人教新课标英语选修十《Unit3 listening and reading》课件

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    人教新课标英语选修十《Unit3 listening and reading》课件

    1、Listening,Workbook,Unit 3,1 Listen to the stories of these three important black people who work for civil rights and join the parts of the sentences together.,2 Listen to the tape carefully again and stop the tape after each short biography. Then fill in the chart.,1868,Doctors degree,Speaker and w

    2、riter,Academic and writer,Founded the NAACP Studied on the slave trade in America,1879,Teacher,School of the three Bs,Vocational courses, music, English literature, black history,Offered poor women a training,1898,Masters degree,Athlete, lawyer and singer,Singer,Kept alive black culture,Biography 1

    3、William E B Dubois was a person who spent his life fighting injustice and defending freedom. He was born in 1868, when there were no civil rights for black people in the southern USA and died in 1963 just as many African countries were being freed from British colonial rule.,Listening text,All his l

    4、ife he spoke against racial discrimination and became one of the most famous black leaders of his generation. He was one of the founders of the NAACP which is an organization fighting for equality in civil rights. Sadly in 1963 he visited Ghana and died while he was there.,He is remembered as one of

    5、 the few scholars who made an honest academic study of the black man. His book for his doctors degree on the end of the slave trade in America is still the most important study of this subject.,Biography 2 Narrator 1: My name is Nannie Helen Burroughs and I was born in 1879. I wanted to become a tea

    6、cher so that I could offer poor women some professional training. In this way I hoped I could help them to earn a better salary and have a higher standard of living.,But although I was very well qualified, I was prevented from teaching because I was black and it took me many years to raise the money

    7、 to begin my own school. When I finally opened the school, it offered many vocational courses (including home nursing, beauty and dress-making) as well as music and English literature.,I also insisted that all students take a course in black history. It was a great success. I called it the School of

    8、 the Three Bs-the Bible, the Bath and the Broom. Narrator 2: When Nannie Burroughs died in 1961 she was not forgotten. In 1975 the Mayor of the District of Columbia named May 10th as Nannie Helen Burroughs Day in memory of this remarkable woman.,Biography 3: Paul Robeson could have been a profession

    9、al football player or a lawyer but he chose to become a singer. He had a beautiful deep baritone voice which he used to sing the traditional songs of black people.,He was born in 1898 in Princeton, New Jersey, and died 78 years later. His father ha d been a runway slave so he was very happy when his

    10、 son went to university in 1915. Paul completed his first degree in 1919 and began to study Law at Columbia University. But he stopped working as a lawyer to fight against racial and colour prejudice.,He changed to become a singer instead and sang black “blues” songs which became extremely popular i

    11、n America and abroad. In this way he was able to use his position to make a stand against racial prejudice. He explained that “the artist must decide whether to fight for freedom or for slavery. I have made my choice. I had no alternative.”,1 Read the passage and then answer these questions.,Reading

    12、 task,Achieving Fairness,1 Why did the students dislike Jake even before they saw him?,They believe the bad stories they had heard about circus people. This is called prejudice, which means you are not judging the person for himself or herself but through hearsay.,2 What qualities did Jake show?,Jak

    13、e showed courage because he did not respond to the other boys nasty comments. He showed determination because he continued to study even when it was difficult, He showed appreciation when he got help.,3 Why did Fred not copy the other boys behaviour to Jake?,He was curious about a boy coming from th

    14、e circus. He was prepared to ingore what other boys said and was friendly with Jake. He had sympathy for the poor and disadvantaged people. He was ready to help them.,4 Do you think any of the remarks about Jake that the boys mentioned were true?5 What did Fred do to help Jake? How do you think you

    15、would behave towards Jake?,He helped Jake with his mathematics and lent him a handkerchief.,No, they were not true.,2 The boys critized Jake and his family for the way they live. But most of these remarks refer to problems of the campsite. Read the story and find out what Jake is really like.,He had

    16、 dirty fingernails but his shirt was clean.,No evidence from the story.,His clothes were old and worn but clean and well repaired.,He didnt steal in the story.,1 The first thing we had to do was consult Jake and his family about what they needed on the campsite. So one evening Fred went round to see

    17、 and interview them. Listen for the first time and note the three things they wanted.,Listening task,1 a new toilet and washing block,2 an arrangement to collect therubbish regularly,3 an area to dry clothes away from the road,4 a play area fro the children,Any three of the four ideas are correct.,2

    18、 Listen carefully again and give the reasons that Jakes parents gave for waiting each item.,1 They wanted a new toilet and washing block because it is old, badly planned and the washing areas is too close to the rubbish dump.,2 They wanted the council to collect the rubbish more frequently because o

    19、therwise it attracted rats and cause disease. Beside, children played on it, which was not safe.,3 Jakes mother wanted an area to dry clothes away from the road because their caravans were too small to hang out the washing.,4 Jakes mother also wanted a play area for children. Without it their children had to play on the rubbish dump. That was to dangerous.,


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