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    1、1Unit 2 Poems 教材分析I教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是诗歌。文中涉及诗歌的韵律、节奏,并介绍了几种简单的不同内容和形式的诗歌。本单元引导学生讨论这些内容,目的在于让他们了解诗歌的一些基本特征和写作方法,自己尝试写简单的诗歌,并学会欣赏这些优美的文学作品。Warming up 部分围绕诗歌(poems)这一话题设置了三个问题。前两个问题引导学生回顾儿时以及学生时代所接触的汉英诗歌,第三个问题引导学生探讨写诗的目的。Pr-reading 部分主要让学生认识诗歌的种类和不同国家诗歌的文化差异。该部分设置了两个练习,第一个练习让学生交流所喜爱的诗歌;第二个练习就阅读课文设计图表,让学生从

    2、内容和写作风格两个方面认识阅读课文中的诗歌。Reading 部分介绍了几种简单的英语诗歌。第一段统领全文,阐述写诗的目的,即叙事或表达情感。由此自然地引导到下文:诗歌的种类。从第二段开始,分析不同种类的诗歌,并举例说明。儿歌节奏明快、韵律和谐、朗朗上口、不断重复、利于记忆,是语言学习的有效手段。清单诗,尤其是那些不断重复短语和节奏的诗歌,比较容易创作。五行诗,顾名思义,由五行组成,寥寥数语,言简意赅。俳句起源于日本,由 17 个音节组成。它虽然非传统的英语诗歌,但为英语国家的人们所喜爱。英语国家也借鉴了中国的唐诗,许多唐诗被翻译成英文,广为传诵。Comprehending 部分的重点放在文中的

    3、几首诗歌上。练习 1 首先要求学生找出文章的主题,列举文中介绍的五种诗歌形式,用自己的语言讲述文中几首诗的主题,用心领会诗中的意象,找出两首节奏感强的诗歌,击掌诵读;找出押韵的两首诗,并圈出押韵的词。练习 2 主要让学生去感悟这几首诗歌所表达的内涵。最后,练习 3 要求学生欣赏诗歌,找出最喜欢的诗歌,并阐明理由。Learning about language 的词汇部分设置了三个练习。第一个练习通过从课文诗歌中找出押韵的词来帮助学生理解诗歌的韵脚;第二个练习要求学生运用生词完成段落填空;第三个练习则给予学生自主学习词汇的机会,让学生通过对比分析了解词汇在文中的含义并能自己造句。语法部分共四项练

    4、习,首先,学生找出阅读篇章中包含虚拟证据的诗歌,根据对这一语法项目的认识和了解,完成句子匹配练习,然后用所给词的适当形式填空,最后根据所给情景写清单诗,并在诗中适当运用虚拟语气。Using language 部分综合训练听说读写的能力。听、读和讨论部分把听力和阅读训练结合起来。通过听理解诗歌的内容,辨认写诗歌的人的身份、诗歌的节律,并表达诗歌所激起的联想。然后,让学生边打拍子边朗读,在欣赏中加深对诗歌的理解。最后,通过翻译诗句巩固理解。听和说部分有三个学生与老师交谈,围绕诗歌比赛展开。该部分还设置了五个练习,写的部分要求学生模仿诗歌 C 以 If I 开头写清单诗;或以 Slowly 开头写诗

    5、。Summing up 部分要求学生就诗歌的类型、节奏、押韵,本单元词语和结构,以及本单元日常交际用语等方面进行自我评价,判定学习情况;了解还需要进一步改进的地方。2Learning tip 部分指出写诗、唱歌是理解和记忆词汇,学习语言的有效方法。II教学重点和难点1教学重点(1) 本单元的生词和短语(2) 虚拟语气的用法(3) 了解英语诗歌的类别、节奏以及韵律等。2教学难点(1) 了解不同内容和形式的诗歌,并学会欣赏(2) 学习有关诗歌的词汇(3) 学会表达意图的日常交际用语(4) 学习虚拟语气(和过去事实相反)的用法III教学计划本单元分五课时:第一课时:Warming Up, Pre-r

    6、eading Pa, buy, dont, mockingbird; etc. Q2.They are Poems A and B. Poem As rhyming pairs: word/mockingbird, sing/ring, brass/looking-glass, broke/billy-goat, away/ today; Poem Bs rhyming pairs: fire/squire, high/sky, lead/dead, race/lace, cat/hat, too/true.Q3. In my opinion, most probably they are P

    7、oems F, G, H. 2. Listen to the tape and deal with the language points in groups.(1) Listen to the tape and follow it in a low voice.(2) Group work Ss are divided into five groups. Each group is supposed to read through each part, and then discuss them.Part 1recite v 背诵 . He can recite that poem from

    8、 memory. rhythm n 韵律;节奏The exciting rhythms of African drum music make us feel good. repetition n. 重复;循环;复制品;副本I want no repetition of your bad behavior. 我不希望你重做你干的坏事。diamond n. 钻石;菱形The diamond ring is the most expensive. 钻石戒指是最贵的。Part 2 take it easy 从容;不紧张;轻松 7Take it easy. Dont work so hard. Youv

    9、e done quit enough work for today; now take it easy for an hour. run out of 用完(材料等) ;耗尽(精力等)Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon. 拓展:run out 用完 The petrol is running out. We are running out of our time.Part 3 make up of 构成;组成Th

    10、at country is made up of ten states. Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities. tease vt 取笑;嘲弄If you always tease others like that, youll forfeit the good opinion of your friends.You must not tease your little sister. Part 4 endless adj 无穷的;无尽的To finish this project, we need an endl

    11、ess supply of money. branch n 枝;分枝;分部;分店;(学科) 分科;部门;支流;支脉 This is a branch of a river. The companys head office is in the city, but it has branches all over the country.Part 5 translate v. 翻译He translated the speech from Spanish into English.Can you translate this letter from German into English? tr

    12、ansform vt 使变形;使改观;转变;改造She transformed the room by painting it. Step 2. Post-readingPurpose: To have a deep understanding of the text.1. Group workIf you want to write your own poems about feelings, do you know how to accomplish one?Work in groups of four and discuss it with your partner and try to

    13、 write one on your own. 2. Individual work8Ask Ss to answer this questions and present their opinions to your classmates.What do you think of the poems on your book? Do you think it meaningful?Step 3. Reading task (Workbook)Purpose: To take a further look at some other simple forms of poems.1. Liste

    14、ningGet Ss to close their eyes while they are listening to the tape. Then while Ss eyes are still closed, play the tape the second time but this time stop the tape after each poem. And give Ss a minute or so to write down their feelings or thoughts about the poem. 2. DiscussionIn groups, let Ss shar

    15、e their thoughts and feelings about the poems. Then ask volunteers to share their thoughts and feelings about a poem with the rest of the class. 3. Reading Ask Ss to read the poems as you play the tape. Discuss any words and phrases that they dont understand. Then deal with them one by one. (1) ligh

    16、t-hearted adj 轻松愉快的;随便的;不经心的It was a light-hearted speech.(2) consume v. 消耗;消费He consumed all his fortune He consumed four eggs.4. Further studyIn groups of three, discuss and write about the characteristics of each poem. Read pages 10 and 11 again to help you. For each poem, you may want to talk ab

    17、out one or more of th characteristics below. number of lines number of syllables rhythm rhyme repetition certain part of speech(1) Poem A (Tang poem) _(2) Poem B (adverb poem) _(3) Poem C (song) _(4) Poem D (cinquain ) _(5) Poem E (haiku) _Suggested Answers:(1) Poem A: Tang Poem This poem has beauti

    18、ful imagery that conveys deep feelings. There are many things that this poem makes the reader think about. For example, it contrasts light-heartedness (because of the singing birds) and heavy-heartedness (because of the thought of broken blossoms); it contrast morning and night, and creation of spri

    19、ng and destruction of the storm. (2) Poem B: adverb poemNumber of lines: tow set of four linesRhythm: regular strong beat (see bolded syllables)9Hungrily the cat consumes the fish; Hungrily I close my eyes and make a wish; Hungrily the boy runs to the roads end; Hungrily the driver takes the next be

    20、nd; Hungrily the young man loves life at sea; Hungrily the beautiful girl looks at me; Hungrily the seal dives down into the deep; Hungrily I fall into bed and sleep. Rhyme: for pairs of rhyming lines (fish / wish, end/bend, sea/me, deep/ sleep)Repetition: hungrily is repeated at the beginning of ea

    21、ch line regularlyPart of speech: the adverb hungrily starts each line (3) Poem C: Song This is a love long. Rhythm: regular strong beat (see bolded syllables below) If you were the only girl in the worldand I were the only boy!Nothing else would matter in the world todaywe could go on loving in the

    22、same old way!A garden of Eden just made for twowith nothing to mar out joy I would say such wonderful things to youthere would be such wonderful things to doIf you were the only girl in the worldand I were the only boy!Rhyme: two pairs of rhyming lines (today / way, you / do)Repetition: first two li

    23、nes are repeated at the end of the song(4) Poem D: Cinquain Number of lines: five Part of speech: line 1 - a noun; line 2 - two adjectives; line 3 - three-ing verbs; line 4 - a four-word phrase; line 5 - a noun (see the introduction to the teaching guide for the Students Book for more details). Topi

    24、c: sunshine (5) Poem E: HaikuNumber of lines: three Number of syllables: 17 (line 1 = five syllables, line 2 = seven syllables, line three = five syllables)Meaning: This haiku conveys feelings about the temporary nature of life, the certainty that we all age (this is one interpretation). It contrast

    25、s the season of autumn (when leaves are dying) to the autumn of the poets life when his face is becoming like his fathers 10(this is one interpretation). Step 4. Homework1. Use the new words and expressions to make some sentences.2. Try to write five short poems in the five simple forms. Period 3 Le

    26、arning about LanguageTeaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions2. To get Ss to have knowledge of this grammar point: the subjective mood Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Free talkIf you have a special chance to become a poet, what kind of poems will you write to people?And w

    27、hy?Step 2. Word studyPurpose: To consolidate the words and phrases in the text.1. Find a word in the poems that rhymes with each of the words below. Then add other words that rhyme. The first one has been done for you. (1) dead lead red thread fed said bed (2) high (3) sing (4) today (5) lace (6) tr

    28、ue Suggested Answers:(2) high sky pie my fly shy lie (3) sing ring wing thing king fling string (4) today away say play lay tray may (5) lace race face case chase place space (6) true too shoe canoe blue2. Complete the passage using the words in the box in the correct form.Suggested answer: nursery,

    29、 contradictory, rhymed, forms, pattern, conveyed, minimum, translations, ran out of, cottage3. In English we sometimes add ful to a noun to make an adjective. For example, wonder becomes wonderful. This means full of wonder. Now make adjectives form these nouns. Then add four other pairs you know. (

    30、1) beauty _ (5) dread _ (9) _ _(2) joy _ (6) hope _ (10) _ _(3) sorrow _ (7) peace _ (11) _ _(4) delight _ (8) power _ (12). _ _Suggested Answers:11(1) beautiful (2) joyful (3) sorrowful (4) delightful (5) dreadful (6) hopeful (7) peaceful (8) powerful (9) thankful (10) successful (11) painful (12)

    31、useful 4. Complete the table with the correct nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.Noun Verb Adjective Adverb angrydarkenimpressiverepetitivetransformationaltranslationwarmenjoyexpressivelyinspireSuggested Answers:Noun Verb Adjective Adverb anger anger angry Angrilydark darken dark darklyimpression i

    32、mpress impressive impressivelyrepetition repeat repetitive repetitivelytransformation transform transformational translation translate translated warmth warm warm wrmlyenjoyment enjoy enjoyable enjoyablyexpression express expressive expressivelyinspiration inspire inspirational inspirationally5. Com

    33、plete each sentence using the correct word from the table you have just completed.(1) While you were reciting the poem, I think you moved your body very _. It made the performance much more interesting. (2) Ad I lay in the _, the words of a new poem came into my head.(3) The teacher doesnt think tha

    34、t the _ of the Tang poem is very good.(4) Songs are often easy to remember because they _ a lot of poetry.(5) Your talk was so _ that I want to go and write lots of poetry.(6) I loved the strong images you used in your poem to convey feelings of _.(7) We were very _ by the students performance of th

    35、eir poetry. (8) We passed the afternoon very _ reading poetry together under the trees.(9) Mr. Tanners love of poetry has _ the students feelings towards the subject.12(10) Even though it is cold, your poem about summer has made me feel really _. Answers:(1) expressively (2) darkness (3) translation

    36、 (4) repeat (5) inspirational (6) anger (7) impressed (8) enjoyably (9) transformed (10) warm Step 3. Grammar1. PresentationPurpose: To revise the usage of the subjunctive mood with Ss.所述情况 从句 主句与现在事实相反 If+主语+动词过去式(be 动词用 were)主语+ would/could/might/should+ 动词原形与过去事实相反 If+主语+动词过去完成式 主语+ would/could/m

    37、ight/should+ have + 过去分词与将来事实相反 if+主语+动词过去式 if+主语+were to + 动词原形 if+主语+should+动词原形主语+ would/could/might/should+ 动词原形此表中需要注意几点:(1) be 动词在表示与现在事实相反的从句中一般用 were.在非正式情况先,第一、第三人称后偶尔也用 was. 如: If he were you, he would go at once. (2) 主句中的 should 通常用于第一人称,would,could 以及 might 可以用于各种人称。(3) 在表示与将来事实相反的条件句中,只

    38、能用 should,而不能用 would, could, might 等。如:If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go camping. (should rain 也可以用 rained, were to rain 代替)。(4) 当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,被称为“错综时间条件句” ,动词的形式要分别根据它所表示的不同时间做相应的调整。如:If you had followed my advice, you would be better now. 2. PracticePurpose: To get Ss to

    39、 have knowledge of the grammar through exercises.(1) Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. . Miss Jiang explained the homework to the class yesterday. If Alfred (pay) _ more attention at the time, he (not miss) her instructions. Im sorry, I dont have a compass. Of

    40、course I (lend) it to you if I (have) _ one. Len doesnt think he will ever win a poetry competition. If, by chance, he (win) _, he (spend) _ the prize on a computer. . Luckily, Janet is good at writing in English. If she (not write) _ well, she (spend) _ more time practicing. If I (be) _ you, I (tak

    41、e it easy) _ and go home early. Sue missed the party last night. Im sure that if she (be) _ there, she (meet) _ 13some really interesting people. Suggested Answers:. had paid; would not have missed . would lend; had . won; would spend . didnt write; would spend. were; would take it easy. had been; w

    42、ould have met Look at the examples. Sentence A tells us the real situation. Sentence B tells us what would have happened if the situation had been different. Now write a sentence B for each sentence A below. A. I go to gym every day. B. If I didnt go the gym every day, I would put on weight.B. He di

    43、dnt work had. B. If he had worked hard, he would have passed the exam. A. Shirley liked to write poems, so she practiced every day. B. _. A. She didnt know how to convey her feelings effectively in a poem and her older brother often laugh at her. B. _. A. She read many beautiful poems and gradually

    44、her writing skills improved. B. _. A. She was so satisfied with her improvement that she entered a poem in a poetry competition.B. _. A. The poem she entered did not have an appropriate ending and she did not win first prize. B. _. A. However, because she won an encouragement award, she felt very pl

    45、eased with herself. B. _.Suggested Answers: If Shirley hadnt like d to write poems, she wouldnt have practiced every day. If she had known how to convey her feelings effectively in a poem, her brother wouldnt have often laughed at her. If she hadnt read many beautiful poems, her writing wouldnt have

    46、 gradually improved. If she hadnt been so satisfied with her improvement, she wouldnt have entered a poem in a poetry competition. If the poem she entered had had an appropriate ending, she would have won the first prize. If she hadnt won an encouragement award, she wouldnt felt pleased with herself.Step 4. Using structures Purpose: To get Ss to consolidate what we have learned in the class.Match the beginning of each sentence with the correct ending. 141. She would h


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