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    牛津译林版英语必修二Unit3 Project教案

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    牛津译林版英语必修二Unit3 Project教案

    1、第 1 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 3 Amazing people板 块:ProjectThoughts on the design:本节课是以阅读为基础的写作实践课,旨在树立学生协作意识,培养学生写作能力。教师应使学生明白此篇阅读文章只是为写作提供的一个范例,因此,首先教师要指导学生先捕捉文章信息来培养学生获取信息、处理信息的能力,找出文章所给的谈论专业人士(杨利伟)的关键信息。其次,理顺篇章结构,为呈现项目结果的写作提供范例,并且教师要在课堂上创造良好的参与条件,组织学生讨论他们的采访对象,采集有关专业人士的信息,筛选出有用信息,最后小组成员讨论写成文。Teach

    2、ing aims:After learning the “project”, the students will be able to use what they have learned in this unit to complete a group project by learning how to talk about and write an article about a professional. In the course, the students will learn more about successful professionals as well as more

    3、about why they are so successful. At the same time, the students are expected to know how to cooperate and how to fulfill each part of the assignment. As a result, the students can create a wall display. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in Enjoy a film about the launch of Shenzhou V. (PPT4:点击右侧图片超链接

    4、播放视频:神州五号发射)Who was the astronaut in the film? (Yang Liwei)What do you think of him? (He is a hero.)He is the hero of the people. Do you want to know more about him?Explanation通过播放神州五号发射的片断来导入本课文章主角:杨利伟。直截了当,使学生迅速进入话题角色。Step 2 Skimming Skim through the passage and try to tell the main idea of each p

    5、aragraph.Now match the paragraphs with main ideas. (PPT5:点击鼠标进行段落与主旨的配对)第 2 页 共 4 页Para1 Yangs childhood Para2 Yang began his trainingPara3 Introduction of Yangs space explorationPara4 Conclusion of Yangs space exploration Para5 Yang was chosen to be the 1st astronaut for the Chinese space missionSt

    6、ep 3 Careful reading: find some useful information about Yang LiweiTry to find some information about the following numbers in the passage.(PPT6 :根据已给数字找出文章中对应信息)1965 was born1983 joined the army1987 became a fighter pilot1998 was chosen as a member of Shenzhou15, Oct, 2003 carried out the journey i

    7、nto spaceStep 4 Group discussionWhat qualities does Yang have to achieve his success? What can we learn From Yang Liwei? (PPT7 :呈现讨论话题)1. show deep love for our country 2. think little of himself and be selfless3. stick to his dream and work hard 4. be in control of himself5. be brave and courageous

    8、 6. be healthy mentally and physically 7. be well educated and trained 8. get support from families and friendsExplanationstep 2-step 4 由于本节课是以阅读为基础的写作实践课,所以在快速阅读这一步骤中让学生把握段落主旨来明白采访专业人士时应介绍哪些方面的事。然后让学生在文章中找出杨利伟的相关细节,并谈论他为什么会成功以及我们可以学到些什么。为下一步“create a wall display”垫定基础。Step 5 SummaryStructure of a b

    9、iographical article(PPT8:根据文章篇章结构说出对应段落,理顺写作思路)IntroductionBodyConclusion.Para 1 Para 2-4 Para 5From the story we can know Yang Liweis great achievements, his childhood, studying and training experiences and his influence on others.(PPT9:通过“归纳关键词”的填空,进一步理解文章主旨)Explanation这一步骤进一步帮助学生理解文章篇章结构,引导学生理顺写作

    10、思路。Step 6 Create a wall displayIn fact, there are many people in the world in different fields who have made great achievements. 第 3 页 共 4 页Would you like to know more about them? Today you have the chance to interview them. 1. Work in groups and discuss who you would like to choose to interview. Pr

    11、epare the questions.2. Decide which group member will be responsible for each task. Collect the useful information and provide it to those responsible for preparing questions, choose what information about the person can be used in the report and the wall display. Finish the following interview note

    12、s. A sample of interview notes (PPT10:提供采访范围以便学生参仿)Name_Male/Female_Home_Birth date _Interests_Childhood _Education _Experience_Achievement(s)_3. Producing: Write the story based on the interview notes. Each member should help proofread the material at least once, correct any mistakes and add any ne

    13、w ideas they can think of. Revisions should be made based on the suggestions of your group members.4. Presenting: Ask two or more groups to present their stories. One possible version:(PPT11:呈现学生习作供参考)Yang Liwei was the first Chinese who went into space. On 15 October 2003, he carried out the journe

    14、y into space. Yang Liwei, born in 1965, became interested in flying as a young boy. In 1983, he joined the army and then finished his university study. In 1987 after graduation, he became a fighter pilot. In 1998 he was chosen as a member of Shenzhou. Through his hard work Yang won his position as C

    15、hinas first astronaut.Now we Chinese are proud of Yang Liwei. Especially the young respect him as their hero.Explanation有了对文章的理解为基础,学生开始采访专业人士并做成板报以展出。有些小组以杨利伟作范例,将项目的最终完稿呈现。其余可在课后加工润色并张贴于板报。Step 7 Language points(PPT12-14:给出重点词汇的解释及例句)1. pick vt. to choose: We should pick the right person for the t

    16、ask. to remove, pull away, with finger 采;摘 The girl was picking wild flowers.to steal or take from, esp. in small amounts 窃取 He had his pocket picked yesterday. 2. prove vt. to deal with or guide 管理 , 经营 , 处理 , 操纵Properly managed, the money can last us three months. She knows how to manage the naugh

    17、ty child succeed in doing (sth.) 设法应付,成功做到The box was heavy but he managed (to carry it).The fish is too big, I cant manage myself.Explanation对本文中的重点动词作解释。Step 8 HomeworkAccording to the notes you have taken, improve the story about the interviewee, adding some background pictures and then put the display on the display wall. (PPT15 :明确作业任务)Explanation要做好一个像模像样的板报要花费一定的时间,而课堂时间比较有限,因此上课时只是定下基本内容及框架,其他的作为作业处理。


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