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    外研版高中英语选修6 Module5 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary课件

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    外研版高中英语选修6 Module5 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary课件

    1、Module 5 Cloning,World list,Warm-up,1. What is clone?A. An English word meaning any of group of plants or organisms produced asexually from one ancestorB. A persons name who makes new things in the way of cloning 2. How much do you know about clone before you learn this Module?A. I only learned some

    2、 in my biology lesson.B. I have known a lot about clone both in English and in Chinese.,3. What is the first cloned animal in the world?A. Dolly B. Three cats 4. Have scientists cloned vegetables in China?A. Yes B. No 5. Are there any cloned animals in China?A. Yes B. No,A cloned sheep,This cloned s

    3、heep in Yangling, Shanxi Province is visited by many people from China every day.,A cloned goat,This is a goat cloned in Xingjiang by Chinese scientists.,Dolly,This is the first cloned sheep in the world by British scientists in 1997.,The worlds first cloned cats,Researchers in Texas, recently annou

    4、nced the worlds first cloned cat has three kittens. Two of the cats take after their mother, while the third, left, has a gray coat like its father.,Tomato sweet pepper,This tomato sweet pepper is created by Japanese scientists after more than ten years hard research.,clone terrify wrinkled wing cha

    5、se disgust emotion,v.克隆 v.使惊恐,使受惊吓 adj.(皮肤)布满皱纹的 n.翅膀 v. 追逐,追赶,追踪 v. 使觉得恶心,使厌烦 n. 感情,情绪,fiancee murder refuse burn out breathe vein contrast,n.未婚妻 v.谋杀 v. 拒绝 (火)燃尽,烧完自灭 v.呼吸 n.血管,静脉 v.对照,contrast with rush throw oneself on fear make a sound again and again nightmare,与形成对比 v.冲,猛冲 扑倒在 n.害怕,恐惧 发出声音 一再,

    6、屡次 n.噩梦,Introduction,1) Do you like to see films? What kind of films do you like to see? 2) Have you ever seen a science fiction film? If so, please give the names of the film. 3) How much do you know about the film “Frankenstein”?,Walking in Space in 2001 2001年漫游太空,星际战争(War of the World),侏罗纪公园Juras

    7、sic Park 内容:两位生物学家第一次来到侏罗纪公园,他们乘坐的吉普车来到原野上,其中的一位被眼前的情景惊呆了,而他的伙伴还在埋头翻着公园地图,他用手将伙伴的头扳过来,这下轮到伙伴瞪大眼睛了:只见在树丛中一只巨大的雷龙正在悠闲的散步,它还不时动作优雅地去啃食树叶,它的脚步落下时使大地都为之颤动。,ET内容:电影的主人公一大群孩子骑着自行车带着外星植物学家ET四处逃避大人的追捕,那些大人要把ET当成研究品。在路口,警察们已经严阵以待,一辆辆警车将公路堵得水泄不通,就在孩子们一筹莫展之际,ET发出异能使所有的孩子和他们的车子在路障和目瞪口呆的大人们面前腾空而起,逃出包围圈。月光中孩子们奋力蹬车

    8、,御风而行。,Mary Shelly,From Frankenstein (1931),1. When was the film made?2. Try to describe it with the following words in the box.,The film was made in 1931.,huge human being lip monster terrifying ugly,e.g. The monster resembles a huge human being, strong and very ugly, with wrinkled skin, yellow eye

    9、s and black lips, which makes him very terrifying.,Vocabulary,1. create 2. frightening 3. horror 4. resemble 5. terrify 6. wrinkled,a. feeling of extreme fear or dislike b. fill with fear c. cause something to exist d. small fold or line in the skin e. fill with fright or terror f. be similar to; be

    10、 like,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words above.,1. I saw a _ film yesterday. It was really _. 2. The monster was huge, with ugly, _ skin. It _ me. 3. The creature had wings and _ a bird. 4. The writer_ a very exciting story.,frightening,horror,wrinkled,terrified,resembled,crea

    11、ted,Last night I went to see Frankenstein, a _ film about a scientist who _ a _ that _ a huge human being in his laboratory. The creature was _ to look ugly. With _ skin, yellow _ and black _. It was big and very strong . He _ everyone who _ him. It was a very _ story; but it was also very sad.,horr

    12、or,created,monster,resembled,made,wrinkled,eyes,lips,terrified,saw,frightening,I couldnt believe the _ of this poor creature could be so stupid why didnt he think that _ he made a living being, it would have _ just like any man? If I were a scientist, I would think about my experiments before I did

    13、them. If I didnt, the _ could be as terrifying as they were in the film.,creator,if,emotions,results,Discussion,1) What do you think of horrible films ? 2) Can you tell why a film director directs some science fiction films? 3) If you are a film director, do you like to make some terrifying scene in

    14、 a science fiction film? Why do you do like that?Tell the reasons.,Reading and Vocabulary,Frankensteins Monster,I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other. 我的内心深处有你无法想象的爱及你难以置信

    15、的愤怒,若我不能获得满足其中之一,便会纵容另一个。 Mary Shelley, Frankenstein 弗兰肯斯坦,1. making sth. 2. a woman who is going to marry soon 3. kill someone 4. noun of the word “beautiful” 5. without life 6. describes a part of the human body 7. describing feelings 8. quickly follow sb. in order to catch him/ her,creation,fianc

    16、ee,murder (vt.),beauty,lifeless,bone,emotion,chase,Vocabulary,1 a terrifying dream 2 your blood moves through these in your body 3 the most northern part of the world 4 the thing that everything is made of 5 very different,nightmare,veins,the Arctic,matter,contrasted,If you see the title of “Franken

    17、steins Monster”, what do you suppose the passage is about?,Frankensteins creation Monsters look Monsters emotion Monsters life in the human being The place Monster lives Monsters killing Frankenstein The terrifying scenes Frankensteins death,1. In what way is the monster like a human being? The mons

    18、ter had a body which is made of human parts. 2. How did Frankenstein create the monster? He used bones from dead bodies to make a creature and gave it life.,4,3. Why did Frankenstein decide to destroy the monster? Because the monster hated him for not creating wife for it, and killed his brother, fr

    19、iend and wife.,4. What had Frankenstein wanted more than anything in the world? To give life to a lifeless body. 5. Why did Frankenstein regret creating the monster? Because he was terrified by it.,1. Frankenstein is a young woman scientist from Geneva in Switzerland. 2. While studying at university

    20、, he discovers the secret of how to give life to lifeless matter. 3. The monster who is intelligent has not only learnt to speak but not has human emotions.,man,True or false,4. The monster was killed by the scientist. 5. The monster came to Frankensteins bedroom in order to talk to him. 6. Frankens

    21、tein never regretted creating the monster.,ended his own life into the ice.,1.The first paragraph tells us _.A. the making of the monsterB. the terrifying emotion of FrankensteinC. the scene that the monster was bornD. the cold night that monster was born 2. Frankenstein saw this monster when moved

    22、as human beings, he felt_.A. happy B. excited C. worried D. frightened,Part 2,3. Frankenstein wished he had not created the monster because hethought _.A. the monster looked very ugly B. he would bring people nightmaresC. he would bring the world disasters D. the monster would kill him,4. The young

    23、scientist was disgusted when he first saw the monster because _.A. he had wanted to create something beautiful, but it was very uglyB. he ate something wrongC. he created creature to do some harm to human beingsD. he did wrong things to human beings,5. The passage tells us _.A. Frankenstein regrette

    24、d creating such an ugly monsterB. Frankensteins creation is successfulC. as a scientist, he must have some creationsD. the monster cant be given life,The monster terrified people because _. 2. Frankenstein tried to destroy the monster because _.,it was huge, strong and extremely ugly,it killed three

    25、 people,Post-reading,3. When the scientist saw the monster move, he felt _ because _. 4. When the monster came to Frankensteins bed, the scientist _. 5. The scientist regretted _.,disgusted,ran out into the garden and hid,having made the monster,the creature was ugly,For many _ the monster lived alo

    26、ne in the woods, _ food where it could. Sometimes the lonely _ met human beings, and tried to speak to them and _ friends, but they always ran away, _ by the huge, ugly creature.Often, they threw stones at it, and then the monster wished that they _ him.,weeks/ years,finding/ getting,creature,make/

    27、become,terrified,would kill,Slowly, the creature began _- that it was ugly and frightening. It wished it _ its appearance and show people _ kind heart. But months passed and the monster started to understand that it _ always be alone. Now it _ angry and unhappy, and started to wish that the scientis

    28、t _ it. Then an idea came to it. The monster _ watched human beings and learnt_ men and women lived together in marriage. The monster began to wish it _ a wife.,to think,could change,its,would,was/ became,hadnt made,had,that / how,had /could have,Retell “The Story of Frankenstein” (Part 1) with the

    29、help of the following questions.,What did you create? What does the monster look like? What did the monster ask you to do? What did the monster do? What happened in the end?,Speaking,Reference words and phrases,the creature, large and strong, intelligent, terrify, can speak, lonely and unhappy, hate

    30、 creator, scientists, chase, destroy, disappear into the ice, end his life,Start like this: When I was studying at university, I discovered the secret of how to give life to lifeless matter. So I used bones from dead bodies,Work in pairs and make a dialogue between Frankenstein and Clerval (Frankens

    31、teins good friend)about Frankensteins creation of the monster.,Student A = Frankenstein Student B= Clerval Student A: You are the scientist Frankenstein. Imagine that you have not seen the monster you have created for some days and do not know where he is.,Explain to your best friend Clerval why you

    32、 created the monster and how you did it. Describe the monster, your feeling about him and your regrets. Student B: You are Clerval , Frankenstein s best friend. You had no idea that Frankenstein had created this monster. You express your surprise and ask questions about the monster and how Frankenst

    33、ein created it.,You can begin like these:Student A: Hi ! Clerval , I havent seen you for some days. How have you been? Student B: I am fine, thank you. But you dont look very well. Whats wrong with you? Student A: I have been very worried these days. I wish I could disappear! Student B: Why? What on earth has happened to you? Student A: As you know, I discovered the secret of how to give life to lifeless matter when I was studying at university. For two years I had worked very hard with one aim only, to give life to a lifeless body,Thank you!,


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