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    1、77语法复习十三:非谓语动词(二)动词-ing 形式(二)-ing 形式:动词的-ing 形式也是一种非谓语动词。 -ing 形式仍保留有动词的特征,可以带有其所需要的宾语或状语而构成-ing 短语。1、-ing 的形式:-ing 有一般式和完成式。及物动词的-ing 还有主动语态和被动语态,而不及物动词的-ing 则没有被动语态。现在以及物动词 make 和不及物动词 go 为例,将其-ing 各种形式列表如下:及物动词 make 不及物动词 go动词 语态形式 主动语态 被动语态 主动语态一般式 making being made going完成式 having made having b

    2、een made having gone2、-ing 形式的基本用法。(1)作主语:Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见。Talking is easier than doing. ing 作主语时,如果其结构较长,可用 it 作形式主语,而将作主语的-ing 后置。如:It isnt much good writing to them again. Its no use waiting here.(2)作表语:Her job is washing and cooking. My hobby is collecting stamps.(3)作宾语:作及物动词的宾语。She l

    3、ikes drawing very much.;作某些短语动词的宾语。 Mary is thinking of going back to New York.; do+限定词(my, some, any, the 等)+ -ing,表示“做事”之意,如: We often do our cleaning on Saturday afternoon. Will you do any shopping on Saturday this afternoon? 作介词的宾语:Her sister is good at learning physics.;作形容词 worth, busy 等的宾语:Th

    4、is book is well worth reading. ing 作宾语带有宾语补足语时,要用 it 作为形式宾语,而将作宾语的-ing 后置,如:We found it no good talking like that. Do you think it necessary trying again?(4)作定语:The sleeping child is only five years old. Do you know the man standing at the gate? 注: -ing 形式作定语用时,如果-ing 只是一个单词,就位于其修饰的名词之前,如果是-ing 短语,就

    5、位于其修饰的名词之后, -ing 作定语时,被-ing 所修饰的名词就是该-ing 的逻辑主语。另外,-ing 作定语用时,其动作和句子谓语动词所表示的动作是同时进行的,如果不是同时进行的,就不能用-ing 作定语,要使用定语从句,如:The girl who wrote a letter there yesterday can speak English very well.(5)作宾语补足语:We can see steam rising from the wet clothes. 注:当-ing 在复合宾语中作宾语补足语用时,句中宾语就是这个-ing 的逻辑主语,可以带有这种复合宾语的动

    6、词有 see, watch, hear, observe, feel, find, have, keep 等。(6)作状语:时间状语:Seeing Tom, I couldnt help thinking of his brother. 分词在句中作时间状语时,其前一般可加 when 或 while,如:When crossing street, you must be careful. 原因状语:Being ill, he didnt go to school yesterday. 方式或伴随状语:Mary stood at the school gate waiting for Betty

    7、. 3、主动语态-ing 完成式的基本用法。主动语态-ing 完成式所表示的动作发生在句中谓语动78词所表示的动作之前,一般在句中作时间或原因状语用。句中的主语是它的逻辑主语,并且是它所表示的动作的执行者,如:Having answered the letter, she went on to read an English novel.4、被动语态-ing 一般式的基本用法。被动语态-ing 一般式所表示的动作是一个正在进行中的被动动作,而且这个被动动作也是和句中谓语所表示的动作同时发生的。它一般在句中作定语或状语用。如:The truck being repaired there is o

    8、urs.5、被动语态-ing 完成式的基本用法。被动语态-ing 完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,在句中一般作状语用。如:Having been shown the lab, we were taken to see the library.6、-ing 形式的复合结构。在-ing 前加物主代词或名词所有格即构成-ing 的复合结构。其中的物主代词或名词所有格为-ing 的逻辑主语。这种结构在句中可作主语、宾语或表语,如:Your smoking and drinking too much will do harm to your health. 但在口语中,这种结构如作宾语

    9、用,其中的物主代词常用人称代词的宾格,名词的所有格常用名词的普通格代替,如:She insisted on Peters (or Peter)going there first.7、-ing 形式与动词不定式在句中作主语、表语、宾语时的区别。一般说来,表示一个比较抽象或泛指的动作时多用-ing 形式。表示一个具体某一次的动作时,多用动词不定式,如:Our job is making steel. She likes playing the piano, but she doesnt want to play it today.8、-ing 形式与动词不定式在句中作定语的区别。-ing 形式作定

    10、语用时,其动作一般与句中谓语动词所表示的动词同时发生,而动词不定式作定语时,其动作一般发生在句中谓语动词所表示的动作之后。如:The girl writing a letter there can speak English very well./I have three letters to write.9、-ing 形式与动词不定式在作宾语补足语时的区别。 (1)不定式作宾补时,其动作一般发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后,如:I have told them to come again tomorrow.(2)在 see, watch, hear, feel 等之后,如果用-ing 形式作宾

    11、补,表示其动作正在进行中,而用不带 to 的不定式作宾补时,不定式所表示的动作是一个动作的过程,如:I hear her singing in the room.我听见她正在屋里唱歌。 I hear her sing in the room.我听见她在屋里唱过歌。10、-ing 形式与动词不定式在句中作状语的区别。-ing 形式在句作状语表示时间、原因、方式或伴随情况,而动词不定式一般式在句中作状语时,一般是作目的或结果状语,如:Not receiving his letter, I wrote to him again./ I looked into the window to see wh

    12、at was going on inside.练习、非谓语动词(二)1. Alien said that his trip was _.A. interested B. interest C. interesting D. of interest2. We cant understand _ a decision until it is too late.A. him to postpone to make B. his postponing to makeC. him to postpone making D. his postponing making3. I couldnt unders

    13、tand _ at the poor child.A. you to laugh B. you laugh C. why laugh D. you laughing794. Its no use_ with him. You might as well _ with a stone wall.A. arguing, argue B. to argue, arguing C. arguing, arguing D. to argue, argue5. It is no good _ todays work for tomorrow.A. to leave B. leaving C. that y

    14、ou leave D. leave6. The old mans _ pity on the snake led to his own death.A. take B. taking C. being taken D. have7. Its very kind _ you _ say so.A. of, to B. for, to C. to, to D. of, /8. Some peoples greatest pleasure is _ .A. fishing B. to fish C. to be fish D. being fishing9. Remember _ the book,

    15、 when you have finished it.A. putting back B. having put back C. to put back D. will put back10. You didnt hear us come back last night. Thats good. We tried _ noisy.A. to not be B. not to be C. being not D. not being11. Though he failed, he tried _ it again and again.A. to do B. doing C. do D. done

    16、.12. Youll regret _ those words. You may hurt her feelings.A. say B. to say C. having said D. to have said13. You can keep the book until you _ .A. have finished reading B. finish to readC. will finish reading D. have finished to read14. We are looking forward to _ another chance _ it again.A. be gi

    17、ven, to try B. give, to try .C. giving, trying D. having, to try15. Most of the students enjoy_ stamps.A. collect B. to collect C. collecting D. collected16. Excuse me for _ in without _. A. coming, asking B. coming, being asked C. to come, asking D. to come, being asked17. People couldnt help _ the

    18、 foolish girl.A. laugh at B. to laugh at C. laughing at D. laughing :18. “What do you think of the book?“ “Oh. excellent, its worth _ a second time.“A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being read19. “I usually go there by train.“ “Why not _ by boat for a change?“A. to try going B. trying to go C.

    19、 to try and go D. try going20. I was too excited _ .A. speak B. to speak C. not to speak D. speaking21. Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invented22. It is no use _to come now. He is busy.80A. ask him B. to ask him C.

    20、 that you ask him D. asking him23. The murder was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back.A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied24. Mrs Smith warned her daughter _ after drinking.A. never to drive B. to never drive C. never driving D. never drive.25. The computer centre, _ last year

    21、 is very popular among the students in this school.A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened.26. Do you know the boy _ under the big tree?A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying27. Most of the artists _ to the party were from South Africa.A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited28.

    22、 English is a language _ in many countries.A. spoken B. speaking C. be spoken D. to speak29. “Can you read?“ Mary said to the notice.A. angrily, pointing B. and point angrily C. angrily, pointed D. and angrily pointing30. There was a terrible noise _ the sudden burst of Tight.A. followed B. followin

    23、g C. to be followed D. being followed31. _ more attention, the trees could have grown better.A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given32. _their students, the famous teacher came into the hall.A. Followed B. Followed byC. Being followed D. Having been followed33. Your flat needs _ . Would you li

    24、ke me it for you? A. to clean, to do B. cleaning, doing C. cleaning, to do D. to be cleaned, doing34. Does your new secretary _ short hand?A. know to take B. know how to take C. know how take D. know how taking35. Tommy had his big brother _ his shoes for him.A. to tie B. tie C. tied D. tying36. Wou

    25、ld you please _ write on the textbooks?A. dont B. not to C. not D. to not37. Id _ the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.A. rather not have B. rather not to have C. not rather had D. rather not having38. Your mother and I are looking forward_ you.A. of seeing B. for seeing C. to see D. to s

    26、eeing39. The girl couldnt_ how red his face was.A. help to notice B. be helping to notice C. be helping noticing D. help noticing40. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature _. A. taking B. to take C. take D. taken81语法复习十三:非谓语动词(二)动词-ing 形式15 CDDAB 610 BAACB 1115 BCADC 1620 BCCDB 2125 CDDAD 2630 DAAAB 3135 ABCBB 3640 CADDD


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